blob: 7b50781d036eee0f6acc0aeb40cccf432cc0cb10 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "crypto/crypto_export.h"
#if defined(USE_NSS)
class FilePath;
#endif // defined(USE_NSS)
namespace base {
class Lock;
class Time;
} // namespace base
// This file specifically doesn't depend on any NSS or NSPR headers because it
// is included by various (non-crypto) parts of chrome to call the
// initialization functions.
namespace crypto {
class SymmetricKey;
#if defined(USE_NSS)
// EarlySetupForNSSInit performs lightweight setup which must occur before the
// process goes multithreaded. This does not initialise NSS. For test, see
// EnsureNSSInit.
CRYPTO_EXPORT void EarlySetupForNSSInit();
// Initialize NRPR if it isn't already initialized. This function is
// thread-safe, and NSPR will only ever be initialized once.
CRYPTO_EXPORT void EnsureNSPRInit();
// Initialize NSS safely for strict sandboxing. This function tells NSS to not
// load user security modules, and makes sure NSS will have proper entropy in a
// restricted, sandboxed environment.
// As a defense in depth measure, this function should be called in a sandboxed
// environment. That way, in the event of a bug, NSS will still not be able to
// load security modules that could expose private data and keys.
// Make sure to get an LGTM from the Chrome Security Team if you use this.
CRYPTO_EXPORT void InitNSSSafely();
// Initialize NSS if it isn't already initialized. This must be called before
// any other NSS functions. This function is thread-safe, and NSS will only
// ever be initialized once.
CRYPTO_EXPORT void EnsureNSSInit();
// Call this before calling EnsureNSSInit() will force NSS to initialize
// without a persistent DB. This is used for the special case where access of
// persistent DB is prohibited.
// TODO(hclam): Isolate loading default root certs.
// NSS will be initialized without loading any user security modules, including
// the built-in root certificates module. User security modules need to be
// loaded manually after NSS initialization.
// If EnsureNSSInit() is called before then this function has no effect.
// Calling this method only has effect on Linux.
// WARNING: Use this with caution.
// This method is used to disable checks in NSS when used in a forked process.
// NSS checks whether it is running a forked process to avoid problems when
// using user security modules in a forked process. However if we are sure
// there are no modules loaded before the process is forked then there is no
// harm disabling the check.
// This method must be called before EnsureNSSInit() to take effect.
// WARNING: Use this with caution.
CRYPTO_EXPORT void DisableNSSForkCheck();
// Load NSS library files. This function has no effect on Mac and Windows.
// This loads the necessary NSS library files so that NSS can be initialized
// after loading additional library files is disallowed, for example when the
// sandbox is active.
// Note that this does not load which contains the root
// certificates.
CRYPTO_EXPORT void LoadNSSLibraries();
// Check if the current NSS version is greater than or equals to |version|.
// A sample version string is "3.12.3".
bool CheckNSSVersion(const char* version);
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
// Open the r/w nssdb that's stored inside the user's encrypted home
// directory. This is the default slot returned by
// GetPublicNSSKeySlot().
CRYPTO_EXPORT void OpenPersistentNSSDB();
// Indicates that NSS should load the Chaps library so that we
// can access the TPM through NSS. Once this is called,
// GetPrivateNSSKeySlot() will return the TPM slot if one was found.
CRYPTO_EXPORT void EnableTPMTokenForNSS();
// Get name and user PIN for the built-in TPM token on ChromeOS.
// Either one can safely be NULL. Should only be called after
// EnableTPMTokenForNSS has been called with a non-null delegate.
CRYPTO_EXPORT void GetTPMTokenInfo(std::string* token_name,
std::string* user_pin);
// Returns true if the TPM is owned and PKCS#11 initialized with the
// user and security officer PINs, and has been enabled in NSS by
// calling EnableTPMForNSS, and Chaps has been successfully
// loaded into NSS.
CRYPTO_EXPORT bool IsTPMTokenReady();
// Initialize the TPM token. Does nothing if it is already initialized.
CRYPTO_EXPORT bool InitializeTPMToken(const std::string& token_name,
const std::string& user_pin);
// Gets supplemental user key. Creates one in NSS database if it does not exist.
// The supplemental user key is used for AES encryption of user data that is
// stored and protected by cryptohome. This additional layer of encryption of
// provided to ensure that sensitive data wouldn't be exposed in plain text in
// case when an attacker would somehow gain access to all content within
// cryptohome.
CRYPTO_EXPORT SymmetricKey* GetSupplementalUserKey();
// Convert a NSS PRTime value into a base::Time object.
// We use a int64 instead of PRTime here to avoid depending on NSPR headers.
CRYPTO_EXPORT base::Time PRTimeToBaseTime(int64 prtime);
// Convert a base::Time object into a PRTime value.
// We use a int64 instead of PRTime here to avoid depending on NSPR headers.
CRYPTO_EXPORT int64 BaseTimeToPRTime(base::Time time);
#if defined(USE_NSS)
// Exposed for unittests only.
// TODO(mattm): When NSS 3.14 is the minimum version required,
// switch back to using a separate user DB for each test.
// Because of , the
// opened user DB is not automatically closed.
bool is_open() { return is_open_; }
bool is_open_;
// NSS has a bug which can cause a deadlock or stall in some cases when writing
// to the certDB and keyDB. It also has a bug which causes concurrent key pair
// generations to scribble over each other. To work around this, we synchronize
// writes to the NSS databases with a global lock. The lock is hidden beneath a
// function for easy disabling when the bug is fixed. Callers should allow for
// it to return NULL in the future.
// See
base::Lock* GetNSSWriteLock();
// A helper class that acquires the NSS write Lock while the AutoNSSWriteLock
// is in scope.
class CRYPTO_EXPORT AutoNSSWriteLock {
base::Lock *lock_;
#endif // defined(USE_NSS)
} // namespace crypto
#endif // CRYPTO_NSS_UTIL_H_