blob: b049d09330056eb02d3668036b53fd1b4e9a5b8a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "test/wasm-api-tests/wasm-api-test.h"
#include <iostream>
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace wasm {
using ::wasm::Message;
namespace {
own<Trap*> FailCallback(void* env, const Val args[], Val results[]) {
Store* store = reinterpret_cast<Store*>(env);
Message message = Message::make(std::string("callback abort"));
return Trap::make(store, message);
void ExpectMessage(const char* expected, const Message& message) {
size_t len = strlen(expected);
EXPECT_EQ(len, message.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, strncmp(expected, message.get(), len));
} // namespace
TEST_F(WasmCapiTest, Traps) {
ValueType i32_type[] = {kWasmI32};
FunctionSig sig(1, 0, i32_type);
uint32_t callback_index = builder()->AddImport(CStrVector("callback"), &sig);
byte code[] = {WASM_CALL_FUNCTION0(callback_index)};
AddExportedFunction(CStrVector("callback"), code, sizeof(code), &sig);
byte code2[] = {WASM_UNREACHABLE, WASM_I32V_1(1)};
AddExportedFunction(CStrVector("unreachable"), code2, sizeof(code2), &sig);
own<FuncType*> func_type = FuncType::make(
vec<ValType*>::make(), vec<ValType*>::make(ValType::make(::wasm::I32)));
own<Func*> cpp_callback = Func::make(store(), func_type.get(), FailCallback,
Extern* imports[] = {cpp_callback.get()};
Func* cpp_trapping_func = GetExportedFunction(0);
own<Trap*> cpp_trap = cpp_trapping_func->call();
EXPECT_NE(nullptr, cpp_trap.get());
ExpectMessage("Uncaught Error: callback abort", cpp_trap->message());
Func* wasm_trapping_func = GetExportedFunction(1);
own<Trap*> wasm_trap = wasm_trapping_func->call();
EXPECT_NE(nullptr, wasm_trap.get());
ExpectMessage("Uncaught RuntimeError: unreachable", wasm_trap->message());
} // namespace wasm
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8