blob: 664122486df02f23c0f9e1f1ee0f0a4a0bbf7471 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// A client specific quic::QuicSession subclass. This class owns the underlying
// quic::QuicConnection and QuicConnectionHelper objects. The connection stores
// a non-owning pointer to the helper so this session needs to ensure that
// the helper outlives the connection.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <list>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr_exclusion.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/observer_list_types.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "base/task/sequenced_task_runner.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "net/base/completion_once_callback.h"
#include "net/base/load_timing_info.h"
#include "net/base/net_error_details.h"
#include "net/base/net_export.h"
#include "net/base/network_handle.h"
#include "net/log/net_log_with_source.h"
#include "net/net_buildflags.h"
#include "net/quic/quic_chromium_client_stream.h"
#include "net/quic/quic_chromium_packet_reader.h"
#include "net/quic/quic_chromium_packet_writer.h"
#include "net/quic/quic_connection_logger.h"
#include "net/quic/quic_crypto_client_config_handle.h"
#include "net/quic/quic_http3_logger.h"
#include "net/quic/quic_session_key.h"
#include "net/socket/socket_performance_watcher.h"
#include "net/spdy/http2_priority_dependencies.h"
#include "net/spdy/multiplexed_session.h"
#include "net/spdy/server_push_delegate.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quiche/quic/core/http/quic_client_push_promise_index.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quiche/quic/core/http/quic_spdy_client_session_base.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quiche/quic/core/quic_crypto_client_stream.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quiche/quic/core/quic_packet_writer.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quiche/quic/core/quic_packets.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quiche/quic/core/quic_path_validator.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quiche/quic/core/quic_server_id.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quiche/quic/core/quic_time.h"
#include "net/traffic_annotation/network_traffic_annotation.h"
#include "url/origin.h"
#include "url/scheme_host_port.h"
#include "net/websockets/websocket_basic_stream_adapters.h"
namespace net {
class CertVerifyResult;
class DatagramClientSocket;
struct HostResolverEndpointResult;
class NetLog;
class QuicCryptoClientStreamFactory;
class QuicServerInfo;
class QuicStreamFactory;
class SSLConfigService;
class SSLInfo;
class TransportSecurityState;
namespace test {
class QuicChromiumClientSessionPeer;
} // namespace test
// SETTINGS_MAX_HEADERS_LIST_SIZE, the maximum size of uncompressed QUIC headers
// that the server is allowed to send.
const size_t kQuicMaxHeaderListSize = 256 * 1024;
// Result of a session migration attempt.
enum class MigrationResult {
SUCCESS, // Migration succeeded.
NO_NEW_NETWORK, // Migration failed since no new network was found.
FAILURE, // Migration failed for other reasons.
// Mode of connection migration.
enum class ConnectionMigrationMode {
// Cause of a migration.
enum MigrationCause {
ON_WRITE_ERROR, // No probing.
// Result of connection migration.
enum QuicConnectionMigrationStatus {
// Result of a connectivity probing attempt.
enum class ProbingResult {
PENDING, // Probing started, pending result.
DISABLED_WITH_IDLE_SESSION, // Probing disabled with idle session.
DISABLED_BY_CONFIG, // Probing disabled by config.
DISABLED_BY_NON_MIGRABLE_STREAM, // Probing disabled by special stream.
INTERNAL_ERROR, // Probing failed for internal reason.
FAILURE, // Probing failed for other reason.
class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicChromiumClientSession
: public quic::QuicSpdyClientSessionBase,
public MultiplexedSession,
public QuicChromiumPacketReader::Visitor,
public QuicChromiumPacketWriter::Delegate {
class StreamRequest;
// An interface that when implemented and added via
// AddConnectivityObserver(), provides notifications when connectivity
// quality changes.
class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE ConnectivityObserver : public base::CheckedObserver {
// Called when path degrading is detected on |network|.
virtual void OnSessionPathDegrading(QuicChromiumClientSession* session,
handles::NetworkHandle network) = 0;
// Called when forward progress is made after path degrading on |network|.
virtual void OnSessionResumedPostPathDegrading(
QuicChromiumClientSession* session,
handles::NetworkHandle network) = 0;
// Called when |session| encounters write error on |network|.
// A write error may be caused by the change in the underlying network
// interface, and can be pre-emptive hints of connectivity quality changes
// based on the |error_code|.
virtual void OnSessionEncounteringWriteError(
QuicChromiumClientSession* session,
handles::NetworkHandle network,
int error_code) = 0;
// Called when |session| is closed by |source| with |error_code|
// and handshake has been confirmed.
virtual void OnSessionClosedAfterHandshake(
QuicChromiumClientSession* session,
handles::NetworkHandle network,
quic::ConnectionCloseSource source,
quic::QuicErrorCode error_code) = 0;
// Called when |this| is registered to monitor the connectivity of the
// |session|.
virtual void OnSessionRegistered(QuicChromiumClientSession* session,
handles::NetworkHandle network) = 0;
// Called when |session| is removed.
virtual void OnSessionRemoved(QuicChromiumClientSession* session) = 0;
// Wrapper for interacting with the session in a restricted fashion which
// hides the details of the underlying session's lifetime. All methods of
// the Handle are safe to use even after the underlying session is destroyed.
: public MultiplexedSessionHandle,
public quic::QuicClientPushPromiseIndex::Delegate {
// Constructs a handle to |session| which was created via the alternative
// server |destination|.
Handle(const base::WeakPtr<QuicChromiumClientSession>& session,
url::SchemeHostPort destination);
Handle(const Handle& other) = delete;
~Handle() override;
// Returns true if the session is still connected.
bool IsConnected() const;
// Returns true if the handshake has been confirmed.
bool OneRttKeysAvailable() const;
// Starts a request to rendezvous with a promised a stream. If OK is
// returned, then |push_stream_| will be updated with the promised
// stream. If ERR_IO_PENDING is returned, then when the rendezvous is
// eventually completed |callback| will be called.
int RendezvousWithPromised(const spdy::Http2HeaderBlock& headers,
CompletionOnceCallback callback);
// Starts a request to create a stream. If OK is returned, then
// |stream_| will be updated with the newly created stream. If
// ERR_IO_PENDING is returned, then when the request is eventuallly
// complete |callback| will be called.
int RequestStream(bool requires_confirmation,
CompletionOnceCallback callback,
const NetworkTrafficAnnotationTag& traffic_annotation);
// Releases |stream_| to the caller. Returns nullptr if the underlying
// QuicChromiumClientSession is closed.
std::unique_ptr<QuicChromiumClientStream::Handle> ReleaseStream();
// Releases |push_stream_| to the caller.
std::unique_ptr<QuicChromiumClientStream::Handle> ReleasePromisedStream();
// Sends Rst for the stream, and makes sure that future calls to
// IsClosedStream(id) return true, which ensures that any subsequent
// frames related to this stream will be ignored (modulo flow
// control accounting).
void ResetPromised(quic::QuicStreamId id,
quic::QuicRstStreamErrorCode error_code);
// Returns a new packet bundler while will cause writes to be batched up
// until a packet is full, or the last bundler is destroyed.
// Populates network error details for this session.
void PopulateNetErrorDetails(NetErrorDetails* details) const;
// Returns the connection timing for the handshake of this session.
const LoadTimingInfo::ConnectTiming& GetConnectTiming();
// Returns true if |other| is a handle to the same session as this handle.
bool SharesSameSession(const Handle& other) const;
// Returns the QUIC version used by the session.
quic::ParsedQuicVersion GetQuicVersion() const;
// Copies the remote udp address into |address| and returns a net error
// code.
int GetPeerAddress(IPEndPoint* address) const;
// Copies the local udp address into |address| and returns a net error
// code.
int GetSelfAddress(IPEndPoint* address) const;
// Returns the push promise index associated with the session.
quic::QuicClientPushPromiseIndex* GetPushPromiseIndex();
// Returns the session's server ID.
quic::QuicServerId server_id() const { return server_id_; }
// Returns the alternative server used for this session.
const url::SchemeHostPort& destination() const { return destination_; }
// Returns the session's net log.
const NetLogWithSource& net_log() const { return net_log_; }
// Returns the session's connection migration mode.
ConnectionMigrationMode connection_migration_mode() const {
return session_->connection_migration_mode();
// quic::QuicClientPushPromiseIndex::Delegate implementation
bool CheckVary(const spdy::Http2HeaderBlock& client_request,
const spdy::Http2HeaderBlock& promise_request,
const spdy::Http2HeaderBlock& promise_response) override;
void OnRendezvousResult(quic::QuicSpdyStream* stream) override;
// Returns true if the session's connection has sent or received any bytes.
bool WasEverUsed() const;
// Retrieves any DNS aliases for the given session key from the map stored
// in `stream_factory_`. Includes all known aliases, e.g. from A, AAAA, or
// HTTPS, not just from the address used for the connection, in no
// particular order.
const std::set<std::string>& GetDnsAliasesForSessionKey(
const QuicSessionKey& key) const;
// This method returns nullptr on failure, such as when a new bidirectional
// stream could not be made.
WebSocketQuicStreamAdapter::Delegate* delegate,
const NetworkTrafficAnnotationTag& traffic_annotation);
friend class QuicChromiumClientSession;
friend class QuicChromiumClientSession::StreamRequest;
// Waits for the handshake to be confirmed and invokes |callback| when
// that happens. If the handshake has already been confirmed, returns OK.
// If the connection has already been closed, returns a net error. If the
// connection closes before the handshake is confirmed, |callback| will
// be invoked with an error.
int WaitForHandshakeConfirmation(CompletionOnceCallback callback);
// Called when the handshake is confirmed.
void OnCryptoHandshakeConfirmed();
// Called when the session is closed with a net error.
void OnSessionClosed(quic::ParsedQuicVersion quic_version,
int net_error,
quic::QuicErrorCode quic_error,
bool port_migration_detected,
bool quic_connection_migration_attempted,
bool quic_connection_migration_successful,
LoadTimingInfo::ConnectTiming connect_timing,
bool was_ever_used);
// Called by |request| to create a stream.
int TryCreateStream(StreamRequest* request);
// Called by |request| to cancel stream request.
void CancelRequest(StreamRequest* request);
// Underlying session which may be destroyed before this handle.
base::WeakPtr<QuicChromiumClientSession> session_;
url::SchemeHostPort destination_;
// Stream request created by |RequestStream()|.
std::unique_ptr<StreamRequest> stream_request_;
// Information saved from the session which can be used even after the
// session is destroyed.
NetLogWithSource net_log_;
bool was_handshake_confirmed_;
int net_error_ = OK;
quic::QuicErrorCode quic_error_ = quic::QUIC_NO_ERROR;
bool port_migration_detected_ = false;
bool quic_connection_migration_attempted_ = false;
bool quic_connection_migration_successful_ = false;
quic::QuicServerId server_id_;
quic::ParsedQuicVersion quic_version_;
LoadTimingInfo::ConnectTiming connect_timing_;
raw_ptr<quic::QuicClientPushPromiseIndex> push_promise_index_;
// |quic::QuicClientPromisedInfo| owns this. It will be set when |Try()|
// is asynchronous, i.e. it returned quic::QUIC_PENDING, and remains valid
// until |OnRendezvouResult()| fires or |push_handle_->Cancel()| is
// invoked.
// This field is not a raw_ptr<> because it was filtered by the rewriter
// for: #addr-of
RAW_PTR_EXCLUSION quic::QuicClientPushPromiseIndex::TryHandle*
push_handle_ = nullptr;
CompletionOnceCallback push_callback_;
std::unique_ptr<QuicChromiumClientStream::Handle> push_stream_;
bool was_ever_used_ = false;
// A helper class used to manage a request to create a stream.
class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE StreamRequest {
StreamRequest(const StreamRequest&) = delete;
StreamRequest& operator=(const StreamRequest&) = delete;
// Cancels any pending stream creation request and resets |stream_| if
// it has not yet been released.
// Starts a request to create a stream. If OK is returned, then
// |stream_| will be updated with the newly created stream. If
// ERR_IO_PENDING is returned, then when the request is eventuallly
// complete |callback| will be called.
int StartRequest(CompletionOnceCallback callback);
// Releases |stream_| to the caller.
std::unique_ptr<QuicChromiumClientStream::Handle> ReleaseStream();
const NetworkTrafficAnnotationTag traffic_annotation() {
return traffic_annotation_;
friend class QuicChromiumClientSession;
enum State {
// |session| must outlive this request.
StreamRequest(QuicChromiumClientSession::Handle* session,
bool requires_confirmation,
const NetworkTrafficAnnotationTag& traffic_annotation);
void OnIOComplete(int rv);
void DoCallback(int rv);
int DoLoop(int rv);
int DoWaitForConfirmation();
int DoWaitForConfirmationComplete(int rv);
int DoRequestStream();
int DoRequestStreamComplete(int rv);
// Called by |session_| for an asynchronous request when the stream
// request has finished successfully.
void OnRequestCompleteSuccess(
std::unique_ptr<QuicChromiumClientStream::Handle> stream);
// Called by |session_| for an asynchronous request when the stream
// request has finished with an error. Also called with ERR_ABORTED
// if |session_| is destroyed while the stream request is still pending.
void OnRequestCompleteFailure(int rv);
raw_ptr<QuicChromiumClientSession::Handle> session_;
const bool requires_confirmation_;
CompletionOnceCallback callback_;
std::unique_ptr<QuicChromiumClientStream::Handle> stream_;
// For tracking how much time pending stream requests wait.
base::TimeTicks pending_start_time_;
State next_state_;
const NetworkTrafficAnnotationTag traffic_annotation_;
// For creation of streams for WebSockets over HTTP/3
bool for_websockets_ = false;
raw_ptr<WebSocketQuicStreamAdapter::Delegate> websocket_adapter_delegate_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<StreamRequest> weak_factory_{this};
// This class contains all the context needed for path validation and
// migration.
class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicChromiumPathValidationContext
: public quic::QuicPathValidationContext {
const quic::QuicSocketAddress& self_address,
const quic::QuicSocketAddress& peer_address,
handles::NetworkHandle network,
std::unique_ptr<DatagramClientSocket> socket,
std::unique_ptr<QuicChromiumPacketWriter> writer,
std::unique_ptr<QuicChromiumPacketReader> reader);
~QuicChromiumPathValidationContext() override;
handles::NetworkHandle network();
quic::QuicPacketWriter* WriterToUse() override;
// Transfer the ownership from |this| to the caller.
std::unique_ptr<QuicChromiumPacketWriter> ReleaseWriter();
std::unique_ptr<DatagramClientSocket> ReleaseSocket();
std::unique_ptr<QuicChromiumPacketReader> ReleaseReader();
handles::NetworkHandle network_handle_;
std::unique_ptr<DatagramClientSocket> socket_;
std::unique_ptr<QuicChromiumPacketWriter> writer_;
std::unique_ptr<QuicChromiumPacketReader> reader_;
// This class implements Chrome logic for path validation events associated
// with connection migration.
class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE ConnectionMigrationValidationResultDelegate
: public quic::QuicPathValidator::ResultDelegate {
explicit ConnectionMigrationValidationResultDelegate(
QuicChromiumClientSession* session);
void OnPathValidationSuccess(
std::unique_ptr<quic::QuicPathValidationContext> context,
quic::QuicTime start_time) override;
void OnPathValidationFailure(
std::unique_ptr<quic::QuicPathValidationContext> context) override;
// |session_| owns |this| and should out live |this|.
raw_ptr<QuicChromiumClientSession> session_;
// This class implements Chrome logic for path validation events associated
// with port migration.
class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE PortMigrationValidationResultDelegate
: public quic::QuicPathValidator::ResultDelegate {
explicit PortMigrationValidationResultDelegate(
QuicChromiumClientSession* session);
void OnPathValidationSuccess(
std::unique_ptr<quic::QuicPathValidationContext> context,
quic::QuicTime start_time) override;
void OnPathValidationFailure(
std::unique_ptr<quic::QuicPathValidationContext> context) override;
// |session_| owns |this| and should out live |this|.
raw_ptr<QuicChromiumClientSession> session_;
// This class implements Chrome logic for path validation events associated
// with migrating to server preferred address.
class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE ServerPreferredAddressValidationResultDelegate
: public quic::QuicPathValidator::ResultDelegate {
explicit ServerPreferredAddressValidationResultDelegate(
QuicChromiumClientSession* session);
void OnPathValidationSuccess(
std::unique_ptr<quic::QuicPathValidationContext> context,
quic::QuicTime start_time) override;
void OnPathValidationFailure(
std::unique_ptr<quic::QuicPathValidationContext> context) override;
// |session_| owns |this| and should out live |this|.
raw_ptr<QuicChromiumClientSession> session_;
// This class is used to handle writer events that occur on the probing path.
class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicChromiumPathValidationWriterDelegate
: public QuicChromiumPacketWriter::Delegate {
QuicChromiumClientSession* session,
base::SequencedTaskRunner* task_runner);
const QuicChromiumPathValidationWriterDelegate&) = delete;
QuicChromiumPathValidationWriterDelegate& operator=(
const QuicChromiumPathValidationWriterDelegate&) = delete;
// QuicChromiumPacketWriter::Delegate interface.
int HandleWriteError(
int error_code,
scoped_refptr<QuicChromiumPacketWriter::ReusableIOBuffer> last_packet)
void OnWriteError(int error_code) override;
void OnWriteUnblocked() override;
void set_peer_address(const quic::QuicSocketAddress& peer_address);
void set_network(handles::NetworkHandle network);
void NotifySessionProbeFailed(handles::NetworkHandle network);
// |session_| owns |this| and should out live |this|.
raw_ptr<QuicChromiumClientSession> session_;
// |task_owner_| should out live |this|.
raw_ptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> task_runner_;
// The path validation context of the most recent probing.
handles::NetworkHandle network_;
quic::QuicSocketAddress peer_address_;
// Constructs a new session which will own |connection|, but not
// |stream_factory|, which must outlive this session.
// TODO(rch): decouple the factory from the session via a Delegate interface.
// If |require_confirmation| is true, the returned session will wait for a
// successful QUIC handshake before vending any streams, to ensure that both
// the server and the current network support QUIC, as HTTP fallback can't
// trigger (or at least will take longer) after a QUIC stream has successfully
// been created.
quic::QuicConnection* connection,
std::unique_ptr<DatagramClientSocket> socket,
QuicStreamFactory* stream_factory,
QuicCryptoClientStreamFactory* crypto_client_stream_factory,
const quic::QuicClock* clock,
TransportSecurityState* transport_security_state,
SSLConfigService* ssl_config_service,
std::unique_ptr<QuicServerInfo> server_info,
const QuicSessionKey& session_key,
bool require_confirmation,
bool migrate_sesion_early_v2,
bool migrate_session_on_network_change_v2,
handles::NetworkHandle default_network,
quic::QuicTime::Delta retransmittable_on_wire_timeout,
bool migrate_idle_session,
bool allow_port_migration,
base::TimeDelta idle_migration_period,
base::TimeDelta max_time_on_non_default_network,
int max_migrations_to_non_default_network_on_write_error,
int max_migrations_to_non_default_network_on_path_degrading,
int yield_after_packets,
quic::QuicTime::Delta yield_after_duration,
int cert_verify_flags,
const quic::QuicConfig& config,
std::unique_ptr<QuicCryptoClientConfigHandle> crypto_config,
const char* const connection_description,
base::TimeTicks dns_resolution_start_time,
base::TimeTicks dns_resolution_end_time,
std::unique_ptr<quic::QuicClientPushPromiseIndex> push_promise_index,
ServerPushDelegate* push_delegate,
const base::TickClock* tick_clock,
base::SequencedTaskRunner* task_runner,
std::unique_ptr<SocketPerformanceWatcher> socket_performance_watcher,
const HostResolverEndpointResult& endpoint_result,
NetLog* net_log);
QuicChromiumClientSession(const QuicChromiumClientSession&) = delete;
QuicChromiumClientSession& operator=(const QuicChromiumClientSession&) =
~QuicChromiumClientSession() override;
void Initialize() override;
void AddHandle(Handle* handle);
void RemoveHandle(Handle* handle);
void AddConnectivityObserver(ConnectivityObserver* observer);
void RemoveConnectivityObserver(ConnectivityObserver* observer);
// Returns the session's connection migration mode.
ConnectionMigrationMode connection_migration_mode() const;
// Waits for the handshake to be confirmed and invokes |callback| when
// that happens. If the handshake has already been confirmed, returns OK.
// If the connection has already been closed, returns a net error. If the
// connection closes before the handshake is confirmed, |callback| will
// be invoked with an error.
int WaitForHandshakeConfirmation(CompletionOnceCallback callback);
// Attempts to create a new stream. If the stream can be
// created immediately, returns OK. If the open stream limit
// has been reached, returns ERR_IO_PENDING, and |request|
// will be added to the stream requets queue and will
// be completed asynchronously.
// TODO(rch): remove |stream| from this and use setter on |request|
// and fix in spdy too.
int TryCreateStream(StreamRequest* request);
// Cancels the pending stream creation request.
void CancelRequest(StreamRequest* request);
// QuicChromiumPacketWriter::Delegate override.
int HandleWriteError(int error_code,
last_packet) override;
void OnWriteError(int error_code) override;
// Called when the associated writer is unblocked. Write the cached |packet_|
// if |packet_| is set. May send a PING packet if
// |send_packet_after_migration_| is set and writer is not blocked after
// writing queued packets.
void OnWriteUnblocked() override;
void OnConnectionMigrationProbeSucceeded(
handles::NetworkHandle network,
const quic::QuicSocketAddress& peer_address,
const quic::QuicSocketAddress& self_address,
std::unique_ptr<DatagramClientSocket> socket,
std::unique_ptr<QuicChromiumPacketWriter> writer,
std::unique_ptr<QuicChromiumPacketReader> reader);
void OnPortMigrationProbeSucceeded(
handles::NetworkHandle network,
const quic::QuicSocketAddress& peer_address,
const quic::QuicSocketAddress& self_address,
std::unique_ptr<DatagramClientSocket> socket,
std::unique_ptr<QuicChromiumPacketWriter> writer,
std::unique_ptr<QuicChromiumPacketReader> reader);
void OnServerPreferredAddressProbeSucceeded(
handles::NetworkHandle network,
const quic::QuicSocketAddress& peer_address,
const quic::QuicSocketAddress& self_address,
std::unique_ptr<DatagramClientSocket> socket,
std::unique_ptr<QuicChromiumPacketWriter> writer,
std::unique_ptr<QuicChromiumPacketReader> reader);
void OnProbeFailed(handles::NetworkHandle network,
const quic::QuicSocketAddress& peer_address);
// quic::QuicSpdySession methods:
size_t WriteHeadersOnHeadersStream(
quic::QuicStreamId id,
spdy::Http2HeaderBlock headers,
bool fin,
const spdy::SpdyStreamPrecedence& precedence,
ack_listener) override;
void OnHttp3GoAway(uint64_t id) override;
void OnAcceptChFrameReceivedViaAlps(
const quic::AcceptChFrame& frame) override;
// quic::QuicSession methods:
QuicChromiumClientStream* CreateOutgoingBidirectionalStream() override;
QuicChromiumClientStream* CreateOutgoingUnidirectionalStream() override;
const quic::QuicCryptoClientStream* GetCryptoStream() const override;
quic::QuicCryptoClientStream* GetMutableCryptoStream() override;
void SetDefaultEncryptionLevel(quic::EncryptionLevel level) override;
void OnTlsHandshakeComplete() override;
void OnNewEncryptionKeyAvailable(
quic::EncryptionLevel level,
std::unique_ptr<quic::QuicEncrypter> encrypter) override;
void OnCryptoHandshakeMessageSent(
const quic::CryptoHandshakeMessage& message) override;
void OnCryptoHandshakeMessageReceived(
const quic::CryptoHandshakeMessage& message) override;
void OnGoAway(const quic::QuicGoAwayFrame& frame) override;
void OnCanCreateNewOutgoingStream(bool unidirectional) override;
quic::QuicSSLConfig GetSSLConfig() const override;
// QuicSpdyClientSessionBase methods:
void OnConfigNegotiated() override;
void OnProofValid(
const quic::QuicCryptoClientConfig::CachedState& cached) override;
void OnProofVerifyDetailsAvailable(
const quic::ProofVerifyDetails& verify_details) override;
// quic::QuicConnectionVisitorInterface methods:
void OnConnectionClosed(const quic::QuicConnectionCloseFrame& frame,
quic::ConnectionCloseSource source) override;
void OnSuccessfulVersionNegotiation(
const quic::ParsedQuicVersion& version) override;
void OnPathDegrading() override;
void OnForwardProgressMadeAfterPathDegrading() override;
void OnKeyUpdate(quic::KeyUpdateReason reason) override;
CreateContextForMultiPortPath() override;
void MigrateToMultiPortPath(
std::unique_ptr<quic::QuicPathValidationContext> context) override;
// QuicChromiumPacketReader::Visitor methods:
bool OnReadError(int result, const DatagramClientSocket* socket) override;
bool OnPacket(const quic::QuicReceivedPacket& packet,
const quic::QuicSocketAddress& local_address,
const quic::QuicSocketAddress& peer_address) override;
void OnStreamClosed(quic::QuicStreamId stream_id) override;
// MultiplexedSession methods:
int GetRemoteEndpoint(IPEndPoint* endpoint) override;
bool GetSSLInfo(SSLInfo* ssl_info) const override;
base::StringPiece GetAcceptChViaAlps(
const url::SchemeHostPort& scheme_host_port) const override;
// Performs a crypto handshake with the server.
int CryptoConnect(CompletionOnceCallback callback);
// Causes the QuicConnectionHelper to start reading from all sockets
// and passing the data along to the quic::QuicConnection.
void StartReading();
// Close the session because of |net_error| and notifies the factory
// that this session has been closed, which will delete the session.
// |behavior| will suggest whether we should send connection close packets
// when closing the connection.
void CloseSessionOnError(int net_error,
quic::QuicErrorCode quic_error,
quic::ConnectionCloseBehavior behavior);
// Close the session because of |net_error| and notifies the factory
// that this session has been closed later, which will delete the session.
// |behavior| will suggest whether we should send connection close packets
// when closing the connection.
void CloseSessionOnErrorLater(int net_error,
quic::QuicErrorCode quic_error,
quic::ConnectionCloseBehavior behavior);
base::Value::Dict GetInfoAsValue(const std::set<HostPortPair>& aliases);
const NetLogWithSource& net_log() const { return net_log_; }
// Returns true if the stream factory disables gQUIC 0-RTT.
bool gquic_zero_rtt_disabled() const;
// Returns a Handle to this session.
std::unique_ptr<QuicChromiumClientSession::Handle> CreateHandle(
url::SchemeHostPort destination);
// Returns the number of client hello messages that have been sent on the
// crypto stream. If the handshake has completed then this is one greater
// than the number of round-trips needed for the handshake.
int GetNumSentClientHellos() const;
// Returns true if |hostname| may be pooled onto this session.
// |other_session_key| specifies the seession key associated with |hostname|
// (its own hostname and port fields are ignored). If this is a secure QUIC
// session, then |hostname| must match the certificate presented during the
// handshake.
bool CanPool(const std::string& hostname,
const QuicSessionKey& other_session_key) const;
const quic::QuicServerId& server_id() const {
return session_key_.server_id();
const QuicSessionKey& quic_session_key() const { return session_key_; }
// Attempts to migrate session when |writer| encounters a write error.
// If |writer| is no longer actively used, abort migration.
void MigrateSessionOnWriteError(int error_code,
quic::QuicPacketWriter* writer);
// Called when the Migrate() call from MigrateSessionOnWriteError completes.
// Always called asynchronously.
void FinishMigrateSessionOnWriteError(handles::NetworkHandle new_network,
MigrationResult result);
// Helper method that completes connection/server migration.
// Unblocks packet writer on network level. If the writer becomes unblocked
// then, OnWriteUnblocked() will be invoked to send packet after migration.
void WriteToNewSocket();
// Migrates session over to use |peer_address| and |network|.
// If |network| is handles::kInvalidNetworkHandle, default network is used. If
// the migration fails and |close_session_on_error| is true, session will be
// closed.
using MigrationCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(MigrationResult)>;
void Migrate(handles::NetworkHandle network,
IPEndPoint peer_address,
bool close_session_on_error,
MigrationCallback migration_callback);
// Helper to finish session migration once a socket has been opened. Always
// called asynchronously.
void FinishMigrate(std::unique_ptr<DatagramClientSocket> socket,
IPEndPoint peer_address,
bool close_session_on_error,
MigrationCallback callback,
int rv);
void DoMigrationCallback(MigrationCallback callback, MigrationResult rv);
// Migrates session onto new socket, i.e., sets |writer| to be the new
// default writer and post a task to write to |socket|. |reader| *must*
// has been started reading from the socket. Returns true if
// socket was successfully added to the session and the session was
// successfully migrated to using the new socket. Returns true on
// successful migration, or false if number of migrations exceeds
// kMaxReadersPerQuicSession. Takes ownership of |socket|, |reader|,
// and |writer|.
bool MigrateToSocket(const quic::QuicSocketAddress& self_address,
const quic::QuicSocketAddress& peer_address,
std::unique_ptr<DatagramClientSocket> socket,
std::unique_ptr<QuicChromiumPacketReader> reader,
std::unique_ptr<QuicChromiumPacketWriter> writer);
// Called when NetworkChangeNotifier notifies observers of a newly
// connected network. Migrates this session to the newly connected
// network if the session has a pending migration.
void OnNetworkConnected(handles::NetworkHandle network);
// Called when NetworkChangeNotifier broadcasts to observers of
// |disconnected_network|.
void OnNetworkDisconnectedV2(handles::NetworkHandle disconnected_network);
// Called when NetworkChangeNotifier broadcats to observers of a new default
// network. Migrates this session to |new_network| if appropriate.
void OnNetworkMadeDefault(handles::NetworkHandle new_network);
// Schedules a migration alarm to wait for a new network.
void OnNoNewNetwork();
// Called when migration alarm fires. If migration has not occurred
// since alarm was set, closes session with error.
void OnMigrationTimeout(size_t num_sockets);
// Populates network error details for this session.
void PopulateNetErrorDetails(NetErrorDetails* details) const;
// Returns current default socket. This is the socket over which all
// QUIC packets are sent. This default socket can change, so do not store the
// returned socket.
const DatagramClientSocket* GetDefaultSocket() const;
// Returns the network interface that is currently used to send packets.
// If handles::NetworkHandle is not supported, always return
// handles::kInvalidNetworkHandle.
handles::NetworkHandle GetCurrentNetwork() const;
bool IsAuthorized(const std::string& hostname) override;
bool HandlePromised(quic::QuicStreamId associated_id,
quic::QuicStreamId promised_id,
const spdy::Http2HeaderBlock& headers) override;
void DeletePromised(quic::QuicClientPromisedInfo* promised) override;
void OnPushStreamTimedOut(quic::QuicStreamId stream_id) override;
// Override to validate |server_preferred_address| on a different socket.
// Migrates to this address on validation succeeds.
void OnServerPreferredAddressAvailable(
const quic::QuicSocketAddress& server_preferred_address) override;
// Cancels the push if the push stream for |url| has not been claimed and is
// still active. Otherwise, no-op.
void CancelPush(const GURL& url);
const LoadTimingInfo::ConnectTiming& GetConnectTiming();
quic::ParsedQuicVersion GetQuicVersion() const;
// Looks for a push that matches the provided parameters.
quic::QuicClientPromisedInfo* GetPromised(const GURL& url,
const QuicSessionKey& session_key);
bool require_confirmation() const { return require_confirmation_; }
// Retrieves any DNS aliases for the given session key from the map stored
// in `stream_factory_`. Includes all known aliases, e.g. from A, AAAA, or
// HTTPS, not just from the address used for the connection, in no particular
// order.
const std::set<std::string>& GetDnsAliasesForSessionKey(
const QuicSessionKey& key) const;
// quic::QuicSession methods:
bool ShouldCreateIncomingStream(quic::QuicStreamId id) override;
bool ShouldCreateOutgoingBidirectionalStream() override;
bool ShouldCreateOutgoingUnidirectionalStream() override;
QuicChromiumClientStream* CreateIncomingStream(
quic::QuicStreamId id) override;
QuicChromiumClientStream* CreateIncomingStream(
quic::PendingStream* pending) override;
friend class test::QuicChromiumClientSessionPeer;
typedef std::set<Handle*> HandleSet;
typedef std::list<StreamRequest*> StreamRequestQueue;
bool WasConnectionEverUsed();
QuicChromiumClientStream* CreateOutgoingReliableStreamImpl(
const NetworkTrafficAnnotationTag& traffic_annotation);
QuicChromiumClientStream* CreateIncomingReliableStreamImpl(
quic::QuicStreamId id,
const NetworkTrafficAnnotationTag& traffic_annotation);
QuicChromiumClientStream* CreateIncomingReliableStreamImpl(
quic::PendingStream* pending,
const NetworkTrafficAnnotationTag& traffic_annotation);
// A completion callback invoked when a read completes.
void OnReadComplete(int result);
void NotifyAllStreamsOfError(int net_error);
void CloseAllHandles(int net_error);
void CancelAllRequests(int net_error);
void NotifyRequestsOfConfirmation(int net_error);
// Probe on <network, peer_address>.
// If <network, peer_addres> is identical to the current path, the probe
// is sent on a different port.
using ProbingCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(ProbingResult)>;
void StartProbing(ProbingCallback probing_callback,
handles::NetworkHandle network,
const quic::QuicSocketAddress& peer_address);
// Helper to finish network probe once socket has been opened. Always called
// asynchronously.
void FinishStartProbing(ProbingCallback probing_callback,
std::unique_ptr<DatagramClientSocket> probing_socket,
handles::NetworkHandle network,
const quic::QuicSocketAddress& peer_address,
int rv);
// Perform a few checks before StartProbing. If any of those checks fails,
// StartProbing will be skipped.
void MaybeStartProbing(ProbingCallback probing_callback,
handles::NetworkHandle network,
const quic::QuicSocketAddress& peer_address);
// Helper method to perform a few checks and initiate connection migration
// attempt when path degrading is detected.
// Called when path is degrading and there is an alternate network or a new
// network is connected after path degrading.
void MaybeMigrateToAlternateNetworkOnPathDegrading();
// Helper method to initiate a port migration on path degrading is detected.
void MaybeMigrateToDifferentPortOnPathDegrading();
// Called when there is only one possible working network: |network|, If any
// error encountered, this session will be closed.
// When the migration succeeds:
// - If no longer on the default network, set timer to migrate back to the
// default network;
// - If now on the default network, cancel timer to migrate back to default
// network.
void MigrateNetworkImmediately(handles::NetworkHandle network);
// Called when Migrate() call from MigrateNetworkImmediately completes. Always
// called asynchronously.
void FinishMigrateNetworkImmediately(handles::NetworkHandle network,
MigrationResult result);
void StartMigrateBackToDefaultNetworkTimer(base::TimeDelta delay);
void CancelMigrateBackToDefaultNetworkTimer();
void TryMigrateBackToDefaultNetwork(base::TimeDelta timeout);
void FinishTryMigrateBackToDefaultNetwork(base::TimeDelta timeout,
ProbingResult result);
void MaybeRetryMigrateBackToDefaultNetwork();
// If migrate idle session is enabled, returns true and post a task to close
// the connection if session's idle time exceeds the |idle_migration_period_|.
// If migrate idle session is not enabled, returns true and posts a task to
// close the connection if session doesn't have outstanding streams.
bool CheckIdleTimeExceedsIdleMigrationPeriod();
// Close non-migratable streams in both directions by sending reset stream to
// peer when connection migration attempts to migrate to the alternate
// network.
void ResetNonMigratableStreams();
void LogMetricsOnNetworkDisconnected();
void LogMetricsOnNetworkMadeDefault();
void LogMigrationResultToHistogram(QuicConnectionMigrationStatus status);
void LogHandshakeStatusOnMigrationSignal() const;
void HistogramAndLogMigrationFailure(QuicConnectionMigrationStatus status,
quic::QuicConnectionId connection_id,
const char* reason);
void HistogramAndLogMigrationSuccess(quic::QuicConnectionId connection_id);
// Notifies the factory that this session is going away and no more streams
// should be created from it. This needs to be called before closing any
// streams, because closing a stream may cause a new stream to be created.
void NotifyFactoryOfSessionGoingAway();
// Posts a task to notify the factory that this session has been closed.
void NotifyFactoryOfSessionClosedLater();
// Notifies the factory that this session has been closed which will
// delete |this|.
void NotifyFactoryOfSessionClosed();
// Called when default encryption level switches to forward secure.
void OnCryptoHandshakeComplete();
void LogZeroRttStats();
WebSocketQuicStreamAdapter::Delegate* delegate);
std::unique_ptr<WebSocketQuicStreamAdapter> CreateWebSocketQuicStreamAdapter(
WebSocketQuicStreamAdapter::Delegate* delegate,
StreamRequest* stream_request);
QuicSessionKey session_key_;
bool require_confirmation_;
bool migrate_session_early_v2_;
bool migrate_session_on_network_change_v2_;
// True when session migration has started from MigrateSessionOnWriteError.
bool pending_migrate_session_on_write_error_ = false;
// True when a session migration starts from MigrateNetworkImmediately.
bool pending_migrate_network_immediately_ = false;
bool migrate_idle_session_;
bool allow_port_migration_;
// Session can be migrated if its idle time is within this period.
base::TimeDelta idle_migration_period_;
base::TimeDelta max_time_on_non_default_network_;
// Maximum allowed number of migrations to non-default network triggered by
// packet write error per default network.
int max_migrations_to_non_default_network_on_write_error_;
int current_migrations_to_non_default_network_on_write_error_ = 0;
// Maximum allowed number of migrations to non-default network triggered by
// path degrading per default network.
int max_migrations_to_non_default_network_on_path_degrading_;
int current_migrations_to_non_default_network_on_path_degrading_ = 0;
raw_ptr<const quic::QuicClock> clock_; // Unowned.
int yield_after_packets_;
quic::QuicTime::Delta yield_after_duration_;
base::TimeTicks most_recent_path_degrading_timestamp_;
base::TimeTicks most_recent_network_disconnected_timestamp_;
raw_ptr<const base::TickClock> tick_clock_;
base::TimeTicks most_recent_stream_close_time_;
int most_recent_write_error_ = 0;
base::TimeTicks most_recent_write_error_timestamp_;
std::unique_ptr<QuicCryptoClientConfigHandle> crypto_config_;
std::unique_ptr<quic::QuicCryptoClientStream> crypto_stream_;
raw_ptr<QuicStreamFactory> stream_factory_;
base::ObserverList<ConnectivityObserver> connectivity_observer_list_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<DatagramClientSocket>> sockets_;
raw_ptr<TransportSecurityState> transport_security_state_;
raw_ptr<SSLConfigService> ssl_config_service_;
std::unique_ptr<QuicServerInfo> server_info_;
std::unique_ptr<CertVerifyResult> cert_verify_result_;
std::string pinning_failure_log_;
bool pkp_bypassed_ = false;
bool is_fatal_cert_error_ = false;
HandleSet handles_;
StreamRequestQueue stream_requests_;
std::vector<CompletionOnceCallback> waiting_for_confirmation_callbacks_;
CompletionOnceCallback callback_;
size_t num_total_streams_ = 0;
raw_ptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> task_runner_;
NetLogWithSource net_log_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<QuicChromiumPacketReader>> packet_readers_;
LoadTimingInfo::ConnectTiming connect_timing_;
std::unique_ptr<QuicConnectionLogger> logger_;
std::unique_ptr<QuicHttp3Logger> http3_logger_;
// True when the session is going away, and streams may no longer be created
// on this session. Existing stream will continue to be processed.
bool going_away_ = false;
// True when the session receives a go away from server due to port migration.
bool port_migration_detected_ = false;
bool quic_connection_migration_attempted_ = false;
bool quic_connection_migration_successful_ = false;
// Not owned. |push_delegate_| outlives the session and handles server pushes
// received by session.
raw_ptr<ServerPushDelegate> push_delegate_;
// UMA histogram counters for streams pushed to this session.
int streams_pushed_count_ = 0;
int streams_pushed_and_claimed_count_ = 0;
uint64_t bytes_pushed_count_ = 0;
uint64_t bytes_pushed_and_unclaimed_count_ = 0;
// Stores the packet that witnesses socket write error. This packet will be
// written to an alternate socket when the migration completes and the
// alternate socket is unblocked.
scoped_refptr<QuicChromiumPacketWriter::ReusableIOBuffer> packet_;
// Stores the latest default network platform marks if migration is enabled.
// Otherwise, stores the network interface that is used by the connection.
handles::NetworkHandle default_network_;
int retry_migrate_back_count_ = 0;
base::OneShotTimer migrate_back_to_default_timer_;
MigrationCause current_migration_cause_ = UNKNOWN_CAUSE;
// True if a packet needs to be sent when packet writer is unblocked to
// complete connection migration. The packet can be a cached packet if
// |packet_| is set, a queued packet, or a PING packet.
bool send_packet_after_migration_ = false;
// True if migration is triggered, and there is no alternate network to
// migrate to.
bool wait_for_new_network_ = false;
// True if read errors should be ignored. Set when migration on write error is
// posted and unset until the first packet is written after migration.
bool ignore_read_error_ = false;
bool attempted_zero_rtt_ = false;
size_t num_migrations_ = 0;
// The reason for the last 1-RTT key update on the connection. Will be
// kInvalid if no key updates have occurred.
quic::KeyUpdateReason last_key_update_reason_ =
std::unique_ptr<quic::QuicClientPushPromiseIndex> push_promise_index_;
QuicChromiumPathValidationWriterDelegate path_validation_writer_delegate_;
// Map of origin to Accept-CH header field values received via ALPS.
base::flat_map<url::SchemeHostPort, std::string>
std::vector<uint8_t> ech_config_list_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<QuicChromiumClientSession> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace net