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<title>Document.createElement() and Document.createElementNS() create custom element of type, specified by single localName argument</title>
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<meta name="assert" content="Let TYPE be typeExtension, or localName if typeExtension is not present">
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test(function() {
var doc = newHTMLDocument();
var name = 'x-a';
var GeneratedConstructor = doc.registerElement(name);
var customElement = doc.createElement(name);
assert_equals(Object.getPrototypeOf(customElement), GeneratedConstructor.prototype,
'Custom element type should be the local name of the custom element');
}, 'Test Document.createElement() creates custom element of type, ' +
'specified by single localName argument');
test(function() {
var doc = newHTMLDocument();
var name = 'x-b';
var GeneratedConstructor = doc.registerElement(name);
var customElement = doc.createElementNS(HTML_NAMESPACE, name);
assert_equals(Object.getPrototypeOf(customElement), GeneratedConstructor.prototype,
'Custom element type should be the local name of the custom element');
}, 'Test Document.createElementNS() creates custom element of type, ' +
'specified by localName argument. Argument typeExtension is not passed');