| // Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| #ifndef MEDIA_GPU_AV1_DECODER_H_ |
| #define MEDIA_GPU_AV1_DECODER_H_ |
| |
| #include <array> |
| #include <memory> |
| |
| #include "base/containers/span.h" |
| #include "base/sequence_checker.h" |
| #include "media/base/video_codecs.h" |
| #include "media/base/video_color_space.h" |
| #include "media/base/video_types.h" |
| #include "media/gpu/accelerated_video_decoder.h" |
| #include "media/gpu/av1_picture.h" |
| #include "media/gpu/media_gpu_export.h" |
| #include "third_party/libgav1/src/src/utils/constants.h" |
| |
| // For libgav1::RefCountedBufferPtr. |
| #include "third_party/libgav1/src/src/buffer_pool.h" |
| // For libgav1::ObuSequenceHeader. absl::optional demands ObuSequenceHeader to |
| // fulfill std::is_trivially_constructible if it is forward-declared. But |
| // ObuSequenceHeader doesn't. |
| #include "third_party/libgav1/src/src/obu_parser.h" |
| #include "ui/gfx/hdr_metadata.h" |
| |
| namespace libgav1 { |
| struct DecoderState; |
| struct ObuFrameHeader; |
| template <typename T> |
| class Vector; |
| } // namespace libgav1 |
| |
| namespace media { |
| using AV1ReferenceFrameVector = |
| std::array<scoped_refptr<AV1Picture>, libgav1::kNumReferenceFrameTypes>; |
| |
| // Clients of this class are expected to pass an AV1 OBU stream and are expected |
| // to provide an implementation of AV1Accelerator for offloading final steps |
| // of the decoding process. |
| // |
| // This class must be created, called and destroyed on a single thread, and |
| // does nothing internally on any other thread. |
| class MEDIA_GPU_EXPORT AV1Decoder : public AcceleratedVideoDecoder { |
| public: |
| class MEDIA_GPU_EXPORT AV1Accelerator { |
| public: |
| // Methods may return kTryAgain if they need additional data (provided |
| // independently) in order to proceed. Examples are things like not having |
| // an appropriate key to decode encrypted content. This is not considered an |
| // unrecoverable error, but rather a pause to allow an application to |
| // independently provide the required data. When AV1Decoder::Decode() |
| // is called again, it will attempt to resume processing of the stream |
| // by calling the same method again. |
| enum class Status { |
| // Operation completed successfully. |
| kOk, |
| |
| // Operation failed. |
| kFail, |
| |
| // Operation failed because some external data is missing. Retry the same |
| // operation later, once the data has been provided. |
| kTryAgain, |
| }; |
| AV1Accelerator() = default; |
| virtual ~AV1Accelerator() = default; |
| AV1Accelerator(const AV1Accelerator&) = delete; |
| AV1Accelerator& operator=(const AV1Accelerator&) = delete; |
| |
| // Creates an AV1Picture that the AV1Decoder can use to store some of the |
| // information needed to request accelerated decoding. This picture is later |
| // passed when calling SubmitDecode() so that the AV1Accelerator can submit |
| // the decode request to the driver. It may also be stored for use as |
| // reference to decode other pictures. |
| // When a picture is no longer needed by the decoder, it will just drop |
| // its reference to it, and it may do so at any time. |
| // Note that this may return nullptr if the accelerator is not able to |
| // provide any new pictures at the given time. The decoder must handle this |
| // case and treat it as normal, returning kRanOutOfSurfaces from Decode(). |
| virtual scoped_refptr<AV1Picture> CreateAV1Picture(bool apply_grain) = 0; |
| |
| // Submits |pic| to the driver for accelerated decoding. The following |
| // parameters are also passed: |
| // - |sequence_header|: the current OBU sequence header. |
| // - |ref_frames|: the pictures used as reference for decoding |pic|. |
| // - |tile_buffers|: tile information. |
| // - |data|: the entire data of the DecoderBuffer set by |
| // AV1Decoder::SetStream(). |
| // Note that returning from this method does not mean that the decode |
| // process is finished, but the caller may drop its references to |pic| |
| // and |ref_frames| immediately, and |data| does not need to remain valid |
| // after this method returns. |
| virtual Status SubmitDecode( |
| const AV1Picture& pic, |
| const libgav1::ObuSequenceHeader& sequence_header, |
| const AV1ReferenceFrameVector& ref_frames, |
| const libgav1::Vector<libgav1::TileBuffer>& tile_buffers, |
| base::span<const uint8_t> data) = 0; |
| |
| // Schedules output (display) of |pic|. |
| // Note that returning from this method does not mean that |pic| has already |
| // been outputted (displayed), but guarantees that all pictures will be |
| // outputted in the same order as this method was called for them, and that |
| // they are decoded before outputting (assuming SubmitDecode() has been |
| // called for them beforehand). |
| // Returns true when successful, false otherwise. |
| virtual bool OutputPicture(const AV1Picture& pic) = 0; |
| }; |
| |
| AV1Decoder(std::unique_ptr<AV1Accelerator> accelerator, |
| VideoCodecProfile profile, |
| const VideoColorSpace& container_color_space = VideoColorSpace()); |
| ~AV1Decoder() override; |
| AV1Decoder(const AV1Decoder&) = delete; |
| AV1Decoder& operator=(const AV1Decoder&) = delete; |
| |
| // AcceleratedVideoDecoder implementation. |
| void SetStream(int32_t id, const DecoderBuffer& decoder_buffer) override; |
| [[nodiscard]] bool Flush() override; |
| void Reset() override; |
| [[nodiscard]] DecodeResult Decode() override; |
| gfx::Size GetPicSize() const override; |
| gfx::Rect GetVisibleRect() const override; |
| VideoCodecProfile GetProfile() const override; |
| uint8_t GetBitDepth() const override; |
| VideoChromaSampling GetChromaSampling() const override; |
| absl::optional<gfx::HDRMetadata> GetHDRMetadata() const override; |
| size_t GetRequiredNumOfPictures() const override; |
| size_t GetNumReferenceFrames() const override; |
| |
| private: |
| friend class AV1DecoderTest; |
| |
| AV1Accelerator::Status DecodeAndOutputPicture( |
| scoped_refptr<AV1Picture> pic, |
| const libgav1::Vector<libgav1::TileBuffer>& tile_buffers); |
| void UpdateReferenceFrames(scoped_refptr<AV1Picture> pic); |
| void ClearReferenceFrames(); |
| // Checks that |ref_frames_| is consistent with libgav1's reference frame |
| // state (returns false if not) and cleans old reference frames from |
| // |ref_frames_| as needed. Also asserts that all reference frames needed by |
| // |current_frame_header_| are in |ref_frames_|. This method should be called |
| // prior to using |ref_frames_| (which includes calling |
| // |accelerator_|->SubmitDecode()); |
| bool CheckAndCleanUpReferenceFrames(); |
| void ClearCurrentFrame(); |
| DecodeResult DecodeInternal(); |
| |
| bool on_error_ = false; |
| |
| std::unique_ptr<libgav1::BufferPool> buffer_pool_; |
| std::unique_ptr<libgav1::DecoderState> state_; |
| std::unique_ptr<libgav1::ObuParser> parser_; |
| |
| const std::unique_ptr<AV1Accelerator> accelerator_; |
| AV1ReferenceFrameVector ref_frames_; |
| |
| absl::optional<libgav1::ObuSequenceHeader> current_sequence_header_; |
| absl::optional<libgav1::ObuFrameHeader> current_frame_header_; |
| libgav1::RefCountedBufferPtr current_frame_; |
| |
| gfx::Rect visible_rect_; |
| gfx::Size frame_size_; |
| VideoCodecProfile profile_; |
| VideoColorSpace container_color_space_; |
| uint8_t bit_depth_ = 0; |
| VideoChromaSampling chroma_sampling_ = VideoChromaSampling::kUnknown; |
| absl::optional<gfx::HDRMetadata> hdr_metadata_; |
| |
| int32_t stream_id_ = 0; |
| const uint8_t* stream_ = nullptr; |
| size_t stream_size_ = 0; |
| std::unique_ptr<DecryptConfig> decrypt_config_; |
| |
| // Pending picture for decode when accelerator returns kTryAgain. |
| scoped_refptr<AV1Picture> pending_pic_; |
| |
| SEQUENCE_CHECKER(sequence_checker_); |
| }; |
| |
| } // namespace media |
| |
| #endif // MEDIA_GPU_AV1_DECODER_H_ |