blob: dd6d6788773308e5c4e806c0f8713d1b7fe212b1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/heap/cppgc/stats-collector.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include "src/base/logging.h"
namespace cppgc {
namespace internal {
// static
constexpr size_t StatsCollector::kAllocationThresholdBytes;
void StatsCollector::RegisterObserver(AllocationObserver* observer) {
allocation_observers_.end(), observer));
void StatsCollector::UnregisterObserver(AllocationObserver* observer) {
auto it = std::find(allocation_observers_.begin(),
allocation_observers_.end(), observer);
DCHECK_NE(allocation_observers_.end(), it);
void StatsCollector::NotifyAllocation(size_t bytes) {
// The current GC may not have been started. This is ok as recording considers
// the whole time range between garbage collections.
allocated_bytes_since_safepoint_ += bytes;
void StatsCollector::NotifyExplicitFree(size_t bytes) {
// See IncreaseAllocatedObjectSize for lifetime of the counter.
explicitly_freed_bytes_since_safepoint_ += bytes;
void StatsCollector::NotifySafePointForConservativeCollection() {
if (std::abs(allocated_bytes_since_safepoint_ -
explicitly_freed_bytes_since_safepoint_) >=
static_cast<int64_t>(kAllocationThresholdBytes)) {
void StatsCollector::AllocatedObjectSizeSafepointImpl() {
allocated_bytes_since_end_of_marking_ +=
static_cast<int64_t>(allocated_bytes_since_safepoint_) -
// These observer methods may start or finalize GC. In case they trigger a
// final GC pause, the delta counters are reset there and the following
// observer calls are called with '0' updates.
ForAllAllocationObservers([this](AllocationObserver* observer) {
// Recompute delta here so that a GC finalization is able to clear the
// delta for other observer calls.
int64_t delta = allocated_bytes_since_safepoint_ -
if (delta < 0) {
} else {
allocated_bytes_since_safepoint_ = 0;
explicitly_freed_bytes_since_safepoint_ = 0;
void StatsCollector::NotifyMarkingStarted() {
DCHECK_EQ(GarbageCollectionState::kNotRunning, gc_state_);
gc_state_ = GarbageCollectionState::kMarking;
void StatsCollector::NotifyMarkingCompleted(size_t marked_bytes) {
DCHECK_EQ(GarbageCollectionState::kMarking, gc_state_);
gc_state_ = GarbageCollectionState::kSweeping;
current_.marked_bytes = marked_bytes;
allocated_bytes_since_safepoint_ = 0;
explicitly_freed_bytes_since_safepoint_ = 0;
ForAllAllocationObservers([marked_bytes](AllocationObserver* observer) {
// HeapGrowing would use the below fields to estimate allocation rate during
// execution of ResetAllocatedObjectSize.
allocated_bytes_since_end_of_marking_ = 0;
time_of_last_end_of_marking_ = v8::base::TimeTicks::Now();
double StatsCollector::GetRecentAllocationSpeedInBytesPerMs() const {
v8::base::TimeTicks current_time = v8::base::TimeTicks::Now();
DCHECK_LE(time_of_last_end_of_marking_, current_time);
if (time_of_last_end_of_marking_ == current_time) return 0;
return allocated_bytes_since_end_of_marking_ /
(current_time - time_of_last_end_of_marking_).InMillisecondsF();
const StatsCollector::Event& StatsCollector::NotifySweepingCompleted() {
DCHECK_EQ(GarbageCollectionState::kSweeping, gc_state_);
gc_state_ = GarbageCollectionState::kNotRunning;
previous_ = std::move(current_);
current_ = Event();
return previous_;
size_t StatsCollector::allocated_object_size() const {
// During sweeping we refer to the current Event as that already holds the
// correct marking information. In all other phases, the previous event holds
// the most up-to-date marking information.
const Event& event =
gc_state_ == GarbageCollectionState::kSweeping ? current_ : previous_;
DCHECK_GE(static_cast<int64_t>(event.marked_bytes) +
return static_cast<size_t>(static_cast<int64_t>(event.marked_bytes) +
} // namespace internal
} // namespace cppgc