blob: 880b651c095f0f917de7e576aa85966bbf65d3a4 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
config("crdtp_config") {
visibility = [ "../../src/inspector:*", ":*" ]
configs = [ "../../:internal_config" ]
include_dirs = [ "../../include" ]
v8_source_set("crdtp") {
sources = [
configs = [ ":crdtp_config" ]
deps = [ ":crdtp_platform" ]
# A small adapter library which only :crdtp may depend on.
v8_source_set("crdtp_platform") {
visibility = [ ":crdtp" ]
sources = [
public_deps = [ "../..:v8_libbase" ]
configs = [ ":crdtp_config" ]
# These tests are linked into test/unittests.
v8_source_set("crdtp_test") {
sources = [
configs = [ ":crdtp_config" ]
deps = [ ":crdtp_test_platform" ]
testonly = true
# A small adapter library which only :crdtp_test may depend on.
v8_source_set("crdtp_test_platform") {
sources = [
configs = [ ":crdtp_config" ]
public_deps = [
testonly = true