blob: 215104963ed4435f057244f1c68f476fb9f07f91 [file] [log] [blame]
name: "crashpad"
"Crashpad is a crash reporter tool created by Chromium. This will allow "
"Cobalt to track and resolve crashes on most systems in a way that requires "
"little disk space and is platform agnostic."
third_party {
identifier {
type: "ChromiumVersion"
value: "84.0.4147.135" # from
identifier {
type: "Git"
value: ""
version: "e04e467cb3a7d291988eb267ca11cc909adf6f52"
identifier {
type: "UpstreamSubdir"
value: "third_party/crashpad"
last_upgrade_date {
year: 2023
month: 8
day: 17
license_type: NOTICE