blob: b5ed2bfc540e9bbdb45b2c455f1ae40a11e2673f [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import unittest
from test_expectations import TestExpectations
class TestTestExpectations(unittest.TestCase):
def testParseLine(self):
line = (' [ Mac Gpu ] media/video-zoom.html [ Crash '
'ImageOnlyFailure ]')
expected_map = {'CRASH': True, 'IMAGE': True, 'Bugs': ['BUGCR86714'],
'Comments': '', 'MAC': True, 'Gpu': True,
'Platforms': ['MAC', 'Gpu']}
('media/video-zoom.html', expected_map))
def testParseLineWithLineComments(self):
line = (' [ Mac Gpu ] media/video-zoom.html [ Crash '
'ImageOnlyFailure ] # foo')
expected_map = {'CRASH': True, 'IMAGE': True, 'Bugs': ['BUGCR86714'],
'Comments': ' foo', 'MAC': True, 'Gpu': True,
'Platforms': ['MAC', 'Gpu']}
('media/video-zoom.html', expected_map))
def testParseLineWithLineGPUComments(self):
line = (' [ Mac ] media/video-zoom.html [ Crash '
'ImageOnlyFailure ] # Gpu')
expected_map = {'CRASH': True, 'IMAGE': True, 'Bugs': ['BUGCR86714'],
'Comments': ' Gpu', 'MAC': True,
'Platforms': ['MAC']}
('media/video-zoom.html', expected_map))
if __name__ == '__main__':