blob: e7636ba293a0b0af1e7dbb1c66bd4447fde097d9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/containers/lru_cache.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "net/base/completion_once_callback.h"
#include "net/base/host_port_pair.h"
#include "net/base/io_buffer.h"
#include "net/cert/cert_verifier.h"
#include "net/cert/cert_verify_result.h"
#include "net/log/net_log_with_source.h"
#include "net/socket/next_proto.h"
#include "net/socket/socket_bio_adapter.h"
#include "net/socket/ssl_client_socket.h"
#include "net/socket/stream_socket.h"
#include "net/ssl/openssl_ssl_util.h"
#include "net/ssl/ssl_client_cert_type.h"
#include "net/ssl/ssl_client_session_cache.h"
#include "net/ssl/ssl_config.h"
#include "net/traffic_annotation/network_traffic_annotation.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
#include "third_party/boringssl/src/include/openssl/base.h"
#include "third_party/boringssl/src/include/openssl/ssl.h"
namespace crypto {
class OpenSSLErrStackTracer;
namespace net {
class SSLCertRequestInfo;
class SSLInfo;
class SSLPrivateKey;
class SSLKeyLogger;
class X509Certificate;
class SSLClientSocketImpl : public SSLClientSocket,
public SocketBIOAdapter::Delegate {
// Takes ownership of |stream_socket|, which may already be connected.
// The given hostname will be compared with the name(s) in the server's
// certificate during the SSL handshake. |ssl_config| specifies the SSL
// settings. The resulting socket may not outlive |context|.
SSLClientSocketImpl(SSLClientContext* context,
std::unique_ptr<StreamSocket> stream_socket,
const HostPortPair& host_and_port,
const SSLConfig& ssl_config);
SSLClientSocketImpl(const SSLClientSocketImpl&) = delete;
SSLClientSocketImpl& operator=(const SSLClientSocketImpl&) = delete;
~SSLClientSocketImpl() override;
const HostPortPair& host_and_port() const { return host_and_port_; }
// Log SSL key material to |logger|. Must be called before any
// SSLClientSockets are created.
static void SetSSLKeyLogger(std::unique_ptr<SSLKeyLogger> logger);
// SSLClientSocket implementation.
std::vector<uint8_t> GetECHRetryConfigs() override;
// SSLSocket implementation.
int ExportKeyingMaterial(base::StringPiece label,
bool has_context,
base::StringPiece context,
unsigned char* out,
unsigned int outlen) override;
// StreamSocket implementation.
int Connect(CompletionOnceCallback callback) override;
void Disconnect() override;
int ConfirmHandshake(CompletionOnceCallback callback) override;
bool IsConnected() const override;
bool IsConnectedAndIdle() const override;
int GetPeerAddress(IPEndPoint* address) const override;
int GetLocalAddress(IPEndPoint* address) const override;
const NetLogWithSource& NetLog() const override;
bool WasEverUsed() const override;
bool WasAlpnNegotiated() const override;
NextProto GetNegotiatedProtocol() const override;
absl::optional<base::StringPiece> GetPeerApplicationSettings() const override;
bool GetSSLInfo(SSLInfo* ssl_info) override;
int64_t GetTotalReceivedBytes() const override;
void GetSSLCertRequestInfo(
SSLCertRequestInfo* cert_request_info) const override;
void ApplySocketTag(const SocketTag& tag) override;
// Socket implementation.
int Read(IOBuffer* buf,
int buf_len,
CompletionOnceCallback callback) override;
int ReadIfReady(IOBuffer* buf,
int buf_len,
CompletionOnceCallback callback) override;
int CancelReadIfReady() override;
int Write(IOBuffer* buf,
int buf_len,
CompletionOnceCallback callback,
const NetworkTrafficAnnotationTag& traffic_annotation) override;
int SetReceiveBufferSize(int32_t size) override;
int SetSendBufferSize(int32_t size) override;
// SocketBIOAdapter implementation:
void OnReadReady() override;
void OnWriteReady() override;
class PeerCertificateChain;
class SSLContext;
friend class SSLClientSocket;
friend class SSLContext;
int Init();
void DoReadCallback(int result);
void DoWriteCallback(int result);
int DoHandshake();
int DoHandshakeComplete(int result);
void DoConnectCallback(int result);
void OnVerifyComplete(int result);
void OnHandshakeIOComplete(int result);
int DoHandshakeLoop(int last_io_result);
int DoPayloadRead(IOBuffer* buf, int buf_len);
int DoPayloadWrite();
void DoPeek();
// Called when an asynchronous event completes which may have blocked the
// pending Connect, Read or Write calls, if any. Retries all state machines
// and, if complete, runs the respective callbacks.
void RetryAllOperations();
// Callback from the SSL layer when a certificate needs to be verified. This
// is called when establishing new (fresh) connections and when evaluating
// whether an existing session can be resumed.
static ssl_verify_result_t VerifyCertCallback(SSL* ssl, uint8_t* out_alert);
ssl_verify_result_t VerifyCert();
ssl_verify_result_t HandleVerifyResult();
int CheckCTCompliance();
// Callback from the SSL layer that indicates the remote server is requesting
// a certificate for this client.
int ClientCertRequestCallback(SSL* ssl);
// Called from the SSL layer whenever a new session is established.
int NewSessionCallback(SSL_SESSION* session);
// Returns a session cache key for this socket.
SSLClientSessionCache::Key GetSessionCacheKey(
absl::optional<IPAddress> dest_ip_addr) const;
// Returns true if renegotiations are allowed.
bool IsRenegotiationAllowed() const;
// Returns true when we should be using the ssl_client_session_cache_
bool IsCachingEnabled() const;
// Callbacks for operations with the private key.
ssl_private_key_result_t PrivateKeySignCallback(uint8_t* out,
size_t* out_len,
size_t max_out,
uint16_t algorithm,
const uint8_t* in,
size_t in_len);
ssl_private_key_result_t PrivateKeyCompleteCallback(uint8_t* out,
size_t* out_len,
size_t max_out);
void OnPrivateKeyComplete(Error error, const std::vector<uint8_t>& signature);
// Called whenever BoringSSL processes a protocol message.
void MessageCallback(int is_write,
int content_type,
const void* buf,
size_t len);
void LogConnectEndEvent(int rv);
// Record whether ALPN was used, and if so, the negotiated protocol,
// in a UMA histogram.
void RecordNegotiatedProtocol() const;
// Returns the net error corresponding to the most recent OpenSSL
// error. ssl_error is the output of SSL_get_error.
int MapLastOpenSSLError(int ssl_error,
const crypto::OpenSSLErrStackTracer& tracer,
OpenSSLErrorInfo* info);
// Wraps SSL_get0_ech_name_override. See documentation for that function.
base::StringPiece GetECHNameOverride() const;
// Returns true if |cert| is one of the certs in |allowed_bad_certs|.
// The expected cert status is written to |cert_status|. |*cert_status| can
// be nullptr if user doesn't care about the cert status. This method checks
// handshake state, so it may only be called during certificate verification.
bool IsAllowedBadCert(X509Certificate* cert, CertStatus* cert_status) const;
CompletionOnceCallback user_connect_callback_;
CompletionOnceCallback user_read_callback_;
CompletionOnceCallback user_write_callback_;
// Used by Read function.
scoped_refptr<IOBuffer> user_read_buf_;
int user_read_buf_len_;
// Used by Write function.
scoped_refptr<IOBuffer> user_write_buf_;
int user_write_buf_len_;
bool first_post_handshake_write_ = true;
// True if we've already handled the result of our attempt to use early data.
bool handled_early_data_result_ = false;
// Used by DoPayloadRead() when attempting to fill the caller's buffer with
// as much data as possible without blocking.
// If DoPayloadRead() encounters an error after having read some data, stores
// the result to return on the *next* call to DoPayloadRead(). A value > 0
// indicates there is no pending result, otherwise 0 indicates EOF and < 0
// indicates an error.
int pending_read_error_;
// If there is a pending read result, the OpenSSL result code (output of
// SSL_get_error) associated with it.
int pending_read_ssl_error_ = SSL_ERROR_NONE;
// If there is a pending read result, the OpenSSLErrorInfo associated with it.
OpenSSLErrorInfo pending_read_error_info_;
// Set when Connect finishes.
scoped_refptr<X509Certificate> server_cert_;
CertVerifyResult server_cert_verify_result_;
bool completed_connect_ = false;
// Set when Read() or Write() successfully reads or writes data to or from the
// network.
bool was_ever_used_ = false;
const raw_ptr<SSLClientContext> context_;
std::unique_ptr<CertVerifier::Request> cert_verifier_request_;
base::TimeTicks start_cert_verification_time_;
// Result from Cert Verifier.
int cert_verification_result_;
// OpenSSL stuff
bssl::UniquePtr<SSL> ssl_;
std::unique_ptr<StreamSocket> stream_socket_;
std::unique_ptr<SocketBIOAdapter> transport_adapter_;
const HostPortPair host_and_port_;
SSLConfig ssl_config_;
enum State {
State next_handshake_state_ = STATE_NONE;
// True if we are currently confirming the handshake.
bool in_confirm_handshake_ = false;
// True if the post-handshake SSL_peek has completed.
bool peek_complete_ = false;
// True if the socket has been disconnected.
bool disconnected_ = false;
// True if certificate verification used an ECH name override.
bool used_ech_name_override_ = false;
NextProto negotiated_protocol_ = kProtoUnknown;
// Set to true if a CertificateRequest was received.
bool certificate_requested_ = false;
int signature_result_;
std::vector<uint8_t> signature_;
// pinning_failure_log contains a message produced by
// TransportSecurityState::CheckPublicKeyPins in the event of a
// pinning failure. It is a (somewhat) human-readable string.
std::string pinning_failure_log_;
// True if PKP is bypassed due to a local trust anchor.
bool pkp_bypassed_ = false;
// True if there was a certificate error which should be treated as fatal,
// and false otherwise.
bool is_fatal_cert_error_ = false;
// True if the socket should respond to client certificate requests with
// |client_cert_| and |client_private_key_|, which may be null to continue
// with no certificate. If false, client certificate requests will result in
bool send_client_cert_;
scoped_refptr<X509Certificate> client_cert_;
scoped_refptr<SSLPrivateKey> client_private_key_;
NetLogWithSource net_log_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<SSLClientSocketImpl> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace net