blob: 72dc7e6ee7e151b0978136971c1b342a0f337ea1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
function NewIntlCollator() {
let obj = new Intl.Collator();
createSuite('NewIntlCollator', 100, NewIntlCollator, ()=>{});
function NewIntlDateTimeFormat() {
let obj = new Intl.DateTimeFormat();
createSuite('NewIntlDateTimeFormat', 100, NewIntlDateTimeFormat, ()=>{});
function NewIntlNumberFormat() {
let obj = new Intl.NumberFormat();
createSuite('NewIntlNumberFormat', 100, NewIntlNumberFormat, ()=>{});
function NewIntlPluralRules() {
let obj = new Intl.PluralRules();
createSuite('NewIntlPluralRules', 100, NewIntlPluralRules, ()=>{});
function NewIntlListFormat() {
let obj = new Intl.ListFormat();
createSuite('NewIntlListFormat', 100, NewIntlListFormat, ()=>{});
function NewIntlRelativeTimeFormat() {
let obj = new Intl.RelativeTimeFormat();
createSuite('NewIntlRelativeTimeFormat', 100, NewIntlRelativeTimeFormat, ()=>{});
function NewIntlLocaleWithOptions() {
let obj = new Intl.Locale("en-Latn-US-u-nu-thai",
{ language: "zh", region: "TW", script: "Hant", calendar: "roc", collation: "zhuyin",
hourCycle: "h11", caseFirst: "upper", numberingSystem: "hanidec"});
createSuite('NewIntlLocaleWithOptions', 100, NewIntlLocaleWithOptions, ()=>{});
function NewIntlLocale() {
let obj = new Intl.Locale("zh");
createSuite('NewIntlLocale', 100, NewIntlLocale, ()=>{});