blob: bd89f86e740803142b3f6fa99ff5079c9eca7bdf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Flags: --allow-natives-syntax
var typedArrayConstructors = [
for (var constructor of typedArrayConstructors) {
// Check various variants of empty array's slicing.
var array = new constructor(0);
for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
assertEquals(0, array.slice(0, 0).length);
assertEquals(0, array.slice(1, 0).length);
assertEquals(0, array.slice(0, 1).length);
assertEquals(0, array.slice(-1, 0).length);
// Check various forms of arguments omission.
array = new constructor(7);
for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
assertEquals(array, array.slice());
assertEquals(array, array.slice(0));
assertEquals(array, array.slice(undefined));
assertEquals(array, array.slice("foobar"));
assertEquals(array, array.slice(undefined, undefined));
// Check variants of negatives and positive indices.
array = new constructor(7);
assertEquals(7, array.slice(-100).length);
assertEquals(3, array.slice(-3).length);
assertEquals(3, array.slice(4).length);
assertEquals(1, array.slice(6).length);
assertEquals(0, array.slice(7).length);
assertEquals(0, array.slice(8).length);
assertEquals(0, array.slice(100).length);
assertEquals(0, array.slice(0, -100).length);
assertEquals(4, array.slice(0, -3).length);
assertEquals(4, array.slice(0, 4).length);
assertEquals(6, array.slice(0, 6).length);
assertEquals(7, array.slice(0, 7).length);
assertEquals(7, array.slice(0, 8).length);
assertEquals(7, array.slice(0, 100).length);
// Does not permit being called on other types
assertThrows(() =>[], 0, 0), TypeError);
// Check that elements are copied properly in slice
array = new constructor([1, 2, 3, 4]);
var slice = array.slice(1, 3);
assertEquals(2, slice.length);
assertEquals(2, slice[0]);
assertEquals(3, slice[1]);
assertTrue(slice instanceof constructor);
// Detached Operation
var tmp = {
[Symbol.toPrimitive]() {
assertUnreachable("Parameter should not be processed when " +
"array.[[ViewedArrayBuffer]] is detached.");
return 0;
var array = new constructor([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]);
assertThrows(() => array.slice(tmp, tmp), TypeError);
// Check that the species array must be a typed array
class MyTypedArray extends constructor {
static get[Symbol.species]() {
return Array;
var arr = new MyTypedArray([-1.0, 0, 1.1, 255, 256]);
assertThrows(() => arr.slice(), TypeError);
// Check that the result array is properly created by checking species
for (var constructor1 of typedArrayConstructors) {
for (var constructor2 of typedArrayConstructors) {
testCustomSubclass(constructor1, constructor2);
testSpeciesConstructor(constructor1, constructor2);
function testSpeciesConstructor(cons1, cons2) {
var ta = new cons1([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]);
ta.constructor = {
[Symbol.species]: cons2
assertArrayEquals([4, 5, 6], ta.slice(3));
function testCustomSubclass(superClass, speciesClass) {
// Simple subclass that has another TypedArray as species
class CustomTypedArray extends superClass {
static get[Symbol.species]() {
return speciesClass;
// 16 entries.
let exampleArray = [-1.0, 0, 1.1, 255, 256, 0xFFFFFFFF, 2**50, NaN];
let customArray = new CustomTypedArray(exampleArray);
let basicArray = new superClass(exampleArray);
assertEquals(new speciesClass(basicArray), customArray.slice(), + ' -> ' +;
// Custom constructor with shared buffer.
exampleArray = new Array(64).fill(0).map((v,i) => i);
let filledBuffer = new Uint8Array(exampleArray).buffer;
// Create a view for the beginning of the buffer.
let customArray2 = new superClass(filledBuffer, 0, 3);
customArray2.constructor = {
[Symbol.species]: function(length) {
let bytes_per_element = speciesClass.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
// Reuse the same buffer for the custom species constructor.
// Skip the first BYTES_PER_ELEMENT bytes of the buffer.
return new speciesClass(filledBuffer, bytes_per_element, length);
// Since slice is defined iteratively, the species created new array uses the
// same underlying buffer shifted by one element. Hence the first value is
// copied over and over again.
let convertedCopy = Array.from(customArray2);
let firstValue = convertedCopy[0];
assertEquals(firstValue, customArray2[0]);
let sliceResult = customArray2.slice();
if (superClass == speciesClass) {
assertEquals(new Array(3).fill(firstValue), Array.from(customArray2));
assertEquals(new Array(3).fill(firstValue), Array.from(sliceResult));
assertEquals(3, customArray2.length);
assertEquals(3, sliceResult.length);