blob: f1a167c61a0cd676b32ed3ab741ba8bd1d25818e [file] [log] [blame]
" Copyright 2018 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.",
" Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be",
" found in the LICENSE file.",
" The schema of this JSON file is as follows:",
" The top-level object contains variable groups. Each group can have the following",
" properties:",
" variables: Object mapping variable names to variable properties.",
" subgroups: Object with more groups that fall under the top-level group.",
" shader_type: The type of shader this variable is supported in",
" Each variable can have the following properties:",
" essl_level: ESSL symbol table level where the variable is contained.",
" glsl_level: GLSL symbol table level where the variable is contained.",
" type: Object with properties of the type. Can be substituted with initDynamicType.",
" initDynamicType: Template string with C++ code for initializing a TType * with the",
" name {type_name}. The name will be replaced when generating code.",
" May refer to names of previously listed structs or interface",
" blocks.",
" essl_extension: Optional. Name of the ESSL extension where this variable is from.",
" glsl_extension: Optional. Name of the GLSL extension where this variable is from.",
" value: Optional. String that has one valid value: 'resources'. Denotes that the",
" value of the variable should be based on the field of ShBuiltInResources",
" with the same name as the variable.",
" class: Optional. To be used for interface block or struct definitions. Valid",
" values are 'TStructure' or 'TInterfaceBlock'.",
" fields: Optional. Object to be used for storing fields of interface block and",
" struct definitions. Maps field names to field types.",
" suffix: Optional. Suffix to give C++ variables storing the properties of this",
" variable a unique name that doesn't conflict with C++ keywords.",
" Each type can have the following properties:",
" basic: Basic type as in the TBasicType enum without the Ebt prefix.",
" precision: Precision as in TPrecision enum without the Ebp prefix.",
" qualifier: Optional. Qualifier as in the TQualifier enum without the Evq prefix.",
" primarySize: Optional. Vector size or matrix column count.",
" secondarySize: Optional. Matrix row count.",
" Any group, variable or type can have the property 'comment'."
"initDynamicType":"TType *{type_name} = new TType(gl_DepthRangeParameters, false); {type_name}->setQualifier(EvqUniform);"
"shader_type": "FRAGMENT",
"initDynamicType":"TType *{type_name} = new TType(EbtFloat, EbpMedium, EvqFragData, 4); if (spec != SH_WEBGL2_SPEC && spec != SH_WEBGL3_SPEC) {{ {type_name}->makeArray(resources.MaxDrawBuffers); }} else {{ {type_name}->makeArray(1u); }}"
"initDynamicType":"TType *{type_name} = new TType(EbtFloat, EbpMedium, EvqSecondaryFragDataEXT, 4, 1); {type_name}->makeArray(resources.MaxDualSourceDrawBuffers);"
"initDynamicType":"TType *{type_name} = new TType(EbtFloat, resources.FragmentPrecisionHigh ? EbpHigh : EbpMedium, EvqFragDepthEXT, 1);"
"initDynamicType":"TType *{type_name} = new TType(EbtFloat, EbpMedium, EvqLastFragData, 4, 1); {type_name}->makeArray(resources.MaxDrawBuffers);"
"initDynamicType":"TType *{type_name} = new TType(EbtFloat, EbpMedium, EvqLastFragData, 4, 1); {type_name}->makeArray(resources.MaxDrawBuffers);"
"shader_type": "VERTEX",
"comment": "In GLSL 450 used by Vulkan"
"comment": "In GLSL 450 used by Vulkan"
"comment":"For internal use by ANGLE - not exposed to the parser.",
"comment":"gl_Layer exists in other shader stages in ESSL, but not in vertex shader so far.",
"shader_type": "COMPUTE",
"shader_type": "GEOMETRY_EXT",
"initDynamicType":"TType *{type_name} = new TType(gl_PerVertex, EvqPerVertexIn, TLayoutQualifier::Create()); {type_name}->makeArray(0u);",
"comment":"The array size of gl_in is undefined until we get a valid input primitive declaration."
"initDynamicType":"TType *{type_name} = new TType(EbtFloat, EbpHigh, EvqPosition, 4); {type_name}->setInterfaceBlock(gl_PerVertexOutBlock);"
"shader_type": "NOT_COMPUTE",