blob: 04605e4e2b89fe2eb25b04258e997660d7a77ad3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include "build/build_config.h"
namespace base {
#if defined(WCHAR_T_IS_UTF16)
typedef wchar_t char16;
#elif defined(WCHAR_T_IS_UTF32)
typedef uint16_t char16;
#endif // WCHAR_T_IS_UTF32
#if defined(WCHAR_T_IS_UTF16)
typedef std::wstring string16;
typedef std::char_traits<wchar_t> string16_char_traits;
#elif defined(WCHAR_T_IS_UTF32)
int c16memcmp(const char16* s1, const char16* s2, size_t n);
size_t c16len(const char16* s);
const char16* c16memchr(const char16* s, char16 c, size_t n);
char16* c16memmove(char16* s1, const char16* s2, size_t n);
char16* c16memcpy(char16* s1, const char16* s2, size_t n);
char16* c16memset(char16* s, char16 c, size_t n);
struct string16_char_traits {
typedef char16 char_type;
typedef int int_type;
static_assert(sizeof(int_type) > sizeof(char_type), "unexpected type width");
typedef std::streamoff off_type;
typedef mbstate_t state_type;
typedef std::fpos<state_type> pos_type;
static void assign(char_type& c1, const char_type& c2) {
c1 = c2;
static bool eq(const char_type& c1, const char_type& c2) {
return c1 == c2;
static bool lt(const char_type& c1, const char_type& c2) {
return c1 < c2;
static int compare(const char_type* s1, const char_type* s2, size_t n) {
return c16memcmp(s1, s2, n);
static size_t length(const char_type* s) {
return c16len(s);
static const char_type* find(const char_type* s, size_t n,
const char_type& a) {
return c16memchr(s, a, n);
static char_type* move(char_type* s1, const char_type* s2, size_t n) {
return c16memmove(s1, s2, n);
static char_type* copy(char_type* s1, const char_type* s2, size_t n) {
return c16memcpy(s1, s2, n);
static char_type* assign(char_type* s, size_t n, char_type a) {
return c16memset(s, a, n);
static int_type not_eof(const int_type& c) {
return eq_int_type(c, eof()) ? 0 : c;
static char_type to_char_type(const int_type& c) {
return char_type(c);
static int_type to_int_type(const char_type& c) {
return int_type(c);
static bool eq_int_type(const int_type& c1, const int_type& c2) {
return c1 == c2;
static int_type eof() {
return static_cast<int_type>(EOF);
typedef std::basic_string<char16, base::string16_char_traits> string16;
extern std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const string16& str);
#endif // WCHAR_T_IS_UTF32
} // namespace base
#if defined(WCHAR_T_IS_UTF32)
extern template class std::basic_string<base::char16,
#endif // WCHAR_T_IS_UTF32