blob: 6dbfb5338621e9e7f81b12fb94e3719024354917 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "media/gpu/android/codec_output_buffer_renderer.h"
#include <string.h>
#include "base/android/scoped_hardware_buffer_fence_sync.h"
#include "base/functional/callback_helpers.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/service/gles2_cmd_decoder.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/service/texture_manager.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
#include "ui/gl/gl_context.h"
#include "ui/gl/scoped_make_current.h"
namespace media {
std::unique_ptr<CodecOutputBuffer> output_buffer,
scoped_refptr<CodecBufferWaitCoordinator> codec_buffer_wait_coordinator,
scoped_refptr<gpu::RefCountedLock> drdc_lock)
: RefCountedLockHelperDrDc(std::move(drdc_lock)),
codec_buffer_wait_coordinator_(std::move(codec_buffer_wait_coordinator)) {
CodecOutputBufferRenderer::~CodecOutputBufferRenderer() = default;
bool CodecOutputBufferRenderer::RenderToTextureOwnerBackBuffer() {
DCHECK_NE(phase_, Phase::kInFrontBuffer);
if (phase_ == Phase::kInBackBuffer)
return true;
if (phase_ == Phase::kInvalidated)
return false;
// Normally, we should have a wait coordinator if we're called. However, if
// the renderer is torn down (either VideoFrameSubmitter or the whole process)
// before we get returns back from viz, then we can be notified that we're
// no longer in use (erroneously) when the VideoFrame is destroyed. So, if
// we don't have a wait coordinator, then just fail.
if (!codec_buffer_wait_coordinator_)
return false;
// Don't render frame if one is already pending.
// RenderToTextureOwnerFrontBuffer will wait before calling this.
if (codec_buffer_wait_coordinator_->IsExpectingFrameAvailable()) {
return false;
if (!output_buffer_->ReleaseToSurface()) {
phase_ = Phase::kInvalidated;
return false;
phase_ = Phase::kInBackBuffer;
return true;
bool CodecOutputBufferRenderer::RenderToTextureOwnerFrontBuffer(
BindingsMode bindings_mode,
GLuint service_id) {
// Normally, we should have a wait coordinator if we're called. However, if
// the renderer is torn down (either VideoFrameSubmitter or the whole process)
// before we get returns back from viz, then we can be notified that we're
// no longer in use (erroneously) when the VideoFrame is destroyed. So, if
// we don't have a wait coordinator, then just fail.
if (!codec_buffer_wait_coordinator_)
return false;
if (phase_ == Phase::kInFrontBuffer) {
EnsureBoundIfNeeded(bindings_mode, service_id);
return true;
if (phase_ == Phase::kInvalidated)
return false;
// Render it to the back buffer if it's not already there.
if (phase_ != Phase::kInBackBuffer) {
// Wait for a previous frame available so we don't confuse it with the one
// we're about to render.
if (codec_buffer_wait_coordinator_->IsExpectingFrameAvailable()) {
// We must call update tex image if we did get OnFrameAvailable, otherwise
// we will stop receiving callbacks (see
if (!RenderToTextureOwnerBackBuffer()) {
// RenderTotextureOwnerBackBuffer can fail now only if ReleaseToSurface
// failed.
DCHECK(phase_ == Phase::kInvalidated);
return false;
// The image is now in the back buffer, so promote it to the front buffer.
phase_ = Phase::kInFrontBuffer;
if (codec_buffer_wait_coordinator_->IsExpectingFrameAvailable())
// if |texture_owner| binds image on update, mark that we bound it.
if (codec_buffer_wait_coordinator_->texture_owner()
->binds_texture_on_update()) {
was_tex_image_bound_ = true;
EnsureBoundIfNeeded(bindings_mode, service_id);
return true;
void CodecOutputBufferRenderer::EnsureBoundIfNeeded(BindingsMode mode,
GLuint service_id) {
if (mode == BindingsMode::kBindImage) {
DCHECK_GT(service_id, 0u);
was_tex_image_bound_ = true;
bool CodecOutputBufferRenderer::RenderToOverlay() {
if (phase_ == Phase::kInFrontBuffer)
return true;
if (phase_ == Phase::kInvalidated)
return false;
if (!output_buffer_->ReleaseToSurface()) {
phase_ = Phase::kInvalidated;
return false;
phase_ = Phase::kInFrontBuffer;
return true;
bool CodecOutputBufferRenderer::RenderToFrontBuffer() {
// This code is used to trigger early rendering of the image before it is used
// for compositing, there is no need to bind the image. Hence pass texture
// service_id as 0.
return codec_buffer_wait_coordinator_
? RenderToTextureOwnerFrontBuffer(BindingsMode::kDontBindImage,
0 /* service_id */)
: RenderToOverlay();
} // namespace media