blob: 8cb89228a4c07033d25147949af8173c4a7b05fa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "starboard/socket.h"
#include "starboard/socket_waiter.h"
#include "starboard/time.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace starboard {
namespace nplb {
const SbTime kSocketTimeout = kSbTimeSecond / 5;
// Returns true if the given address is the unspecified address (all zeros),
// supporting both address types.
bool IsUnspecified(const SbSocketAddress* address);
// Returns true if the given address is the localhost address, supporting both
// address types.
bool IsLocalhost(const SbSocketAddress* address);
// Returns a valid port number that can be bound to for use in nplb tests.
// This will always return the same port number.
int GetPortNumberForTests();
// Returns an IP localhost address with the given port.
SbSocketAddress GetLocalhostAddress(SbSocketAddressType address_type, int port);
// Returns an IP unspecified address with the given port.
SbSocketAddress GetUnspecifiedAddress(SbSocketAddressType address_type,
int port);
// Creates a TCP/IP server socket (sets Reuse Address option).
SbSocket CreateServerTcpSocket(SbSocketAddressType address_type);
// Creates a TCP/IP socket bound to all interfaces on the given port.
SbSocket CreateBoundTcpSocket(SbSocketAddressType address_type, int port);
// Creates a TCP/IP socket listening on all interfaces on the given port.
SbSocket CreateListeningTcpSocket(SbSocketAddressType address_type, int port);
// Tries to accept a new connection from the given listening socket by checking,
// yielding, and retrying for up to timeout. Returns kSbSocketInvalid if no
// socket has been accepted in the given time.
SbSocket AcceptBySpinning(SbSocket listen_socket, SbTime timeout);
// Writes the given data to socket, spinning until success or error.
bool WriteBySpinning(SbSocket socket,
const char* data,
int data_size,
SbTime timeout);
// Reads the given amount of data from socket, spinning until success or error.
bool ReadBySpinning(SbSocket socket,
char* out_data,
int data_size,
SbTime timeout);
typedef struct ConnectedTrio {
: listen_socket(kSbSocketInvalid),
server_socket(kSbSocketInvalid) {}
ConnectedTrio(SbSocket listen_socket,
SbSocket client_socket,
SbSocket server_socket)
: listen_socket(listen_socket),
server_socket(server_socket) {}
SbSocket listen_socket;
SbSocket client_socket;
SbSocket server_socket;
} ConnectedTrio;
// Creates and returns 3 TCP/IP sockets, a connected client and server, and a
// listener on the given port. If anything fails, adds a failure and returns
// three invalid sockets.
ConnectedTrio CreateAndConnect(SbSocketAddressType server_address_type,
SbSocketAddressType client_address_type,
int port,
SbTime timeout);
// Waits on the given waiter, and returns the elapsed time.
SbTimeMonotonic TimedWait(SbSocketWaiter waiter);
// Waits on the given waiter, and returns the elapsed time.
SbTimeMonotonic TimedWaitTimed(SbSocketWaiter waiter, SbTime timeout);
// Waits on the given waiter, and checks that it blocked between [lower, upper).
static inline void WaitShouldBlockBetween(SbSocketWaiter waiter,
SbTime lower,
SbTime upper) {
SbTime time = TimedWait(waiter);
EXPECT_GT(upper, time);
EXPECT_LE(lower, time);
// Waits on the given waiter, and checks that it did not block for very long.
static inline void WaitShouldNotBlock(SbSocketWaiter waiter) {
WaitShouldBlockBetween(waiter, 0, kSocketTimeout);
// Waits on the given waiter, and checks that it did not block for the given
// timeout.
static inline void TimedWaitShouldNotBlock(SbSocketWaiter waiter,
SbTime timeout) {
EXPECT_GT(timeout, TimedWaitTimed(waiter, timeout));
// Waits on the given waiter, and checks that it did block for at least the
// given timeout.
static inline void TimedWaitShouldBlock(SbSocketWaiter waiter, SbTime timeout) {
EXPECT_LE(timeout, TimedWaitTimed(waiter, timeout));
} // namespace nplb
} // namespace starboard