| // Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| // |
| // NOTE: This code is not shared between Google and Chrome. |
| |
| |
| #include <stddef.h> |
| |
| #include <memory> |
| #include <vector> |
| |
| #include "base/containers/circular_deque.h" |
| #include "base/functional/callback_forward.h" |
| #include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h" |
| #include "base/time/time.h" |
| #include "net/base/completion_once_callback.h" |
| #include "net/base/idempotency.h" |
| #include "net/base/ip_endpoint.h" |
| #include "net/base/net_export.h" |
| #include "net/base/upload_data_stream.h" |
| #include "net/http/http_request_info.h" |
| #include "net/http/http_response_info.h" |
| #include "net/http/http_stream.h" |
| #include "net/log/net_log_with_source.h" |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quiche/quic/core/http/quic_spdy_stream.h" |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quiche/spdy/core/http2_header_block.h" |
| #include "net/traffic_annotation/network_traffic_annotation.h" |
| |
| namespace quic { |
| class QuicSpdyClientSessionBase; |
| } // namespace quic |
| namespace net { |
| |
| // A client-initiated ReliableQuicStream. Instances of this class |
| // are owned by the QuicClientSession which created them. |
| class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicChromiumClientStream |
| : public quic::QuicSpdyStream { |
| public: |
| // Wrapper for interacting with the session in a restricted fashion. |
| class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE Handle { |
| public: |
| Handle(const Handle&) = delete; |
| Handle& operator=(const Handle&) = delete; |
| |
| ~Handle(); |
| |
| // Returns true if the stream is still connected. |
| bool IsOpen() { return stream_ != nullptr; } |
| |
| // Reads initial or 103 Early Hints headers into |header_block| and returns |
| // the length of the HEADERS frame which contained them. If headers are not |
| // available, returns ERR_IO_PENDING and will invoke |callback| |
| // asynchronously when the headers arrive. |
| // TODO(rch): Invoke |callback| when there is a stream or connection error |
| // instead of calling OnClose() or OnError(). |
| int ReadInitialHeaders(spdy::Http2HeaderBlock* header_block, |
| CompletionOnceCallback callback); |
| |
| // Reads at most |buffer_len| bytes of body into |buffer| and returns the |
| // number of bytes read. If body is not available, returns ERR_IO_PENDING |
| // and will invoke |callback| asynchronously when data arrive. |
| // TODO(rch): Invoke |callback| when there is a stream or connection error |
| // instead of calling OnClose() or OnError(). |
| int ReadBody(IOBuffer* buffer, |
| int buffer_len, |
| CompletionOnceCallback callback); |
| |
| // Reads trailing headers into |header_block| and returns the length of |
| // the HEADERS frame which contained them. If headers are not available, |
| // returns ERR_IO_PENDING and will invoke |callback| asynchronously when |
| // the headers arrive. |
| // TODO(rch): Invoke |callback| when there is a stream or connection error |
| // instead of calling OnClose() or OnError(). |
| int ReadTrailingHeaders(spdy::Http2HeaderBlock* header_block, |
| CompletionOnceCallback callback); |
| |
| // Writes |header_block| to the peer. Closes the write side if |fin| is |
| // true. If non-null, |ack_notifier_delegate| will be notified when the |
| // headers are ACK'd by the peer. Returns a net error code if there is |
| // an error writing the headers, or the number of bytes written on |
| // success. Will not return ERR_IO_PENDING. |
| int WriteHeaders( |
| spdy::Http2HeaderBlock header_block, |
| bool fin, |
| quiche::QuicheReferenceCountedPointer<quic::QuicAckListenerInterface> |
| ack_notifier_delegate); |
| |
| // Writes |data| to the peer. Closes the write side if |fin| is true. |
| // If the data could not be written immediately, returns ERR_IO_PENDING |
| // and invokes |callback| asynchronously when the write completes. |
| int WriteStreamData(base::StringPiece data, |
| bool fin, |
| CompletionOnceCallback callback); |
| |
| // Same as WriteStreamData except it writes data from a vector of IOBuffers, |
| // with the length of each buffer at the corresponding index in |lengths|. |
| int WritevStreamData(const std::vector<scoped_refptr<IOBuffer>>& buffers, |
| const std::vector<int>& lengths, |
| bool fin, |
| CompletionOnceCallback callback); |
| |
| // Reads at most |buf_len| bytes into |buf|. Returns the number of bytes |
| // read. |
| int Read(IOBuffer* buf, int buf_len); |
| |
| // Called to notify the stream when the final incoming data is read. |
| void OnFinRead(); |
| |
| // Prevents the connection from migrating to a cellular network while this |
| // stream is open. |
| void DisableConnectionMigrationToCellularNetwork(); |
| |
| // Sets the precedence of the stream to |priority|. |
| void SetPriority(const quic::QuicStreamPriority& priority); |
| |
| // Sends a RST_STREAM frame to the peer and closes the streams. |
| void Reset(quic::QuicRstStreamErrorCode error_code); |
| |
| quic::QuicStreamId id() const; |
| quic::QuicErrorCode connection_error() const; |
| quic::QuicRstStreamErrorCode stream_error() const; |
| bool fin_sent() const; |
| bool fin_received() const; |
| uint64_t stream_bytes_read() const; |
| uint64_t stream_bytes_written() const; |
| size_t NumBytesConsumed() const; |
| bool HasBytesToRead() const; |
| bool IsDoneReading() const; |
| bool IsFirstStream() const; |
| |
| base::TimeTicks first_early_hints_time() const { |
| return first_early_hints_time_; |
| } |
| |
| base::TimeTicks headers_received_start_time() const { |
| return headers_received_start_time_; |
| } |
| |
| // TODO(rch): Move these test-only methods to a peer, or else remove. |
| void OnPromiseHeaderList(quic::QuicStreamId promised_id, |
| size_t frame_len, |
| const quic::QuicHeaderList& header_list); |
| bool can_migrate_to_cellular_network(); |
| |
| const NetLogWithSource& net_log() const; |
| |
| // Sets the idempotency of the request. |
| void SetRequestIdempotency(Idempotency idempotency); |
| // Returns the idempotency of the request. |
| Idempotency GetRequestIdempotency() const; |
| |
| private: |
| friend class QuicChromiumClientStream; |
| |
| // Constucts a new Handle for |stream|. |
| explicit Handle(QuicChromiumClientStream* stream); |
| |
| // Methods invoked by the stream. |
| void OnEarlyHintsAvailable(); |
| void OnInitialHeadersAvailable(); |
| void OnTrailingHeadersAvailable(); |
| void OnDataAvailable(); |
| void OnCanWrite(); |
| void OnClose(); |
| void OnError(int error); |
| |
| // Invokes async IO callbacks because of |error|. |
| void InvokeCallbacksOnClose(int error); |
| |
| // Saves various fields from the stream before the stream goes away. |
| void SaveState(); |
| |
| void SetCallback(CompletionOnceCallback new_callback, |
| CompletionOnceCallback* callback); |
| |
| void ResetAndRun(CompletionOnceCallback callback, int rv); |
| |
| int HandleIOComplete(int rv); |
| |
| raw_ptr<QuicChromiumClientStream> stream_; // Unowned. |
| |
| bool may_invoke_callbacks_ = true; // True when callbacks may be invoked. |
| |
| // Callback to be invoked when ReadInitialHeaders completes asynchronously. |
| CompletionOnceCallback read_headers_callback_; |
| // Provided by the owner of this handle when ReadInitialHeaders is called. |
| raw_ptr<spdy::Http2HeaderBlock> read_headers_buffer_ = nullptr; |
| |
| // Callback to be invoked when ReadBody completes asynchronously. |
| CompletionOnceCallback read_body_callback_; |
| raw_ptr<IOBuffer> read_body_buffer_; |
| int read_body_buffer_len_ = 0; |
| |
| // Callback to be invoked when WriteStreamData or WritevStreamData completes |
| // asynchronously. |
| CompletionOnceCallback write_callback_; |
| |
| quic::QuicStreamId id_; |
| quic::QuicErrorCode connection_error_; |
| quic::QuicRstStreamErrorCode stream_error_; |
| bool fin_sent_; |
| bool fin_received_; |
| uint64_t stream_bytes_read_; |
| uint64_t stream_bytes_written_; |
| bool is_done_reading_; |
| bool is_first_stream_; |
| size_t num_bytes_consumed_; |
| Idempotency idempotency_ = DEFAULT_IDEMPOTENCY; |
| |
| int net_error_ = ERR_UNEXPECTED; |
| |
| NetLogWithSource net_log_; |
| |
| // The time at which the first 103 Early Hints response is received. |
| base::TimeTicks first_early_hints_time_; |
| |
| base::TimeTicks headers_received_start_time_; |
| |
| base::WeakPtrFactory<Handle> weak_factory_{this}; |
| }; |
| |
| QuicChromiumClientStream( |
| quic::QuicStreamId id, |
| quic::QuicSpdyClientSessionBase* session, |
| quic::StreamType type, |
| const NetLogWithSource& net_log, |
| const NetworkTrafficAnnotationTag& traffic_annotation); |
| QuicChromiumClientStream( |
| quic::PendingStream* pending, |
| quic::QuicSpdyClientSessionBase* session, |
| const NetLogWithSource& net_log, |
| const NetworkTrafficAnnotationTag& traffic_annotation); |
| |
| QuicChromiumClientStream(const QuicChromiumClientStream&) = delete; |
| QuicChromiumClientStream& operator=(const QuicChromiumClientStream&) = delete; |
| |
| ~QuicChromiumClientStream() override; |
| |
| // quic::QuicSpdyStream |
| void OnInitialHeadersComplete( |
| bool fin, |
| size_t frame_len, |
| const quic::QuicHeaderList& header_list) override; |
| void OnTrailingHeadersComplete( |
| bool fin, |
| size_t frame_len, |
| const quic::QuicHeaderList& header_list) override; |
| void OnPromiseHeaderList(quic::QuicStreamId promised_id, |
| size_t frame_len, |
| const quic::QuicHeaderList& header_list) override; |
| void OnBodyAvailable() override; |
| void OnClose() override; |
| void OnCanWrite() override; |
| size_t WriteHeaders( |
| spdy::Http2HeaderBlock header_block, |
| bool fin, |
| quiche::QuicheReferenceCountedPointer<quic::QuicAckListenerInterface> |
| ack_listener) override; |
| |
| // While the server's set_priority shouldn't be called externally, the creator |
| // of client-side streams should be able to set the priority. |
| using quic::QuicSpdyStream::SetPriority; |
| |
| // Writes |data| to the peer and closes the write side if |fin| is true. |
| // Returns true if the data have been fully written. If the data was not fully |
| // written, returns false and OnCanWrite() will be invoked later. |
| bool WriteStreamData(absl::string_view data, bool fin); |
| // Same as WriteStreamData except it writes data from a vector of IOBuffers, |
| // with the length of each buffer at the corresponding index in |lengths|. |
| bool WritevStreamData(const std::vector<scoped_refptr<IOBuffer>>& buffers, |
| const std::vector<int>& lengths, |
| bool fin); |
| |
| // Creates a new Handle for this stream. Must only be called once. |
| std::unique_ptr<QuicChromiumClientStream::Handle> CreateHandle(); |
| |
| // Clears |handle_| from this stream. |
| void ClearHandle(); |
| |
| // Notifies the stream handle of error, but doesn't close the stream. |
| void OnError(int error); |
| |
| // Reads at most |buf_len| bytes into |buf|. Returns the number of bytes read. |
| int Read(IOBuffer* buf, int buf_len); |
| |
| const NetLogWithSource& net_log() const { return net_log_; } |
| |
| // Prevents this stream from migrating to a cellular network. May be reset |
| // when connection migrates to a cellular network. |
| void DisableConnectionMigrationToCellularNetwork(); |
| |
| bool can_migrate_to_cellular_network() { |
| return can_migrate_to_cellular_network_; |
| } |
| |
| // True if this stream is the first data stream created on this session. |
| bool IsFirstStream(); |
| |
| int DeliverEarlyHints(spdy::Http2HeaderBlock* header_block); |
| |
| int DeliverInitialHeaders(spdy::Http2HeaderBlock* header_block); |
| |
| bool DeliverTrailingHeaders(spdy::Http2HeaderBlock* header_block, |
| int* frame_len); |
| |
| using quic::QuicSpdyStream::HasBufferedData; |
| using quic::QuicStream::sequencer; |
| |
| private: |
| void NotifyHandleOfInitialHeadersAvailableLater(); |
| void NotifyHandleOfInitialHeadersAvailable(); |
| void NotifyHandleOfTrailingHeadersAvailableLater(); |
| void NotifyHandleOfTrailingHeadersAvailable(); |
| void NotifyHandleOfDataAvailableLater(); |
| void NotifyHandleOfDataAvailable(); |
| |
| NetLogWithSource net_log_; |
| raw_ptr<Handle> handle_ = nullptr; |
| |
| // True when initial headers have been sent. |
| bool initial_headers_sent_ = false; |
| |
| raw_ptr<quic::QuicSpdyClientSessionBase> session_; |
| quic::QuicTransportVersion quic_version_; |
| |
| // Set to false if this stream should not be migrated to a cellular network |
| // during connection migration. |
| bool can_migrate_to_cellular_network_ = true; |
| |
| // True if non-informational (non-1xx) initial headers have arrived. |
| bool initial_headers_arrived_ = false; |
| // True if non-informational (non-1xx) initial headers have been delivered to |
| // the handle. |
| bool headers_delivered_ = false; |
| // Stores the initial header until they are delivered to the handle. |
| spdy::Http2HeaderBlock initial_headers_; |
| // Length of the HEADERS frame containing initial headers. |
| size_t initial_headers_frame_len_ = 0; |
| |
| // Length of the HEADERS frame containing trailing headers. |
| size_t trailing_headers_frame_len_ = 0; |
| |
| struct EarlyHints { |
| EarlyHints(spdy::Http2HeaderBlock headers, size_t frame_len) |
| : headers(std::move(headers)), frame_len(frame_len) {} |
| EarlyHints(EarlyHints&& other) = default; |
| EarlyHints& operator=(EarlyHints&& other) = default; |
| EarlyHints(const EarlyHints& other) = delete; |
| EarlyHints& operator=(const EarlyHints& other) = delete; |
| |
| spdy::Http2HeaderBlock headers; |
| size_t frame_len = 0; |
| }; |
| base::circular_deque<EarlyHints> early_hints_; |
| |
| base::WeakPtrFactory<QuicChromiumClientStream> weak_factory_{this}; |
| }; |
| |
| } // namespace net |
| |