blob: d3610af47d8f730f39581eacd97042d0c56d5765 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string>
#include "ui/gfx/gfx_export.h"
#include "ui/gfx/text_constants.h"
namespace gfx {
class FontList;
class Insets;
class Size;
// Strips the accelerator char ('&') from a menu string. Useful for platforms
// which use underlining to indicate accelerators.
// Single accelerator chars ('&') will be stripped from the string. Double
// accelerator chars ('&&') will be converted to a single '&'. The out params
// |accelerated_char_pos| and |accelerated_char_span| will be set to the index
// and span of the last accelerated character, respectively, or -1 and 0 if
// there was none.
GFX_EXPORT std::u16string LocateAndRemoveAcceleratorChar(
const std::u16string& s,
int* accelerated_char_pos,
int* accelerated_char_span);
// Strips all accelerator notation from a menu string. Useful for platforms
// which use underlining to indicate accelerators, as well as situations where
// accelerators are not indicated.
// Single accelerator chars ('&') will be stripped from the string. Double
// accelerator chars ('&&') will be converted to a single '&'. CJK language
// accelerators, specified as "(&x)", will be entirely removed too.
GFX_EXPORT std::u16string RemoveAccelerator(const std::u16string& s);
// Returns the number of horizontal pixels needed to display the specified
// |text| with |font_list|. |typesetter| indicates where the text will be
// displayed.
GFX_EXPORT int GetStringWidth(const std::u16string& text,
const FontList& font_list);
// Returns the size required to render |text| in |font_list|. This includes all
// leading space, descender area, etc. even if the text to render does not
// contain characters with ascenders or descenders.
GFX_EXPORT Size GetStringSize(const std::u16string& text,
const FontList& font_list);
// This is same as GetStringWidth except that fractional width is returned.
GFX_EXPORT float GetStringWidthF(const std::u16string& text,
const FontList& font_list);
// Returns a valid cut boundary at or before |index|. The surrogate pair and
// combining characters should not be separated.
GFX_EXPORT size_t FindValidBoundaryBefore(const std::u16string& text,
size_t index,
bool trim_whitespace = false);
// Returns a valid cut boundary at or after |index|. The surrogate pair and
// combining characters should not be separated.
GFX_EXPORT size_t FindValidBoundaryAfter(const std::u16string& text,
size_t index,
bool trim_whitespace = false);
// If the UI layout is right-to-left, flip the alignment direction.
GFX_EXPORT HorizontalAlignment MaybeFlipForRTL(HorizontalAlignment alignment);
// Returns insets that can be used to draw a highlight or border that appears to
// be distance |desired_visual_padding| from the body of a string of text
// rendered using |font_list|. The insets are adjusted based on the box used to
// render capital letters (or the bodies of most letters in non-capital fonts
// like Hebrew and Devanagari), in order to give the best visual appearance.
// That is, any portion of |desired_visual_padding| overlapping the font's
// leading space or descender area are truncated, to a minimum of zero.
// In this example, the text is rendered in a highlight that stretches above and
// below the height of the H as well as to the left and right of the text
// (|desired_visual_padding| = {2, 2, 2, 2}). Note that the descender of the 'y'
// overlaps with the padding, as it is outside the capital letter box.
// The resulting padding is {1, 2, 1, 2}.
// . . . . . . . . . . | actual top
// . . | | leading space
// . | | _ . | font | capital
// . |--| /_\ \ / . | height | height
// . | | \_ \/ . | |
// . / . | | descender
// . . . . . . . . . . | actual bottom
// ___ ___
// actual actual
// left right
AdjustVisualBorderForFont(const FontList& font_list,
const Insets& desired_visual_padding);
// Returns the y adjustment necessary to align the center of the "cap size" box
// - the space between a capital letter's top and bottom - between two fonts.
// For non-capital scripts (e.g. Hebrew, Devanagari) the box containing the body
// of most letters is used.
// A positive return value means the font |to_center| needs to be moved down
// relative to the font |original_font|, while a negative value means it needs
// to be moved up.
// Illustration:
// original_font to_center
// ---------- ] - return value (+1)
// leading ----------
// ---------- leading
// ----------
// cap-height cap-height
// ----------
// ---------- descent
// descent ----------
// ----------
// Visual result: Non-Latin example (Devanagari ऐ "ai"):
// \
// |\ | ------ \
// | \ | |\ | | | ----
// | \ | | \| \ / \|
// | \| \ /
// /
GFX_EXPORT int GetFontCapHeightCenterOffset(const gfx::FontList& original_font,
const gfx::FontList& to_center);
} // namespace gfx
#endif // UI_GFX_TEXT_UTILS_H_