blob: 51cb3422e866457147ce020c4e5c86799bed20b7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "net/first_party_sets/global_first_party_sets.h"
#include <set>
#include <tuple>
#include "base/containers/contains.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_set.h"
#include "base/functional/function_ref.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_macros.h"
#include "base/ranges/algorithm.h"
#include "base/timer/elapsed_timer.h"
#include "base/types/optional_util.h"
#include "net/base/schemeful_site.h"
#include "net/first_party_sets/addition_overlaps_union_find.h"
#include "net/first_party_sets/first_party_set_entry.h"
#include "net/first_party_sets/first_party_set_entry_override.h"
#include "net/first_party_sets/first_party_set_metadata.h"
#include "net/first_party_sets/first_party_sets_context_config.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
namespace net {
namespace {
using FlattenedSets = base::flat_map<SchemefulSite, FirstPartySetEntry>;
using SingleSet = base::flat_map<SchemefulSite, FirstPartySetEntry>;
// Converts WS to HTTP, and WSS to HTTPS.
SchemefulSite NormalizeScheme(const SchemefulSite& site) {
SchemefulSite normalized_site = site;
return normalized_site;
// Converts a list of First-Party Sets from a SingleSet to a FlattenedSet
// representation.
FlattenedSets SetListToFlattenedSets(const std::vector<SingleSet>& set_list) {
FlattenedSets sets;
for (const auto& set : set_list) {
for (const auto& site_and_entry : set) {
bool inserted = sets.emplace(site_and_entry).second;
return sets;
// Adds all sets in a list of First-Party Sets into `site_to_entry` which maps
// from a site to its entry.
void UpdateCustomizations(
const std::vector<SingleSet>& set_list,
std::vector<std::pair<SchemefulSite, FirstPartySetEntryOverride>>&
site_to_entry) {
for (const auto& set : set_list) {
for (const auto& site_and_entry : set) {
const SchemefulSite& ProjectKey(
const std::pair<SchemefulSite, FirstPartySetEntryOverride>& p) {
return p.first;
SamePartyContext::Type ContextTypeFromBool(bool is_same_party) {
return is_same_party ? SamePartyContext::Type::kSameParty
: SamePartyContext::Type::kCrossParty;
} // namespace
GlobalFirstPartySets::GlobalFirstPartySets() = default;
base::Version public_sets_version,
base::flat_map<SchemefulSite, FirstPartySetEntry> entries,
base::flat_map<SchemefulSite, SchemefulSite> aliases)
: GlobalFirstPartySets(
? std::move(entries)
: base::flat_map<SchemefulSite, FirstPartySetEntry>(),
? std::move(aliases)
: base::flat_map<SchemefulSite, SchemefulSite>(),
FirstPartySetsContextConfig()) {}
base::Version public_sets_version,
base::flat_map<SchemefulSite, FirstPartySetEntry> entries,
base::flat_map<SchemefulSite, SchemefulSite> aliases,
FirstPartySetsContextConfig manual_config)
: public_sets_version_(std::move(public_sets_version)),
manual_config_(std::move(manual_config)) {
if (public_sets_version_.IsValid()) {
DCHECK(base::ranges::all_of(aliases_, [&](const auto& pair) {
return entries_.contains(pair.second);
} else {
GlobalFirstPartySets::GlobalFirstPartySets(GlobalFirstPartySets&&) = default;
GlobalFirstPartySets& GlobalFirstPartySets::operator=(GlobalFirstPartySets&&) =
GlobalFirstPartySets::~GlobalFirstPartySets() = default;
bool GlobalFirstPartySets::operator==(const GlobalFirstPartySets& other) const {
return std::tie(public_sets_version_, entries_, aliases_, manual_config_) ==
std::tie(other.public_sets_version_, other.entries_, other.aliases_,
bool GlobalFirstPartySets::operator!=(const GlobalFirstPartySets& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
GlobalFirstPartySets GlobalFirstPartySets::Clone() const {
return GlobalFirstPartySets(public_sets_version_, entries_, aliases_,
absl::optional<FirstPartySetEntry> GlobalFirstPartySets::FindEntry(
const SchemefulSite& site,
const FirstPartySetsContextConfig& config) const {
return FindEntry(site, &config);
absl::optional<FirstPartySetEntry> GlobalFirstPartySets::FindEntry(
const SchemefulSite& site,
const FirstPartySetsContextConfig* config) const {
const SchemefulSite normalized_site = NormalizeScheme(site);
// Check if `normalized_site` can be found in the customizations first.
if (config) {
if (const auto override = config->FindOverride(normalized_site);
override.has_value()) {
return override->IsDeletion() ? absl::nullopt
: absl::make_optional(override->GetEntry());
// Now see if it's in the manual config (with or without a manual alias).
if (const auto manual_override = manual_config_.FindOverride(normalized_site);
manual_override.has_value()) {
return manual_override->IsDeletion()
? absl::nullopt
: absl::make_optional(manual_override->GetEntry());
// Finally, look up in `entries_`, applying an alias if applicable.
const auto canonical_it = aliases_.find(normalized_site);
const SchemefulSite& canonical_site =
canonical_it == aliases_.end() ? normalized_site : canonical_it->second;
if (const auto entry_it = entries_.find(canonical_site);
entry_it != entries_.end()) {
return entry_it->second;
return absl::nullopt;
base::flat_map<SchemefulSite, FirstPartySetEntry>
const base::flat_set<SchemefulSite>& sites,
const FirstPartySetsContextConfig& config) const {
std::vector<std::pair<SchemefulSite, FirstPartySetEntry>> sites_to_entries;
for (const SchemefulSite& site : sites) {
const absl::optional<FirstPartySetEntry> entry = FindEntry(site, config);
if (entry.has_value()) {
sites_to_entries.emplace_back(site, entry.value());
return sites_to_entries;
FirstPartySetMetadata GlobalFirstPartySets::ComputeMetadata(
const SchemefulSite& site,
const SchemefulSite* top_frame_site,
const std::set<SchemefulSite>& party_context,
const FirstPartySetsContextConfig& fps_context_config) const {
const base::ElapsedTimer timer;
SamePartyContext::Type context_type =
site, top_frame_site, party_context, fps_context_config));
SamePartyContext context(context_type);
"Cookie.FirstPartySets.ComputeContext.Latency", timer.Elapsed(),
base::Microseconds(1), base::Milliseconds(100), 50);
absl::optional<FirstPartySetEntry> top_frame_entry =
top_frame_site ? FindEntry(*top_frame_site, fps_context_config)
: absl::nullopt;
return FirstPartySetMetadata(
context, base::OptionalToPtr(FindEntry(site, fps_context_config)),
bool GlobalFirstPartySets::IsContextSamePartyWithSite(
const SchemefulSite& site,
const SchemefulSite* top_frame_site,
const std::set<SchemefulSite>& party_context,
const FirstPartySetsContextConfig& fps_context_config) const {
const absl::optional<FirstPartySetEntry> site_entry =
FindEntry(site, fps_context_config);
if (!site_entry.has_value())
return false;
const auto is_in_same_set_as_frame_site =
[this, &site_entry,
&fps_context_config](const SchemefulSite& context_site) -> bool {
const absl::optional<FirstPartySetEntry> context_entry =
FindEntry(context_site, fps_context_config);
return context_entry.has_value() &&
context_entry->primary() == site_entry->primary();
if (top_frame_site && !is_in_same_set_as_frame_site(*top_frame_site))
return false;
return base::ranges::all_of(party_context, is_in_same_set_as_frame_site);
void GlobalFirstPartySets::ApplyManuallySpecifiedSet(
const base::flat_map<SchemefulSite, FirstPartySetEntry>& manual_entries) {
// We handle the manually-specified set the same way as we handle
// replacement enterprise policy sets.
manual_config_ = ComputeConfig(
/*replacement_sets=*/{manual_entries}, /*addition_sets=*/{});
void GlobalFirstPartySets::UnsafeSetManualConfig(
FirstPartySetsContextConfig manual_config) {
manual_config_ = std::move(manual_config);
FirstPartySetsContextConfig GlobalFirstPartySets::ComputeConfig(
const std::vector<SingleSet>& replacement_sets,
const std::vector<SingleSet>& addition_sets) const {
if (base::ranges::all_of(replacement_sets,
[](const SingleSet& set) { return set.empty(); }) &&
[](const SingleSet& set) { return set.empty(); })) {
// Nothing to do.
return FirstPartySetsContextConfig();
// Maps a site to its override.
std::vector<std::pair<SchemefulSite, FirstPartySetEntryOverride>>
std::vector<base::flat_map<SchemefulSite, FirstPartySetEntry>>
normalized_additions = NormalizeAdditionSets(addition_sets);
// Create flattened versions of the sets for easier lookup.
FlattenedSets flattened_replacements =
FlattenedSets flattened_additions =
// All of the custom sets are automatically inserted into site_to_entry.
UpdateCustomizations(replacement_sets, site_to_entry);
UpdateCustomizations(normalized_additions, site_to_entry);
// Maps old primary site to new entry.
base::flat_map<SchemefulSite, FirstPartySetEntry>
for (const auto& [new_member, new_entry] : flattened_additions) {
if (const auto entry = FindEntry(new_member, /*config=*/nullptr);
entry.has_value()) {
// Found an overlap with the existing list of sets.
addition_intersected_primaries.emplace(entry->primary(), new_entry);
// Maps an existing primary site to the members it lost due to replacement.
base::flat_map<SchemefulSite, base::flat_set<SchemefulSite>>
for (const auto& [member, set_entry] : flattened_replacements) {
if (member == set_entry.primary())
if (const auto existing_entry = FindEntry(member, /*config=*/nullptr);
existing_entry.has_value() && existing_entry->primary() != member &&
!addition_intersected_primaries.contains(existing_entry->primary()) &&
!flattened_additions.contains(existing_entry->primary()) &&
!flattened_replacements.contains(existing_entry->primary())) {
// Find the existing primary sites that have left their existing sets, and
// whose existing members should be removed from their set (excluding any
// custom sets that those members are involved in).
base::flat_set<SchemefulSite> replaced_existing_primaries;
for (const auto& [site, unused_primary] : flattened_replacements) {
if (const auto entry = FindEntry(site, /*config=*/nullptr);
entry.has_value() && entry->primary() == site) {
// Site was an primary in the existing sets.
bool inserted = replaced_existing_primaries.emplace(site).second;
if (!addition_intersected_primaries.empty() ||
!potential_singletons.empty() || !replaced_existing_primaries.empty()) {
// Find out which potential singletons are actually singletons; delete
// members whose primaries left; and reparent the sets that intersected with
// an addition set.
// Note: use a null config here, to avoid taking unrelated policy sets into
// account.
[&](const SchemefulSite& member, const FirstPartySetEntry& set_entry) {
// Reparent all sites in any intersecting addition sets.
if (const auto entry =
entry != addition_intersected_primaries.end() &&
!flattened_replacements.contains(member)) {
member, FirstPartySetEntry(entry->second.primary(),
member == entry->second.primary()
? SiteType::kPrimary
: SiteType::kAssociated,
if (member == set_entry.primary())
return true;
// Remove non-singletons from the potential list.
if (const auto entry = potential_singletons.find(set_entry.primary());
entry != potential_singletons.end() &&
!entry->second.contains(member)) {
// This primary lost members, but it still has at least one
// (`member`), so it's not a singleton.
// Remove members from sets whose primary left.
if (replaced_existing_primaries.contains(set_entry.primary()) &&
!flattened_replacements.contains(member) &&
!addition_intersected_primaries.contains(set_entry.primary())) {
site_to_entry.emplace_back(member, FirstPartySetEntryOverride());
return true;
// Any primary remaining in `potential_singleton` is a real singleton, so
// delete it:
for (const auto& [primary, members] : potential_singletons) {
site_to_entry.emplace_back(primary, FirstPartySetEntryOverride());
// For every public alias that would now refer to a site in the overlay, which
// is not already contained in the overlay, we explicitly ignore that alias.
for (const auto& [alias, site] : aliases_) {
if (base::Contains(site_to_entry, site, ProjectKey) &&
!base::Contains(site_to_entry, alias, ProjectKey)) {
site_to_entry.emplace_back(alias, FirstPartySetEntryOverride());
return FirstPartySetsContextConfig(std::move(site_to_entry));
std::vector<base::flat_map<SchemefulSite, FirstPartySetEntry>>
const std::vector<base::flat_map<SchemefulSite, FirstPartySetEntry>>&
addition_sets) const {
if (base::ranges::all_of(addition_sets,
[](const SingleSet& set) { return set.empty(); })) {
// Nothing to do.
return {};
// Find all the addition sets that intersect with any given public set.
base::flat_map<SchemefulSite, base::flat_set<size_t>> addition_set_overlaps;
for (size_t set_idx = 0; set_idx < addition_sets.size(); set_idx++) {
for (const auto& site_and_entry : addition_sets[set_idx]) {
if (const auto entry =
FindEntry(site_and_entry.first, /*config=*/nullptr);
entry.has_value()) {
// Union together all transitively-overlapping addition sets.
AdditionOverlapsUnionFind union_finder(addition_sets.size());
for (const auto& [public_site, addition_set_indices] :
addition_set_overlaps) {
for (size_t representative : addition_set_indices) {
union_finder.Union(*addition_set_indices.begin(), representative);
// Now build the new addition sets, with all transitive overlaps eliminated.
std::vector<SingleSet> normalized_additions;
for (const auto& [rep, children] : union_finder.SetsMapping()) {
SingleSet normalized = addition_sets[rep];
const SchemefulSite& rep_primary =
for (size_t child_set_idx : children) {
for (const auto& child_site_and_entry : addition_sets[child_set_idx]) {
bool inserted =
FirstPartySetEntry(rep_primary, SiteType::kAssociated,
return normalized_additions;
bool GlobalFirstPartySets::ForEachPublicSetEntry(
base::FunctionRef<bool(const SchemefulSite&, const FirstPartySetEntry&)> f)
const {
for (const auto& [site, entry] : entries_) {
if (!f(site, entry))
return false;
for (const auto& [alias, canonical] : aliases_) {
auto it = entries_.find(canonical);
CHECK(it != entries_.end());
if (!f(alias, it->second))
return false;
return true;
bool GlobalFirstPartySets::ForEachManualConfigEntry(
base::FunctionRef<bool(const SchemefulSite&,
const FirstPartySetEntryOverride&)> f) const {
return manual_config_.ForEachCustomizationEntry(f);
bool GlobalFirstPartySets::ForEachEffectiveSetEntry(
const FirstPartySetsContextConfig& config,
base::FunctionRef<bool(const SchemefulSite&, const FirstPartySetEntry&)> f)
const {
return ForEachEffectiveSetEntry(&config, f);
bool GlobalFirstPartySets::ForEachEffectiveSetEntry(
const FirstPartySetsContextConfig* config,
base::FunctionRef<bool(const SchemefulSite&, const FirstPartySetEntry&)> f)
const {
// Policy sets have highest precedence:
if (config != nullptr) {
if (!config->ForEachCustomizationEntry(
[&](const SchemefulSite& site,
const FirstPartySetEntryOverride& override) {
if (!override.IsDeletion())
return f(site, override.GetEntry());
return true;
})) {
return false;
// Then the manual set:
if (!manual_config_.ForEachCustomizationEntry(
[&](const SchemefulSite& site,
const FirstPartySetEntryOverride& override) {
if (!override.IsDeletion() && (!config || !config->Contains(site)))
return f(site, override.GetEntry());
return true;
})) {
return false;
// Finally, the public sets.
return ForEachPublicSetEntry([&](const SchemefulSite& site,
const FirstPartySetEntry& entry) {
if ((!config || !config->Contains(site)) && !manual_config_.Contains(site))
return f(site, entry);
return true;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const GlobalFirstPartySets& sets) {
os << "{entries = {";
for (const auto& [site, entry] : sets.entries_) {
os << "{" << site.Serialize() << ": " << entry << "}, ";
os << "}, aliases = {";
for (const auto& [alias, canonical] : sets.aliases_) {
os << "{" << alias.Serialize() << ": " << canonical.Serialize() << "}, ";
os << "}, manual_config = {";
[&](const net::SchemefulSite& site,
const FirstPartySetEntryOverride& override) {
os << "{" << site.Serialize() << ": " << override << "},";
return true;
os << "}}";
return os;
} // namespace net