blob: 8ab1b5f7a9d1fa2746575ec0373237da9501deb2 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
proto_library("root_store_proto_full") {
proto_out_dir = "net/cert/root_store_proto_full/"
sources = [ "root_store.proto" ]
# root_store_tool uses the full protobuf library to parse textproto. This
# should not be linked into the browser. If a browser target needs this
# protobuf, use the _lite target below.
use_protobuf_full = false
visibility = [ "//net/tools/root_store_tool:root_store_tool" ]
proto_library("root_store_proto_lite") {
proto_out_dir = "net/cert/root_store_proto_lite/"
sources = [ "root_store.proto" ]
cc_generator_options = "lite=true:"
visibility = [