| /* |
| * This file is part of FFmpeg. |
| * |
| * FFmpeg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or |
| * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public |
| * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either |
| * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. |
| * |
| * FFmpeg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
| * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
| * Lesser General Public License for more details. |
| * |
| * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public |
| * License along with FFmpeg; if not, write to the Free Software |
| * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA |
| */ |
| |
| #ifndef AVCODEC_CBS_H264_H |
| #define AVCODEC_CBS_H264_H |
| |
| #include <stddef.h> |
| #include <stdint.h> |
| |
| #include "cbs.h" |
| #include "cbs_h2645.h" |
| #include "cbs_sei.h" |
| #include "h264.h" |
| |
| |
| typedef struct H264RawNALUnitHeader { |
| uint8_t nal_ref_idc; |
| uint8_t nal_unit_type; |
| |
| uint8_t svc_extension_flag; |
| uint8_t avc_3d_extension_flag; |
| } H264RawNALUnitHeader; |
| |
| typedef struct H264RawScalingList { |
| int8_t delta_scale[64]; |
| } H264RawScalingList; |
| |
| typedef struct H264RawHRD { |
| uint8_t cpb_cnt_minus1; |
| uint8_t bit_rate_scale; |
| uint8_t cpb_size_scale; |
| |
| uint32_t bit_rate_value_minus1[H264_MAX_CPB_CNT]; |
| uint32_t cpb_size_value_minus1[H264_MAX_CPB_CNT]; |
| uint8_t cbr_flag[H264_MAX_CPB_CNT]; |
| |
| uint8_t initial_cpb_removal_delay_length_minus1; |
| uint8_t cpb_removal_delay_length_minus1; |
| uint8_t dpb_output_delay_length_minus1; |
| uint8_t time_offset_length; |
| } H264RawHRD; |
| |
| typedef struct H264RawVUI { |
| uint8_t aspect_ratio_info_present_flag; |
| uint8_t aspect_ratio_idc; |
| uint16_t sar_width; |
| uint16_t sar_height; |
| |
| uint8_t overscan_info_present_flag; |
| uint8_t overscan_appropriate_flag; |
| |
| uint8_t video_signal_type_present_flag; |
| uint8_t video_format; |
| uint8_t video_full_range_flag; |
| uint8_t colour_description_present_flag; |
| uint8_t colour_primaries; |
| uint8_t transfer_characteristics; |
| uint8_t matrix_coefficients; |
| |
| uint8_t chroma_loc_info_present_flag; |
| uint8_t chroma_sample_loc_type_top_field; |
| uint8_t chroma_sample_loc_type_bottom_field; |
| |
| uint8_t timing_info_present_flag; |
| uint32_t num_units_in_tick; |
| uint32_t time_scale; |
| uint8_t fixed_frame_rate_flag; |
| |
| uint8_t nal_hrd_parameters_present_flag; |
| H264RawHRD nal_hrd_parameters; |
| uint8_t vcl_hrd_parameters_present_flag; |
| H264RawHRD vcl_hrd_parameters; |
| uint8_t low_delay_hrd_flag; |
| |
| uint8_t pic_struct_present_flag; |
| |
| uint8_t bitstream_restriction_flag; |
| uint8_t motion_vectors_over_pic_boundaries_flag; |
| uint8_t max_bytes_per_pic_denom; |
| uint8_t max_bits_per_mb_denom; |
| uint8_t log2_max_mv_length_horizontal; |
| uint8_t log2_max_mv_length_vertical; |
| uint8_t max_num_reorder_frames; |
| uint8_t max_dec_frame_buffering; |
| } H264RawVUI; |
| |
| typedef struct H264RawSPS { |
| H264RawNALUnitHeader nal_unit_header; |
| |
| uint8_t profile_idc; |
| uint8_t constraint_set0_flag; |
| uint8_t constraint_set1_flag; |
| uint8_t constraint_set2_flag; |
| uint8_t constraint_set3_flag; |
| uint8_t constraint_set4_flag; |
| uint8_t constraint_set5_flag; |
| uint8_t reserved_zero_2bits; |
| uint8_t level_idc; |
| |
| uint8_t seq_parameter_set_id; |
| |
| uint8_t chroma_format_idc; |
| uint8_t separate_colour_plane_flag; |
| uint8_t bit_depth_luma_minus8; |
| uint8_t bit_depth_chroma_minus8; |
| uint8_t qpprime_y_zero_transform_bypass_flag; |
| |
| uint8_t seq_scaling_matrix_present_flag; |
| uint8_t seq_scaling_list_present_flag[12]; |
| H264RawScalingList scaling_list_4x4[6]; |
| H264RawScalingList scaling_list_8x8[6]; |
| |
| uint8_t log2_max_frame_num_minus4; |
| uint8_t pic_order_cnt_type; |
| uint8_t log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb_minus4; |
| uint8_t delta_pic_order_always_zero_flag; |
| int32_t offset_for_non_ref_pic; |
| int32_t offset_for_top_to_bottom_field; |
| uint8_t num_ref_frames_in_pic_order_cnt_cycle; |
| int32_t offset_for_ref_frame[256]; |
| |
| uint8_t max_num_ref_frames; |
| uint8_t gaps_in_frame_num_allowed_flag; |
| |
| uint16_t pic_width_in_mbs_minus1; |
| uint16_t pic_height_in_map_units_minus1; |
| |
| uint8_t frame_mbs_only_flag; |
| uint8_t mb_adaptive_frame_field_flag; |
| uint8_t direct_8x8_inference_flag; |
| |
| uint8_t frame_cropping_flag; |
| uint16_t frame_crop_left_offset; |
| uint16_t frame_crop_right_offset; |
| uint16_t frame_crop_top_offset; |
| uint16_t frame_crop_bottom_offset; |
| |
| uint8_t vui_parameters_present_flag; |
| H264RawVUI vui; |
| } H264RawSPS; |
| |
| typedef struct H264RawSPSExtension { |
| H264RawNALUnitHeader nal_unit_header; |
| |
| uint8_t seq_parameter_set_id; |
| |
| uint8_t aux_format_idc; |
| uint8_t bit_depth_aux_minus8; |
| uint8_t alpha_incr_flag; |
| uint16_t alpha_opaque_value; |
| uint16_t alpha_transparent_value; |
| |
| uint8_t additional_extension_flag; |
| } H264RawSPSExtension; |
| |
| typedef struct H264RawPPS { |
| H264RawNALUnitHeader nal_unit_header; |
| |
| uint8_t pic_parameter_set_id; |
| uint8_t seq_parameter_set_id; |
| |
| uint8_t entropy_coding_mode_flag; |
| uint8_t bottom_field_pic_order_in_frame_present_flag; |
| |
| uint8_t num_slice_groups_minus1; |
| uint8_t slice_group_map_type; |
| uint16_t run_length_minus1[H264_MAX_SLICE_GROUPS]; |
| uint16_t top_left[H264_MAX_SLICE_GROUPS]; |
| uint16_t bottom_right[H264_MAX_SLICE_GROUPS]; |
| uint8_t slice_group_change_direction_flag; |
| uint16_t slice_group_change_rate_minus1; |
| uint16_t pic_size_in_map_units_minus1; |
| |
| uint8_t *slice_group_id; |
| AVBufferRef *slice_group_id_ref; |
| |
| uint8_t num_ref_idx_l0_default_active_minus1; |
| uint8_t num_ref_idx_l1_default_active_minus1; |
| |
| uint8_t weighted_pred_flag; |
| uint8_t weighted_bipred_idc; |
| |
| int8_t pic_init_qp_minus26; |
| int8_t pic_init_qs_minus26; |
| int8_t chroma_qp_index_offset; |
| |
| uint8_t deblocking_filter_control_present_flag; |
| uint8_t constrained_intra_pred_flag; |
| |
| uint8_t more_rbsp_data; |
| |
| uint8_t redundant_pic_cnt_present_flag; |
| uint8_t transform_8x8_mode_flag; |
| |
| uint8_t pic_scaling_matrix_present_flag; |
| uint8_t pic_scaling_list_present_flag[12]; |
| H264RawScalingList scaling_list_4x4[6]; |
| H264RawScalingList scaling_list_8x8[6]; |
| |
| int8_t second_chroma_qp_index_offset; |
| } H264RawPPS; |
| |
| typedef struct H264RawAUD { |
| H264RawNALUnitHeader nal_unit_header; |
| |
| uint8_t primary_pic_type; |
| } H264RawAUD; |
| |
| typedef struct H264RawSEIBufferingPeriod { |
| uint8_t seq_parameter_set_id; |
| struct { |
| uint32_t initial_cpb_removal_delay[H264_MAX_CPB_CNT]; |
| uint32_t initial_cpb_removal_delay_offset[H264_MAX_CPB_CNT]; |
| } nal, vcl; |
| } H264RawSEIBufferingPeriod; |
| |
| typedef struct H264RawSEIPicTimestamp { |
| uint8_t ct_type; |
| uint8_t nuit_field_based_flag; |
| uint8_t counting_type; |
| uint8_t full_timestamp_flag; |
| uint8_t discontinuity_flag; |
| uint8_t cnt_dropped_flag; |
| uint8_t n_frames; |
| uint8_t seconds_flag; |
| uint8_t seconds_value; |
| uint8_t minutes_flag; |
| uint8_t minutes_value; |
| uint8_t hours_flag; |
| uint8_t hours_value; |
| int32_t time_offset; |
| } H264RawSEIPicTimestamp; |
| |
| typedef struct H264RawSEIPicTiming { |
| uint32_t cpb_removal_delay; |
| uint32_t dpb_output_delay; |
| uint8_t pic_struct; |
| uint8_t clock_timestamp_flag[3]; |
| H264RawSEIPicTimestamp timestamp[3]; |
| } H264RawSEIPicTiming; |
| |
| typedef struct H264RawSEIPanScanRect { |
| uint32_t pan_scan_rect_id; |
| uint8_t pan_scan_rect_cancel_flag; |
| uint8_t pan_scan_cnt_minus1; |
| int32_t pan_scan_rect_left_offset[3]; |
| int32_t pan_scan_rect_right_offset[3]; |
| int32_t pan_scan_rect_top_offset[3]; |
| int32_t pan_scan_rect_bottom_offset[3]; |
| uint16_t pan_scan_rect_repetition_period; |
| } H264RawSEIPanScanRect; |
| |
| typedef struct H264RawSEIRecoveryPoint { |
| uint16_t recovery_frame_cnt; |
| uint8_t exact_match_flag; |
| uint8_t broken_link_flag; |
| uint8_t changing_slice_group_idc; |
| } H264RawSEIRecoveryPoint; |
| |
| typedef struct H264RawFilmGrainCharacteristics { |
| uint8_t film_grain_characteristics_cancel_flag; |
| uint8_t film_grain_model_id; |
| uint8_t separate_colour_description_present_flag; |
| uint8_t film_grain_bit_depth_luma_minus8; |
| uint8_t film_grain_bit_depth_chroma_minus8; |
| uint8_t film_grain_full_range_flag; |
| uint8_t film_grain_colour_primaries; |
| uint8_t film_grain_transfer_characteristics; |
| uint8_t film_grain_matrix_coefficients; |
| uint8_t blending_mode_id; |
| uint8_t log2_scale_factor; |
| uint8_t comp_model_present_flag[3]; |
| uint8_t num_intensity_intervals_minus1[3]; |
| uint8_t num_model_values_minus1[3]; |
| uint8_t intensity_interval_lower_bound[3][256]; |
| uint8_t intensity_interval_upper_bound[3][256]; |
| int16_t comp_model_value[3][256][6]; |
| uint8_t film_grain_characteristics_repetition_period; |
| } H264RawFilmGrainCharacteristics; |
| |
| typedef struct H264RawSEIDisplayOrientation { |
| uint8_t display_orientation_cancel_flag; |
| uint8_t hor_flip; |
| uint8_t ver_flip; |
| uint16_t anticlockwise_rotation; |
| uint16_t display_orientation_repetition_period; |
| uint8_t display_orientation_extension_flag; |
| } H264RawSEIDisplayOrientation; |
| |
| typedef struct H264RawSEI { |
| H264RawNALUnitHeader nal_unit_header; |
| SEIRawMessageList message_list; |
| } H264RawSEI; |
| |
| typedef struct H264RawSliceHeader { |
| H264RawNALUnitHeader nal_unit_header; |
| |
| uint32_t first_mb_in_slice; |
| uint8_t slice_type; |
| |
| uint8_t pic_parameter_set_id; |
| |
| uint8_t colour_plane_id; |
| |
| uint16_t frame_num; |
| uint8_t field_pic_flag; |
| uint8_t bottom_field_flag; |
| |
| uint16_t idr_pic_id; |
| |
| uint16_t pic_order_cnt_lsb; |
| int32_t delta_pic_order_cnt_bottom; |
| int32_t delta_pic_order_cnt[2]; |
| |
| uint8_t redundant_pic_cnt; |
| uint8_t direct_spatial_mv_pred_flag; |
| |
| uint8_t num_ref_idx_active_override_flag; |
| uint8_t num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1; |
| uint8_t num_ref_idx_l1_active_minus1; |
| |
| uint8_t ref_pic_list_modification_flag_l0; |
| uint8_t ref_pic_list_modification_flag_l1; |
| struct { |
| uint8_t modification_of_pic_nums_idc; |
| int32_t abs_diff_pic_num_minus1; |
| uint8_t long_term_pic_num; |
| } rplm_l0[H264_MAX_RPLM_COUNT], rplm_l1[H264_MAX_RPLM_COUNT]; |
| |
| uint8_t luma_log2_weight_denom; |
| uint8_t chroma_log2_weight_denom; |
| |
| uint8_t luma_weight_l0_flag[H264_MAX_REFS]; |
| int8_t luma_weight_l0[H264_MAX_REFS]; |
| int8_t luma_offset_l0[H264_MAX_REFS]; |
| uint8_t chroma_weight_l0_flag[H264_MAX_REFS]; |
| int8_t chroma_weight_l0[H264_MAX_REFS][2]; |
| int8_t chroma_offset_l0[H264_MAX_REFS][2]; |
| |
| uint8_t luma_weight_l1_flag[H264_MAX_REFS]; |
| int8_t luma_weight_l1[H264_MAX_REFS]; |
| int8_t luma_offset_l1[H264_MAX_REFS]; |
| uint8_t chroma_weight_l1_flag[H264_MAX_REFS]; |
| int8_t chroma_weight_l1[H264_MAX_REFS][2]; |
| int8_t chroma_offset_l1[H264_MAX_REFS][2]; |
| |
| uint8_t no_output_of_prior_pics_flag; |
| uint8_t long_term_reference_flag; |
| |
| uint8_t adaptive_ref_pic_marking_mode_flag; |
| struct { |
| uint8_t memory_management_control_operation; |
| int32_t difference_of_pic_nums_minus1; |
| uint8_t long_term_pic_num; |
| uint8_t long_term_frame_idx; |
| uint8_t max_long_term_frame_idx_plus1; |
| } mmco[H264_MAX_MMCO_COUNT]; |
| |
| uint8_t cabac_init_idc; |
| |
| int8_t slice_qp_delta; |
| |
| uint8_t sp_for_switch_flag; |
| int8_t slice_qs_delta; |
| |
| uint8_t disable_deblocking_filter_idc; |
| int8_t slice_alpha_c0_offset_div2; |
| int8_t slice_beta_offset_div2; |
| |
| uint16_t slice_group_change_cycle; |
| } H264RawSliceHeader; |
| |
| typedef struct H264RawSlice { |
| H264RawSliceHeader header; |
| |
| uint8_t *data; |
| AVBufferRef *data_ref; |
| size_t data_size; |
| int data_bit_start; |
| } H264RawSlice; |
| |
| typedef struct H264RawFiller { |
| H264RawNALUnitHeader nal_unit_header; |
| |
| uint32_t filler_size; |
| } H264RawFiller; |
| |
| |
| typedef struct CodedBitstreamH264Context { |
| // Reader/writer context in common with the H.265 implementation. |
| CodedBitstreamH2645Context common; |
| |
| // All currently available parameter sets. These are updated when |
| // any parameter set NAL unit is read/written with this context. |
| H264RawSPS *sps[H264_MAX_SPS_COUNT]; ///< RefStruct references |
| H264RawPPS *pps[H264_MAX_PPS_COUNT]; ///< RefStruct references |
| |
| // The currently active parameter sets. These are updated when any |
| // NAL unit refers to the relevant parameter set. These pointers |
| // must also be present in the arrays above. |
| const H264RawSPS *active_sps; |
| const H264RawPPS *active_pps; |
| |
| // The NAL unit type of the most recent normal slice. This is required |
| // to be able to read/write auxiliary slices, because IdrPicFlag is |
| // otherwise unknown. |
| uint8_t last_slice_nal_unit_type; |
| } CodedBitstreamH264Context; |
| |
| #endif /* AVCODEC_CBS_H264_H */ |