blob: 4f6c180c8a3e38449604d18736a3f6be9a232b5c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "media/formats/webm/webm_cluster_parser.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/functional/bind.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "media/base/audio_decoder_config.h"
#include "media/base/decrypt_config.h"
#include "media/base/mock_media_log.h"
#include "media/base/test_helpers.h"
#include "media/base/timestamp_constants.h"
#include "media/formats/webm/cluster_builder.h"
#include "media/formats/webm/opus_packet_builder.h"
#include "media/formats/webm/webm_constants.h"
#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
using ::testing::HasSubstr;
using ::testing::InSequence;
using ::testing::Return;
using ::testing::StrictMock;
using ::testing::Mock;
using ::testing::_;
namespace media {
typedef WebMTracksParser::TextTracks TextTracks;
// Matchers for verifying common media log entry strings.
MATCHER_P(OpusPacketDurationTooHigh, actual_duration_ms, "") {
arg, "Warning, demuxed Opus packet with encoded duration: " +
base::NumberToString(static_cast<int64_t>(actual_duration_ms)) +
"ms. Should be no greater than 120ms.");
"") {
arg, "BlockDuration (" +
base::NumberToString(static_cast<int64_t>(block_duration_ms)) +
"ms) differs significantly from encoded duration (" +
base::NumberToString(static_cast<int64_t>(opus_duration_ms)) +
namespace {
// Timecode scale for millisecond timestamps.
const int kTimecodeScale = 1000000;
const int kAudioTrackNum = 1;
const int kVideoTrackNum = 2;
const int kTextTrackNum = 3;
constexpr double kTestAudioFrameDefaultDurationInMs = 13;
constexpr double kTestVideoFrameDefaultDurationInMs = 17;
// Test duration defaults must differ from parser estimation defaults to know
// which durations parser used when emitting buffers.
static_cast<int>(kTestAudioFrameDefaultDurationInMs) !=
"test default is the same as estimation fallback audio duration");
static_cast<int>(kTestVideoFrameDefaultDurationInMs) !=
"test default is the same as estimation fallback video duration");
struct BlockInfo {
int track_num;
int timestamp;
// Negative value is allowed only for block groups (not simple blocks) and
// directs CreateCluster() to exclude BlockDuration entry from the cluster for
// this BlockGroup. The absolute value is used for parser verification.
// For simple blocks, this value must be non-negative, and is used only for
// parser verification.
double duration;
bool use_simple_block;
// Default data will be used if no data given.
const uint8_t* data;
int data_length;
bool is_key_frame;
const BlockInfo kDefaultBlockInfo[] = {
{kAudioTrackNum, 0, 23, true, NULL, 0, true},
{kAudioTrackNum, 23, 23, true, NULL, 0, true},
// Assumes not using DefaultDuration
{kVideoTrackNum, 33, 34, true, NULL, 0, true},
{kAudioTrackNum, 46, 23, true, NULL, 0, false},
{kVideoTrackNum, 67, 33, false, NULL, 0, true},
{kAudioTrackNum, 69, 23, false, NULL, 0, false},
{kVideoTrackNum, 100, 33, false, NULL, 0, false},
const uint8_t kEncryptedFrame[] = {
// Block is encrypted
// IV
0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08};
std::unique_ptr<Cluster> CreateCluster(int timecode,
const BlockInfo* block_info,
int block_count) {
ClusterBuilder cb;
uint8_t kDefaultBlockData[] = { 0x00 };
for (int i = 0; i < block_count; i++) {
const uint8_t* data;
int data_length;
if (block_info[i].data != NULL) {
data = block_info[i].data;
data_length = block_info[i].data_length;
} else {
data = kDefaultBlockData;
data_length = sizeof(kDefaultBlockData);
if (block_info[i].use_simple_block) {
CHECK_GE(block_info[i].duration, 0);
cb.AddSimpleBlock(block_info[i].track_num, block_info[i].timestamp,
block_info[i].is_key_frame ? 0x80 : 0x00, data,
if (block_info[i].duration < 0) {
block_info[i].track_num, block_info[i].timestamp, 0,
block_info[i].is_key_frame, data, data_length);
cb.AddBlockGroup(block_info[i].track_num, block_info[i].timestamp,
block_info[i].duration, 0, block_info[i].is_key_frame,
data, data_length);
return cb.Finish();
// Creates a Cluster with one encrypted Block. |bytes_to_write| is number of
// bytes of the encrypted frame to write.
std::unique_ptr<Cluster> CreateEncryptedCluster(int bytes_to_write) {
CHECK_GT(bytes_to_write, 0);
CHECK_LE(bytes_to_write, static_cast<int>(sizeof(kEncryptedFrame)));
ClusterBuilder cb;
cb.AddSimpleBlock(kVideoTrackNum, 0, 0, kEncryptedFrame, bytes_to_write);
return cb.Finish();
bool VerifyBuffers(const StreamParser::BufferQueueMap& buffer_queue_map,
const BlockInfo* block_info,
int block_count) {
int buffer_count = 0;
for (const auto& [track_id, buffer_queue] : buffer_queue_map)
buffer_count += buffer_queue.size();
if (block_count != buffer_count) {
DVLOG(1) << __func__ << " : block_count (" << block_count
<< ") mismatches buffer_count (" << buffer_count << ")";
return false;
size_t audio_offset = 0;
size_t video_offset = 0;
size_t text_offset = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < block_count; i++) {
const StreamParser::BufferQueue* buffers = NULL;
size_t* offset;
StreamParserBuffer::Type expected_type = DemuxerStream::UNKNOWN;
const auto& it = buffer_queue_map.find(block_info[i].track_num);
EXPECT_NE(buffer_queue_map.end(), it);
buffers = &it->second;
if (block_info[i].track_num == kAudioTrackNum) {
offset = &audio_offset;
expected_type = DemuxerStream::AUDIO;
} else if (block_info[i].track_num == kVideoTrackNum) {
offset = &video_offset;
expected_type = DemuxerStream::VIDEO;
} else if (block_info[i].track_num == kTextTrackNum) {
offset = &text_offset;
expected_type = DemuxerStream::TEXT;
} else {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unexpected track number " << block_info[i].track_num;
return false;
if (*offset >= buffers->size()) {
DVLOG(1) << __func__ << " : Too few buffers (" << buffers->size()
<< ") for track_num (" << block_info[i].track_num
<< "), expected at least " << *offset + 1 << " buffers";
return false;
scoped_refptr<StreamParserBuffer> buffer = (*buffers)[(*offset)++];
EXPECT_EQ(block_info[i].timestamp, buffer->timestamp().InMilliseconds());
EXPECT_EQ(expected_type, buffer->type());
EXPECT_EQ(block_info[i].track_num, buffer->track_id());
EXPECT_EQ(block_info[i].is_key_frame, buffer->is_key_frame());
return true;
bool VerifyBuffers(const std::unique_ptr<WebMClusterParser>& parser,
const BlockInfo* block_info,
int block_count) {
StreamParser::BufferQueueMap buffers;
return VerifyBuffers(buffers, block_info, block_count);
bool VerifyTextBuffers(const std::unique_ptr<WebMClusterParser>& parser,
const BlockInfo* block_info_ptr,
int block_count,
int text_track_num,
const WebMClusterParser::BufferQueue& text_buffers) {
const BlockInfo* const block_info_end = block_info_ptr + block_count;
typedef WebMClusterParser::BufferQueue::const_iterator TextBufferIter;
TextBufferIter buffer_iter = text_buffers.begin();
const TextBufferIter buffer_end = text_buffers.end();
while (block_info_ptr != block_info_end) {
const BlockInfo& block_info = *block_info_ptr++;
if (block_info.track_num != text_track_num)
EXPECT_FALSE(buffer_iter == buffer_end);
const scoped_refptr<StreamParserBuffer> buffer = *buffer_iter++;
EXPECT_EQ(block_info.timestamp, buffer->timestamp().InMilliseconds());
EXPECT_EQ(DemuxerStream::TEXT, buffer->type());
EXPECT_EQ(text_track_num, buffer->track_id());
EXPECT_TRUE(buffer_iter == buffer_end);
return true;
void VerifyEncryptedBuffer(scoped_refptr<StreamParserBuffer> buffer) {
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<unsigned long>(DecryptConfig::kDecryptionKeySize),
void AppendToEnd(const StreamParser::BufferQueue& src,
StreamParser::BufferQueue* dest) {
for (StreamParser::BufferQueue::const_iterator itr = src.begin();
itr != src.end(); ++itr) {
} // namespace
class WebMClusterParserTest : public testing::Test {
WebMClusterParserTest() : parser_(CreateDefaultParser()) {}
WebMClusterParserTest(const WebMClusterParserTest&) = delete;
WebMClusterParserTest& operator=(const WebMClusterParserTest&) = delete;
void ResetParserToHaveDefaultDurations() {
base::TimeDelta default_audio_duration =
base::TimeDelta default_video_duration =
ASSERT_GE(default_audio_duration, base::TimeDelta());
ASSERT_GE(default_video_duration, base::TimeDelta());
ASSERT_NE(kNoTimestamp, default_audio_duration);
ASSERT_NE(kNoTimestamp, default_video_duration);
default_audio_duration, default_video_duration));
// Helper that hard-codes some non-varying constructor parameters.
WebMClusterParser* CreateParserHelper(
base::TimeDelta audio_default_duration,
base::TimeDelta video_default_duration,
const WebMTracksParser::TextTracks& text_tracks,
const std::set<int64_t>& ignored_tracks,
const std::string& audio_encryption_key_id,
const std::string& video_encryption_key_id,
const AudioCodec audio_codec) {
return new WebMClusterParser(
kTimecodeScale, kAudioTrackNum, audio_default_duration, kVideoTrackNum,
video_default_duration, text_tracks, ignored_tracks,
audio_encryption_key_id, video_encryption_key_id, audio_codec,
// Create a default version of the parser for test.
WebMClusterParser* CreateDefaultParser() {
return CreateParserHelper(kNoTimestamp, kNoTimestamp, TextTracks(),
std::set<int64_t>(), std::string(), std::string(),
// Create a parser for test with custom audio and video default durations, and
// optionally custom text tracks.
WebMClusterParser* CreateParserWithDefaultDurationsAndOptionalTextTracks(
base::TimeDelta audio_default_duration,
base::TimeDelta video_default_duration,
const WebMTracksParser::TextTracks& text_tracks = TextTracks()) {
return CreateParserHelper(audio_default_duration, video_default_duration,
text_tracks, std::set<int64_t>(), std::string(),
std::string(), AudioCodec::kUnknown);
// Create a parser for test with custom ignored tracks.
WebMClusterParser* CreateParserWithIgnoredTracks(
std::set<int64_t>& ignored_tracks) {
return CreateParserHelper(kNoTimestamp, kNoTimestamp, TextTracks(),
ignored_tracks, std::string(), std::string(),
// Create a parser for test with custom encryption key ids and audio codec.
WebMClusterParser* CreateParserWithKeyIdsAndAudioCodec(
const std::string& audio_encryption_key_id,
const std::string& video_encryption_key_id,
const AudioCodec audio_codec) {
return CreateParserHelper(kNoTimestamp, kNoTimestamp, TextTracks(),
std::set<int64_t>(), audio_encryption_key_id,
video_encryption_key_id, audio_codec);
StrictMock<MockMediaLog> media_log_;
std::unique_ptr<WebMClusterParser> parser_;
TEST_F(WebMClusterParserTest, HeldBackBufferHoldsBackAllTracks) {
// If a buffer is missing duration and is being held back, then all other
// tracks' buffers that have same or higher (decode) timestamp should be held
// back too to keep the timestamps emitted for a cluster monotonically
// non-decreasing and in same order as parsed.
InSequence s;
// Reset the parser to have 3 tracks: text, video (no default frame duration),
// and audio (with a default frame duration).
TextTracks text_tracks;
TextTrackConfig(kTextSubtitles, "", "",
base::TimeDelta default_audio_duration =
ASSERT_GE(default_audio_duration, base::TimeDelta());
ASSERT_NE(kNoTimestamp, default_audio_duration);
default_audio_duration, kNoTimestamp, text_tracks));
constexpr double kExpectedVideoEstimationInMs = 33;
const BlockInfo kBlockInfo[] = {
{kVideoTrackNum, 0, 33, true, NULL, 0, false},
{kAudioTrackNum, 0, 23, false, NULL, 0, false},
{kTextTrackNum, 10, 42, false, NULL, 0, true},
{kAudioTrackNum, 23, kTestAudioFrameDefaultDurationInMs, true, NULL, 0,
{kVideoTrackNum, 33, 33, true, NULL, 0, false},
{kAudioTrackNum, 36, kTestAudioFrameDefaultDurationInMs, true, NULL, 0,
{kVideoTrackNum, 66, kExpectedVideoEstimationInMs, true, NULL, 0, false},
{kAudioTrackNum, 70, kTestAudioFrameDefaultDurationInMs, true, NULL, 0,
{kAudioTrackNum, 83, kTestAudioFrameDefaultDurationInMs, true, NULL, 0,
const int kExpectedBuffersOnPartialCluster[] = {
0, // Video simple block without DefaultDuration should be held back
0, // Audio buffer ready, but not emitted because its TS >= held back video
0, // Text buffer ready, but not emitted because its TS >= held back video
0, // 2nd audio buffer ready, also not emitted for same reason as first
4, // All previous buffers emitted, 2nd video held back with no duration
4, // 2nd video still has no duration, 3rd audio ready but not emitted
6, // All previous buffers emitted, 3rd video held back with no duration
6, // 3rd video still has no duration, 4th audio ready but not emitted
9, // Cluster end emits all buffers and 3rd video's duration is estimated
ASSERT_EQ(std::size(kBlockInfo), std::size(kExpectedBuffersOnPartialCluster));
int block_count = std::size(kBlockInfo);
// Iteratively create a cluster containing the first N+1 blocks and parse all
// but the last byte of the cluster (except when N==|block_count|, just parse
// the whole cluster). Verify that the corresponding entry in
// |kExpectedBuffersOnPartialCluster| identifies the exact subset of
// |kBlockInfo| returned by the parser.
for (int i = 0; i < block_count; ++i) {
if (i > 0)
// Since we don't know exactly the offsets of each block in the full
// cluster, build a cluster with exactly one additional block so that
// parse of all but one byte should deterministically parse all but the
// last full block. Don't |exceed block_count| blocks though.
int blocks_in_cluster = std::min(i + 2, block_count);
std::unique_ptr<Cluster> cluster(
CreateCluster(0, kBlockInfo, blocks_in_cluster));
// Parse all but the last byte unless we need to parse the full cluster.
bool parse_full_cluster = i == (block_count - 1);
if (parse_full_cluster) {
int result = parser_->Parse(cluster->data(), parse_full_cluster ?
cluster->size() : cluster->size() - 1);
if (parse_full_cluster) {
DVLOG(1) << "Verifying parse result of full cluster of "
<< blocks_in_cluster << " blocks";
EXPECT_EQ(cluster->size(), result);
} else {
DVLOG(1) << "Verifying parse result of cluster of "
<< blocks_in_cluster << " blocks with last block incomplete";
EXPECT_GT(cluster->size(), result);
EXPECT_LT(0, result);
EXPECT_TRUE(VerifyBuffers(parser_, kBlockInfo,
TEST_F(WebMClusterParserTest, Reset) {
InSequence s;
int block_count = std::size(kDefaultBlockInfo);
std::unique_ptr<Cluster> cluster(
CreateCluster(0, kDefaultBlockInfo, block_count));
// Send slightly less than the full cluster so all but the last block is
// parsed.
int result = parser_->Parse(cluster->data(), cluster->size() - 1);
EXPECT_GT(result, 0);
EXPECT_LT(result, cluster->size());
ASSERT_TRUE(VerifyBuffers(parser_, kDefaultBlockInfo, block_count - 1));
// Now parse a whole cluster to verify that all the blocks will get parsed.
result = parser_->Parse(cluster->data(), cluster->size());
EXPECT_EQ(cluster->size(), result);
ASSERT_TRUE(VerifyBuffers(parser_, kDefaultBlockInfo, block_count));
TEST_F(WebMClusterParserTest, ParseClusterWithSingleCall) {
int block_count = std::size(kDefaultBlockInfo);
std::unique_ptr<Cluster> cluster(
CreateCluster(0, kDefaultBlockInfo, block_count));
int result = parser_->Parse(cluster->data(), cluster->size());
EXPECT_EQ(cluster->size(), result);
ASSERT_TRUE(VerifyBuffers(parser_, kDefaultBlockInfo, block_count));
TEST_F(WebMClusterParserTest, ParseClusterWithMultipleCalls) {
int block_count = std::size(kDefaultBlockInfo);
std::unique_ptr<Cluster> cluster(
CreateCluster(0, kDefaultBlockInfo, block_count));
const uint8_t* data = cluster->data();
int size = cluster->size();
int default_parse_size = 3;
int parse_size = std::min(default_parse_size, size);
StreamParser::BufferQueueMap buffers;
while (size > 0) {
int result = parser_->Parse(data, parse_size);
ASSERT_GE(result, 0);
ASSERT_LE(result, parse_size);
if (result == 0) {
// The parser needs more data so increase the parse_size a little.
parse_size += default_parse_size;
parse_size = std::min(parse_size, size);
StreamParser::BufferQueueMap bqm;
for (const auto& it : bqm) {
AppendToEnd(it.second, &buffers[it.first]);
parse_size = default_parse_size;
data += result;
size -= result;
ASSERT_TRUE(VerifyBuffers(buffers, kDefaultBlockInfo, block_count));
// Verify that both BlockGroups with the BlockDuration before the Block
// and BlockGroups with the BlockDuration after the Block are supported
// correctly.
// Note: Raw bytes are use here because ClusterBuilder only generates
// one of these scenarios.
TEST_F(WebMClusterParserTest, ParseBlockGroup) {
const BlockInfo kBlockInfo[] = {
{kAudioTrackNum, 0, 23, false, NULL, 0, true},
{kVideoTrackNum, 33, 34, false, NULL, 0, true},
int block_count = std::size(kBlockInfo);
const uint8_t kClusterData[] = {
0x1F, 0x43, 0xB6, 0x75, 0x9B, // Cluster(size=27)
0xE7, 0x81, 0x00, // Timecode(size=1, value=0)
// BlockGroup with BlockDuration before Block.
0xA0, 0x8A, // BlockGroup(size=10)
0x9B, 0x81, 0x17, // BlockDuration(size=1, value=23)
0xA1, 0x85, 0x81, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xaa, // Block(size=5, track=1, ts=0)
// BlockGroup with BlockDuration after Block.
0xA0, 0x8A, // BlockGroup(size=10)
0xA1, 0x85, 0x82, 0x00, 0x21, 0x00, 0x55, // Block(size=5, track=2, ts=33)
0x9B, 0x81, 0x22, // BlockDuration(size=1, value=34)
const int kClusterSize = sizeof(kClusterData);
int result = parser_->Parse(kClusterData, kClusterSize);
EXPECT_EQ(kClusterSize, result);
ASSERT_TRUE(VerifyBuffers(parser_, kBlockInfo, block_count));
TEST_F(WebMClusterParserTest, ParseSimpleBlockAndBlockGroupMixture) {
const BlockInfo kBlockInfo[] = {
{kAudioTrackNum, 0, 23, true, NULL, 0, false},
{kAudioTrackNum, 23, 23, false, NULL, 0, false},
{kVideoTrackNum, 33, 34, true, NULL, 0, false},
{kAudioTrackNum, 46, 23, false, NULL, 0, false},
{kVideoTrackNum, 67, 33, false, NULL, 0, false},
int block_count = std::size(kBlockInfo);
std::unique_ptr<Cluster> cluster(CreateCluster(0, kBlockInfo, block_count));
int result = parser_->Parse(cluster->data(), cluster->size());
EXPECT_EQ(cluster->size(), result);
ASSERT_TRUE(VerifyBuffers(parser_, kBlockInfo, block_count));
TEST_F(WebMClusterParserTest, IgnoredTracks) {
std::set<int64_t> ignored_tracks;
const BlockInfo kInputBlockInfo[] = {
{kAudioTrackNum, 0, 23, true, NULL, 0, false},
{kAudioTrackNum, 23, 23, true, NULL, 0, false},
{kVideoTrackNum, 33, 34, true, NULL, 0, false},
{kTextTrackNum, 33, 99, true, NULL, 0, false},
{kAudioTrackNum, 46, 23, true, NULL, 0, false},
{kVideoTrackNum, 67, 34, true, NULL, 0, false},
int input_block_count = std::size(kInputBlockInfo);
const BlockInfo kOutputBlockInfo[] = {
{kAudioTrackNum, 0, 23, true, NULL, 0, false},
{kAudioTrackNum, 23, 23, true, NULL, 0, false},
{kVideoTrackNum, 33, 34, true, NULL, 0, false},
{kAudioTrackNum, 46, 23, true, NULL, 0, false},
{kVideoTrackNum, 67, 34, true, NULL, 0, false},
int output_block_count = std::size(kOutputBlockInfo);
std::unique_ptr<Cluster> cluster(
CreateCluster(0, kInputBlockInfo, input_block_count));
int result = parser_->Parse(cluster->data(), cluster->size());
EXPECT_EQ(cluster->size(), result);
ASSERT_TRUE(VerifyBuffers(parser_, kOutputBlockInfo, output_block_count));
TEST_F(WebMClusterParserTest, ParseTextTracks) {
TextTracks text_tracks;
TextTrackConfig(kTextSubtitles, "", "",
kNoTimestamp, kNoTimestamp, text_tracks));
const BlockInfo kInputBlockInfo[] = {
{kAudioTrackNum, 0, 23, true, NULL, 0, false},
{kAudioTrackNum, 23, 23, true, NULL, 0, false},
{kVideoTrackNum, 33, 34, true, NULL, 0, false},
{kTextTrackNum, 33, 42, false, NULL, 0, true},
{kAudioTrackNum, 46, 23, true, NULL, 0, false},
{kTextTrackNum, 55, 44, false, NULL, 0, true},
{kVideoTrackNum, 67, 34, true, NULL, 0, false},
int input_block_count = std::size(kInputBlockInfo);
std::unique_ptr<Cluster> cluster(
CreateCluster(0, kInputBlockInfo, input_block_count));
int result = parser_->Parse(cluster->data(), cluster->size());
EXPECT_EQ(cluster->size(), result);
ASSERT_TRUE(VerifyBuffers(parser_, kInputBlockInfo, input_block_count));
TEST_F(WebMClusterParserTest, TextTracksSimpleBlock) {
TextTracks text_tracks;
TextTrackConfig(kTextSubtitles, "", "",
kNoTimestamp, kNoTimestamp, text_tracks));
const BlockInfo kInputBlockInfo[] = {
{ kTextTrackNum, 33, 42, true },
int input_block_count = std::size(kInputBlockInfo);
std::unique_ptr<Cluster> cluster(
CreateCluster(0, kInputBlockInfo, input_block_count));
int result = parser_->Parse(cluster->data(), cluster->size());
EXPECT_LT(result, 0);
TEST_F(WebMClusterParserTest, ParseMultipleTextTracks) {
TextTracks text_tracks;
const int kSubtitleTextTrackNum = kTextTrackNum;
const int kCaptionTextTrackNum = kTextTrackNum + 1;
TextTrackConfig(kTextSubtitles, "", "",
TextTrackConfig(kTextCaptions, "", "",
kNoTimestamp, kNoTimestamp, text_tracks));
const BlockInfo kInputBlockInfo[] = {
{kAudioTrackNum, 0, 23, true, NULL, 0, false},
{kAudioTrackNum, 23, 23, true, NULL, 0, false},
{kVideoTrackNum, 33, 34, true, NULL, 0, false},
{kSubtitleTextTrackNum, 33, 42, false, NULL, 0, false},
{kAudioTrackNum, 46, 23, true, NULL, 0, false},
{kCaptionTextTrackNum, 55, 44, false, NULL, 0, false},
{kVideoTrackNum, 67, 34, true, NULL, 0, false},
{kSubtitleTextTrackNum, 67, 33, false, NULL, 0, false},
int input_block_count = std::size(kInputBlockInfo);
std::unique_ptr<Cluster> cluster(
CreateCluster(0, kInputBlockInfo, input_block_count));
int result = parser_->Parse(cluster->data(), cluster->size());
EXPECT_EQ(cluster->size(), result);
const WebMClusterParser::TextBufferQueueMap& text_map =
for (auto itr = text_map.begin(); itr != text_map.end(); ++itr) {
const TextTracks::const_iterator find_result =
ASSERT_TRUE(find_result != text_tracks.end());
ASSERT_TRUE(VerifyTextBuffers(parser_, kInputBlockInfo, input_block_count,
itr->first, itr->second));
TEST_F(WebMClusterParserTest, ParseEncryptedBlock) {
std::unique_ptr<Cluster> cluster(
std::string(), "video_key_id", AudioCodec::kUnknown));
// The encrypted cluster contains just one block, video.
int result = parser_->Parse(cluster->data(), cluster->size());
EXPECT_EQ(cluster->size(), result);
StreamParser::BufferQueueMap buffers;
EXPECT_EQ(1UL, buffers[kVideoTrackNum].size());
scoped_refptr<StreamParserBuffer> buffer = buffers[kVideoTrackNum][0];
TEST_F(WebMClusterParserTest, ParseBadEncryptedBlock) {
std::unique_ptr<Cluster> cluster(
CreateEncryptedCluster(sizeof(kEncryptedFrame) - 1));
std::string(), "video_key_id", AudioCodec::kUnknown));
EXPECT_MEDIA_LOG(HasSubstr("Failed to extract decrypt config"));
int result = parser_->Parse(cluster->data(), cluster->size());
EXPECT_EQ(-1, result);
TEST_F(WebMClusterParserTest, ParseInvalidZeroSizedCluster) {
const uint8_t kBuffer[] = {
0x1F, 0x43, 0xB6, 0x75, 0x80, // CLUSTER (size = 0)
EXPECT_EQ(-1, parser_->Parse(kBuffer, sizeof(kBuffer)));
TEST_F(WebMClusterParserTest, ParseInvalidUnknownButActuallyZeroSizedCluster) {
const uint8_t kBuffer[] = {
0x1F, 0x43, 0xB6, 0x75, 0xFF, // CLUSTER (size = "unknown")
0x1F, 0x43, 0xB6, 0x75, 0x85, // CLUSTER (size = 5)
EXPECT_EQ(-1, parser_->Parse(kBuffer, sizeof(kBuffer)));
TEST_F(WebMClusterParserTest, ParseInvalidTextBlockGroupWithoutDuration) {
// Text track frames must have explicitly specified BlockGroup BlockDurations.
TextTracks text_tracks;
TextTrackConfig(kTextSubtitles, "", "",
kNoTimestamp, kNoTimestamp, text_tracks));
const BlockInfo kBlockInfo[] = {
{kTextTrackNum, 33, -42, false, NULL, 0, false},
int block_count = std::size(kBlockInfo);
std::unique_ptr<Cluster> cluster(CreateCluster(0, kBlockInfo, block_count));
int result = parser_->Parse(cluster->data(), cluster->size());
EXPECT_LT(result, 0);
TEST_F(WebMClusterParserTest, ParseWithDefaultDurationsSimpleBlocks) {
InSequence s;
EXPECT_LT(kTestAudioFrameDefaultDurationInMs, 23);
EXPECT_LT(kTestVideoFrameDefaultDurationInMs, 33);
const BlockInfo kBlockInfo[] = {
{kAudioTrackNum, 0, kTestAudioFrameDefaultDurationInMs, true, NULL, 0,
{kAudioTrackNum, 23, kTestAudioFrameDefaultDurationInMs, true, NULL, 0,
{kVideoTrackNum, 33, kTestVideoFrameDefaultDurationInMs, true, NULL, 0,
{kAudioTrackNum, 46, kTestAudioFrameDefaultDurationInMs, true, NULL, 0,
{kVideoTrackNum, 67, kTestVideoFrameDefaultDurationInMs, true, NULL, 0,
{kAudioTrackNum, 69, kTestAudioFrameDefaultDurationInMs, true, NULL, 0,
{kVideoTrackNum, 100, kTestVideoFrameDefaultDurationInMs, true, NULL, 0,
int block_count = std::size(kBlockInfo);
std::unique_ptr<Cluster> cluster(CreateCluster(0, kBlockInfo, block_count));
// Send slightly less than the full cluster so all but the last block is
// parsed. Though all the blocks are simple blocks, none should be held aside
// for duration estimation prior to end of cluster detection because all the
// tracks have DefaultDurations.
int result = parser_->Parse(cluster->data(), cluster->size() - 1);
EXPECT_GT(result, 0);
EXPECT_LT(result, cluster->size());
ASSERT_TRUE(VerifyBuffers(parser_, kBlockInfo, block_count - 1));
// Now parse a whole cluster to verify that all the blocks will get parsed.
result = parser_->Parse(cluster->data(), cluster->size());
EXPECT_EQ(cluster->size(), result);
ASSERT_TRUE(VerifyBuffers(parser_, kBlockInfo, block_count));
TEST_F(WebMClusterParserTest, ParseWithoutAnyDurationsSimpleBlocks) {
InSequence s;
// Absent DefaultDuration information, SimpleBlock durations are derived from
// inter-buffer track timestamp delta if within the cluster. Duration for the
// last block in a cluster is estimated independently for each track in the
// cluster using the maximum seen so far.
constexpr double kExpectedAudioEstimationInMs = 23;
constexpr double kExpectedVideoEstimationInMs = 34;
const BlockInfo kBlockInfo1[] = {
{kAudioTrackNum, 0, 23, true, NULL, 0, false},
{kAudioTrackNum, 23, 22, true, NULL, 0, false},
{kVideoTrackNum, 33, 33, true, NULL, 0, false},
{kAudioTrackNum, 45, 23, true, NULL, 0, false},
{kVideoTrackNum, 66, 34, true, NULL, 0, false},
{kAudioTrackNum, 68, kExpectedAudioEstimationInMs, true, NULL, 0, false},
{kVideoTrackNum, 100, kExpectedVideoEstimationInMs, true, NULL, 0, false},
int block_count1 = std::size(kBlockInfo1);
std::unique_ptr<Cluster> cluster1(
CreateCluster(0, kBlockInfo1, block_count1));
// Send slightly less than the first full cluster so all but the last video
// block is parsed. Verify the last fully parsed audio and video buffer are
// both missing from the result (parser should hold them aside for duration
// estimation prior to end of cluster detection in the absence of
// DefaultDurations.)
int result = parser_->Parse(cluster1->data(), cluster1->size() - 1);
EXPECT_GT(result, 0);
EXPECT_LT(result, cluster1->size());
ASSERT_TRUE(VerifyBuffers(parser_, kBlockInfo1, block_count1 - 3));
StreamParser::BufferQueueMap buffers;
EXPECT_EQ(3UL, buffers[kAudioTrackNum].size());
EXPECT_EQ(1UL, buffers[kVideoTrackNum].size());
// Now parse the full first cluster and verify all the blocks are parsed.
result = parser_->Parse(cluster1->data(), cluster1->size());
EXPECT_EQ(cluster1->size(), result);
ASSERT_TRUE(VerifyBuffers(parser_, kBlockInfo1, block_count1));
// Verify that the estimated frame duration is tracked across clusters for
// each track.
const BlockInfo kBlockInfo2[] = {
// Estimate carries over across clusters
{kAudioTrackNum, 200, kExpectedAudioEstimationInMs, true, NULL, 0, false},
// Estimate carries over across clusters
{kVideoTrackNum, 201, kExpectedVideoEstimationInMs, true, NULL, 0, false},
int block_count2 = std::size(kBlockInfo2);
std::unique_ptr<Cluster> cluster2(
CreateCluster(0, kBlockInfo2, block_count2));
result = parser_->Parse(cluster2->data(), cluster2->size());
EXPECT_EQ(cluster2->size(), result);
ASSERT_TRUE(VerifyBuffers(parser_, kBlockInfo2, block_count2));
TEST_F(WebMClusterParserTest, ParseWithoutAnyDurationsBlockGroups) {
InSequence s;
// Absent DefaultDuration and BlockDuration information, BlockGroup block
// durations are derived from inter-buffer track timestamp delta if within the
// cluster. Duration for the last block in a cluster is estimated
// independently for each track in the cluster using the maximum seen so far.
constexpr double kExpectedAudioEstimationInMs = 23;
constexpr double kExpectedVideoEstimationInMs = 34;
const BlockInfo kBlockInfo1[] = {
{kAudioTrackNum, 0, -23, false, NULL, 0, false},
{kAudioTrackNum, 23, -22, false, NULL, 0, false},
{kVideoTrackNum, 33, -33, false, NULL, 0, false},
{kAudioTrackNum, 45, -23, false, NULL, 0, false},
{kVideoTrackNum, 66, -34, false, NULL, 0, false},
{kAudioTrackNum, 68, -kExpectedAudioEstimationInMs, false, NULL, 0,
{kVideoTrackNum, 100, -kExpectedVideoEstimationInMs, false, NULL, 0,
int block_count1 = std::size(kBlockInfo1);
std::unique_ptr<Cluster> cluster1(
CreateCluster(0, kBlockInfo1, block_count1));
// Send slightly less than the first full cluster so all but the last video
// block is parsed. Verify the last fully parsed audio and video buffer are
// both missing from the result (parser should hold them aside for duration
// estimation prior to end of cluster detection in the absence of
// DefaultDurations.)
int result = parser_->Parse(cluster1->data(), cluster1->size() - 1);
EXPECT_GT(result, 0);
EXPECT_LT(result, cluster1->size());
ASSERT_TRUE(VerifyBuffers(parser_, kBlockInfo1, block_count1 - 3));
StreamParser::BufferQueueMap buffers;
EXPECT_EQ(3UL, buffers[kAudioTrackNum].size());
EXPECT_EQ(1UL, buffers[kVideoTrackNum].size());
// Now parse the full first cluster and verify all the blocks are parsed.
result = parser_->Parse(cluster1->data(), cluster1->size());
EXPECT_EQ(cluster1->size(), result);
ASSERT_TRUE(VerifyBuffers(parser_, kBlockInfo1, block_count1));
// Verify that the estimated frame duration is tracked across clusters for
// each track.
const BlockInfo kBlockInfo2[] = {
{kAudioTrackNum, 200, -kExpectedAudioEstimationInMs, false, NULL, 0,
{kVideoTrackNum, 201, -kExpectedVideoEstimationInMs, false, NULL, 0,
int block_count2 = std::size(kBlockInfo2);
std::unique_ptr<Cluster> cluster2(
CreateCluster(0, kBlockInfo2, block_count2));
result = parser_->Parse(cluster2->data(), cluster2->size());
EXPECT_EQ(cluster2->size(), result);
ASSERT_TRUE(VerifyBuffers(parser_, kBlockInfo2, block_count2));
// TODO(wolenetz): Is parser behavior correct? See
ParseWithDefaultDurationsBlockGroupsWithoutDurations) {
InSequence s;
EXPECT_LT(kTestAudioFrameDefaultDurationInMs, 23);
EXPECT_LT(kTestVideoFrameDefaultDurationInMs, 33);
const BlockInfo kBlockInfo[] = {
{kAudioTrackNum, 0, -kTestAudioFrameDefaultDurationInMs, false, NULL, 0,
{kAudioTrackNum, 23, -kTestAudioFrameDefaultDurationInMs, false, NULL, 0,
{kVideoTrackNum, 33, -kTestVideoFrameDefaultDurationInMs, false, NULL, 0,
{kAudioTrackNum, 46, -kTestAudioFrameDefaultDurationInMs, false, NULL, 0,
{kVideoTrackNum, 67, -kTestVideoFrameDefaultDurationInMs, false, NULL, 0,
{kAudioTrackNum, 69, -kTestAudioFrameDefaultDurationInMs, false, NULL, 0,
{kVideoTrackNum, 100, -kTestVideoFrameDefaultDurationInMs, false, NULL, 0,
int block_count = std::size(kBlockInfo);
std::unique_ptr<Cluster> cluster(CreateCluster(0, kBlockInfo, block_count));
// Send slightly less than the full cluster so all but the last block is
// parsed. None should be held aside for duration estimation prior to end of
// cluster detection because all the tracks have DefaultDurations.
int result = parser_->Parse(cluster->data(), cluster->size() - 1);
EXPECT_GT(result, 0);
EXPECT_LT(result, cluster->size());
ASSERT_TRUE(VerifyBuffers(parser_, kBlockInfo, block_count - 1));
// Now parse a whole cluster to verify that all the blocks will get parsed.
result = parser_->Parse(cluster->data(), cluster->size());
EXPECT_EQ(cluster->size(), result);
ASSERT_TRUE(VerifyBuffers(parser_, kBlockInfo, block_count));
// Verify the parser can handle block timestamps that are negative
// relative-to-cluster and to absolute time. With BlockDurations provided, there
// is no buffer duration estimation, and the ready-buffer extraction bounds are
// always maximal, for both a partial cluster and a full cluster parse.
ParseClusterWithNegativeBlockTimestampsAndWithBlockDurations) {
InSequence s;
EXPECT_LT(kTestAudioFrameDefaultDurationInMs, 23);
EXPECT_LT(kTestVideoFrameDefaultDurationInMs, 33);
const BlockInfo kBlockInfo[] = {
{kVideoTrackNum, -33, 10, false, NULL, 0, false},
{kAudioTrackNum, -23, 5, false, NULL, 0, false},
int block_count = std::size(kBlockInfo);
// Using 0 for cluster timecode will make each of the blocks, above, use a
// negative relative timecode to achieve the desired negative block
// timestamps.
std::unique_ptr<Cluster> cluster(CreateCluster(0, kBlockInfo, block_count));
// Send slightly less than the full cluster so all but the last block is
// parsed. None should be held aside for duration estimation prior to end of
// cluster detection because all blocks have BlockDurations.
int result = parser_->Parse(cluster->data(), cluster->size() - 1);
EXPECT_GT(result, 0);
EXPECT_LT(result, cluster->size());
ASSERT_TRUE(VerifyBuffers(parser_, kBlockInfo, block_count - 1));
// Now parse a whole cluster to verify that all the blocks will get parsed.
result = parser_->Parse(cluster->data(), cluster->size());
EXPECT_EQ(cluster->size(), result);
ASSERT_TRUE(VerifyBuffers(parser_, kBlockInfo, block_count));
// Verify the parser can handle block timestamps that are negative
// relative-to-cluster and to absolute time. With neither BlockDurations nor
// DefaultDuration provided, all blocks' durations are derived from interblock
// timestamps in the track or estimated for the last block in the each track in
// the cluster, requiring holding back the last block in each track (unless the
// cluster is fully parsed to completion) so it can get estimated duration based
// on the next block in that track in the cluster. The ready-buffer extraction
// methods are driven by the test block to have negative upper-bounds in the
// partial-block parse in this case.
ParseClusterWithNegativeBlockTimestampsAndWithoutDurations) {
InSequence s;
// Simple blocks, used here, include no block duration information.
const BlockInfo kBlockInfo[] = {
{kVideoTrackNum, -68, 33, true, NULL, 0, false},
{kAudioTrackNum, -48, 23, true, NULL, 0, false},
{kVideoTrackNum, -35, 33, true, NULL, 0, false},
{kAudioTrackNum, -25, 23, true, NULL, 0, false},
int block_count = std::size(kBlockInfo);
// Using 0 for cluster timecode will make each of the blocks, above, use a
// negative relative timecode to achieve the desired negative block
// timestamps.
std::unique_ptr<Cluster> cluster(CreateCluster(0, kBlockInfo, block_count));
// Send slightly less than the full cluster so all but the last block is
// parsed. Only the first video block should be readable from the parser since
// the second video is held back still (not yet at end of cluster) and the
// first audio is held back still (no second block parsed fully yet and not
// yet at end of cluster).
int result = parser_->Parse(cluster->data(), cluster->size() - 1);
EXPECT_GT(result, 0);
EXPECT_LT(result, cluster->size());
ASSERT_TRUE(VerifyBuffers(parser_, kBlockInfo, block_count - 3));
// Now parse a whole cluster to verify that all the blocks will get parsed and
// have estimated durations applied correctly. Implementation applies audio
// block estimations before video block estimations upon reaching the end of
// the cluster, hence the expected order of MEDIA_LOGs here.
result = parser_->Parse(cluster->data(), cluster->size());
EXPECT_EQ(cluster->size(), result);
ASSERT_TRUE(VerifyBuffers(parser_, kBlockInfo, block_count));
ParseDegenerateClusterYieldsHardcodedEstimatedDurations) {
const BlockInfo kBlockInfo[] = {
}, {
int block_count = std::size(kBlockInfo);
std::unique_ptr<Cluster> cluster(CreateCluster(0, kBlockInfo, block_count));
int result = parser_->Parse(cluster->data(), cluster->size());
EXPECT_EQ(cluster->size(), result);
ASSERT_TRUE(VerifyBuffers(parser_, kBlockInfo, block_count));
ParseDegenerateClusterWithDefaultDurationsYieldsDefaultDurations) {
const BlockInfo kBlockInfo[] = {
{ kAudioTrackNum, 0, kTestAudioFrameDefaultDurationInMs, true },
{ kVideoTrackNum, 0, kTestVideoFrameDefaultDurationInMs, true },
int block_count = std::size(kBlockInfo);
std::unique_ptr<Cluster> cluster(CreateCluster(0, kBlockInfo, block_count));
int result = parser_->Parse(cluster->data(), cluster->size());
EXPECT_EQ(cluster->size(), result);
ASSERT_TRUE(VerifyBuffers(parser_, kBlockInfo, block_count));
TEST_F(WebMClusterParserTest, ReadOpusDurationsSimpleBlockAtEndOfCluster) {
int loop_count = 0;
for (const auto& packet_ptr : BuildAllOpusPackets()) {
InSequence s;
// Get a new parser each iteration to prevent exceeding the media log cap.
std::string(), std::string(), AudioCodec::kOpus));
const BlockInfo kBlockInfo[] = {{kAudioTrackNum,
true, // Make it a SimpleBlock.
int block_count = std::size(kBlockInfo);
std::unique_ptr<Cluster> cluster(CreateCluster(0, kBlockInfo, block_count));
int duration_ms = packet_ptr->duration_ms(); // Casts from double.
if (duration_ms > 120) {
int result = parser_->Parse(cluster->data(), cluster->size());
EXPECT_EQ(cluster->size(), result);
ASSERT_TRUE(VerifyBuffers(parser_, kBlockInfo, block_count));
// Fail early if any iteration fails to meet the logging expectations.
// Test should minimally cover all the combinations of config and frame count.
ASSERT_GE(loop_count, kNumPossibleOpusConfigs * kMaxOpusPacketFrameCount);
TEST_F(WebMClusterParserTest, PreferOpusDurationsOverBlockDurations) {
int loop_count = 0;
for (const auto& packet_ptr : BuildAllOpusPackets()) {
InSequence s;
// Get a new parser each iteration to prevent exceeding the media log cap.
std::string(), std::string(), AudioCodec::kOpus));
// Setting BlockDuration != Opus duration to see which one the parser uses.
double block_duration_ms = packet_ptr->duration_ms() + 10;
if (packet_ptr->duration_ms() > 120) {
block_duration_ms, packet_ptr->duration_ms()));
BlockInfo block_infos[] = {{kAudioTrackNum,
false, // Not a SimpleBlock.
int block_count = std::size(block_infos);
std::unique_ptr<Cluster> cluster(
CreateCluster(0, block_infos, block_count));
int result = parser_->Parse(cluster->data(), cluster->size());
EXPECT_EQ(cluster->size(), result);
// BlockInfo duration will be used to verify buffer duration, so changing
// duration to be that of the Opus packet to verify it was preferred.
block_infos[0].duration = packet_ptr->duration_ms();
ASSERT_TRUE(VerifyBuffers(parser_, block_infos, block_count));
// Fail early if any iteration fails to meet the logging expectations.
// Test should minimally cover all the combinations of config and frame count.
ASSERT_GE(loop_count, kNumPossibleOpusConfigs * kMaxOpusPacketFrameCount);
// Tests that BlockDuration is used to set duration on buffer rather than
// encoded duration in Opus packet (or hard coded duration estimates). Encoded
// Opus duration is usually preferred but cannot be known when encrypted.
TEST_F(WebMClusterParserTest, DontReadEncodedDurationWhenEncrypted) {
// Non-empty dummy value signals encryption is active for audio.
std::string audio_encryption_id("audio_key_id");
// Reset parser to expect Opus codec audio and use audio encryption key id.
audio_encryption_id, std::string(), AudioCodec::kOpus));
// Single Block with BlockDuration and encrypted data.
const BlockInfo kBlockInfo[] = {{kAudioTrackNum, 0,
false, // Not a SimpleBlock
kEncryptedFrame, // Encrypted frame data
int block_count = std::size(kBlockInfo);
std::unique_ptr<Cluster> cluster(CreateCluster(0, kBlockInfo, block_count));
int result = parser_->Parse(cluster->data(), cluster->size());
EXPECT_EQ(cluster->size(), result);
// Will verify that duration of buffer matches that of BlockDuration.
ASSERT_TRUE(VerifyBuffers(parser_, kBlockInfo, block_count));
} // namespace media