blob: d6283a872f3fbca2312f8f7d711aa8e5644984eb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <limits.h>
#include <atomic>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "base/synchronization/condition_variable.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "base/thread_annotations.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
namespace media {
class VideoBitrateAllocation;
namespace test {
class BitstreamProcessor;
class Video;
class VideoEncoderClient;
struct VideoEncoderClientConfig;
class VideoEncoderStats;
// This class provides a framework to build video encode accelerator tests upon.
// It provides methods to control video encoding, and wait for specific events
// to occur.
class VideoEncoder {
// Different video encoder states.
enum class EncoderState { kUninitialized = 0, kIdle, kEncoding, kError };
// The list of events that can be thrown by the video encoder.
enum EncoderEvent {
using EventCallback = base::RepeatingCallback<bool(EncoderEvent)>;
// Create an instance of the video encoder.
// TODO(hiroh): Take raw pointers of bitstream_processors so that they are
// destroyed on the same sequence where they are created.
static std::unique_ptr<VideoEncoder> Create(
const VideoEncoderClientConfig& config,
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<BitstreamProcessor>> bitstream_processors =
// Disallow copy and assign.
VideoEncoder(const VideoEncoder&) = delete;
VideoEncoder& operator=(const VideoEncoder&) = delete;
// Wait until all processors have finished processing the currently queued
// list of bitstream buffers. Returns whether processing was successful.
bool WaitForBitstreamProcessors();
// Get/Reset video encode statistics.
VideoEncoderStats GetStats() const;
void ResetStats();
// Set the maximum time we will wait for an event to finish.
void SetEventWaitTimeout(base::TimeDelta timeout);
// Initialize the video encoder for the specified |video|. The |video| will
// not be owned by the video encoder, the caller should guarantee it outlives
// the video encoder.
bool Initialize(const Video* video);
// Start encoding the video asynchronously.
void Encode();
// Encode the video asynchronously. Automatically pause encoding when the
// specified |event| occurred |event_count| times.
void EncodeUntil(EncoderEvent event, size_t event_count = 1);
// Flush the encoder.
void Flush();
// Updates bitrate based on the specified |bitrate| and |framerate|.
void UpdateBitrate(const VideoBitrateAllocation& bitrate, uint32_t framerate);
// Force key frame.
void ForceKeyFrame();
// Get the current state of the video encoder.
EncoderState GetState() const;
// Wait for an event to occur the specified number of times. All events that
// occurred since last calling this function will be taken into account. All
// events with different types will be consumed. Will return false if the
// specified timeout is exceeded while waiting for the events.
bool WaitForEvent(EncoderEvent event, size_t times = 1);
// Wait until the |video_encoder_state_| becomes kIdle.
bool WaitUntilIdle();
// Helper function to wait for a FlushDone event.
bool WaitForFlushDone();
// Helper function to wait for the specified number of FrameReleased events.
bool WaitForFrameReleased(size_t times);
// Get the number of times the specified event occurred.
size_t GetEventCount(EncoderEvent event) const;
// Helper function to get the number of FlushDone events thrown.
size_t GetFlushDoneCount() const;
// Helper function to get the number of FrameReleased events thrown.
size_t GetFrameReleasedCount() const;
bool CreateEncoderClient(
const VideoEncoderClientConfig& config,
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<BitstreamProcessor>> bitstream_processors);
// Notify the video encoder an event has occurred (e.g. bitstream ready).
// Returns whether the encoder client should continue encoding frames.
bool NotifyEvent(EncoderEvent event);
// The video currently being encoded.
raw_ptr<const Video> video_ = nullptr;
// The state of the video encoder.
std::atomic<EncoderState> video_encoder_state_{EncoderState::kUninitialized};
// The video encoder client communicating between this class and the hardware
// video encode accelerator.
std::unique_ptr<VideoEncoderClient> encoder_client_;
// The timeout used when waiting for events.
base::TimeDelta event_timeout_;
mutable base::Lock event_lock_;
base::ConditionVariable event_cv_{&event_lock_};
// The list of events thrown by the video encoder client.
std::vector<EncoderEvent> video_encoder_events_ GUARDED_BY(event_lock_);
// The number of times each event has occurred.
size_t video_encoder_event_counts_[EncoderEvent::kNumEvents] GUARDED_BY(
// The index of the next event to start at, when waiting for events.
size_t next_unprocessed_event_ GUARDED_BY(event_lock_);
// Automatically pause encoding once the video encoder has seen the specified
// number of events occur.
std::pair<EncoderEvent, size_t> encode_until_;
} // namespace test
} // namespace media