| // Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| // |
| // Overview |
| // |
| // The main entry point is CertNetFetcherURLRequest. This is an implementation |
| // of CertNetFetcher that provides a service for fetching network requests. |
| // |
| // The interface for CertNetFetcher is synchronous, however allows |
| // overlapping requests. When starting a request CertNetFetcherURLRequest |
| // returns a CertNetFetcher::Request (CertNetFetcherRequestImpl) that the |
| // caller can use to cancel the fetch, or wait for it to complete |
| // (blocking). |
| // |
| // The CertNetFetcherURLRequest is shared between a network thread and a |
| // caller thread that waits for fetches to happen on the network thread. |
| // |
| // The classes are mainly organized based on their thread affinity: |
| // |
| // --------------- |
| // Straddles caller thread and network thread |
| // --------------- |
| // |
| // CertNetFetcherURLRequest (implements CertNetFetcher) |
| // * Main entry point. Must be created and shutdown from the network thread. |
| // * Provides a service to start/cancel/wait for URL fetches, to be |
| // used on the caller thread. |
| // * Returns callers a CertNetFetcher::Request as a handle |
| // * Requests can run in parallel, however will block the current thread when |
| // reading results. |
| // * Posts tasks to network thread to coordinate actual work |
| // |
| // RequestCore |
| // * Reference-counted bridge between CertNetFetcherRequestImpl and the |
| // dependencies on the network thread |
| // * Holds the result of the request, a WaitableEvent for signaling |
| // completion, and pointers for canceling work on network thread. |
| // |
| // --------------- |
| // Lives on caller thread |
| // --------------- |
| // |
| // CertNetFetcherRequestImpl (implements CertNetFetcher::Request) |
| // * Wrapper for cancelling events, or waiting for a request to complete |
| // * Waits on a WaitableEvent to complete requests. |
| // |
| // --------------- |
| // Lives on network thread |
| // --------------- |
| // |
| // AsyncCertNetFetcherURLRequest |
| // * Asynchronous manager for outstanding requests. Handles de-duplication, |
| // timeouts, and actual integration with network stack. This is where the |
| // majority of the logic lives. |
| // * Signals completion of requests through RequestCore's WaitableEvent. |
| // * Attaches requests to Jobs for the purpose of de-duplication |
| |
| #include "net/cert_net/cert_net_fetcher_url_request.h" |
| |
| #include <memory> |
| #include <tuple> |
| #include <utility> |
| |
| #include "base/check_op.h" |
| #include "base/functional/bind.h" |
| #include "base/functional/callback_helpers.h" |
| #include "base/memory/ptr_util.h" |
| #include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h" |
| #include "base/numerics/safe_math.h" |
| #include "base/ranges/algorithm.h" |
| #include "base/synchronization/waitable_event.h" |
| #include "base/task/single_thread_task_runner.h" |
| #include "base/time/time.h" |
| #include "base/timer/timer.h" |
| #include "net/base/io_buffer.h" |
| #include "net/base/isolation_info.h" |
| #include "net/base/load_flags.h" |
| #include "net/cert/cert_net_fetcher.h" |
| #include "net/cookies/site_for_cookies.h" |
| #include "net/dns/public/secure_dns_policy.h" |
| #include "net/traffic_annotation/network_traffic_annotation.h" |
| #include "net/url_request/redirect_info.h" |
| #include "net/url_request/url_request_context.h" |
| #include "url/origin.h" |
| |
| // TODO(eroman): Add support for POST parameters. |
| // TODO(eroman): Add controls for bypassing the cache. |
| // TODO(eroman): Add a maximum number of in-flight jobs/requests. |
| // TODO(eroman): Add NetLog integration. |
| |
| namespace net { |
| |
| namespace { |
| |
| // The size of the buffer used for reading the response body of the URLRequest. |
| const int kReadBufferSizeInBytes = 4096; |
| |
| // The maximum size in bytes for the response body when fetching a CRL. |
| const int kMaxResponseSizeInBytesForCrl = 5 * 1024 * 1024; |
| |
| // The maximum size in bytes for the response body when fetching an AIA URL |
| // (caIssuers/OCSP). |
| const int kMaxResponseSizeInBytesForAia = 64 * 1024; |
| |
| // The default timeout in seconds for fetch requests. |
| const int kTimeoutSeconds = 15; |
| |
| class Job; |
| |
| struct JobToRequestParamsComparator; |
| |
| struct JobComparator { |
| bool operator()(const Job* job1, const Job* job2) const; |
| }; |
| |
| // Would be a set<unique_ptr> but extraction of owned objects from a set of |
| // owned types doesn't come until C++17. |
| using JobSet = std::map<Job*, std::unique_ptr<Job>, JobComparator>; |
| |
| } // namespace |
| |
| // AsyncCertNetFetcherURLRequest manages URLRequests in an async fashion on the |
| // URLRequestContexts's task runner thread. |
| // |
| // * Schedules |
| // * De-duplicates requests |
| // * Handles timeouts |
| class CertNetFetcherURLRequest::AsyncCertNetFetcherURLRequest { |
| public: |
| // Initializes AsyncCertNetFetcherURLRequest using the specified |
| // URLRequestContext for issuing requests. |context| must remain valid until |
| // Shutdown() is called or the AsyncCertNetFetcherURLRequest is destroyed. |
| explicit AsyncCertNetFetcherURLRequest(URLRequestContext* context); |
| |
| AsyncCertNetFetcherURLRequest(const AsyncCertNetFetcherURLRequest&) = delete; |
| AsyncCertNetFetcherURLRequest& operator=( |
| const AsyncCertNetFetcherURLRequest&) = delete; |
| |
| // The AsyncCertNetFetcherURLRequest is expected to be kept alive until all |
| // requests have completed or Shutdown() is called. |
| ~AsyncCertNetFetcherURLRequest(); |
| |
| // Starts an asynchronous request to fetch the given URL. On completion |
| // request->OnJobCompleted() will be invoked. |
| void Fetch(std::unique_ptr<RequestParams> request_params, |
| scoped_refptr<RequestCore> request); |
| |
| // Removes |job| from the in progress jobs and transfers ownership to the |
| // caller. |
| std::unique_ptr<Job> RemoveJob(Job* job); |
| |
| // Cancels outstanding jobs, which stops network requests and signals the |
| // corresponding RequestCores that the requests have completed. |
| void Shutdown(); |
| |
| private: |
| // Finds a job with a matching RequestPararms or returns nullptr if there was |
| // no match. |
| Job* FindJob(const RequestParams& params); |
| |
| // The in-progress jobs. This set does not contain the job which is actively |
| // invoking callbacks (OnJobCompleted). |
| JobSet jobs_; |
| |
| // Not owned. |context_| must outlive the AsyncCertNetFetcherURLRequest. |
| raw_ptr<URLRequestContext> context_ = nullptr; |
| |
| THREAD_CHECKER(thread_checker_); |
| }; |
| |
| namespace { |
| |
| // Policy for which URLs are allowed to be fetched. This is called both for the |
| // initial URL and for each redirect. Returns OK on success or a net error |
| // code on failure. |
| Error CanFetchUrl(const GURL& url) { |
| if (!url.SchemeIs("http")) |
| return OK; |
| } |
| |
| base::TimeDelta GetTimeout(int timeout_milliseconds) { |
| if (timeout_milliseconds == CertNetFetcher::DEFAULT) |
| return base::Seconds(kTimeoutSeconds); |
| return base::Milliseconds(timeout_milliseconds); |
| } |
| |
| size_t GetMaxResponseBytes(int max_response_bytes, |
| size_t default_max_response_bytes) { |
| if (max_response_bytes == CertNetFetcher::DEFAULT) |
| return default_max_response_bytes; |
| |
| // Ensure that the specified limit is not negative, and cannot result in an |
| // overflow while reading. |
| base::CheckedNumeric<size_t> check(max_response_bytes); |
| check += kReadBufferSizeInBytes; |
| DCHECK(check.IsValid()); |
| |
| return max_response_bytes; |
| } |
| |
| enum HttpMethod { |
| }; |
| |
| } // namespace |
| |
| // RequestCore tracks an outstanding call to Fetch(). It is |
| // reference-counted for ease of sharing between threads. |
| class CertNetFetcherURLRequest::RequestCore |
| : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<RequestCore> { |
| public: |
| explicit RequestCore(scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> task_runner) |
| : completion_event_(base::WaitableEvent::ResetPolicy::MANUAL, |
| base::WaitableEvent::InitialState::NOT_SIGNALED), |
| task_runner_(std::move(task_runner)) {} |
| |
| RequestCore(const RequestCore&) = delete; |
| RequestCore& operator=(const RequestCore&) = delete; |
| |
| void AttachedToJob(Job* job) { |
| DCHECK(task_runner_->RunsTasksInCurrentSequence()); |
| DCHECK(!job_); |
| // Requests should not be attached to jobs after they have been signalled |
| // with a cancellation error (which happens via either Cancel() or |
| // SignalImmediateError()). |
| job_ = job; |
| } |
| |
| void OnJobCompleted(Job* job, |
| Error error, |
| const std::vector<uint8_t>& response_body) { |
| DCHECK(task_runner_->RunsTasksInCurrentSequence()); |
| |
| DCHECK_EQ(job_, job); |
| job_ = nullptr; |
| |
| error_ = error; |
| bytes_ = response_body; |
| completion_event_.Signal(); |
| } |
| |
| // Detaches this request from its job (if it is attached to any) and |
| // signals completion with ERR_ABORTED. Can be called from any thread. |
| void CancelJob(); |
| |
| // Can be used to signal that an error was encountered before the request was |
| // attached to a job. Can be called from any thread. |
| void SignalImmediateError(); |
| |
| // Should only be called once. |
| void WaitForResult(Error* error, std::vector<uint8_t>* bytes) { |
| DCHECK(!task_runner_->RunsTasksInCurrentSequence()); |
| |
| completion_event_.Wait(); |
| *bytes = std::move(bytes_); |
| *error = error_; |
| |
| error_ = ERR_UNEXPECTED; |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<RequestCore>; |
| |
| ~RequestCore() { |
| // Requests should have been cancelled prior to destruction. |
| DCHECK(!job_); |
| } |
| |
| // A non-owned pointer to the job that is executing the request. |
| raw_ptr<Job> job_ = nullptr; |
| |
| // May be written to from network thread, or from the caller thread only when |
| // there is no work that will be done on the network thread (e.g. when the |
| // network thread has been shutdown before the request begins). See comment in |
| // SignalImmediateError. |
| Error error_ = OK; |
| std::vector<uint8_t> bytes_; |
| |
| // Indicates when |error_| and |bytes_| have been written to. |
| base::WaitableEvent completion_event_; |
| |
| scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> task_runner_; |
| }; |
| |
| struct CertNetFetcherURLRequest::RequestParams { |
| RequestParams(); |
| |
| RequestParams(const RequestParams&) = delete; |
| RequestParams& operator=(const RequestParams&) = delete; |
| |
| bool operator<(const RequestParams& other) const; |
| |
| GURL url; |
| HttpMethod http_method = HTTP_METHOD_GET; |
| size_t max_response_bytes = 0; |
| |
| // If set to a value <= 0 then means "no timeout". |
| base::TimeDelta timeout; |
| |
| // IMPORTANT: When adding fields to this structure, update operator<(). |
| }; |
| |
| CertNetFetcherURLRequest::RequestParams::RequestParams() = default; |
| |
| bool CertNetFetcherURLRequest::RequestParams::operator<( |
| const RequestParams& other) const { |
| return std::tie(url, http_method, max_response_bytes, timeout) < |
| std::tie(other.url, other.http_method, other.max_response_bytes, |
| other.timeout); |
| } |
| |
| namespace { |
| |
| // Job tracks an outstanding URLRequest as well as all of the pending requests |
| // for it. |
| class Job : public URLRequest::Delegate { |
| public: |
| Job(std::unique_ptr<CertNetFetcherURLRequest::RequestParams> request_params, |
| CertNetFetcherURLRequest::AsyncCertNetFetcherURLRequest* parent); |
| |
| Job(const Job&) = delete; |
| Job& operator=(const Job&) = delete; |
| |
| ~Job() override; |
| |
| const CertNetFetcherURLRequest::RequestParams& request_params() const { |
| return *request_params_; |
| } |
| |
| // Creates a request and attaches it to the job. When the job completes it |
| // will notify the request of completion through OnJobCompleted. |
| void AttachRequest( |
| scoped_refptr<CertNetFetcherURLRequest::RequestCore> request); |
| |
| // Removes |request| from the job. |
| void DetachRequest(CertNetFetcherURLRequest::RequestCore* request); |
| |
| // Creates and starts a URLRequest for the job. After the URLRequest has |
| // completed, OnJobCompleted() will be invoked and all the registered requests |
| // notified of completion. |
| void StartURLRequest(URLRequestContext* context); |
| |
| // Cancels the request with an ERR_ABORTED error and invokes |
| // RequestCore::OnJobCompleted() to notify the registered requests of the |
| // cancellation. The job is *not* removed from the |
| // AsyncCertNetFetcherURLRequest. |
| void Cancel(); |
| |
| private: |
| // Implementation of URLRequest::Delegate |
| void OnReceivedRedirect(URLRequest* request, |
| const RedirectInfo& redirect_info, |
| bool* defer_redirect) override; |
| void OnResponseStarted(URLRequest* request, int net_error) override; |
| void OnReadCompleted(URLRequest* request, int bytes_read) override; |
| |
| // Clears the URLRequest and timer. Helper for doing work common to |
| // cancellation and job completion. |
| void Stop(); |
| |
| // Reads as much data as available from |request|. |
| void ReadBody(URLRequest* request); |
| |
| // Helper to copy the partial bytes read from the read IOBuffer to an |
| // aggregated buffer. |
| bool ConsumeBytesRead(URLRequest* request, int num_bytes); |
| |
| // Called when the URLRequest has completed (either success or failure). |
| void OnUrlRequestCompleted(int net_error); |
| |
| // Called when the Job has completed. The job may finish in response to a |
| // timeout, an invalid URL, or the URLRequest completing. By the time this |
| // method is called, the |response_body_| variable have been assigned. |
| void OnJobCompleted(Error error); |
| |
| // Calls r->OnJobCompleted() for each RequestCore |r| currently attached |
| // to this job, and then clears |requests_|. |
| void CompleteAndClearRequests(Error error); |
| |
| // Cancels a request with a specified error code and calls |
| // OnUrlRequestCompleted(). |
| void FailRequest(Error error); |
| |
| // The requests attached to this job. |
| std::vector<scoped_refptr<CertNetFetcherURLRequest::RequestCore>> requests_; |
| |
| // The input parameters for starting a URLRequest. |
| std::unique_ptr<CertNetFetcherURLRequest::RequestParams> request_params_; |
| |
| // The URLRequest response information. |
| std::vector<uint8_t> response_body_; |
| |
| std::unique_ptr<URLRequest> url_request_; |
| scoped_refptr<IOBuffer> read_buffer_; |
| |
| // Used to timeout the job when the URLRequest takes too long. This timer is |
| // also used for notifying a failure to start the URLRequest. |
| base::OneShotTimer timer_; |
| |
| // Non-owned pointer to the AsyncCertNetFetcherURLRequest that created this |
| // job. |
| raw_ptr<CertNetFetcherURLRequest::AsyncCertNetFetcherURLRequest> parent_; |
| }; |
| |
| } // namespace |
| |
| void CertNetFetcherURLRequest::RequestCore::CancelJob() { |
| if (!task_runner_->RunsTasksInCurrentSequence()) { |
| task_runner_->PostTask(FROM_HERE, |
| base::BindOnce(&RequestCore::CancelJob, this)); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| if (job_) { |
| auto* job = job_.get(); |
| job_ = nullptr; |
| job->DetachRequest(this); |
| } |
| |
| SignalImmediateError(); |
| } |
| |
| void CertNetFetcherURLRequest::RequestCore::SignalImmediateError() { |
| // These data members are normally only written on the network thread, but it |
| // is safe to write here from either thread. This is because |
| // SignalImmediateError is only to be called before this request is attached |
| // to a job. In particular, if called from the caller thread, no work will be |
| // done on the network thread for this request, so these variables will only |
| // be written and read on the caller thread. If called from the network |
| // thread, they will only be written to on the network thread and will not be |
| // read on the caller thread until |completion_event_| is signalled (after |
| // which it will be not be written on the network thread again). |
| DCHECK(!job_); |
| error_ = ERR_ABORTED; |
| bytes_.clear(); |
| completion_event_.Signal(); |
| } |
| |
| namespace { |
| |
| Job::Job( |
| std::unique_ptr<CertNetFetcherURLRequest::RequestParams> request_params, |
| CertNetFetcherURLRequest::AsyncCertNetFetcherURLRequest* parent) |
| : request_params_(std::move(request_params)), parent_(parent) {} |
| |
| Job::~Job() { |
| DCHECK(requests_.empty()); |
| Stop(); |
| } |
| |
| void Job::AttachRequest( |
| scoped_refptr<CertNetFetcherURLRequest::RequestCore> request) { |
| request->AttachedToJob(this); |
| requests_.push_back(std::move(request)); |
| } |
| |
| void Job::DetachRequest(CertNetFetcherURLRequest::RequestCore* request) { |
| std::unique_ptr<Job> delete_this; |
| |
| auto it = base::ranges::find(requests_, request); |
| DCHECK(it != requests_.end()); |
| requests_.erase(it); |
| |
| // If there are no longer any requests attached to the job then |
| // cancel and delete it. |
| if (requests_.empty()) |
| delete_this = parent_->RemoveJob(this); |
| } |
| |
| void Job::StartURLRequest(URLRequestContext* context) { |
| Error error = CanFetchUrl(request_params_->url); |
| if (error != OK) { |
| OnJobCompleted(error); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| // Start the URLRequest. |
| read_buffer_ = base::MakeRefCounted<IOBuffer>(kReadBufferSizeInBytes); |
| NetworkTrafficAnnotationTag traffic_annotation = |
| DefineNetworkTrafficAnnotation("certificate_verifier_url_request", |
| R"( |
| semantics { |
| sender: "Certificate Verifier" |
| description: |
| "When verifying certificates, the browser may need to fetch " |
| "additional URLs that are encoded in the server-provided " |
| "certificate chain. This may be part of revocation checking (" |
| "Online Certificate Status Protocol, Certificate Revocation List), " |
| "or path building (Authority Information Access fetches). Please " |
| "refer to the following for more on above protocols: " |
| "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6960, " |
| "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280#section-, and" |
| "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280#section-5.2.7." |
| "NOTE: this path is being deprecated. Please see the" |
| "certificate_verifier_url_loader annotation for the new path." |
| trigger: |
| "Verifying a certificate (likely in response to navigating to an " |
| "'https://' website)." |
| data: |
| "In the case of OCSP this may divulge the website being viewed. No " |
| "user data in other cases." |
| destination: OTHER |
| destination_other: |
| "The URL specified in the certificate." |
| } |
| policy { |
| cookies_allowed: NO |
| setting: "This feature cannot be disabled by settings." |
| policy_exception_justification: "Not implemented." |
| })"); |
| url_request_ = context->CreateRequest(request_params_->url, DEFAULT_PRIORITY, |
| this, traffic_annotation); |
| if (request_params_->http_method == HTTP_METHOD_POST) |
| url_request_->set_method("POST"); |
| url_request_->set_allow_credentials(false); |
| |
| // Disable secure DNS for hostname lookups triggered by certificate network |
| // fetches to prevent deadlock. |
| url_request_->SetSecureDnsPolicy(SecureDnsPolicy::kDisable); |
| |
| // Create IsolationInfo based on the origin of the requested URL. |
| // TODO(https://crbug.com/1016890): Cert validation needs to either be |
| // double-keyed or based on a static database, to protect it from being used |
| // as a cross-site user tracking vector. For now, just treat it as if it were |
| // a subresource request of the origin used for the request. This allows the |
| // result to still be cached in the HTTP cache, and lets URLRequest DCHECK |
| // that all requests have non-empty IsolationInfos. |
| url::Origin origin = url::Origin::Create(request_params_->url); |
| url_request_->set_isolation_info(IsolationInfo::Create( |
| IsolationInfo::RequestType::kOther, origin /* top_frame_origin */, |
| origin /* frame_origin */, SiteForCookies())); |
| |
| url_request_->Start(); |
| |
| // Start a timer to limit how long the job runs for. |
| if (request_params_->timeout.is_positive()) { |
| timer_.Start(FROM_HERE, request_params_->timeout, |
| base::BindOnce(&Job::FailRequest, base::Unretained(this), |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void Job::Cancel() { |
| // Stop the timer and clear the URLRequest. |
| Stop(); |
| // Signal attached requests that they've been completed. |
| CompleteAndClearRequests(static_cast<Error>(ERR_ABORTED)); |
| } |
| |
| void Job::OnReceivedRedirect(URLRequest* request, |
| const RedirectInfo& redirect_info, |
| bool* defer_redirect) { |
| DCHECK_EQ(url_request_.get(), request); |
| |
| // Ensure that the new URL matches the policy. |
| Error error = CanFetchUrl(redirect_info.new_url); |
| if (error != OK) { |
| FailRequest(error); |
| return; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void Job::OnResponseStarted(URLRequest* request, int net_error) { |
| DCHECK_EQ(url_request_.get(), request); |
| DCHECK_NE(ERR_IO_PENDING, net_error); |
| |
| if (net_error != OK) { |
| OnUrlRequestCompleted(net_error); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| if (request->GetResponseCode() != 200) { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| ReadBody(request); |
| } |
| |
| void Job::OnReadCompleted(URLRequest* request, int bytes_read) { |
| DCHECK_EQ(url_request_.get(), request); |
| DCHECK_NE(ERR_IO_PENDING, bytes_read); |
| |
| // Keep reading the response body. |
| if (ConsumeBytesRead(request, bytes_read)) |
| ReadBody(request); |
| } |
| |
| void Job::Stop() { |
| timer_.Stop(); |
| url_request_.reset(); |
| } |
| |
| void Job::ReadBody(URLRequest* request) { |
| // Read as many bytes as are available synchronously. |
| int num_bytes = 0; |
| while (num_bytes >= 0) { |
| num_bytes = request->Read(read_buffer_.get(), kReadBufferSizeInBytes); |
| if (num_bytes == ERR_IO_PENDING) |
| return; |
| if (!ConsumeBytesRead(request, num_bytes)) |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| OnUrlRequestCompleted(num_bytes); |
| } |
| |
| bool Job::ConsumeBytesRead(URLRequest* request, int num_bytes) { |
| DCHECK_NE(ERR_IO_PENDING, num_bytes); |
| if (num_bytes <= 0) { |
| // Error while reading, or EOF. |
| OnUrlRequestCompleted(num_bytes); |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| // Enforce maximum size bound. |
| if (num_bytes + response_body_.size() > request_params_->max_response_bytes) { |
| FailRequest(ERR_FILE_TOO_BIG); |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| // Append the data to |response_body_|. |
| response_body_.reserve(num_bytes); |
| response_body_.insert(response_body_.end(), read_buffer_->data(), |
| read_buffer_->data() + num_bytes); |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| void Job::OnUrlRequestCompleted(int net_error) { |
| DCHECK_NE(ERR_IO_PENDING, net_error); |
| Error result = static_cast<Error>(net_error); |
| OnJobCompleted(result); |
| } |
| |
| void Job::OnJobCompleted(Error error) { |
| // Stop the timer and clear the URLRequest. |
| Stop(); |
| |
| std::unique_ptr<Job> delete_this = parent_->RemoveJob(this); |
| CompleteAndClearRequests(error); |
| } |
| |
| void Job::CompleteAndClearRequests(Error error) { |
| for (const auto& request : requests_) { |
| request->OnJobCompleted(this, error, response_body_); |
| } |
| |
| requests_.clear(); |
| } |
| |
| void Job::FailRequest(Error error) { |
| int result = url_request_->CancelWithError(error); |
| OnUrlRequestCompleted(result); |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace |
| |
| CertNetFetcherURLRequest::AsyncCertNetFetcherURLRequest:: |
| AsyncCertNetFetcherURLRequest(URLRequestContext* context) |
| : context_(context) { |
| // Allow creation to happen from another thread. |
| DETACH_FROM_THREAD(thread_checker_); |
| } |
| |
| CertNetFetcherURLRequest::AsyncCertNetFetcherURLRequest:: |
| ~AsyncCertNetFetcherURLRequest() { |
| DCHECK_CALLED_ON_VALID_THREAD(thread_checker_); |
| jobs_.clear(); |
| } |
| |
| bool JobComparator::operator()(const Job* job1, const Job* job2) const { |
| return job1->request_params() < job2->request_params(); |
| } |
| |
| void CertNetFetcherURLRequest::AsyncCertNetFetcherURLRequest::Fetch( |
| std::unique_ptr<RequestParams> request_params, |
| scoped_refptr<RequestCore> request) { |
| DCHECK_CALLED_ON_VALID_THREAD(thread_checker_); |
| |
| // If there is an in-progress job that matches the request parameters use it. |
| // Otherwise start a new job. |
| Job* job = FindJob(*request_params); |
| if (job) { |
| job->AttachRequest(std::move(request)); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| auto new_job = std::make_unique<Job>(std::move(request_params), this); |
| job = new_job.get(); |
| jobs_[job] = std::move(new_job); |
| // Attach the request before calling StartURLRequest; this ensures that the |
| // request will get signalled if StartURLRequest completes the job |
| // synchronously. |
| job->AttachRequest(std::move(request)); |
| job->StartURLRequest(context_); |
| } |
| |
| void CertNetFetcherURLRequest::AsyncCertNetFetcherURLRequest::Shutdown() { |
| DCHECK_CALLED_ON_VALID_THREAD(thread_checker_); |
| for (const auto& job : jobs_) { |
| job.first->Cancel(); |
| } |
| jobs_.clear(); |
| } |
| |
| namespace { |
| |
| struct JobToRequestParamsComparator { |
| bool operator()(const JobSet::value_type& job, |
| const CertNetFetcherURLRequest::RequestParams& value) const { |
| return job.first->request_params() < value; |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| } // namespace |
| |
| Job* CertNetFetcherURLRequest::AsyncCertNetFetcherURLRequest::FindJob( |
| const RequestParams& params) { |
| DCHECK_CALLED_ON_VALID_THREAD(thread_checker_); |
| |
| // The JobSet is kept in sorted order so items can be found using binary |
| // search. |
| auto it = std::lower_bound(jobs_.begin(), jobs_.end(), params, |
| JobToRequestParamsComparator()); |
| if (it != jobs_.end() && !(params < (*it).first->request_params())) |
| return (*it).first; |
| return nullptr; |
| } |
| |
| std::unique_ptr<Job> |
| CertNetFetcherURLRequest::AsyncCertNetFetcherURLRequest::RemoveJob(Job* job) { |
| DCHECK_CALLED_ON_VALID_THREAD(thread_checker_); |
| auto it = jobs_.find(job); |
| CHECK(it != jobs_.end()); |
| std::unique_ptr<Job> owned_job = std::move(it->second); |
| jobs_.erase(it); |
| return owned_job; |
| } |
| |
| namespace { |
| |
| class CertNetFetcherRequestImpl : public CertNetFetcher::Request { |
| public: |
| explicit CertNetFetcherRequestImpl( |
| scoped_refptr<CertNetFetcherURLRequest::RequestCore> core) |
| : core_(std::move(core)) { |
| DCHECK(core_); |
| } |
| |
| void WaitForResult(Error* error, std::vector<uint8_t>* bytes) override { |
| // Should only be called a single time. |
| DCHECK(core_); |
| core_->WaitForResult(error, bytes); |
| core_ = nullptr; |
| } |
| |
| ~CertNetFetcherRequestImpl() override { |
| if (core_) |
| core_->CancelJob(); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| scoped_refptr<CertNetFetcherURLRequest::RequestCore> core_; |
| }; |
| |
| } // namespace |
| |
| CertNetFetcherURLRequest::CertNetFetcherURLRequest() |
| : task_runner_(base::SingleThreadTaskRunner::GetCurrentDefault()) {} |
| |
| CertNetFetcherURLRequest::~CertNetFetcherURLRequest() { |
| // The fetcher must be shutdown (at which point |context_| will be set to |
| // null) before destruction. |
| DCHECK(!context_); |
| } |
| |
| void CertNetFetcherURLRequest::SetURLRequestContext( |
| URLRequestContext* context) { |
| DCHECK(task_runner_->RunsTasksInCurrentSequence()); |
| context_ = context; |
| } |
| |
| // static |
| base::TimeDelta CertNetFetcherURLRequest::GetDefaultTimeoutForTesting() { |
| return GetTimeout(CertNetFetcher::DEFAULT); |
| } |
| |
| void CertNetFetcherURLRequest::Shutdown() { |
| DCHECK(task_runner_->RunsTasksInCurrentSequence()); |
| if (impl_) { |
| impl_->Shutdown(); |
| impl_.reset(); |
| } |
| context_ = nullptr; |
| } |
| |
| std::unique_ptr<CertNetFetcher::Request> |
| CertNetFetcherURLRequest::FetchCaIssuers(const GURL& url, |
| int timeout_milliseconds, |
| int max_response_bytes) { |
| auto request_params = std::make_unique<RequestParams>(); |
| |
| request_params->url = url; |
| request_params->http_method = HTTP_METHOD_GET; |
| request_params->timeout = GetTimeout(timeout_milliseconds); |
| request_params->max_response_bytes = |
| GetMaxResponseBytes(max_response_bytes, kMaxResponseSizeInBytesForAia); |
| |
| return DoFetch(std::move(request_params)); |
| } |
| |
| std::unique_ptr<CertNetFetcher::Request> CertNetFetcherURLRequest::FetchCrl( |
| const GURL& url, |
| int timeout_milliseconds, |
| int max_response_bytes) { |
| auto request_params = std::make_unique<RequestParams>(); |
| |
| request_params->url = url; |
| request_params->http_method = HTTP_METHOD_GET; |
| request_params->timeout = GetTimeout(timeout_milliseconds); |
| request_params->max_response_bytes = |
| GetMaxResponseBytes(max_response_bytes, kMaxResponseSizeInBytesForCrl); |
| |
| return DoFetch(std::move(request_params)); |
| } |
| |
| std::unique_ptr<CertNetFetcher::Request> CertNetFetcherURLRequest::FetchOcsp( |
| const GURL& url, |
| int timeout_milliseconds, |
| int max_response_bytes) { |
| auto request_params = std::make_unique<RequestParams>(); |
| |
| request_params->url = url; |
| request_params->http_method = HTTP_METHOD_GET; |
| request_params->timeout = GetTimeout(timeout_milliseconds); |
| request_params->max_response_bytes = |
| GetMaxResponseBytes(max_response_bytes, kMaxResponseSizeInBytesForAia); |
| |
| return DoFetch(std::move(request_params)); |
| } |
| |
| void CertNetFetcherURLRequest::DoFetchOnNetworkSequence( |
| std::unique_ptr<RequestParams> request_params, |
| scoped_refptr<RequestCore> request) { |
| DCHECK(task_runner_->RunsTasksInCurrentSequence()); |
| |
| if (!context_) { |
| // The fetcher might have been shutdown between when this task was posted |
| // and when it is running. In this case, signal the request and do not |
| // start a network request. |
| request->SignalImmediateError(); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| if (!impl_) { |
| impl_ = std::make_unique<AsyncCertNetFetcherURLRequest>(context_); |
| } |
| |
| impl_->Fetch(std::move(request_params), request); |
| } |
| |
| std::unique_ptr<CertNetFetcherURLRequest::Request> |
| CertNetFetcherURLRequest::DoFetch( |
| std::unique_ptr<RequestParams> request_params) { |
| auto request_core = base::MakeRefCounted<RequestCore>(task_runner_); |
| |
| // If the fetcher has already been shutdown, DoFetchOnNetworkSequence will |
| // signal the request with an error. However, if the fetcher shuts down |
| // before DoFetchOnNetworkSequence runs and PostTask still returns true, |
| // then the request will hang (that is, WaitForResult will not return). |
| if (!task_runner_->PostTask( |
| base::BindOnce(&CertNetFetcherURLRequest::DoFetchOnNetworkSequence, |
| this, std::move(request_params), request_core))) { |
| request_core->SignalImmediateError(); |
| } |
| |
| return std::make_unique<CertNetFetcherRequestImpl>(std::move(request_core)); |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace net |