blob: f016ce73b7ad14fcfc9735c23f120d108797f3c3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "crazy_linker_error.h"
#include "crazy_linker_util.h"
namespace crazy {
class SharedLibrary;
// A LibraryView is a reference-counted handle to either a
// crazy::SharedLibrary object or a library handle returned by the system's
// dlopen() function.
// It has a name, which normally corresponds to the DT_SONAME entry in the
// dynamic table (i.e. the name embedded within the ELF file, which does not
// always matches its file path name).
class LibraryView {
enum {
TYPE_NONE = 0xbaadbaad,
TYPE_SYSTEM = 0x2387cef,
TYPE_CRAZY = 0xcdef2387,
// Constructor for wrapping a system library handle.
// |system_lib| is the dlopen() handle, and |lib_name| should be the
// library soname for it.
LibraryView(void* system_handle, const char* lib_name)
: type_(TYPE_SYSTEM), system_(system_handle), name_(lib_name) {}
// Constructor for warpping a crazy::SharedLibrary instance.
// This version takes the library name from the its soname() value.
LibraryView(SharedLibrary* crazy_lib);
// Destructor, this will either dlclose() a system library, or delete
// a SharedLibrary instance.
// Returns true iff this is a system library handle.
bool IsSystem() const { return type_ == TYPE_SYSTEM; }
// Returns true iff this is a SharedLibrary instance.
bool IsCrazy() const { return type_ == TYPE_CRAZY; }
// Returns the soname of the current library (or its base name if not
// available).
const char* GetName() const { return name_.c_str(); }
// Returns SharedLibrary handle if valid, nullptr otherwise.
SharedLibrary* GetCrazy() const { return IsCrazy() ? crazy_ : NULL; }
// Returns system handle if valid, nullptr otherwise.
void* GetSystem() const { return IsSystem() ? system_ : NULL; }
// Increment reference count for this LibraryView.
void AddRef() { ref_count_++; }
// Decrement reference count. Returns true iff it reaches 0.
// This never destroys the object.
bool SafeDecrementRef() { return (--ref_count_ == 0); }
// Result type for LookupSymbol()
struct SearchResult {
void* address = nullptr;
const LibraryView* library = nullptr;
constexpr bool IsValid() const { return library != nullptr; }
// Lookup a symbol from this library.
// If this is a crazy library, only looks directly in the library (and none
// of its dependencies). For system libraries, this uses dlsym() which will
// perform a breadth-first-search.
SearchResult LookupSymbol(const char* symbol_name) const;
// Retrieve library information.
bool GetInfo(size_t* load_address,
size_t* load_size,
size_t* relro_start,
size_t* relro_size,
Error* error) const;
// Only used for debugging.
int ref_count() const { return ref_count_; }
uint32_t type_ = TYPE_NONE;
int ref_count_ = 1;
union {
SharedLibrary* crazy_ = nullptr;
void* system_;
String name_;
} // namespace crazy