blob: bb063ce8b7e1967d94419b0e0778c91e76f3f7d2 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Common ELF related routines."""
def GenerateStringTable(symbol_names):
"""Generate the string table that corresponds to a list of symbol names.
symbol_names: List of input symbol names.
A (string_table, symbol_offsets) tuple, where |string_table| is the
actual string table (terminated by two '\0' chars), and |symbol_offsets|
is a list of starting offsets for each symbol inside the table.
symbol_offsets = []
string_table = "\0"
next_offset = 1
for symbol in symbol_names:
string_table += symbol
string_table += "\0"
next_offset += len(symbol) + 1
string_table += "\0"
return string_table, symbol_offsets
def CSourceForElfSymbolTable(variable_prefix, names, str_offsets):
"""Generate C source definition for an ELF symbol table.
variable_prefix: variable name prefix
names: List of symbol names.
str_offsets: List of symbol name offsets in string table.
String containing C source fragment.
out = (
r'''// NOTE: ELF32_Sym and ELF64_Sym have very different layout.
#if UINTPTR_MAX == UINT32_MAX // ELF32_Sym
# define DEFINE_ELF_SYMBOL(name, name_offset, address, size) \
{ (name_offset), (address), (size), ELF_ST_INFO(STB_GLOBAL, STT_FUNC), \
0 /* other */, 1 /* shndx */ },
#else // ELF64_Sym
# define DEFINE_ELF_SYMBOL(name, name_offset, address, size) \
{ (name_offset), ELF_ST_INFO(STB_GLOBAL, STT_FUNC), \
0 /* other */, 1 /* shndx */, (address), (size) },
#endif // !ELF64_Sym
out += 'static const ELF::Sym k%sSymbolTable[] = {\n' % variable_prefix
out += ' { 0 }, // ST_UNDEF\n'
out += ' LIST_ELF_SYMBOLS_%s(DEFINE_ELF_SYMBOL)\n' % variable_prefix
out += '};\n'
out += '#undef DEFINE_ELF_SYMBOL\n'
return out
def CSourceForElfSymbolListMacro(variable_prefix, names, name_offsets,
base_address=0x10000, symbol_size=16,
"""Generate C source definition for a macro listing ELF symbols.
macro_suffix: Macro name suffix.
names: List of symbol names.
name_offsets: List of symbol offsets.
base_address: Base starting address for symbols,
symbol_size: Symbol size in bytes (all have the same size).
spacing_size: Additionnal bytes between symbols.
String containing C source fragment.
out = (
r'''// Auto-generated macro used to list all symbols
// XX must be a macro that takes the following parameters:
// name: symbol name (quoted).
// str_offset: symbol name offset in string table
// address: virtual address.
// size: size in bytes
out += '#define LIST_ELF_SYMBOLS_%s(XX) \\\n' % variable_prefix
address = base_address
for sym, offset in zip(names, name_offsets):
out += ' XX("%s", %d, 0x%x, %d) \\\n' % (
sym, offset, address, symbol_size)
address += symbol_size + spacing_size
out += ' // END OF LIST\n'
return out