blob: 8e6ade134fe0e200b1735a54274efb4257b3d984 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "build/buildflag.h"
#include "crypto/ec_private_key.h"
#include "net/base/completion_once_callback.h"
#include "net/base/completion_repeating_callback.h"
#include "net/base/net_error_details.h"
#include "net/base/net_export.h"
#include "net/base/network_anonymization_key.h"
#include "net/base/request_priority.h"
#include "net/http/http_auth.h"
#include "net/http/http_request_headers.h"
#include "net/http/http_response_info.h"
#include "net/http/http_stream_factory.h"
#include "net/http/http_stream_request.h"
#include "net/http/http_transaction.h"
#include "net/log/net_log_with_source.h"
#include "net/net_buildflags.h"
#include "net/proxy_resolution/proxy_resolution_service.h"
#include "net/socket/connection_attempts.h"
#include "net/ssl/ssl_config_service.h"
#include "net/websockets/websocket_handshake_stream_base.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
namespace net {
class BidirectionalStreamImpl;
class HttpAuthController;
class HttpNetworkSession;
class HttpStream;
class IOBuffer;
class ProxyInfo;
class SSLPrivateKey;
struct HttpRequestInfo;
class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE HttpNetworkTransaction
: public HttpTransaction,
public HttpStreamRequest::Delegate {
HttpNetworkTransaction(RequestPriority priority,
HttpNetworkSession* session);
HttpNetworkTransaction(const HttpNetworkTransaction&) = delete;
HttpNetworkTransaction& operator=(const HttpNetworkTransaction&) = delete;
~HttpNetworkTransaction() override;
// HttpTransaction methods:
int Start(const HttpRequestInfo* request_info,
CompletionOnceCallback callback,
const NetLogWithSource& net_log) override;
int RestartIgnoringLastError(CompletionOnceCallback callback) override;
int RestartWithCertificate(scoped_refptr<X509Certificate> client_cert,
scoped_refptr<SSLPrivateKey> client_private_key,
CompletionOnceCallback callback) override;
int RestartWithAuth(const AuthCredentials& credentials,
CompletionOnceCallback callback) override;
bool IsReadyToRestartForAuth() override;
int Read(IOBuffer* buf,
int buf_len,
CompletionOnceCallback callback) override;
void StopCaching() override;
int64_t GetTotalReceivedBytes() const override;
int64_t GetTotalSentBytes() const override;
void DoneReading() override;
const HttpResponseInfo* GetResponseInfo() const override;
LoadState GetLoadState() const override;
void SetQuicServerInfo(QuicServerInfo* quic_server_info) override;
bool GetLoadTimingInfo(LoadTimingInfo* load_timing_info) const override;
bool GetRemoteEndpoint(IPEndPoint* endpoint) const override;
void PopulateNetErrorDetails(NetErrorDetails* details) const override;
void SetPriority(RequestPriority priority) override;
void SetWebSocketHandshakeStreamCreateHelper(
WebSocketHandshakeStreamBase::CreateHelper* create_helper) override;
void SetBeforeNetworkStartCallback(
BeforeNetworkStartCallback callback) override;
void SetConnectedCallback(const ConnectedCallback& callback) override;
void SetRequestHeadersCallback(RequestHeadersCallback callback) override;
void SetEarlyResponseHeadersCallback(
ResponseHeadersCallback callback) override;
void SetResponseHeadersCallback(ResponseHeadersCallback callback) override;
int ResumeNetworkStart() override;
void CloseConnectionOnDestruction() override;
// HttpStreamRequest::Delegate methods:
void OnStreamReady(const SSLConfig& used_ssl_config,
const ProxyInfo& used_proxy_info,
std::unique_ptr<HttpStream> stream) override;
void OnBidirectionalStreamImplReady(
const SSLConfig& used_ssl_config,
const ProxyInfo& used_proxy_info,
std::unique_ptr<BidirectionalStreamImpl> stream) override;
void OnWebSocketHandshakeStreamReady(
const SSLConfig& used_ssl_config,
const ProxyInfo& used_proxy_info,
std::unique_ptr<WebSocketHandshakeStreamBase> stream) override;
void OnStreamFailed(int status,
const NetErrorDetails& net_error_details,
const SSLConfig& used_ssl_config,
const ProxyInfo& used_proxy_info,
ResolveErrorInfo resolve_error_info) override;
void OnCertificateError(int status,
const SSLConfig& used_ssl_config,
const SSLInfo& ssl_info) override;
void OnNeedsProxyAuth(const HttpResponseInfo& response_info,
const SSLConfig& used_ssl_config,
const ProxyInfo& used_proxy_info,
HttpAuthController* auth_controller) override;
void OnNeedsClientAuth(const SSLConfig& used_ssl_config,
SSLCertRequestInfo* cert_info) override;
void OnQuicBroken() override;
ConnectionAttempts GetConnectionAttempts() const override;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(HttpNetworkTransactionTest, ResetStateForRestart);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SpdyNetworkTransactionTest, WindowUpdateReceived);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SpdyNetworkTransactionTest, WindowUpdateSent);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SpdyNetworkTransactionTest, WindowUpdateOverflow);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SpdyNetworkTransactionTest, FlowControlStallResume);
enum State {
bool IsSecureRequest() const;
// Returns true if the request is using an HTTP(S) proxy without being
// tunneled via the CONNECT method.
bool UsingHttpProxyWithoutTunnel() const;
void DoCallback(int result);
void OnIOComplete(int result);
// Runs the state transition loop.
int DoLoop(int result);
// Each of these methods corresponds to a State value. Those with an input
// argument receive the result from the previous state. If a method returns
// ERR_IO_PENDING, then the result from OnIOComplete will be passed to the
// next state method as the result arg.
int DoNotifyBeforeCreateStream();
int DoCreateStream();
int DoCreateStreamComplete(int result);
int DoInitStream();
int DoInitStreamComplete(int result);
int DoConnectedCallback();
int DoConnectedCallbackComplete(int result);
int DoGenerateProxyAuthToken();
int DoGenerateProxyAuthTokenComplete(int result);
int DoGenerateServerAuthToken();
int DoGenerateServerAuthTokenComplete(int result);
int DoInitRequestBody();
int DoInitRequestBodyComplete(int result);
int DoBuildRequest();
int DoBuildRequestComplete(int result);
int DoSendRequest();
int DoSendRequestComplete(int result);
int DoReadHeaders();
int DoReadHeadersComplete(int result);
int DoReadBody();
int DoReadBodyComplete(int result);
int DoDrainBodyForAuthRestart();
int DoDrainBodyForAuthRestartComplete(int result);
int BuildRequestHeaders(bool using_http_proxy_without_tunnel);
// Processes the Report-To header, if one exists. This header configures where
// the Reporting API (in //net/reporting) will send reports for the origin.
void ProcessReportToHeader();
// Processes the NEL header, if one exists. This header configures whether
// network errors will be reported to a specified group of endpoints using the
// Reporting API.
void ProcessNetworkErrorLoggingHeader();
// Calls GenerateNetworkErrorLoggingReport() if |rv| represents a NET_ERROR
// other than ERR_IO_PENDING.
void GenerateNetworkErrorLoggingReportIfError(int rv);
// Generates a NEL report about this request. The NetworkErrorLoggingService
// will discard the report if there is no NEL policy registered for this
// origin.
void GenerateNetworkErrorLoggingReport(int rv);
// Writes a log message to help debugging in the field when we block a proxy
// response to a CONNECT request.
void LogBlockedTunnelResponse(int response_code) const;
// Called wherever ERR_HTTP_1_1_REQUIRED or
// ERR_PROXY_HTTP_1_1_REQUIRED has to be handled.
int HandleHttp11Required(int error);
// Called to possibly handle a client authentication error. Sets next_state_
// and returns OK if recovering from the error. Otherwise, the same error
// code is returned.
int HandleSSLClientAuthError(int error);
// Called to possibly recover from the given error. Sets next_state_ and
// returns OK if recovering from the error. Otherwise, the same error code
// is returned.
int HandleIOError(int error);
// Gets the response headers from the HttpStream.
HttpResponseHeaders* GetResponseHeaders() const;
// Called when the socket is unexpectedly closed. Returns true if the request
// should be resent in case of a socket reuse/close race.
bool ShouldResendRequest() const;
// Returns true if there have already been |kMaxRetryAttempts| retries for
// HTTP2 or QUIC network errors, and no further retries should be attempted.
bool HasExceededMaxRetries() const;
// Increments the number of restarts and returns true if the restart may
// proceed.
bool CheckMaxRestarts();
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
enum class RetryReason {
kHttpRequestTimeout = 0,
kHttpMisdirectedRequest = 1,
kHttp11Required = 2,
kSslClientAuthSignatureFailed = 3,
kConnectionReset = 4,
kConnectionClosed = 5,
kConnectionAborted = 6,
kSocketNotConnected = 7,
kEmptyResponse = 8,
kEarlyDataRejected = 9,
kWrongVersionOnEarlyData = 10,
kHttp2PingFailed = 11,
kHttp2ServerRefusedStream = 12,
kHttp2PushedStreamNotAvailable = 13,
kHttp2ClaimedPushedStreamResetByServer = 14,
kHttp2PushedResponseDoesNotMatch = 15,
kQuicHandshakeFailed = 16,
kQuicGoawayRequestCanBeRetried = 17,
kQuicProtocolError = 18,
kMaxValue = kQuicProtocolError,
static absl::optional<RetryReason> GetRetryReasonForIOError(int error);
// Resets the connection and the request headers for resend. Called when
// ShouldResendRequest() is true.
void ResetConnectionAndRequestForResend(RetryReason retry_reason);
// Sets up the state machine to restart the transaction with auth.
void PrepareForAuthRestart(HttpAuth::Target target);
// Called when we don't need to drain the response body or have drained it.
// Resets |connection_| unless |keep_alive| is true, then calls
// ResetStateForRestart. Sets |next_state_| appropriately.
void DidDrainBodyForAuthRestart(bool keep_alive);
// Resets the members of the transaction so it can be restarted.
void ResetStateForRestart();
// Resets the members of the transaction, except |stream_|, which needs
// to be maintained for multi-round auth.
void ResetStateForAuthRestart();
// Caches network error details from the stream if available
// and resets the stream.
void CacheNetErrorDetailsAndResetStream();
// Returns true if we should try to add a Proxy-Authorization header
bool ShouldApplyProxyAuth() const;
// Returns true if we should try to add an Authorization header.
bool ShouldApplyServerAuth() const;
// Handles HTTP status code 401 or 407.
// HandleAuthChallenge() returns a network error code, or OK on success.
// May update |pending_auth_target_| or |response_.auth_challenge|.
int HandleAuthChallenge();
// Returns true if we have auth credentials for the given target.
bool HaveAuth(HttpAuth::Target target) const;
// Get the {scheme, host, path, port} for the authentication target
GURL AuthURL(HttpAuth::Target target) const;
// Returns true if this transaction is for a WebSocket handshake
bool ForWebSocketHandshake() const;
void CopyConnectionAttemptsFromStreamRequest();
// Returns true if response "Content-Encoding" headers respect
// "Accept-Encoding".
bool ContentEncodingsValid() const;
void ResumeAfterConnected(int result);
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
enum class QuicProtocolErrorRetryStatus {
kNoRetryExceededMaxRetries = 0,
kNoRetryHeaderReceived = 1,
kNoRetryNoAlternativeService = 2,
kRetryAltServiceBroken = 3,
kRetryAltServiceNotBroken = 4,
kMaxValue = kRetryAltServiceNotBroken,
void RecordQuicProtocolErrorMetrics(
QuicProtocolErrorRetryStatus retry_status);
void RecordMetricsIfError(int rv);
void RecordMetrics(int rv);
// Whether this transaction is waiting for proxy auth, server auth, or is
// not waiting for any auth at all. |pending_auth_target_| is read and
// cleared by RestartWithAuth().
HttpAuth::Target pending_auth_target_ = HttpAuth::AUTH_NONE;
CompletionRepeatingCallback io_callback_;
CompletionOnceCallback callback_;
raw_ptr<HttpNetworkSession> session_;
NetLogWithSource net_log_;
// Reset to null at the start of the Read state machine.
raw_ptr<const HttpRequestInfo> request_ = nullptr;
// The requested URL.
GURL url_;
RequestPriority priority_;
HttpResponseInfo response_;
// Copied from |request_|, as it's needed after the response body has been
// read.
NetworkAnonymizationKey network_anonymization_key_;
// |proxy_info_| is the ProxyInfo used by the HttpStreamRequest.
ProxyInfo proxy_info_;
std::unique_ptr<HttpStreamRequest> stream_request_;
std::unique_ptr<HttpStream> stream_;
// True if we've validated the headers that the stream parser has returned.
bool headers_valid_ = false;
// True if we can send the request over early data.
bool can_send_early_data_ = false;
// True if the client certificate for the server (rather than the proxy) was
// configured in this transaction.
bool configured_client_cert_for_server_ = false;
// SSL configuration used for the server and proxy, respectively. Note
// |server_ssl_config_| may be updated from the HttpStreamFactory, which will
// be applied on retry.
// TODO(davidben): Mutating it is weird and relies on HttpStreamFactory
// modifications being idempotent. Address this as part of other work to make
// sense of SSLConfig (related to
SSLConfig server_ssl_config_;
SSLConfig proxy_ssl_config_;
HttpRequestHeaders request_headers_;
// Whether a NEL report has already been generated. Reset when restarting.
bool network_error_logging_report_generated_ = false;
// Cache some fields from |request_| that we'll need to construct a NEL
// report about the request. (NEL report construction happens after we've
// cleared the |request_| pointer.)
std::string request_method_;
std::string request_referrer_;
std::string request_user_agent_;
int request_reporting_upload_depth_ = 0;
base::TimeTicks start_timeticks_;
// The size in bytes of the buffer we use to drain the response body that
// we want to throw away. The response body is typically a small error
// page just a few hundred bytes long.
static const int kDrainBodyBufferSize = 1024;
// User buffer and length passed to the Read method.
scoped_refptr<IOBuffer> read_buf_;
int read_buf_len_ = 0;
// Total number of bytes received on all destroyed HttpStreams for this
// transaction.
int64_t total_received_bytes_ = 0;
// Total number of bytes sent on all destroyed HttpStreams for this
// transaction.
int64_t total_sent_bytes_ = 0;
// When the transaction started / finished sending the request, including
// the body, if present. |send_start_time_| is set to |base::TimeTicks()|
// until |SendRequest()| is called on |stream_|, and reset for auth restarts.
base::TimeTicks send_start_time_;
base::TimeTicks send_end_time_;
// The next state in the state machine.
State next_state_ = STATE_NONE;
// True when the tunnel is in the process of being established - we can't
// read from the socket until the tunnel is done.
bool establishing_tunnel_ = false;
// Enable pooling to a SpdySession with matching IP and certificate
// even if the SpdySessionKey is different.
bool enable_ip_based_pooling_ = true;
// Enable using alternative services for the request.
bool enable_alternative_services_ = true;
// When a request is retried because of errors with the alternative service,
// this will store the alternative service used.
AlternativeService retried_alternative_service_;
// The helper object to use to create WebSocketHandshakeStreamBase
// objects. Only relevant when establishing a WebSocket connection.
websocket_handshake_stream_base_create_helper_ = nullptr;
BeforeNetworkStartCallback before_network_start_callback_;
ConnectedCallback connected_callback_;
RequestHeadersCallback request_headers_callback_;
ResponseHeadersCallback early_response_headers_callback_;
ResponseHeadersCallback response_headers_callback_;
ConnectionAttempts connection_attempts_;
IPEndPoint remote_endpoint_;
// Network error details for this transaction.
NetErrorDetails net_error_details_;
// Number of retries made for network errors like ERR_HTTP2_PING_FAILED,
// ERR_QUIC_PROTOCOL_ERROR. Currently we stop after 3 tries
// (including the initial request) and fail the request.
// This count excludes retries on reused sockets since a well
// behaved server may time those out and thus the number
// of times we can retry a request on reused sockets is limited.
size_t retry_attempts_ = 0;
// Number of times the transaction was restarted via a RestartWith* call.
size_t num_restarts_ = 0;
bool close_connection_on_destruction_ = false;
absl::optional<base::TimeDelta> quic_protocol_error_retry_delay_;
} // namespace net