blob: 1366f86ce76ae147555753c165b4b4d7737aef45 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/torque/torque-compiler.h"
#include "src/torque/utils.h"
#include "test/unittests/test-utils.h"
#include "testing/gmock-support.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace torque {
namespace {
// This is a simplified version of the basic Torque type definitions.
// Some class types are replaced by abstact types to keep it self-contained and
// small.
constexpr const char* kTestTorquePrelude = R"(
type void;
type never;
type Tagged generates 'TNode<Object>' constexpr 'ObjectPtr';
type Smi extends Tagged generates 'TNode<Smi>' constexpr 'Smi';
extern class HeapObject extends Tagged {
map: Map;
type Map extends HeapObject generates 'TNode<Map>';
type Object = Smi | HeapObject;
type JSReceiver extends HeapObject generates 'TNode<JSReceiver>';
type JSObject extends JSReceiver generates 'TNode<JSObject>';
type int32 generates 'TNode<Int32T>' constexpr 'int32_t';
type uint32 generates 'TNode<Uint32T>' constexpr 'uint32_t';
type int31 extends int32
generates 'TNode<Int32T>' constexpr 'int31_t';
type uint31 extends uint32
generates 'TNode<Uint32T>' constexpr 'uint31_t';
type int16 extends int31
generates 'TNode<Int16T>' constexpr 'int16_t';
type uint16 extends uint31
generates 'TNode<Uint16T>' constexpr 'uint16_t';
type int8 extends int16 generates 'TNode<Int8T>' constexpr 'int8_t';
type uint8 extends uint16
generates 'TNode<Uint8T>' constexpr 'uint8_t';
type int64 generates 'TNode<Int64T>' constexpr 'int64_t';
type intptr generates 'TNode<IntPtrT>' constexpr 'intptr_t';
type uintptr generates 'TNode<UintPtrT>' constexpr 'uintptr_t';
type float32 generates 'TNode<Float32T>' constexpr 'float';
type float64 generates 'TNode<Float64T>' constexpr 'double';
type bool generates 'TNode<BoolT>' constexpr 'bool';
type bint generates 'TNode<BInt>' constexpr 'BInt';
type string constexpr 'const char*';
type RawPtr generates 'TNode<RawPtrT>' constexpr 'void*';
type Code extends HeapObject generates 'TNode<Code>';
type BuiltinPtr extends Smi generates 'TNode<BuiltinPtr>';
type Context extends HeapObject generates 'TNode<Context>';
type NativeContext extends Context;
TorqueCompilerResult TestCompileTorque(std::string source) {
TorqueCompilerOptions options;
options.output_directory = "";
options.collect_language_server_data = false;
options.force_assert_statements = false;
options.v8_root = ".";
source = kTestTorquePrelude + source;
return CompileTorque(source, options);
void ExpectSuccessfulCompilation(std::string source) {
TorqueCompilerResult result = TestCompileTorque(std::move(source));
std::vector<std::string> messages;
for (const auto& message : result.messages) {
EXPECT_EQ(messages, std::vector<std::string>{});
template <class T>
void ExpectFailingCompilation(
std::string source, ::testing::PolymorphicMatcher<T> message_pattern) {
TorqueCompilerResult result = TestCompileTorque(std::move(source));
EXPECT_THAT(result.messages[0].message, message_pattern);
} // namespace
TEST(Torque, Prelude) { ExpectSuccessfulCompilation(""); }
TEST(Torque, StackDeleteRange) {
Stack<int> stack = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7};
stack.DeleteRange(StackRange{BottomOffset{2}, BottomOffset{4}});
Stack<int> result = {1, 2, 5, 6, 7};
ASSERT_TRUE(stack == result);
using ::testing::HasSubstr;
TEST(Torque, TypeNamingConventionLintError) {
type foo generates 'TNode<Foo>';
TEST(Torque, StructNamingConventionLintError) {
struct foo {}
TEST(Torque, ClassDefinition) {
extern class TestClassWithAllTypes extends HeapObject {
a: int8;
b: uint8;
b2: uint8;
b3: uint8;
c: int16;
d: uint16;
e: int32;
f: uint32;
g: RawPtr;
h: intptr;
i: uintptr;
macro TestClassWithAllTypesLoadsAndStores(
t: TestClassWithAllTypes, r: RawPtr, v1: int8, v2: uint8, v3: int16,
v4: uint16, v5: int32, v6: uint32, v7: intptr, v8: uintptr) {
t.a = v1;
t.b = v2;
t.c = v3;
t.d = v4;
t.e = v5;
t.f = v6;
t.g = r;
t.h = v7;
t.i = v8;
t.a = t.a;
t.b = t.b;
t.c = t.c;
t.d = t.d;
t.e = t.e;
t.f = t.f;
t.g = t.g;
t.h = t.h;
t.i = t.i;
TEST(Torque, TypeDeclarationOrder) {
type Baztype = Foo | FooType;
extern class Foo extends HeapObject {
fooField: FooType;
extern class Bar extends Foo {
barField: Bartype;
bazfield: Baztype;
type Bartype = FooType;
type FooType = Smi | Bar;
TEST(Torque, ConditionalFields) {
// This class should throw alignment errors if @if decorators aren't
// working.
extern class PreprocessingTest extends HeapObject {
@if(FALSE_FOR_TESTING) a: int8;
@if(TRUE_FOR_TESTING) a: int16;
b: int16;
d: int32;
@ifnot(TRUE_FOR_TESTING) e: int8;
@ifnot(FALSE_FOR_TESTING) f: int16;
g: int16;
h: int32;
extern class PreprocessingTest extends HeapObject {
@if(TRUE_FOR_TESTING) a: int8;
@if(FALSE_FOR_TESTING) a: int16;
b: int16;
d: int32;
@ifnot(FALSE_FOR_TESTING) e: int8;
@ifnot(TRUE_FOR_TESTING) f: int16;
g: int16;
h: int32;
TEST(Torque, ConstexprLetBindingDoesNotCrash) {
R"(@export macro FooBar() { let foo = 0; check(foo >= 0); })",
HasSubstr("Use 'const' instead of 'let' for variable 'foo'"));
TEST(Torque, DoubleUnderScorePrefixIllegalForIdentifiers) {
@export macro Foo() {
let __x;
HasSubstr("Lexer Error"));
TEST(Torque, UnusedLetBindingLintError) {
@export macro Foo(y: Smi) {
let x: Smi = y;
HasSubstr("Variable 'x' is never used."));
TEST(Torque, UnderscorePrefixSilencesUnusedWarning) {
@export macro Foo(y: Smi) {
let _x: Smi = y;
TEST(Torque, UsingUnderscorePrefixedIdentifierError) {
@export macro Foo(y: Smi) {
let _x: Smi = y;
check(_x == y);
HasSubstr("Trying to reference '_x'"));
TEST(Torque, UnusedArgumentLintError) {
@export macro Foo(x: Smi) {}
HasSubstr("Variable 'x' is never used."));
TEST(Torque, UsingUnderscorePrefixedArgumentSilencesWarning) {
@export macro Foo(_y: Smi) {}
TEST(Torque, UnusedLabelLintError) {
@export macro Foo() labels Bar {}
HasSubstr("Label 'Bar' is never used."));
TEST(Torque, UsingUnderScorePrefixLabelSilencesWarning) {
@export macro Foo() labels _Bar {}
TEST(Torque, NoUnusedWarningForImplicitArguments) {
@export macro Foo(implicit c: Context, r: JSReceiver)() {}
TEST(Torque, NoUnusedWarningForVariablesOnlyUsedInAsserts) {
@export macro Foo(x: bool) {
TEST(Torque, ImportNonExistentFile) {
ExpectFailingCompilation(R"(import "foo/bar.tq")",
HasSubstr("File 'foo/bar.tq' not found."));
TEST(Torque, LetShouldBeConstLintError) {
@export macro Foo(y: Smi): Smi {
let x: Smi = y;
return x;
HasSubstr("Variable 'x' is never assigned to."));
TEST(Torque, LetShouldBeConstIsSkippedForStructs) {
struct Foo{ a: Smi; }
@export macro Bar(x: Smi): Foo {
let foo = Foo{a: x};
return foo;
} // namespace torque
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8