blob: 0f85fea1910b934a18f0fe69bf5041205a3e964e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/compiler/graph-assembler.h"
#include "src/compiler/memory-lowering.h"
#include "src/zone/zone-containers.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
class TickCounter;
namespace compiler {
class JSGraph;
class Graph;
// NodeIds are identifying numbers for nodes that can be used to index auxiliary
// out-of-line data associated with each node.
using NodeId = uint32_t;
// Performs allocation folding and store write barrier elimination
// implicitly, while lowering all simplified memory access and allocation
// related nodes (i.e. Allocate, LoadField, StoreField and friends) to machine
// operators.
class MemoryOptimizer final {
MemoryOptimizer(JSGraph* jsgraph, Zone* zone,
PoisoningMitigationLevel poisoning_level,
MemoryLowering::AllocationFolding allocation_folding,
const char* function_debug_name, TickCounter* tick_counter);
~MemoryOptimizer() = default;
void Optimize();
using AllocationState = MemoryLowering::AllocationState;
// An array of allocation states used to collect states on merges.
using AllocationStates = ZoneVector<AllocationState const*>;
// We thread through tokens to represent the current state on a given effect
// path through the graph.
struct Token {
Node* node;
AllocationState const* state;
void VisitNode(Node*, AllocationState const*);
void VisitAllocateRaw(Node*, AllocationState const*);
void VisitCall(Node*, AllocationState const*);
void VisitLoadFromObject(Node*, AllocationState const*);
void VisitLoadElement(Node*, AllocationState const*);
void VisitLoadField(Node*, AllocationState const*);
void VisitStoreToObject(Node*, AllocationState const*);
void VisitStoreElement(Node*, AllocationState const*);
void VisitStoreField(Node*, AllocationState const*);
void VisitStore(Node*, AllocationState const*);
void VisitOtherEffect(Node*, AllocationState const*);
AllocationState const* MergeStates(AllocationStates const& states);
void EnqueueMerge(Node*, int, AllocationState const*);
void EnqueueUses(Node*, AllocationState const*);
void EnqueueUse(Node*, int, AllocationState const*);
// Returns true if the AllocationType of the current AllocateRaw node that we
// are visiting needs to be updated to kOld, due to propagation of tenuring
// from outer to inner allocations.
bool AllocationTypeNeedsUpdateToOld(Node* const user, const Edge edge);
AllocationState const* empty_state() const { return empty_state_; }
MemoryLowering* memory_lowering() { return &memory_lowering_; }
Graph* graph() const;
JSGraph* jsgraph() const { return jsgraph_; }
Zone* zone() const { return zone_; }
JSGraphAssembler graph_assembler_;
MemoryLowering memory_lowering_;
JSGraph* jsgraph_;
AllocationState const* const empty_state_;
ZoneMap<NodeId, AllocationStates> pending_;
ZoneQueue<Token> tokens_;
Zone* const zone_;
TickCounter* const tick_counter_;
} // namespace compiler
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8