blob: 768260e5ed205f815d9d072230b49a8995357914 [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=4 et sw=4 tw=99:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
/* JavaScript API. */
#ifndef jsapi_h
#define jsapi_h
#include "mozilla/FloatingPoint.h"
#include "mozilla/RangedPtr.h"
#include "mozilla/StandardInteger.h"
#include "mozilla/ThreadLocal.h"
#include "mozilla/TypeTraits.h"
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "js-config.h"
#include "jsalloc.h"
#include "jspubtd.h"
#include "js/CallArgs.h"
#include "js/CharacterEncoding.h"
#include "js/HashTable.h"
#include "js/RootingAPI.h"
#include "js/Utility.h"
#include "js/Value.h"
#include "js/Vector.h"
#include "starboard/file.h"
namespace JS {
typedef mozilla::RangedPtr<const jschar> CharPtr;
class StableCharPtr : public CharPtr {
StableCharPtr(const StableCharPtr &s) : CharPtr(s) {}
StableCharPtr(const mozilla::RangedPtr<const jschar> &s) : CharPtr(s) {}
StableCharPtr(const jschar *s, size_t len) : CharPtr(s, len) {}
StableCharPtr(const jschar *pos, const jschar *start, size_t len)
: CharPtr(pos, start, len)
#if defined JS_THREADSAFE && defined JS_DEBUG
class JS_PUBLIC_API(AutoCheckRequestDepth)
JSContext *cx;
AutoCheckRequestDepth(JSContext *cx);
# define CHECK_REQUEST(cx) \
JS::AutoCheckRequestDepth _autoCheckRequestDepth(cx)
# define CHECK_REQUEST(cx) \
((void) 0)
#endif /* JS_THREADSAFE && JS_DEBUG */
#ifdef JS_DEBUG
* Assert that we're not doing GC on cx, that we're in a request as
* needed, and that the compartments for cx and v are correct.
* Also check that GC would be safe at this point.
AssertArgumentsAreSane(JSContext *cx, const Value &v);
inline void AssertArgumentsAreSane(JSContext *cx, const Value &v) {
/* Do nothing */
#endif /* JS_DEBUG */
class JS_PUBLIC_API(AutoGCRooter) {
AutoGCRooter(JSContext *cx, ptrdiff_t tag);
~AutoGCRooter() {
JS_ASSERT(this == *stackTop);
*stackTop = down;
/* Implemented in gc/RootMarking.cpp. */
inline void trace(JSTracer *trc);
static void traceAll(JSTracer *trc);
static void traceAllWrappers(JSTracer *trc);
AutoGCRooter * const down;
* Discriminates actual subclass of this being used. If non-negative, the
* subclass roots an array of values of the length stored in this field.
* If negative, meaning is indicated by the corresponding value in the enum
* below. Any other negative value indicates some deeper problem such as
* memory corruption.
ptrdiff_t tag_;
enum {
VALARRAY = -2, /* js::AutoValueArray */
PARSER = -3, /* js::frontend::Parser */
SHAPEVECTOR = -4, /* js::AutoShapeVector */
IDARRAY = -6, /* js::AutoIdArray */
DESCRIPTORS = -7, /* js::AutoPropDescArrayRooter */
ID = -9, /* js::AutoIdRooter */
VALVECTOR = -10, /* js::AutoValueVector */
DESCRIPTOR = -11, /* js::AutoPropertyDescriptorRooter */
STRING = -12, /* js::AutoStringRooter */
IDVECTOR = -13, /* js::AutoIdVector */
OBJVECTOR = -14, /* js::AutoObjectVector */
STRINGVECTOR =-15, /* js::AutoStringVector */
SCRIPTVECTOR =-16, /* js::AutoScriptVector */
NAMEVECTOR = -17, /* js::AutoNameVector */
HASHABLEVALUE=-18, /* js::HashableValue */
IONMASM = -19, /* js::jit::MacroAssembler */
IONALLOC = -20, /* js::jit::AutoTempAllocatorRooter */
WRAPVECTOR = -21, /* js::AutoWrapperVector */
WRAPPER = -22, /* js::AutoWrapperRooter */
OBJOBJHASHMAP=-23, /* js::AutoObjectObjectHashMap */
OBJU32HASHMAP=-24, /* js::AutoObjectUnsigned32HashMap */
OBJHASHSET = -25, /* js::AutoObjectHashSet */
JSONPARSER = -26, /* js::JSONParser */
CUSTOM = -27 /* js::CustomAutoRooter */
AutoGCRooter ** const stackTop;
/* No copy or assignment semantics. */
AutoGCRooter(AutoGCRooter &ida) MOZ_DELETE;
void operator=(AutoGCRooter &ida) MOZ_DELETE;
class AutoStringRooter : private AutoGCRooter {
AutoStringRooter(JSContext *cx, JSString *str = NULL
: AutoGCRooter(cx, STRING), str_(str)
void setString(JSString *str) {
str_ = str;
JSString * string() const {
return str_;
JSString ** addr() {
return &str_;
JSString * const * addr() const {
return &str_;
friend void AutoGCRooter::trace(JSTracer *trc);
JSString *str_;
class AutoArrayRooter : private AutoGCRooter {
AutoArrayRooter(JSContext *cx, size_t len, Value *vec
: AutoGCRooter(cx, len), array(vec), skip(cx, array, len)
JS_ASSERT(tag_ >= 0);
void changeLength(size_t newLength) {
tag_ = ptrdiff_t(newLength);
JS_ASSERT(tag_ >= 0);
void changeArray(Value *newArray, size_t newLength) {
array = newArray;
Value *array;
MutableHandleValue handleAt(size_t i)
JS_ASSERT(i < size_t(tag_));
return MutableHandleValue::fromMarkedLocation(&array[i]);
HandleValue handleAt(size_t i) const
JS_ASSERT(i < size_t(tag_));
return HandleValue::fromMarkedLocation(&array[i]);
friend void AutoGCRooter::trace(JSTracer *trc);
js::SkipRoot skip;
template<class T>
class AutoVectorRooter : protected AutoGCRooter
explicit AutoVectorRooter(JSContext *cx, ptrdiff_t tag
: AutoGCRooter(cx, tag), vector(cx), vectorRoot(cx, &vector)
typedef T ElementType;
size_t length() const { return vector.length(); }
bool empty() const { return vector.empty(); }
bool append(const T &v) { return vector.append(v); }
bool append(const AutoVectorRooter<T> &other) {
return vector.append(other.vector);
bool insert(T *p, const T &val) { return vector.insert(p, val); }
/* For use when space has already been reserved. */
void infallibleAppend(const T &v) { vector.infallibleAppend(v); }
void popBack() { vector.popBack(); }
T popCopy() { return vector.popCopy(); }
bool growBy(size_t inc) {
size_t oldLength = vector.length();
if (!vector.growByUninitialized(inc))
return false;
return true;
bool resize(size_t newLength) {
size_t oldLength = vector.length();
if (newLength <= oldLength) {
vector.shrinkBy(oldLength - newLength);
return true;
if (!vector.growByUninitialized(newLength - oldLength))
return false;
return true;
void clear() { vector.clear(); }
bool reserve(size_t newLength) {
return vector.reserve(newLength);
T &operator[](size_t i) { return vector[i]; }
const T &operator[](size_t i) const { return vector[i]; }
JS::MutableHandle<T> handleAt(size_t i) { return JS::MutableHandle<T>::fromMarkedLocation(&vector[i]); }
JS::Handle<T> handleAt(size_t i) const { return JS::Handle<T>::fromMarkedLocation(&vector[i]); }
const T *begin() const { return vector.begin(); }
T *begin() { return vector.begin(); }
const T *end() const { return vector.end(); }
T *end() { return vector.end(); }
const T &back() const { return vector.back(); }
friend void AutoGCRooter::trace(JSTracer *trc);
void makeRangeGCSafe(size_t oldLength) {
T *t = vector.begin() + oldLength;
for (size_t i = oldLength; i < vector.length(); ++i, ++t)
memset(t, 0, sizeof(T));
typedef js::Vector<T, 8> VectorImpl;
VectorImpl vector;
/* Prevent overwriting of inline elements in vector. */
js::SkipRoot vectorRoot;
template<class Key, class Value>
class AutoHashMapRooter : protected AutoGCRooter
typedef js::HashMap<Key, Value> HashMapImpl;
explicit AutoHashMapRooter(JSContext *cx, ptrdiff_t tag
: AutoGCRooter(cx, tag), map(cx)
typedef Key KeyType;
typedef Value ValueType;
typedef typename HashMapImpl::Lookup Lookup;
typedef typename HashMapImpl::Ptr Ptr;
typedef typename HashMapImpl::AddPtr AddPtr;
bool init(uint32_t len = 16) {
return map.init(len);
bool initialized() const {
return map.initialized();
Ptr lookup(const Lookup &l) const {
return map.lookup(l);
void remove(Ptr p) {
AddPtr lookupForAdd(const Lookup &l) const {
return map.lookupForAdd(l);
template<typename KeyInput, typename ValueInput>
bool add(AddPtr &p, const KeyInput &k, const ValueInput &v) {
return map.add(p, k, v);
bool add(AddPtr &p, const Key &k) {
return map.add(p, k);
template<typename KeyInput, typename ValueInput>
bool relookupOrAdd(AddPtr &p, const KeyInput &k, const ValueInput &v) {
return map.relookupOrAdd(p, k, v);
typedef typename HashMapImpl::Range Range;
Range all() const {
return map.all();
typedef typename HashMapImpl::Enum Enum;
void clear() {
void finish() {
bool empty() const {
return map.empty();
uint32_t count() const {
return map.count();
size_t capacity() const {
return map.capacity();
size_t sizeOfExcludingThis(JSMallocSizeOfFun mallocSizeOf) const {
return map.sizeOfExcludingThis(mallocSizeOf);
size_t sizeOfIncludingThis(JSMallocSizeOfFun mallocSizeOf) const {
return map.sizeOfIncludingThis(mallocSizeOf);
unsigned generation() const {
return map.generation();
/************************************************** Shorthand operations */
bool has(const Lookup &l) const {
return map.has(l);
template<typename KeyInput, typename ValueInput>
bool put(const KeyInput &k, const ValueInput &v) {
return map.put(k, v);
template<typename KeyInput, typename ValueInput>
bool putNew(const KeyInput &k, const ValueInput &v) {
return map.putNew(k, v);
Ptr lookupWithDefault(const Key &k, const Value &defaultValue) {
return map.lookupWithDefault(k, defaultValue);
void remove(const Lookup &l) {
friend void AutoGCRooter::trace(JSTracer *trc);
AutoHashMapRooter(const AutoHashMapRooter &hmr) MOZ_DELETE;
AutoHashMapRooter &operator=(const AutoHashMapRooter &hmr) MOZ_DELETE;
HashMapImpl map;
template<class T>
class AutoHashSetRooter : protected AutoGCRooter
typedef js::HashSet<T> HashSetImpl;
explicit AutoHashSetRooter(JSContext *cx, ptrdiff_t tag
: AutoGCRooter(cx, tag), set(cx)
typedef typename HashSetImpl::Lookup Lookup;
typedef typename HashSetImpl::Ptr Ptr;
typedef typename HashSetImpl::AddPtr AddPtr;
bool init(uint32_t len = 16) {
return set.init(len);
bool initialized() const {
return set.initialized();
Ptr lookup(const Lookup &l) const {
return set.lookup(l);
void remove(Ptr p) {
AddPtr lookupForAdd(const Lookup &l) const {
return set.lookupForAdd(l);
bool add(AddPtr &p, const T &t) {
return set.add(p, t);
bool relookupOrAdd(AddPtr &p, const Lookup &l, const T &t) {
return set.relookupOrAdd(p, l, t);
typedef typename HashSetImpl::Range Range;
Range all() const {
return set.all();
typedef typename HashSetImpl::Enum Enum;
void clear() {
void finish() {
bool empty() const {
return set.empty();
uint32_t count() const {
return set.count();
size_t capacity() const {
return set.capacity();
size_t sizeOfExcludingThis(JSMallocSizeOfFun mallocSizeOf) const {
return set.sizeOfExcludingThis(mallocSizeOf);
size_t sizeOfIncludingThis(JSMallocSizeOfFun mallocSizeOf) const {
return set.sizeOfIncludingThis(mallocSizeOf);
unsigned generation() const {
return set.generation();
/************************************************** Shorthand operations */
bool has(const Lookup &l) const {
return set.has(l);
bool put(const T &t) {
return set.put(t);
bool putNew(const T &t) {
return set.putNew(t);
void remove(const Lookup &l) {
friend void AutoGCRooter::trace(JSTracer *trc);
AutoHashSetRooter(const AutoHashSetRooter &hmr) MOZ_DELETE;
AutoHashSetRooter &operator=(const AutoHashSetRooter &hmr) MOZ_DELETE;
HashSetImpl set;
class MOZ_STACK_CLASS AutoValueVector : public AutoVectorRooter<Value>
explicit AutoValueVector(JSContext *cx
: AutoVectorRooter<Value>(cx, VALVECTOR)
class AutoIdVector : public AutoVectorRooter<jsid>
explicit AutoIdVector(JSContext *cx
: AutoVectorRooter<jsid>(cx, IDVECTOR)
class AutoObjectVector : public AutoVectorRooter<JSObject *>
explicit AutoObjectVector(JSContext *cx
: AutoVectorRooter<JSObject *>(cx, OBJVECTOR)
class AutoScriptVector : public AutoVectorRooter<JSScript *>
explicit AutoScriptVector(JSContext *cx
: AutoVectorRooter<JSScript *>(cx, SCRIPTVECTOR)
* Cutsom rooting behavior for internal and external clients.
class JS_PUBLIC_API(CustomAutoRooter) : private AutoGCRooter
explicit CustomAutoRooter(JSContext *cx MOZ_GUARD_OBJECT_NOTIFIER_PARAM)
: AutoGCRooter(cx, CUSTOM)
friend void AutoGCRooter::trace(JSTracer *trc);
/* Supplied by derived class to trace roots. */
virtual void trace(JSTracer *trc) = 0;
/* Returns true if |v| is considered an acceptable this-value. */
typedef bool (*IsAcceptableThis)(const Value &v);
* Implements the guts of a method; guaranteed to be provided an acceptable
* this-value, as determined by a corresponding IsAcceptableThis method.
typedef bool (*NativeImpl)(JSContext *cx, CallArgs args);
namespace detail {
/* DON'T CALL THIS DIRECTLY. It's for use only by CallNonGenericMethod! */
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(bool)
CallMethodIfWrapped(JSContext *cx, IsAcceptableThis test, NativeImpl impl, CallArgs args);
} /* namespace detail */
* Methods usually act upon |this| objects only from a single global object and
* compartment. Sometimes, however, a method must act upon |this| values from
* multiple global objects or compartments. In such cases the |this| value a
* method might see will be wrapped, such that various access to the object --
* to its class, its private data, its reserved slots, and so on -- will not
* work properly without entering that object's compartment. This method
* implements a solution to this problem.
* To implement a method that accepts |this| values from multiple compartments,
* define two functions. The first function matches the IsAcceptableThis type
* and indicates whether the provided value is an acceptable |this| for the
* method; it must be a pure function only of its argument.
* static JSClass AnswerClass = { ... };
* static bool
* IsAnswerObject(const Value &v)
* {
* if (!v.isObject())
* return false;
* return JS_GetClass(&v.toObject()) == &AnswerClass;
* }
* The second function implements the NativeImpl signature and defines the
* behavior of the method when it is provided an acceptable |this| value.
* Aside from some typing niceties -- see the CallArgs interface for details --
* its interface is the same as that of JSNative.
* static bool
* answer_getAnswer_impl(JSContext *cx, JS::CallArgs args)
* {
* args.rval().setInt32(42);
* return true;
* }
* The implementation function is guaranteed to be called *only* with a |this|
* value which is considered acceptable.
* Now to implement the actual method, write a JSNative that calls the method
* declared below, passing the appropriate template and runtime arguments.
* static JSBool
* answer_getAnswer(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, JS::Value *vp)
* {
* JS::CallArgs args = JS::CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
* return JS::CallNonGenericMethod<IsAnswerObject, answer_getAnswer_impl>(cx, args);
* }
* Note that, because they are used as template arguments, the predicate
* and implementation functions must have external linkage. (This is
* unfortunate, but GCC wasn't inlining things as one would hope when we
* passed them as function arguments.)
* JS::CallNonGenericMethod will test whether |args.thisv()| is acceptable. If
* it is, it will call the provided implementation function, which will return
* a value and indicate success. If it is not, it will attempt to unwrap
* |this| and call the implementation function on the unwrapped |this|. If
* that succeeds, all well and good. If it doesn't succeed, a TypeError will
* be thrown.
* Note: JS::CallNonGenericMethod will only work correctly if it's called in
* tail position in a JSNative. Do not call it from any other place.
template<IsAcceptableThis Test, NativeImpl Impl>
CallNonGenericMethod(JSContext *cx, CallArgs args)
const Value &thisv = args.thisv();
if (Test(thisv))
return Impl(cx, args);
return detail::CallMethodIfWrapped(cx, Test, Impl, args);
CallNonGenericMethod(JSContext *cx, IsAcceptableThis Test, NativeImpl Impl, CallArgs args)
const Value &thisv = args.thisv();
if (Test(thisv))
return Impl(cx, args);
return detail::CallMethodIfWrapped(cx, Test, Impl, args);
} /* namespace JS */
/* JSClass operation signatures. */
* Add or get a property named by id in obj. Note the jsid id type -- id may
* be a string (Unicode property identifier) or an int (element index). The
* *vp out parameter, on success, is the new property value after the action.
typedef JSBool
(* JSPropertyOp)(JSContext *cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, JS::Handle<jsid> id, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> vp);
* Set a property named by id in obj, treating the assignment as strict
* mode code if strict is true. Note the jsid id type -- id may be a string
* (Unicode property identifier) or an int (element index). The *vp out
* parameter, on success, is the new property value after the
* set.
typedef JSBool
(* JSStrictPropertyOp)(JSContext *cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, JS::Handle<jsid> id, JSBool strict, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> vp);
* Delete a property named by id in obj.
* If an error occurred, return false as per normal JSAPI error practice.
* If no error occurred, but the deletion attempt wasn't allowed (perhaps
* because the property was non-configurable), set *succeeded to false and
* return true. This will cause |delete obj[id]| to evaluate to false in
* non-strict mode code, and to throw a TypeError in strict mode code.
* If no error occurred and the deletion wasn't disallowed (this is *not* the
* same as saying that a deletion actually occurred -- deleting a non-existent
* property, or an inherited property, is allowed -- it's just pointless),
* set *succeeded to true and return true.
typedef JSBool
(* JSDeletePropertyOp)(JSContext *cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, JS::Handle<jsid> id, JSBool *succeeded);
* This function type is used for callbacks that enumerate the properties of
* a JSObject. The behavior depends on the value of enum_op:
* A new, opaque iterator state should be allocated and stored in *statep.
* (You can use PRIVATE_TO_JSVAL() to tag the pointer to be stored).
* The number of properties that will be enumerated should be returned as
* an integer jsval in *idp, if idp is non-null, and provided the number of
* enumerable properties is known. If idp is non-null and the number of
* enumerable properties can't be computed in advance, *idp should be set
* Used identically to JSENUMERATE_INIT, but exposes all properties of the
* object regardless of enumerability.
* A previously allocated opaque iterator state is passed in via statep.
* Return the next jsid in the iteration using *idp. The opaque iterator
* state pointed at by statep is destroyed and *statep is set to JSVAL_NULL
* if there are no properties left to enumerate.
* Destroy the opaque iterator state previously allocated in *statep by a
* call to this function when enum_op was JSENUMERATE_INIT or
* The return value is used to indicate success, with a value of JS_FALSE
* indicating failure.
typedef JSBool
(* JSNewEnumerateOp)(JSContext *cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, JSIterateOp enum_op,
JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> statep, JS::MutableHandleId idp);
* The old-style JSClass.enumerate op should define all lazy properties not
* yet reflected in obj.
typedef JSBool
(* JSEnumerateOp)(JSContext *cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj);
* Resolve a lazy property named by id in obj by defining it directly in obj.
* Lazy properties are those reflected from some peer native property space
* (e.g., the DOM attributes for a given node reflected as obj) on demand.
* JS looks for a property in an object, and if not found, tries to resolve
* the given id. If resolve succeeds, the engine looks again in case resolve
* defined obj[id]. If no such property exists directly in obj, the process
* is repeated with obj's prototype, etc.
* NB: JSNewResolveOp provides a cheaper way to resolve lazy properties.
typedef JSBool
(* JSResolveOp)(JSContext *cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, JS::Handle<jsid> id);
* Like JSResolveOp, but flags provide contextual information as follows:
* JSRESOLVE_ASSIGNING obj[id] is on the left-hand side of an assignment
* The *objp out parameter, on success, should be null to indicate that id
* was not resolved; and non-null, referring to obj or one of its prototypes,
* if id was resolved. The hook may assume *objp is null on entry.
* This hook instead of JSResolveOp is called via the JSClass.resolve member
* if JSCLASS_NEW_RESOLVE is set in JSClass.flags.
typedef JSBool
(* JSNewResolveOp)(JSContext *cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, JS::Handle<jsid> id, unsigned flags,
JS::MutableHandleObject objp);
* Convert obj to the given type, returning true with the resulting value in
* *vp on success, and returning false on error or exception.
typedef JSBool
(* JSConvertOp)(JSContext *cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, JSType type,
JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> vp);
typedef struct JSFreeOp JSFreeOp;
struct JSFreeOp {
JSRuntime *runtime_;
JSFreeOp(JSRuntime *rt)
: runtime_(rt) { }
JSRuntime *runtime() const {
return runtime_;
* Finalize obj, which the garbage collector has determined to be unreachable
* from other live objects or from GC roots. Obviously, finalizers must never
* store a reference to obj.
typedef void
(* JSFinalizeOp)(JSFreeOp *fop, JSObject *obj);
* Finalizes external strings created by JS_NewExternalString.
typedef struct JSStringFinalizer JSStringFinalizer;
struct JSStringFinalizer {
void (*finalize)(const JSStringFinalizer *fin, jschar *chars);
* JSClass.checkAccess type: check whether obj[id] may be accessed per mode,
* returning false on error/exception, true on success with obj[id]'s last-got
* value in *vp, and its attributes in *attrsp. As for JSPropertyOp above, id
* is either a string or an int jsval.
typedef JSBool
(* JSCheckAccessOp)(JSContext *cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, JS::Handle<jsid> id,
JSAccessMode mode, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> vp);
* Check whether v is an instance of obj. Return false on error or exception,
* true on success with JS_TRUE in *bp if v is an instance of obj, JS_FALSE in
* *bp otherwise.
typedef JSBool
(* JSHasInstanceOp)(JSContext *cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> vp,
JSBool *bp);
* Function type for trace operation of the class called to enumerate all
* traceable things reachable from obj's private data structure. For each such
* thing, a trace implementation must call one of the JS_Call*Tracer variants
* on the thing.
* JSTraceOp implementation can assume that no other threads mutates object
* state. It must not change state of the object or corresponding native
* structures. The only exception for this rule is the case when the embedding
* needs a tight integration with GC. In that case the embedding can check if
* the traversal is a part of the marking phase through calling
* JS_IsGCMarkingTracer and apply a special code like emptying caches or
* marking its native structures.
typedef void
(* JSTraceOp)(JSTracer *trc, JSObject *obj);
* Callback that JSTraceOp implementation can provide to return a string
* describing the reference traced with JS_CallTracer.
typedef void
(* JSTraceNamePrinter)(JSTracer *trc, char *buf, size_t bufsize);
typedef JSObject *
(* JSWeakmapKeyDelegateOp)(JSObject *obj);
/* Callbacks and their arguments. */
typedef enum JSContextOp {
} JSContextOp;
* The possible values for contextOp when the runtime calls the callback are:
* JSCONTEXT_NEW JS_NewContext successfully created a new JSContext
* instance. The callback can initialize the instance as
* required. If the callback returns false, the instance
* will be destroyed and JS_NewContext returns null. In
* this case the callback is not called again.
* JSCONTEXT_DESTROY One of JS_DestroyContext* methods is called. The
* callback may perform its own cleanup and must always
* return true.
* Any other value For future compatibility the callback must do nothing
* and return true in this case.
typedef JSBool
(* JSContextCallback)(JSContext *cx, unsigned contextOp);
typedef enum JSGCStatus {
} JSGCStatus;
typedef void
(* JSGCCallback)(JSRuntime *rt, JSGCStatus status);
typedef enum JSFinalizeStatus {
* Called when preparing to sweep a group of compartments, before anything
* has been swept. The collector will not yield to the mutator before
* calling the callback with JSFINALIZE_GROUP_END status.
* Called when preparing to sweep a group of compartments. Weak references
* to unmarked things have been removed and things that are not swept
* incrementally have been finalized at this point. The collector may yield
* to the mutator after this point.
* Called at the end of collection when everything has been swept.
} JSFinalizeStatus;
typedef void
(* JSFinalizeCallback)(JSFreeOp *fop, JSFinalizeStatus status, JSBool isCompartment);
* Generic trace operation that calls JS_CallTracer on each traceable thing
* stored in data.
typedef void
(* JSTraceDataOp)(JSTracer *trc, void *data);
typedef JSBool
(* JSOperationCallback)(JSContext *cx);
typedef void
(* JSErrorReporter)(JSContext *cx, const char *message, JSErrorReport *report);
typedef void
(* JSFunctionCallback)(const JSFunction *fun,
const JSScript *scr,
const JSContext *cx,
int entering);
* Possible exception types. These types are part of a JSErrorFormatString
* structure. They define which error to throw in case of a runtime error.
* JSEXN_NONE marks an unthrowable error.
typedef enum JSExnType {
} JSExnType;
typedef struct JSErrorFormatString {
/* The error format string in ASCII. */
const char *format;
/* The number of arguments to expand in the formatted error message. */
uint16_t argCount;
/* One of the JSExnType constants above. */
int16_t exnType;
} JSErrorFormatString;
typedef const JSErrorFormatString *
(* JSErrorCallback)(void *userRef, const char *locale,
const unsigned errorNumber);
typedef JSBool
(* JSLocaleToUpperCase)(JSContext *cx, JS::Handle<JSString*> src,
JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> rval);
typedef JSBool
(* JSLocaleToLowerCase)(JSContext *cx, JS::Handle<JSString*> src,
JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> rval);
typedef JSBool
(* JSLocaleCompare)(JSContext *cx, JS::Handle<JSString*> src1, JS::Handle<JSString*> src2,
JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> rval);
typedef JSBool
(* JSLocaleToUnicode)(JSContext *cx, const char *src, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> rval);
* Security protocol types.
typedef void
(* JSDestroyPrincipalsOp)(JSPrincipals *principals);
* Used to check if a CSP instance wants to disable eval() and friends.
* See js_CheckCSPPermitsJSAction() in jsobj.
typedef JSBool
(* JSCSPEvalChecker)(JSContext *cx);
* Callback used to ask the embedding for the cross compartment wrapper handler
* that implements the desired prolicy for this kind of object in the
* destination compartment. |obj| is the object to be wrapped. If |existing| is
* non-NULL, it will point to an existing wrapper object that should be re-used
* if possible. |existing| is guaranteed to be a cross-compartment wrapper with
* a lazily-defined prototype and the correct global. It is guaranteed not to
* wrap a function.
typedef JSObject *
(* JSWrapObjectCallback)(JSContext *cx, JS::HandleObject existing, JS::HandleObject obj,
JS::HandleObject proto, JS::HandleObject parent,
unsigned flags);
* Callback used by the wrap hook to ask the embedding to prepare an object
* for wrapping in a context. This might include unwrapping other wrappers
* or even finding a more suitable object for the new compartment.
typedef JSObject *
(* JSPreWrapCallback)(JSContext *cx, JS::HandleObject scope, JS::HandleObject obj,
unsigned flags);
* Callback used when wrapping determines that the underlying object is already
* in the compartment for which it is being wrapped. This allows consumers to
* maintain same-compartment wrapping invariants.
* |obj| is guaranteed to be same-compartment as |cx|, but it may (or may not)
* be a security or cross-compartment wrapper. This is an unfortunate contract,
* but is important for to avoid unnecessarily recomputing every cross-
* compartment wrapper that gets passed to wrap.
typedef JSObject *
(* JSSameCompartmentWrapObjectCallback)(JSContext *cx, JS::HandleObject obj);
typedef void
(* JSDestroyCompartmentCallback)(JSFreeOp *fop, JSCompartment *compartment);
typedef void
(* JSZoneCallback)(JS::Zone *zone);
typedef void
(* JSCompartmentNameCallback)(JSRuntime *rt, JSCompartment *compartment,
char *buf, size_t bufsize);
* Read structured data from the reader r. This hook is used to read a value
* previously serialized by a call to the WriteStructuredCloneOp hook.
* tag and data are the pair of uint32_t values from the header. The callback
* may use the JS_Read* APIs to read any other relevant parts of the object
* from the reader r. closure is any value passed to the JS_ReadStructuredClone
* function. Return the new object on success, NULL on error/exception.
typedef JSObject *(*ReadStructuredCloneOp)(JSContext *cx, JSStructuredCloneReader *r,
uint32_t tag, uint32_t data, void *closure);
* Structured data serialization hook. The engine can write primitive values,
* Objects, Arrays, Dates, RegExps, TypedArrays, and ArrayBuffers. Any other
* type of object requires application support. This callback must first use
* the JS_WriteUint32Pair API to write an object header, passing a value
* greater than JS_SCTAG_USER to the tag parameter. Then it can use the
* JS_Write* APIs to write any other relevant parts of the value v to the
* writer w. closure is any value passed to the JS_WriteStructuredCLone function.
* Return true on success, false on error/exception.
typedef JSBool (*WriteStructuredCloneOp)(JSContext *cx, JSStructuredCloneWriter *w,
JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void *closure);
* This is called when JS_WriteStructuredClone is given an invalid transferable.
* To follow HTML5, the application must throw a DATA_CLONE_ERR DOMException
* with error set to one of the JS_SCERR_* values.
typedef void (*StructuredCloneErrorOp)(JSContext *cx, uint32_t errorid);
* JS constants. For efficiency, prefer predicates (e.g. v.isNull()) and
* constructing values from scratch (e.g. Int32Value(0)). These constants are
* stored in memory and initialized at startup, so testing against them and
* using them requires memory loads and will be correspondingly slow.
extern JS_PUBLIC_DATA(const jsval) JSVAL_NULL;
extern JS_PUBLIC_DATA(const jsval) JSVAL_ZERO;
extern JS_PUBLIC_DATA(const jsval) JSVAL_ONE;
extern JS_PUBLIC_DATA(const jsval) JSVAL_FALSE;
extern JS_PUBLIC_DATA(const jsval) JSVAL_TRUE;
extern JS_PUBLIC_DATA(const jsval) JSVAL_VOID;
static JS_ALWAYS_INLINE jsval
JS_NumberValue(double d)
int32_t i;
d = JS::CanonicalizeNaN(d);
if (mozilla::DoubleIsInt32(d, &i))
return INT_TO_JSVAL(i);
return DOUBLE_TO_JSVAL(d);
* A jsid is an identifier for a property or method of an object which is
* either a 31-bit signed integer, interned string or object. Also, there is
* an additional jsid value, JSID_VOID, which does not occur in JS scripts but
* may be used to indicate the absence of a valid jsid.
* A jsid is not implicitly convertible to or from a jsval; JS_ValueToId or
* JS_IdToValue must be used instead.
#define JSID_TYPE_STRING 0x0
#define JSID_TYPE_INT 0x1
#define JSID_TYPE_VOID 0x2
#define JSID_TYPE_OBJECT 0x4
#define JSID_TYPE_MASK 0x7
* Avoid using canonical 'id' for jsid parameters since this is a magic word in
* Objective-C++ which, apparently, wants to be able to #include jsapi.h.
#define id iden
return (JSID_BITS(id) & JSID_TYPE_MASK) == 0;
static JS_ALWAYS_INLINE JSString *
return (JSString *)JSID_BITS(id);
JSID_IS_ZERO(jsid id)
return JSID_BITS(id) == 0;
JS_StringHasBeenInterned(JSContext *cx, JSString *str);
* Only JSStrings that have been interned via the JSAPI can be turned into
* jsids by API clients.
* N.B. if a jsid is backed by a string which has not been interned, that
* string must be appropriately rooted to avoid being collected by the GC.
INTERNED_STRING_TO_JSID(JSContext *cx, JSString *str);
JSID_IS_INT(jsid id)
return !!(JSID_BITS(id) & JSID_TYPE_INT);
static JS_ALWAYS_INLINE int32_t
JSID_TO_INT(jsid id)
return ((uint32_t)JSID_BITS(id)) >> 1;
#define JSID_INT_MIN 0
INT_FITS_IN_JSID(int32_t i)
return i >= 0;
static JS_ALWAYS_INLINE jsid
INT_TO_JSID(int32_t i)
jsid id;
JSID_BITS(id) = ((i << 1) | JSID_TYPE_INT);
return id;
static JS_ALWAYS_INLINE JSObject *
return (JSObject *)(JSID_BITS(id) & ~(size_t)JSID_TYPE_MASK);
static JS_ALWAYS_INLINE jsid
jsid id;
JS_ASSERT(((size_t)obj & JSID_TYPE_MASK) == 0);
JSID_BITS(id) = ((size_t)obj | JSID_TYPE_OBJECT);
return id;
return JSID_IS_STRING(id) || JSID_IS_OBJECT(id);
static JS_ALWAYS_INLINE void *
return (void *)(JSID_BITS(id) & ~(size_t)JSID_TYPE_MASK);
* A void jsid is not a valid id and only arises as an exceptional API return
* value, such as in JS_NextProperty. Embeddings must not pass JSID_VOID into
* JSAPI entry points expecting a jsid and do not need to handle JSID_VOID in
* hooks receiving a jsid except when explicitly noted in the API contract.
JSID_IS_VOID(const jsid id)
return ((size_t)JSID_BITS(id) == JSID_TYPE_VOID);
JSID_IS_EMPTY(const jsid id)
return ((size_t)JSID_BITS(id) == JSID_TYPE_OBJECT);
#undef id
extern JS_PUBLIC_DATA(const jsid) JSID_VOID;
extern JS_PUBLIC_DATA(const jsid) JSID_EMPTY;
# define JSID_VOID ((jsid)JSID_TYPE_VOID)
* Returns true iff the given jsval is immune to GC and can be used across
* multiple JSRuntimes without requiring any conversion API.
return !JSVAL_IS_GCTHING(v);
namespace JS {
class AutoIdRooter : private AutoGCRooter
explicit AutoIdRooter(JSContext *cx, jsid aId = INT_TO_JSID(0)
: AutoGCRooter(cx, ID), id_(aId)
jsid id() {
return id_;
jsid * addr() {
return &id_;
friend void AutoGCRooter::trace(JSTracer *trc);
jsid id_;
} /* namespace JS */
/* Property attributes, set in JSPropertySpec and passed to API functions. */
#define JSPROP_ENUMERATE 0x01 /* property is visible to for/in loop */
#define JSPROP_READONLY 0x02 /* not settable: assignment is no-op.
This flag is only valid when neither
set. */
#define JSPROP_PERMANENT 0x04 /* property cannot be deleted */
#define JSPROP_NATIVE_ACCESSORS 0x08 /* set in JSPropertyDescriptor.flags
if getters/setters are JSNatives */
#define JSPROP_GETTER 0x10 /* property holds getter function */
#define JSPROP_SETTER 0x20 /* property holds setter function */
#define JSPROP_SHARED 0x40 /* don't allocate a value slot for this
property; don't copy the property on
set of the same-named property in an
object that delegates to a prototype
containing this property */
#define JSPROP_INDEX 0x80 /* name is actually (int) index */
#define JSPROP_SHORTID 0x100 /* set in JS_DefineProperty attrs
if getters/setters use a shortid */
#define JSFUN_STUB_GSOPS 0x200 /* use JS_PropertyStub getter/setter
instead of defaulting to class gsops
for property holding function */
#define JSFUN_CONSTRUCTOR 0x400 /* native that can be called as a ctor */
* Specify a generic native prototype methods, i.e., methods of a class
* prototype that are exposed as static methods taking an extra leading
* argument: the generic |this| parameter.
* If you set this flag in a JSFunctionSpec struct's flags initializer, then
* that struct must live at least as long as the native static method object
* created due to this flag by JS_DefineFunctions or JS_InitClass. Typically
* JSFunctionSpec structs are allocated in static arrays.
#define JSFUN_FLAGS_MASK 0xe00 /* | of all the JSFUN_* flags */
* The first call to JS_CallOnce by any thread in a process will call 'func'.
* Later calls to JS_CallOnce with the same JSCallOnceType object will be
* suppressed.
* Equivalently: each distinct JSCallOnceType object will allow one JS_CallOnce
* to invoke its JSInitCallback.
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_CallOnce(JSCallOnceType *once, JSInitCallback func);
/* Microseconds since the epoch, midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC. */
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(int64_t)
/* Don't want to export data, so provide accessors for non-inline jsvals. */
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(jsval)
JS_GetNaNValue(JSContext *cx);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(jsval)
JS_GetNegativeInfinityValue(JSContext *cx);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(jsval)
JS_GetPositiveInfinityValue(JSContext *cx);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(jsval)
JS_GetEmptyStringValue(JSContext *cx);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSString *)
JS_GetEmptyString(JSRuntime *rt);
* Format is a string of the following characters (spaces are insignificant),
* specifying the tabulated type conversions:
* b JSBool Boolean
* c uint16_t/jschar ECMA uint16_t, Unicode char
* i int32_t ECMA int32_t
* u uint32_t ECMA uint32_t
* j int32_t Rounded int32_t (coordinate)
* d double IEEE double
* I double Integral IEEE double
* S JSString * Unicode string, accessed by a JSString pointer
* W jschar * Unicode character vector, 0-terminated (W for wide)
* o JSObject * Object reference
* f JSFunction * Function private
* v jsval Argument value (no conversion)
* * N/A Skip this argument (no vararg)
* / N/A End of required arguments
* The variable argument list after format must consist of &b, &c, &s, e.g.,
* where those variables have the types given above. For the pointer types
* char *, JSString *, and JSObject *, the pointed-at memory returned belongs
* to the JS runtime, not to the calling native code. The runtime promises
* to keep this memory valid so long as argv refers to allocated stack space
* (so long as the native function is active).
* Fewer arguments than format specifies may be passed only if there is a /
* in format after the last required argument specifier and argc is at least
* the number of required arguments. More arguments than format specifies
* may be passed without error; it is up to the caller to deal with trailing
* unconverted arguments.
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_ConvertArguments(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, jsval *argv, const char *format,
#ifdef va_start
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_ConvertArgumentsVA(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, jsval *argv,
const char *format, va_list ap);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_ConvertValue(JSContext *cx, jsval v, JSType type, jsval *vp);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_ValueToObject(JSContext *cx, jsval v, JSObject **objp);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSFunction *)
JS_ValueToFunction(JSContext *cx, jsval v);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSFunction *)
JS_ValueToConstructor(JSContext *cx, jsval v);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSString *)
JS_ValueToString(JSContext *cx, jsval v);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSString *)
JS_ValueToSource(JSContext *cx, jsval v);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_ValueToNumber(JSContext *cx, jsval v, double *dp);
namespace js {
* DO NOT CALL THIS. Use JS::ToNumber
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(bool)
ToNumberSlow(JSContext *cx, JS::Value v, double *dp);
* DO NOT CALL THIS. Use JS::ToBoolean
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(bool)
ToBooleanSlow(const JS::Value &v);
} /* namespace js */
namespace JS {
/* ES5 9.3 ToNumber. */
ToNumber(JSContext *cx, const Value &v, double *out)
AssertArgumentsAreSane(cx, v);
js::SkipRoot root(cx, &v);
if (v.isNumber()) {
*out = v.toNumber();
return true;
return js::ToNumberSlow(cx, v, out);
ToBoolean(const Value &v)
if (v.isBoolean())
return v.toBoolean();
if (v.isInt32())
return v.toInt32() != 0;
if (v.isNullOrUndefined())
return false;
if (v.isDouble()) {
double d = v.toDouble();
return !mozilla::IsNaN(d) && d != 0;
/* The slow path handles strings and objects. */
return js::ToBooleanSlow(v);
} /* namespace JS */
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_DoubleIsInt32(double d, int32_t *ip);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(int32_t)
JS_DoubleToInt32(double d);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(uint32_t)
JS_DoubleToUint32(double d);
* Convert a value to a number, then to an int32_t, according to the ECMA rules
* for ToInt32.
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_ValueToECMAInt32(JSContext *cx, jsval v, int32_t *ip);
* Convert a value to a number, then to an int64_t, according to the WebIDL
* rules for ToInt64:
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_ValueToInt64(JSContext *cx, jsval v, int64_t *ip);
* Convert a value to a number, then to an uint64_t, according to the WebIDL
* rules for ToUint64:
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_ValueToUint64(JSContext *cx, jsval v, uint64_t *ip);
namespace js {
/* DO NOT CALL THIS. Use JS::ToInt16. */
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(bool)
ToUint16Slow(JSContext *cx, const JS::Value &v, uint16_t *out);
/* DO NOT CALL THIS. Use JS::ToInt32. */
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(bool)
ToInt32Slow(JSContext *cx, const JS::Value &v, int32_t *out);
/* DO NOT CALL THIS. Use JS::ToUint32. */
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(bool)
ToUint32Slow(JSContext *cx, const JS::Value &v, uint32_t *out);
/* DO NOT CALL THIS. Use JS::ToInt64. */
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(bool)
ToInt64Slow(JSContext *cx, const JS::Value &v, int64_t *out);
/* DO NOT CALL THIS. Use JS::ToUint64. */
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(bool)
ToUint64Slow(JSContext *cx, const JS::Value &v, uint64_t *out);
} /* namespace js */
namespace JS {
ToUint16(JSContext *cx, const JS::Value &v, uint16_t *out)
AssertArgumentsAreSane(cx, v);
js::SkipRoot skip(cx, &v);
if (v.isInt32()) {
*out = uint16_t(v.toInt32());
return true;
return js::ToUint16Slow(cx, v, out);
ToInt32(JSContext *cx, const JS::Value &v, int32_t *out)
AssertArgumentsAreSane(cx, v);
js::SkipRoot root(cx, &v);
if (v.isInt32()) {
*out = v.toInt32();
return true;
return js::ToInt32Slow(cx, v, out);
ToUint32(JSContext *cx, const JS::Value &v, uint32_t *out)
AssertArgumentsAreSane(cx, v);
js::SkipRoot root(cx, &v);
if (v.isInt32()) {
*out = uint32_t(v.toInt32());
return true;
return js::ToUint32Slow(cx, v, out);
ToInt64(JSContext *cx, const JS::Value &v, int64_t *out)
AssertArgumentsAreSane(cx, v);
js::SkipRoot skip(cx, &v);
if (v.isInt32()) {
*out = int64_t(v.toInt32());
return true;
return js::ToInt64Slow(cx, v, out);
ToUint64(JSContext *cx, const JS::Value &v, uint64_t *out)
AssertArgumentsAreSane(cx, v);
js::SkipRoot skip(cx, &v);
if (v.isInt32()) {
/* Account for sign extension of negatives into the longer 64bit space. */
*out = uint64_t(int64_t(v.toInt32()));
return true;
return js::ToUint64Slow(cx, v, out);
} /* namespace JS */
* Convert a value to a number, then to a uint32_t, according to the ECMA rules
* for ToUint32.
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_ValueToECMAUint32(JSContext *cx, jsval v, uint32_t *ip);
* Convert a value to a number, then to an int32_t if it fits by rounding to
* nearest; but failing with an error report if the double is out of range
* or unordered.
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_ValueToInt32(JSContext *cx, jsval v, int32_t *ip);
* ECMA ToUint16, for mapping a jsval to a Unicode point.
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_ValueToUint16(JSContext *cx, jsval v, uint16_t *ip);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_ValueToBoolean(JSContext *cx, jsval v, JSBool *bp);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSType)
JS_TypeOfValue(JSContext *cx, jsval v);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(const char *)
JS_GetTypeName(JSContext *cx, JSType type);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_StrictlyEqual(JSContext *cx, jsval v1, jsval v2, JSBool *equal);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_LooselyEqual(JSContext *cx, jsval v1, jsval v2, JSBool *equal);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_SameValue(JSContext *cx, jsval v1, jsval v2, JSBool *same);
/* True iff fun is the global eval function. */
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_IsBuiltinEvalFunction(JSFunction *fun);
/* True iff fun is the Function constructor. */
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_IsBuiltinFunctionConstructor(JSFunction *fun);
* Initialization, locking, contexts, and memory allocation.
* It is important that the first runtime and first context be created in a
* single-threaded fashion, otherwise the behavior of the library is undefined.
* See:
typedef enum JSUseHelperThreads
} JSUseHelperThreads;
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSRuntime *)
JS_NewRuntime(uint32_t maxbytes, JSUseHelperThreads useHelperThreads);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void)
JS_DestroyRuntime(JSRuntime *rt);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void)
JS_GetRuntimePrivate(JSRuntime *rt);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSRuntime *)
JS_GetRuntime(JSContext *cx);
JS_SetRuntimePrivate(JSRuntime *rt, void *data);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void)
JS_BeginRequest(JSContext *cx);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void)
JS_EndRequest(JSContext *cx);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_IsInRequest(JSRuntime *rt);
namespace JS {
inline bool
IsPoisonedId(jsid iden)
if (JSID_IS_STRING(iden))
return JS::IsPoisonedPtr(JSID_TO_STRING(iden));
if (JSID_IS_OBJECT(iden))
return JS::IsPoisonedPtr(JSID_TO_OBJECT(iden));
return false;
} /* namespace JS */
namespace js {
template <> struct GCMethods<jsid>
static jsid initial() { return JSID_VOID; }
static ThingRootKind kind() { return THING_ROOT_ID; }
static bool poisoned(jsid id) { return JS::IsPoisonedId(id); }
static bool needsPostBarrier(jsid id) { return false; }
static void postBarrier(jsid *idp) {}
static void relocate(jsid *idp) {}
} /* namespace js */
class JSAutoRequest
JSAutoRequest(JSContext *cx
: mContext(cx)
~JSAutoRequest() {
JSContext *mContext;
#if 0
static void *operator new(size_t) CPP_THROW_NEW { return 0; };
static void operator delete(void *, size_t) { };
class JSAutoCheckRequest
JSAutoCheckRequest(JSContext *cx
#if defined JS_THREADSAFE && defined JS_DEBUG
mContext = cx;
~JSAutoCheckRequest() {
#if defined JS_THREADSAFE && defined JS_DEBUG
#if defined JS_THREADSAFE && defined JS_DEBUG
JSContext *mContext;
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSContextCallback)
JS_SetContextCallback(JSRuntime *rt, JSContextCallback cxCallback);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSContext *)
JS_NewContext(JSRuntime *rt, size_t stackChunkSize);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void)
JS_DestroyContext(JSContext *cx);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void)
JS_DestroyContextNoGC(JSContext *cx);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void *)
JS_GetContextPrivate(JSContext *cx);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void)
JS_SetContextPrivate(JSContext *cx, void *data);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void *)
JS_GetSecondContextPrivate(JSContext *cx);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void)
JS_SetSecondContextPrivate(JSContext *cx, void *data);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSRuntime *)
JS_GetRuntime(JSContext *cx);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSContext *)
JS_ContextIterator(JSRuntime *rt, JSContext **iterp);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSVersion)
JS_GetVersion(JSContext *cx);
// Mutate the version on the compartment. This is generally discouraged, but
// necessary to support the version mutation in the js and xpc shell command
// set.
// It would be nice to put this in jsfriendapi, but the linkage requirements
// of the shells make that impossible.
JS_SetVersionForCompartment(JSCompartment *compartment, JSVersion version);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(const char *)
JS_VersionToString(JSVersion version);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSVersion)
JS_StringToVersion(const char *string);
* JS options are orthogonal to version, and may be freely composed with one
* another as well as with version.
* JSOPTION_VAROBJFIX is recommended -- see the comments associated with the
* prototypes for JS_ExecuteScript, JS_EvaluateScript, etc.
#define JSOPTION_EXTRA_WARNINGS JS_BIT(0) /* warn on dubious practices */
#define JSOPTION_WERROR JS_BIT(1) /* convert warning to error */
#define JSOPTION_VAROBJFIX JS_BIT(2) /* make JS_EvaluateScript use
the last object on its 'obj'
param's scope chain as the
ECMA 'variables object' */
JS_BIT(3) /* context private data points
to an nsISupports subclass */
#define JSOPTION_COMPILE_N_GO JS_BIT(4) /* caller of JS_Compile*Script
promises to execute compiled
script once only; enables
compile-time scope chain
resolution of consts. */
/* JS_BIT(5) is currently unused. */
/* JS_BIT(6) is currently unused. */
/* JS_BIT(7) is currently unused. */
JS_BIT(8) /* When returning from the
outermost API call, prevent
uncaught exceptions from
being converted to error
reports */
/* JS_BIT(9) is currently unused. */
/* JS_BIT(10) is currently unused. */
/* JS_BIT(11) is currently unused. */
#define JSOPTION_NO_SCRIPT_RVAL JS_BIT(12) /* A promise to the compiler
that a null rval out-param
will be passed to each call
to JS_ExecuteScript. */
#define JSOPTION_UNROOTED_GLOBAL JS_BIT(13) /* The GC will not root the
contexts' default compartment
object, leaving that up to the
embedding. */
#define JSOPTION_BASELINE JS_BIT(14) /* Baseline compiler. */
#define JSOPTION_PCCOUNT JS_BIT(15) /* Collect per-op execution counts */
#define JSOPTION_TYPE_INFERENCE JS_BIT(16) /* Perform type inference. */
#define JSOPTION_STRICT_MODE JS_BIT(17) /* Provides a way to force
strict mode for all code
without requiring
"use strict" annotations. */
#define JSOPTION_ION JS_BIT(18) /* IonMonkey */
#define JSOPTION_ASMJS JS_BIT(19) /* optimizingasm.js compiler */
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(uint32_t)
JS_GetOptions(JSContext *cx);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(uint32_t)
JS_SetOptions(JSContext *cx, uint32_t options);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(uint32_t)
JS_ToggleOptions(JSContext *cx, uint32_t options);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void)
JS_SetJitHardening(JSRuntime *rt, JSBool enabled);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(const char *)
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void)
JS_SetDestroyCompartmentCallback(JSRuntime *rt, JSDestroyCompartmentCallback callback);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void)
JS_SetDestroyZoneCallback(JSRuntime *rt, JSZoneCallback callback);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void)
JS_SetSweepZoneCallback(JSRuntime *rt, JSZoneCallback callback);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void)
JS_SetCompartmentNameCallback(JSRuntime *rt, JSCompartmentNameCallback callback);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSWrapObjectCallback)
JS_SetWrapObjectCallbacks(JSRuntime *rt,
JSWrapObjectCallback callback,
JSSameCompartmentWrapObjectCallback sccallback,
JSPreWrapCallback precallback);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void)
JS_SetCompartmentPrivate(JSCompartment *compartment, void *data);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void *)
JS_GetCompartmentPrivate(JSCompartment *compartment);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void)
JS_SetZoneUserData(JS::Zone *zone, void *data);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void *)
JS_GetZoneUserData(JS::Zone *zone);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_WrapObject(JSContext *cx, JSObject **objp);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_WrapValue(JSContext *cx, jsval *vp);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_WrapId(JSContext *cx, jsid *idp);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSObject *)
JS_TransplantObject(JSContext *cx, JS::HandleObject origobj, JS::HandleObject target);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_RefreshCrossCompartmentWrappers(JSContext *cx, JSObject *ob);
* At any time, a JSContext has a current (possibly-NULL) compartment.
* Compartments are described in:
* The current compartment of a context may be changed. The preferred way to do
* this is with JSAutoCompartment:
* void foo(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj) {
* // in some compartment 'c'
* {
* JSAutoCompartment ac(cx, obj); // constructor enters
* // in the compartment of 'obj'
* } // destructor leaves
* // back in compartment 'c'
* }
* For more complicated uses that don't neatly fit in a C++ stack frame, the
* compartment can entered and left using separate function calls:
* void foo(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj) {
* // in 'oldCompartment'
* JSCompartment *oldCompartment = JS_EnterCompartment(cx, obj);
* // in the compartment of 'obj'
* JS_LeaveCompartment(cx, oldCompartment);
* // back in 'oldCompartment'
* }
* Note: these calls must still execute in a LIFO manner w.r.t all other
* enter/leave calls on the context. Furthermore, only the return value of a
* JS_EnterCompartment call may be passed as the 'oldCompartment' argument of
* the corresponding JS_LeaveCompartment call.
class JS_PUBLIC_API(JSAutoCompartment)
JSContext *cx_;
JSCompartment *oldCompartment_;
JSAutoCompartment(JSContext *cx, JSObject *target);
JSAutoCompartment(JSContext *cx, JSScript *target);
/* NB: This API is infallible; a NULL return value does not indicate error. */
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSCompartment *)
JS_EnterCompartment(JSContext *cx, JSObject *target);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void)
JS_LeaveCompartment(JSContext *cx, JSCompartment *oldCompartment);
typedef void (*JSIterateCompartmentCallback)(JSRuntime *rt, void *data, JSCompartment *compartment);
* This function calls |compartmentCallback| on every compartment. Beware that
* there is no guarantee that the compartment will survive after the callback
* returns.
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void)
JS_IterateCompartments(JSRuntime *rt, void *data,
JSIterateCompartmentCallback compartmentCallback);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void)
JS_SetGlobalObject(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj);
* Initialize standard JS class constructors, prototypes, and any top-level
* functions and constants associated with the standard classes (e.g. isNaN
* for Number).
* NB: This sets cx's global object to obj if it was null.
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_InitStandardClasses(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj);
* Resolve id, which must contain either a string or an int, to a standard
* class name in obj if possible, defining the class's constructor and/or
* prototype and storing true in *resolved. If id does not name a standard
* class or a top-level property induced by initializing a standard class,
* store false in *resolved and just return true. Return false on error,
* as usual for JSBool result-typed API entry points.
* This API can be called directly from a global object class's resolve op,
* to define standard classes lazily. The class's enumerate op should call
* JS_EnumerateStandardClasses(cx, obj), to define eagerly during
* loops any classes not yet resolved lazily.
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_ResolveStandardClass(JSContext *cx, JS::HandleObject obj, JS::HandleId id,
JSBool *resolved);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_EnumerateStandardClasses(JSContext *cx, JS::HandleObject obj);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_GetClassObject(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, JSProtoKey key, JSObject **objp);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_GetClassPrototype(JSContext *cx, JSProtoKey key, JSObject **objp);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSProtoKey)
JS_IdentifyClassPrototype(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj);
* Returns the original value of |Function.prototype| from the global object in
* which |forObj| was created.
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSObject *)
JS_GetFunctionPrototype(JSContext *cx, JSObject *forObj);
* Returns the original value of |Object.prototype| from the global object in
* which |forObj| was created.
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSObject *)
JS_GetObjectPrototype(JSContext *cx, JSObject *forObj);
* Returns the original value of |Array.prototype| from the global object in
* which |forObj| was created.
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSObject *)
JS_GetArrayPrototype(JSContext *cx, JSObject *forObj);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSObject *)
JS_GetGlobalForObject(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_IsGlobalObject(JSObject *obj);
* May return NULL, if |c| never had a global (e.g. the atoms compartment), or
* if |c|'s global has been collected.
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSObject *)
JS_GetGlobalForCompartmentOrNull(JSContext *cx, JSCompartment *c);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSObject *)
JS_GetGlobalForScopeChain(JSContext *cx);
* This method returns the global corresponding to the most recent scripted
* frame, which may not match the cx's current compartment. This is extremely
* dangerous, because it can bypass compartment security invariants in subtle
* ways. To use it safely, the caller must perform a subsequent security
* check. There is currently only one consumer of this function in Gecko, and
* it should probably stay that way. If you'd like to use it, please consult
* the XPConnect module owner first.
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSObject *)
JS_GetScriptedGlobal(JSContext *cx);
* Initialize the 'Reflect' object on a global object.
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSObject *)
JS_InitReflect(JSContext *cx, JSObject *global);
* Initialize the 'ctypes' object on a global variable 'obj'. The 'ctypes'
* object will be sealed.
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_InitCTypesClass(JSContext *cx, JSObject *global);
* Convert a unicode string 'source' of length 'slen' to the platform native
* charset, returning a null-terminated string allocated with JS_malloc. On
* failure, this function should report an error.
typedef char *
(* JSCTypesUnicodeToNativeFun)(JSContext *cx, const jschar *source, size_t slen);
* Set of function pointers that ctypes can use for various internal functions.
* See JS_SetCTypesCallbacks below. Providing NULL for a function is safe,
* and will result in the applicable ctypes functionality not being available.
struct JSCTypesCallbacks {
JSCTypesUnicodeToNativeFun unicodeToNative;
typedef struct JSCTypesCallbacks JSCTypesCallbacks;
* Set the callbacks on the provided 'ctypesObj' object. 'callbacks' should be a
* pointer to static data that exists for the lifetime of 'ctypesObj', but it
* may safely be altered after calling this function and without having
* to call this function again.
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void)
JS_SetCTypesCallbacks(JSObject *ctypesObj, JSCTypesCallbacks *callbacks);
typedef JSBool
(* JSEnumerateDiagnosticMemoryCallback)(void *ptr, size_t length);
* Enumerate memory regions that contain diagnostic information
* intended to be included in crash report minidumps.
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void)
JS_EnumerateDiagnosticMemoryRegions(JSEnumerateDiagnosticMemoryCallback callback);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void *)
JS_malloc(JSContext *cx, size_t nbytes);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void *)
JS_realloc(JSContext *cx, void *p, size_t nbytes);
* A wrapper for js_free(p) that may delay js_free(p) invocation as a
* performance optimization.
* cx may be NULL.
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void)
JS_free(JSContext *cx, void *p);
* A wrapper for js_free(p) that may delay js_free(p) invocation as a
* performance optimization as specified by the given JSFreeOp instance.
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void)
JS_freeop(JSFreeOp *fop, void *p);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSFreeOp *)
JS_GetDefaultFreeOp(JSRuntime *rt);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void)
JS_updateMallocCounter(JSContext *cx, size_t nbytes);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(char *)
JS_strdup(JSContext *cx, const char *s);
/* Duplicate a string. Does not report an error on failure. */
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(char *)
JS_strdup(JSRuntime *rt, const char *s);
* A GC root is a pointer to a jsval, JSObject * or JSString * that itself
* points into the GC heap. JS_AddValueRoot takes a pointer to a jsval and
* JS_AddGCThingRoot takes a pointer to a JSObject * or JString *.
* Note that, since JS_Add*Root stores the address of a variable (of type
* jsval, JSString *, or JSObject *), that variable must live until
* JS_Remove*Root is called to remove that variable. For example, after:
* void some_function() {
* jsval v;
* JS_AddNamedValueRoot(cx, &v, "name");
* the caller must perform
* JS_RemoveValueRoot(cx, &v);
* before some_function() returns.
* Also, use JS_AddNamed*Root(cx, &structPtr->memberObj, "structPtr->memberObj")
* in preference to JS_Add*Root(cx, &structPtr->memberObj), in order to identify
* roots by their source callsites. This way, you can find the callsite while
* debugging if you should fail to do JS_Remove*Root(cx, &structPtr->memberObj)
* before freeing structPtr's memory.
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_AddValueRoot(JSContext *cx, jsval *vp);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_AddStringRoot(JSContext *cx, JSString **rp);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_AddObjectRoot(JSContext *cx, JSObject **rp);
#define JS_DEFINE_TO_TOKEN(def) #def
#define JS_AddValueRoot(cx,vp) JS_AddNamedValueRoot((cx), (vp), (__FILE__ ":" JS_TOKEN_TO_STRING(__LINE__))
#define JS_AddStringRoot(cx,rp) JS_AddNamedStringRoot((cx), (rp), (__FILE__ ":" JS_TOKEN_TO_STRING(__LINE__))
#define JS_AddObjectRoot(cx,rp) JS_AddNamedObjectRoot((cx), (rp), (__FILE__ ":" JS_TOKEN_TO_STRING(__LINE__))
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_AddNamedValueRoot(JSContext *cx, jsval *vp, const char *name);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_AddNamedValueRootRT(JSRuntime *rt, jsval *vp, const char *name);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_AddNamedStringRoot(JSContext *cx, JSString **rp, const char *name);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_AddNamedObjectRoot(JSContext *cx, JSObject **rp, const char *name);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_AddNamedScriptRoot(JSContext *cx, JSScript **rp, const char *name);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void)
JS_RemoveValueRoot(JSContext *cx, jsval *vp);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void)
JS_RemoveStringRoot(JSContext *cx, JSString **rp);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void)
JS_RemoveObjectRoot(JSContext *cx, JSObject **rp);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void)
JS_RemoveScriptRoot(JSContext *cx, JSScript **rp);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void)
JS_RemoveValueRootRT(JSRuntime *rt, jsval *vp);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void)
JS_RemoveStringRootRT(JSRuntime *rt, JSString **rp);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void)
JS_RemoveObjectRootRT(JSRuntime *rt, JSObject **rp);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void)
JS_RemoveScriptRootRT(JSRuntime *rt, JSScript **rp);
/* TODO: remove these APIs */
extern JS_FRIEND_API(void)
js_RemoveRoot(JSRuntime *rt, void *rp);
* C-compatible version of the Anchor class. It should be called after the last
* use of the variable it protects.
JS_AnchorPtr(void *p);
* Register externally maintained GC roots.
* traceOp: the trace operation. For each root the implementation should call
* JS_CallTracer whenever the root contains a traceable thing.
* data: the data argument to pass to each invocation of traceOp.
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_AddExtraGCRootsTracer(JSRuntime *rt, JSTraceDataOp traceOp, void *data);
/* Undo a call to JS_AddExtraGCRootsTracer. */
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void)
JS_RemoveExtraGCRootsTracer(JSRuntime *rt, JSTraceDataOp traceOp, void *data);
* JS_CallTracer API and related macros for implementors of JSTraceOp, to
* enumerate all references to traceable things reachable via a property or
* other strong ref identified for debugging purposes by name or index or
* a naming callback.
* See the JSTraceOp typedef.
* Use the following macros to check if a particular jsval is a traceable
* thing and to extract the thing and its kind to pass to JS_CallTracer.
static JS_ALWAYS_INLINE void *
* Tracer callback, called for each traceable thing directly referenced by a
* particular object or runtime structure. It is the callback responsibility
* to ensure the traversal of the full object graph via calling eventually
* JS_TraceChildren on the passed thing. In this case the callback must be
* prepared to deal with cycles in the traversal graph.
* kind argument is one of JSTRACE_OBJECT, JSTRACE_STRING or a tag denoting
* internal implementation-specific traversal kind. In the latter case the only
* operations on thing that the callback can do is to call JS_TraceChildren or
* JS_GetTraceThingInfo.
* If eagerlyTraceWeakMaps is true, when we trace a WeakMap visit all
* of its mappings. This should be used in cases where the tracer
* wants to use the existing liveness of entries.
typedef void
(* JSTraceCallback)(JSTracer *trc, void **thingp, JSGCTraceKind kind);
enum WeakMapTraceKind {
DoNotTraceWeakMaps = 0,
TraceWeakMapValues = 1,
TraceWeakMapKeysValues = 2
struct JSTracer {
JSRuntime *runtime;
JSTraceCallback callback;
JSTraceNamePrinter debugPrinter;
const void *debugPrintArg;
size_t debugPrintIndex;
WeakMapTraceKind eagerlyTraceWeakMaps;
#ifdef JS_GC_ZEAL
void *realLocation;
* Set debugging information about a reference to a traceable thing to prepare
* for the following call to JS_CallTracer.
* When printer is null, arg must be const char * or char * C string naming
* the reference and index must be either (size_t)-1 indicating that the name
* alone describes the reference or it must be an index into some array vector
* that stores the reference.
* When printer callback is not null, the arg and index arguments are
* available to the callback as debugPrintArg and debugPrintIndex fields
* of JSTracer.
* The storage for name or callback's arguments needs to live only until
* the following call to JS_CallTracer returns.
# define JS_SET_TRACING_DETAILS(trc, printer, arg, index) \
(trc)->debugPrinter = (printer); \
(trc)->debugPrintArg = (arg); \
(trc)->debugPrintIndex = (index); \
* Sets the real location for a marked reference, when passing the address
* directly is not feasable.
* FIXME: This is currently overcomplicated by our need to nest calls for Values
* stored as keys in hash tables, but will get simplified once we can rekey
* in-place.
#ifdef JS_GC_ZEAL
# define JS_SET_TRACING_LOCATION(trc, location) \
if (!(trc)->realLocation || !(location)) \
(trc)->realLocation = (location); \
(trc)->realLocation = NULL; \
# define JS_SET_TRACING_LOCATION(trc, location) \
* Convenience macro to describe the argument of JS_CallTracer using C string
* and index.
# define JS_SET_TRACING_INDEX(trc, name, index) \
JS_SET_TRACING_DETAILS(trc, NULL, name, index)
* Convenience macro to describe the argument of JS_CallTracer using C string.
# define JS_SET_TRACING_NAME(trc, name) \
JS_SET_TRACING_DETAILS(trc, NULL, name, (size_t)-1)
* The JS_Call*Tracer family of functions traces the given GC thing reference.
* This performs the tracing action configured on the given JSTracer:
* typically calling the JSTracer::callback or marking the thing as live.
* The argument to JS_Call*Tracer is an in-out param: when the function
* returns, the garbage collector might have moved the GC thing. In this case,
* the reference passed to JS_Call*Tracer will be updated to the object's new
* location. Callers of this method are responsible for updating any state
* that is dependent on the object's address. For example, if the object's
* address is used as a key in a hashtable, then the object must be removed
* and re-inserted with the correct hash.
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void)
JS_CallValueTracer(JSTracer *trc, JS::Value *valuep, const char *name);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void)
JS_CallIdTracer(JSTracer *trc, jsid *idp, const char *name);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void)
JS_CallObjectTracer(JSTracer *trc, JSObject **objp, const char *name);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void)
JS_CallStringTracer(JSTracer *trc, JSString **strp, const char *name);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void)
JS_CallScriptTracer(JSTracer *trc, JSScript **scriptp, const char *name);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void)
JS_CallHeapValueTracer(JSTracer *trc, JS::Heap<JS::Value> *valuep, const char *name);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void)
JS_CallHeapIdTracer(JSTracer *trc, JS::Heap<jsid> *idp, const char *name);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void)
JS_CallHeapObjectTracer(JSTracer *trc, JS::Heap<JSObject *> *objp, const char *name);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void)
JS_CallHeapStringTracer(JSTracer *trc, JS::Heap<JSString *> *strp, const char *name);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void)
JS_CallHeapScriptTracer(JSTracer *trc, JS::Heap<JSScript *> *scriptp, const char *name);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void)
JS_CallGenericTracer(JSTracer *trc, void *gcthing, const char *name);
template <typename HashSetEnum>
inline void
JS_CallHashSetObjectTracer(JSTracer *trc, HashSetEnum &e, JSObject *const &key, const char *name)
JSObject *updated = key;
JS_SET_TRACING_LOCATION(trc, reinterpret_cast<void *>(&const_cast<JSObject *&>(key)));
JS_CallObjectTracer(trc, &updated, name);
if (updated != key)
e.rekeyFront(key, updated);
* The JS_CallMaskedObjectTracer variant traces a JSObject* that is stored
* with flags embedded in the low bits of the word. The flagMask parameter
* expects |*objp & flagMask| to yield the flags with the pointer value
* stripped and |*objp & ~flagMask| to yield a valid GC pointer.
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void)
JS_CallMaskedObjectTracer(JSTracer *trc, uintptr_t *objp, uintptr_t flagMask, const char *name);
* API for JSTraceCallback implementations.
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void)
JS_TracerInit(JSTracer *trc, JSRuntime *rt, JSTraceCallback callback);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void)
JS_TraceChildren(JSTracer *trc, void *thing, JSGCTraceKind kind);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void)
JS_TraceRuntime(JSTracer *trc);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void)
JS_GetTraceThingInfo(char *buf, size_t bufsize, JSTracer *trc,
void *thing, JSGCTraceKind kind, JSBool includeDetails);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(const char *)
JS_GetTraceEdgeName(JSTracer *trc, char *buffer, int bufferSize);
#ifdef JS_DEBUG
* Debug-only method to dump the object graph of heap-allocated things.
* fp: file for the dump output.
* start: when non-null, dump only things reachable from start
* thing. Otherwise dump all things reachable from the
* runtime roots.
* startKind: trace kind of start if start is not null. Must be
* JSTRACE_OBJECT when start is null.
* thingToFind: dump only paths in the object graph leading to thingToFind
* when non-null.
* maxDepth: the upper bound on the number of edges to descend from the
* graph roots.
* thingToIgnore: thing to ignore during the graph traversal when non-null.
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_DumpHeap(JSRuntime *rt, FILE *fp, void* startThing, JSGCTraceKind kind,
void *thingToFind, size_t maxDepth, void *thingToIgnore);
* Garbage collector API.
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void)
JS_GC(JSRuntime *rt);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void)
JS_MaybeGC(JSContext *cx);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void)
JS_SetGCCallback(JSRuntime *rt, JSGCCallback cb);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void)
JS_SetFinalizeCallback(JSRuntime *rt, JSFinalizeCallback cb);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_IsGCMarkingTracer(JSTracer *trc);
* JS_IsAboutToBeFinalized checks if the given object is going to be finalized
* at the end of the current GC. When called outside of the context of a GC,
* this function will return false. Typically this function is used on weak
* references, where the reference should be nulled out or destroyed if the
* given object is about to be finalized.
* The argument to JS_IsAboutToBeFinalized is an in-out param: when the
* function returns false, the object being referenced is still alive, but the
* garbage collector might have moved it. In this case, the reference passed
* to JS_IsAboutToBeFinalized will be updated to the object's new location.
* Callers of this method are responsible for updating any state that is
* dependent on the object's address. For example, if the object's address is
* used as a key in a hashtable, then the object must be removed and
* re-inserted with the correct hash.
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_IsAboutToBeFinalized(JSObject **obj);
typedef enum JSGCParamKey {
/* Maximum nominal heap before last ditch GC. */
/* Number of JS_malloc bytes before last ditch GC. */
/* Amount of bytes allocated by the GC. */
/* Number of times when GC was invoked. */
/* Max size of the code cache in bytes. */
/* Select GC mode. */
/* Number of cached empty GC chunks. */
/* Total number of allocated GC chunks. */
/* Max milliseconds to spend in an incremental GC slice. */
/* Maximum size the GC mark stack can grow to. */
* GCs less than this far apart in time will be considered 'high-frequency GCs'.
* See setGCLastBytes in jsgc.cpp.
/* Start of dynamic heap growth. */
/* End of dynamic heap growth. */
/* Upper bound of heap growth. */
/* Lower bound of heap growth. */
/* Heap growth for low frequency GCs. */
* If false, the heap growth factor is fixed at 3. If true, it is determined
* based on whether GCs are high- or low- frequency.
/* If true, high-frequency GCs will use a longer mark slice. */
/* Number of megabytes of analysis data to allocate before purging. */
/* Lower limit after which we limit the heap growth. */
* We decommit memory lazily. If more than this number of megabytes is
* available to be decommitted, then JS_MaybeGC will trigger a shrinking GC
* to decommit it.
} JSGCParamKey;
typedef enum JSGCMode {
/* Perform only global GCs. */
/* Perform per-compartment GCs until too much garbage has accumulated. */
* Collect in short time slices rather than all at once. Implies
} JSGCMode;
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void)
JS_SetGCParameter(JSRuntime *rt, JSGCParamKey key, uint32_t value);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(uint32_t)
JS_GetGCParameter(JSRuntime *rt, JSGCParamKey key);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void)
JS_SetGCParameterForThread(JSContext *cx, JSGCParamKey key, uint32_t value);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(uint32_t)
JS_GetGCParameterForThread(JSContext *cx, JSGCParamKey key);
* Create a new JSString whose chars member refers to external memory, i.e.,
* memory requiring application-specific finalization.
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSString *)
JS_NewExternalString(JSContext *cx, const jschar *chars, size_t length,
const JSStringFinalizer *fin);
* Return whether 'str' was created with JS_NewExternalString or
* JS_NewExternalStringWithClosure.
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_IsExternalString(JSString *str);
* Return the 'closure' arg passed to JS_NewExternalStringWithClosure or NULL
* if the external string was created via JS_NewExternalString.
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(const JSStringFinalizer *)
JS_GetExternalStringFinalizer(JSString *str);
* Set the size of the native stack that should not be exceed. To disable
* stack size checking pass 0.
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void)
JS_SetNativeStackQuota(JSRuntime *cx, size_t stackSize);
* Classes, objects, and properties.
typedef void (*JSClassInternal)();
struct JSClass {
const char *name;
uint32_t flags;
/* Mandatory non-null function pointer members. */
JSPropertyOp addProperty;
JSDeletePropertyOp delProperty;
JSPropertyOp getProperty;
JSStrictPropertyOp setProperty;
JSEnumerateOp enumerate;
JSResolveOp resolve;
JSConvertOp convert;
JSFinalizeOp finalize;
/* Optionally non-null members start here. */
JSCheckAccessOp checkAccess;
JSNative call;
JSHasInstanceOp hasInstance;
JSNative construct;
JSTraceOp trace;
void *reserved[40];
#define JSCLASS_HAS_PRIVATE (1<<0) /* objects have private slot */
#define JSCLASS_NEW_ENUMERATE (1<<1) /* has JSNewEnumerateOp hook */
#define JSCLASS_NEW_RESOLVE (1<<2) /* has JSNewResolveOp hook */
#define JSCLASS_PRIVATE_IS_NSISUPPORTS (1<<3) /* private is (nsISupports *) */
#define JSCLASS_IS_DOMJSCLASS (1<<4) /* objects are DOM */
#define JSCLASS_IMPLEMENTS_BARRIERS (1<<5) /* Correctly implements GC read
and write barriers */
#define JSCLASS_EMULATES_UNDEFINED (1<<6) /* objects of this class act
like the value undefined,
in some contexts */
#define JSCLASS_USERBIT1 (1<<7) /* Reserved for embeddings. */
* To reserve slots fetched and stored via JS_Get/SetReservedSlot, bitwise-or
* JSCLASS_HAS_RESERVED_SLOTS(n) into the initializer for JSClass.flags, where
* n is a constant in [1, 255]. Reserved slots are indexed from 0 to n-1.
#define JSCLASS_RESERVED_SLOTS_SHIFT 8 /* room for 8 flags below */
#define JSCLASS_RESERVED_SLOTS_WIDTH 8 /* and 16 above this field */
#define JSCLASS_RESERVED_SLOTS(clasp) (((clasp)->flags \
/* Indicate whether the proto or ctor should be frozen. */
/* Reserved for embeddings. */
* Bits 26 through 31 are reserved for the CACHED_PROTO_KEY mechanism, see
* below.
/* Global flags. */
* ECMA-262 requires that most constructors used internally create objects
* with "the original Foo.prototype value" as their [[Prototype]] (__proto__)
* member initial value. The "original ... value" verbiage is there because
* in ECMA-262, global properties naming class objects are read/write and
* deleteable, for the most part.
* Implementing this efficiently requires that global objects have classes
* with the following flags. Failure to use JSCLASS_GLOBAL_FLAGS was
* prevously allowed, but is now an ES5 violation and thus unsupported.
(((clasp)->flags & JSCLASS_IS_GLOBAL) \
/* Fast access to the original value of each standard class's prototype. */
#define JSCLASS_CACHED_PROTO_KEY(clasp) ((JSProtoKey) \
(((clasp)->flags \
/* Initializer for unused members of statically initialized JSClass structs. */
#define JSCLASS_NO_INTERNAL_MEMBERS {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(int)
JS_IdArrayLength(JSContext *cx, JSIdArray *ida);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(jsid)
JS_IdArrayGet(JSContext *cx, JSIdArray *ida, int index);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void)
JS_DestroyIdArray(JSContext *cx, JSIdArray *ida);
namespace JS {
class AutoIdArray : private AutoGCRooter
AutoIdArray(JSContext *cx, JSIdArray *ida
: AutoGCRooter(cx, IDARRAY), context(cx), idArray(ida)
~AutoIdArray() {
if (idArray)
JS_DestroyIdArray(context, idArray);
bool operator!() {
return !idArray;
jsid operator[](size_t i) const {
JS_ASSERT(i < length());
return JS_IdArrayGet(context, idArray, i);
size_t length() const {
return JS_IdArrayLength(context, idArray);
friend void AutoGCRooter::trace(JSTracer *trc);
JSIdArray *steal() {
JSIdArray *copy = idArray;
idArray = NULL;
return copy;
inline void trace(JSTracer *trc);
JSContext *context;
JSIdArray *idArray;
/* No copy or assignment semantics. */
AutoIdArray(AutoIdArray &ida) MOZ_DELETE;
void operator=(AutoIdArray &ida) MOZ_DELETE;
} /* namespace JS */
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_ValueToId(JSContext *cx, jsval v, jsid *idp);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_IdToValue(JSContext *cx, jsid id, jsval *vp);
* JSNewResolveOp flag bits.
#define JSRESOLVE_ASSIGNING 0x01 /* resolve on the left of assignment */
* Invoke the [[DefaultValue]] hook (see ES5 8.6.2) with the provided hint on
* the specified object, computing a primitive default value for the object.
* The hint must be JSTYPE_STRING, JSTYPE_NUMBER, or JSTYPE_VOID (no hint). On
* success the resulting value is stored in *vp.
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_DefaultValue(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, JSType hint, jsval *vp);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_PropertyStub(JSContext *cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, JS::Handle<jsid> id,
JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> vp);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_StrictPropertyStub(JSContext *cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, JS::Handle<jsid> id, JSBool strict,
JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> vp);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_DeletePropertyStub(JSContext *cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, JS::Handle<jsid> id,
JSBool *succeeded);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_EnumerateStub(JSContext *cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_ResolveStub(JSContext *cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, JS::Handle<jsid> id);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_ConvertStub(JSContext *cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, JSType type,
JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> vp);
struct JSConstDoubleSpec {
double dval;
const char *name;
uint8_t flags;
uint8_t spare[3];
typedef struct JSJitInfo JSJitInfo;
* Wrappers to replace {Strict,}PropertyOp for JSPropertySpecs. This will allow
* us to pass one JSJitInfo per function with the property spec, without
* additional field overhead.
typedef struct JSStrictPropertyOpWrapper {
JSStrictPropertyOp op;
const JSJitInfo *info;
} JSStrictPropertyOpWrapper;
typedef struct JSPropertyOpWrapper {
JSPropertyOp op;
const JSJitInfo *info;
} JSPropertyOpWrapper;
* Wrapper to do as above, but for JSNatives for JSFunctionSpecs.
typedef struct JSNativeWrapper {
JSNative op;
const JSJitInfo *info;
} JSNativeWrapper;
* Macro static initializers which make it easy to pass no JSJitInfo as part of a
* JSPropertySpec or JSFunctionSpec.
#define JSOP_WRAPPER(op) {op, NULL}
* To define an array element rather than a named property member, cast the
* element's index to (const char *) and initialize name with it, and set the
* JSPROP_INDEX bit in flags.
struct JSPropertySpec {
const char *name;
int8_t tinyid;
uint8_t flags;
JSPropertyOpWrapper getter;
JSStrictPropertyOpWrapper setter;
namespace JS {
namespace detail {
inline int CheckIsNative(JSNative native);
} // namespace detail
} // namespace JS
#define JS_CAST_NATIVE_TO(v, To) \
(static_cast<void>(sizeof(JS::detail::CheckIsNative(v))), \
* JSPropertySpec uses JSAPI JSPropertyOp and JSStrictPropertyOp in function
* signatures, but with JSPROP_NATIVE_ACCESSORS the actual values must be
* JSNatives. To avoid widespread casting, have JS_PSG and JS_PSGS perform
* type-safe casts.
#define JS_PSG(name, getter, flags) \
#define JS_PSGS(name, getter, setter, flags) \
JSOP_WRAPPER(JS_CAST_NATIVE_TO(setter, JSStrictPropertyOp))}
* To define a native function, set call to a JSNativeWrapper. To define a
* self-hosted function, set selfHostedName to the name of a function
* compiled during JSRuntime::initSelfHosting.
struct JSFunctionSpec {
const char *name;
JSNativeWrapper call;
uint16_t nargs;
uint16_t flags;
const char *selfHostedName;
* Terminating sentinel initializer to put at the end of a JSFunctionSpec array
* that's passed to JS_DefineFunctions or JS_InitClass.
#define JS_FS_END JS_FS(NULL,NULL,0,0)
* Initializer macros for a JSFunctionSpec array element. JS_FN (whose name
* pays homage to the old JSNative/JSFastNative split) simply adds the flag
* JSFUN_STUB_GSOPS. JS_FNINFO allows the simple adding of JSJitInfos.
#define JS_FS(name,call,nargs,flags) \
{name, JSOP_WRAPPER(call), nargs, flags}
#define JS_FN(name,call,nargs,flags) \
{name, JSOP_WRAPPER(call), nargs, (flags) | JSFUN_STUB_GSOPS}
#define JS_FNINFO(name,call,info,nargs,flags) \
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSObject *)
JS_InitClass(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, JSObject *parent_proto,
JSClass *clasp, JSNative constructor, unsigned nargs,
const JSPropertySpec *ps, const JSFunctionSpec *fs,
const JSPropertySpec *static_ps, const JSFunctionSpec *static_fs);
* Set up ctor.prototype = proto and proto.constructor = ctor with the
* right property flags.
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_LinkConstructorAndPrototype(JSContext *cx, JSObject *ctor, JSObject *proto);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSClass *)
JS_GetClass(JSObject *obj);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_InstanceOf(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, JSClass *clasp, jsval *argv);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_HasInstance(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsval v, JSBool *bp);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void *)
JS_GetPrivate(JSObject *obj);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void)
JS_SetPrivate(JSObject *obj, void *data);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void *)
JS_GetInstancePrivate(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, JSClass *clasp,
jsval *argv);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_GetPrototype(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, JSObject **protop);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_SetPrototype(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, JSObject *proto);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSObject *)
JS_GetParent(JSObject *obj);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_SetParent(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, JSObject *parent);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSObject *)
JS_GetConstructor(JSContext *cx, JSObject *proto);
* Get a unique identifier for obj, good for the lifetime of obj (even if it
* is moved by a copying GC). Return false on failure (likely out of memory),
* and true with *idp containing the unique id on success.
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_GetObjectId(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsid *idp);
namespace JS {
enum {
typedef uintptr_t ZoneSpecifier;
inline ZoneSpecifier
SameZoneAs(JSObject *obj)
JS_ASSERT(uintptr_t(obj) > SpecificZones);
return ZoneSpecifier(obj);
struct JS_PUBLIC_API(CompartmentOptions) {
ZoneSpecifier zoneSpec;
bool hasVersion;
JSVersion version;
explicit CompartmentOptions() : zoneSpec(JS::FreshZone)
, hasVersion(false)
CompartmentOptions &setZone(ZoneSpecifier spec) { zoneSpec = spec; return *this; }
CompartmentOptions &setVersion(JSVersion version_) { hasVersion = true; version = version_; return *this; }
} /* namespace JS */
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSObject *)
JS_NewGlobalObject(JSContext *cx, JSClass *clasp, JSPrincipals *principals,
const JS::CompartmentOptions &options = JS::CompartmentOptions());
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSObject *)
JS_NewObject(JSContext *cx, JSClass *clasp, JSObject *proto, JSObject *parent);
/* Queries the [[Extensible]] property of the object. */
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_IsExtensible(JSObject *obj);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)
JS_IsNative(JSObject *obj);
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSRuntime *)
JS_GetObjectRuntime(JSObject *obj);
* Unlike JS_NewObject, JS_NewObjectWithGivenProto does not compute a default
* proto if proto's actual parameter value is null.
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSObject *)
JS_NewObjectWithGivenProto(JSContext *cx, JSClass *clasp, JSObject *proto,
JSObject *parent);
* Freeze obj, and all objects it refers to, recursively. This will not recurse
* through non-extensible objects, on the assumption that those are already
* deep-frozen.
extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBool)