blob: 2ee163e90e8dda39bc50c0b25fa2174c88e96116 [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=4 et sw=4 tw=99:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef jit_AsmJSModule_h
#define jit_AsmJSModule_h
#ifdef JS_ION
#include "gc/Marking.h"
#include "jit/RegisterSets.h"
#include "jsscript.h"
#include "jstypedarrayinlines.h"
#include "IonMacroAssembler.h"
namespace js {
// These EcmaScript-defined coercions form the basis of the asm.js type system.
enum AsmJSCoercion
// The asm.js spec recognizes this set of builtin Math functions.
enum AsmJSMathBuiltin
AsmJSMathBuiltin_sin, AsmJSMathBuiltin_cos, AsmJSMathBuiltin_tan,
AsmJSMathBuiltin_asin, AsmJSMathBuiltin_acos, AsmJSMathBuiltin_atan,
AsmJSMathBuiltin_ceil, AsmJSMathBuiltin_floor, AsmJSMathBuiltin_exp,
AsmJSMathBuiltin_log, AsmJSMathBuiltin_pow, AsmJSMathBuiltin_sqrt,
AsmJSMathBuiltin_abs, AsmJSMathBuiltin_atan2, AsmJSMathBuiltin_imul
// An asm.js module represents the collection of functions nested inside a
// single outer "use asm" function. For example, this asm.js module:
// function() { "use asm"; function f() {} function g() {} return f }
// contains the functions 'f' and 'g'.
// An asm.js module contains both the jit-code produced by compiling all the
// functions in the module as well all the data required to perform the
// link-time validation step in the asm.js spec.
// NB: this means that AsmJSModule must be GC-safe.
class AsmJSModule
class Global
enum Which { Variable, FFI, ArrayView, MathBuiltin, Constant };
enum VarInitKind { InitConstant, InitImport };
Which which_;
union {
struct {
uint32_t index_;
VarInitKind initKind_;
union {
Value constant_; // will only contain int32/double
AsmJSCoercion coercion_;
} init;
} var;
uint32_t ffiIndex_;
ArrayBufferView::ViewType viewType_;
AsmJSMathBuiltin mathBuiltin_;
double constantValue_;
} u;
RelocatablePtr<PropertyName> name_;
friend class AsmJSModule;
Global(Which which) : which_(which) {}
void trace(JSTracer *trc) {
if (name_)
MarkString(trc, &name_, "asm.js global name");
JS_ASSERT_IF(which_ == Variable && u.var.initKind_ == InitConstant,
Which which() const {
return which_;
uint32_t varIndex() const {
JS_ASSERT(which_ == Variable);
return u.var.index_;
VarInitKind varInitKind() const {
JS_ASSERT(which_ == Variable);
return u.var.initKind_;
const Value &varInitConstant() const {
JS_ASSERT(which_ == Variable);
JS_ASSERT(u.var.initKind_ == InitConstant);
return u.var.init.constant_;
AsmJSCoercion varImportCoercion() const {
JS_ASSERT(which_ == Variable);
JS_ASSERT(u.var.initKind_ == InitImport);
return u.var.init.coercion_;
PropertyName *varImportField() const {
JS_ASSERT(which_ == Variable);
JS_ASSERT(u.var.initKind_ == InitImport);
return name_;
PropertyName *ffiField() const {
JS_ASSERT(which_ == FFI);
return name_;
uint32_t ffiIndex() const {
JS_ASSERT(which_ == FFI);
return u.ffiIndex_;
PropertyName *viewName() const {
JS_ASSERT(which_ == ArrayView);
return name_;
ArrayBufferView::ViewType viewType() const {
JS_ASSERT(which_ == ArrayView);
return u.viewType_;
PropertyName *mathName() const {
JS_ASSERT(which_ == MathBuiltin);
return name_;
AsmJSMathBuiltin mathBuiltin() const {
JS_ASSERT(which_ == MathBuiltin);
return u.mathBuiltin_;
PropertyName *constantName() const {
JS_ASSERT(which_ == Constant);
return name_;
double constantValue() const {
JS_ASSERT(which_ == Constant);
return u.constantValue_;
class Exit
unsigned ffiIndex_;
union {
unsigned codeOffset_;
uint8_t *code_;
} interp;
union {
unsigned codeOffset_;
uint8_t *code_;
} ion;
Exit(unsigned ffiIndex)
: ffiIndex_(ffiIndex)
interp.codeOffset_ = 0;
ion.codeOffset_ = 0;
unsigned ffiIndex() const {
return ffiIndex_;
void initInterpOffset(unsigned off) {
interp.codeOffset_ = off;
void initIonOffset(unsigned off) {
ion.codeOffset_ = off;
void patch(uint8_t *baseAddress) {
interp.code_ = baseAddress + interp.codeOffset_;
ion.code_ = baseAddress + ion.codeOffset_;
uint8_t *interpCode() const {
return interp.code_;
uint8_t *ionCode() const {
return ion.code_;
#ifdef JS_CPU_ARM
typedef int32_t (*CodePtr)(uint64_t *args, uint8_t *global);
typedef int32_t (*CodePtr)(uint64_t *args);
typedef Vector<AsmJSCoercion, 0, SystemAllocPolicy> ArgCoercionVector;
enum ReturnType { Return_Int32, Return_Double, Return_Void };
class ExportedFunction
RelocatablePtr<JSFunction> fun_;
RelocatablePtr<PropertyName> maybeFieldName_;
ArgCoercionVector argCoercions_;
ReturnType returnType_;
bool hasCodePtr_;
union {
unsigned codeOffset_;
CodePtr code_;
} u;
friend class AsmJSModule;
ExportedFunction(JSFunction *fun,
PropertyName *maybeFieldName,
MoveRef<ArgCoercionVector> argCoercions,
ReturnType returnType)
: fun_(fun),
u.codeOffset_ = 0;
void trace(JSTracer *trc) {
MarkObject(trc, &fun_, "asm.js export name");
if (maybeFieldName_)
MarkString(trc, &maybeFieldName_, "asm.js export field");
ExportedFunction(MoveRef<ExportedFunction> rhs)
: fun_(rhs->fun_),
void initCodeOffset(unsigned off) {
u.codeOffset_ = off;
void patch(uint8_t *baseAddress) {
hasCodePtr_ = true;
u.code_ = JS_DATA_TO_FUNC_PTR(CodePtr, baseAddress + u.codeOffset_);
PropertyName *name() const {
return fun_->name();
JSFunction *unclonedFunObj() const {
return fun_;
PropertyName *maybeFieldName() const {
return maybeFieldName_;
unsigned numArgs() const {
return argCoercions_.length();
AsmJSCoercion argCoercion(unsigned i) const {
return argCoercions_[i];
ReturnType returnType() const {
return returnType_;
CodePtr code() const {
return u.code_;
#if defined(MOZ_VTUNE)
// Function information to add to the VTune JIT profiler following linking.
struct ProfiledFunction
JSAtom *name;
unsigned startCodeOffset;
unsigned endCodeOffset;
ProfiledFunction(JSAtom *name, unsigned start, unsigned end)
: name(name), startCodeOffset(start), endCodeOffset(end)
{ }
// If linking fails, we recompile the function as if it's ordinary JS.
// This struct holds the data required to do this.
struct PostLinkFailureInfo
CompileOptions options_;
ScriptSource * scriptSource_;
uint32_t bufStart_; // offset of the function body's start
uint32_t bufEnd_; // offset of the function body's end
PostLinkFailureInfo(JSContext *cx)
: options_(cx),
{ }
void init(CompileOptions options, ScriptSource *scriptSource,
uint32_t bufStart, uint32_t bufEnd)
options_ = options;
scriptSource_ = scriptSource;
bufStart_ = bufStart;
bufEnd_ = bufEnd;
~PostLinkFailureInfo() {
if (scriptSource_)
typedef Vector<ExportedFunction, 0, SystemAllocPolicy> ExportedFunctionVector;
typedef Vector<Global, 0, SystemAllocPolicy> GlobalVector;
typedef Vector<Exit, 0, SystemAllocPolicy> ExitVector;
typedef Vector<jit::AsmJSHeapAccess, 0, SystemAllocPolicy> HeapAccessVector;
#if defined(JS_CPU_ARM)
typedef Vector<jit::AsmJSBoundsCheck, 0, SystemAllocPolicy> BoundsCheckVector;
typedef Vector<jit::IonScriptCounts *, 0, SystemAllocPolicy> FunctionCountsVector;
#if defined(MOZ_VTUNE)
typedef Vector<ProfiledFunction, 0, SystemAllocPolicy> ProfiledFunctionVector;
GlobalVector globals_;
ExitVector exits_;
ExportedFunctionVector exports_;
HeapAccessVector heapAccesses_;
#if defined(JS_CPU_ARM)
BoundsCheckVector boundsChecks_;
#if defined(MOZ_VTUNE)
ProfiledFunctionVector profiledFunctions_;
uint32_t numGlobalVars_;
uint32_t numFFIs_;
uint32_t numFuncPtrTableElems_;
bool hasArrayView_;
ScopedReleasePtr<JSC::ExecutablePool> codePool_;
uint8_t * code_;
uint8_t * operationCallbackExit_;
size_t functionBytes_;
size_t codeBytes_;
size_t totalBytes_;
bool linked_;
HeapPtr<ArrayBufferObject> maybeHeap_;
HeapPtrPropertyName globalArgumentName_;
HeapPtrPropertyName importArgumentName_;
HeapPtrPropertyName bufferArgumentName_;
PostLinkFailureInfo postLinkFailureInfo_;
FunctionCountsVector functionCounts_;
explicit AsmJSModule(JSContext *cx)
: numGlobalVars_(0),
void trace(JSTracer *trc) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < globals_.length(); i++)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < exports_.length(); i++)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < exits_.length(); i++) {
if (exitIndexToGlobalDatum(i).fun)
MarkObject(trc, &exitIndexToGlobalDatum(i).fun, "asm.js imported function");
if (maybeHeap_)
MarkObject(trc, &maybeHeap_, "asm.js heap");
if (globalArgumentName_)
MarkString(trc, &globalArgumentName_, "asm.js global argument name");
if (importArgumentName_)
MarkString(trc, &importArgumentName_, "asm.js import argument name");
if (bufferArgumentName_)
MarkString(trc, &bufferArgumentName_, "asm.js buffer argument name");
bool addGlobalVarInitConstant(const Value &v, uint32_t *globalIndex) {
if (numGlobalVars_ == UINT32_MAX)
return false;
Global g(Global::Variable);
g.u.var.initKind_ = Global::InitConstant;
g.u.var.init.constant_ = v;
g.u.var.index_ = *globalIndex = numGlobalVars_++;
return globals_.append(g);
bool addGlobalVarImport(PropertyName *fieldName, AsmJSCoercion coercion, uint32_t *globalIndex) {
Global g(Global::Variable);
g.u.var.initKind_ = Global::InitImport;
g.u.var.init.coercion_ = coercion;
g.u.var.index_ = *globalIndex = numGlobalVars_++;
g.name_ = fieldName;
return globals_.append(g);
bool incrementNumFuncPtrTableElems(uint32_t numElems) {
if (UINT32_MAX - numFuncPtrTableElems_ < numElems)
return false;
numFuncPtrTableElems_ += numElems;
return true;
bool addFFI(PropertyName *field, uint32_t *ffiIndex) {
if (numFFIs_ == UINT32_MAX)
return false;
Global g(Global::FFI);
g.u.ffiIndex_ = *ffiIndex = numFFIs_++;
g.name_ = field;
return globals_.append(g);
bool addArrayView(ArrayBufferView::ViewType vt, PropertyName *field) {
hasArrayView_ = true;
Global g(Global::ArrayView);
g.u.viewType_ = vt;
g.name_ = field;
return globals_.append(g);
bool addMathBuiltin(AsmJSMathBuiltin mathBuiltin, PropertyName *field) {
Global g(Global::MathBuiltin);
g.u.mathBuiltin_ = mathBuiltin;
g.name_ = field;
return globals_.append(g);
bool addGlobalConstant(double value, PropertyName *fieldName) {
Global g(Global::Constant);
g.u.constantValue_ = value;
g.name_ = fieldName;
return globals_.append(g);
bool addExit(unsigned ffiIndex, unsigned *exitIndex) {
*exitIndex = unsigned(exits_.length());
return exits_.append(Exit(ffiIndex));
bool addFunctionCounts(jit::IonScriptCounts *counts) {
return functionCounts_.append(counts);
bool addExportedFunction(JSFunction *fun, PropertyName *maybeFieldName,
MoveRef<ArgCoercionVector> argCoercions, ReturnType returnType)
ExportedFunction func(fun, maybeFieldName, argCoercions, returnType);
return exports_.append(Move(func));
unsigned numExportedFunctions() const {
return exports_.length();
const ExportedFunction &exportedFunction(unsigned i) const {
return exports_[i];
ExportedFunction &exportedFunction(unsigned i) {
return exports_[i];
#ifdef MOZ_VTUNE
bool trackProfiledFunction(JSAtom *name, unsigned startCodeOffset, unsigned endCodeOffset) {
ProfiledFunction func(name, startCodeOffset, endCodeOffset);
return profiledFunctions_.append(func);
unsigned numProfiledFunctions() const {
return profiledFunctions_.length();
const ProfiledFunction &profiledFunction(unsigned i) const {
return profiledFunctions_[i];
bool hasArrayView() const {
return hasArrayView_;
unsigned numFFIs() const {
return numFFIs_;
unsigned numGlobalVars() const {
return numGlobalVars_;
unsigned numGlobals() const {
return globals_.length();
Global &global(unsigned i) {
return globals_[i];
unsigned numFuncPtrTableElems() const {
return numFuncPtrTableElems_;
unsigned numExits() const {
return exits_.length();
Exit &exit(unsigned i) {
return exits_[i];
const Exit &exit(unsigned i) const {
return exits_[i];
unsigned numFunctionCounts() const {
return functionCounts_.length();
jit::IonScriptCounts *functionCounts(unsigned i) {
return functionCounts_[i];
// An Exit holds bookkeeping information about an exit; the ExitDatum
// struct overlays the actual runtime data stored in the global data
// section.
struct ExitDatum
uint8_t *exit;
HeapPtrFunction fun;
// Global data section
// The global data section is placed after the executable code (i.e., at
// offset codeBytes_) in the module's linear allocation. The global data
// are laid out in this order:
// 0. a pointer/descriptor for the heap that was linked to the module
// 1. global variable state (elements are sizeof(uint64_t))
// 2. function-pointer table elements (elements are sizeof(void*))
// 3. exits (elements are sizeof(ExitDatum))
// NB: The list of exits is extended while emitting function bodies and
// thus exits must be at the end of the list to avoid invalidating indices.
uint8_t *globalData() const {
return code_ + codeBytes_;
size_t globalDataBytes() const {
return sizeof(void*) +
numGlobalVars_ * sizeof(uint64_t) +
numFuncPtrTableElems_ * sizeof(void*) +
exits_.length() * sizeof(ExitDatum);
unsigned heapOffset() const {
return 0;
uint8_t *&heapDatum() const {
return *(uint8_t**)(globalData() + heapOffset());
unsigned globalVarIndexToGlobalDataOffset(unsigned i) const {
JS_ASSERT(i < numGlobalVars_);
return sizeof(void*) +
i * sizeof(uint64_t);
void *globalVarIndexToGlobalDatum(unsigned i) const {
return (void *)(globalData() + globalVarIndexToGlobalDataOffset(i));
unsigned funcPtrIndexToGlobalDataOffset(unsigned i) const {
return sizeof(void*) +
numGlobalVars_ * sizeof(uint64_t) +
i * sizeof(void*);
void *&funcPtrIndexToGlobalDatum(unsigned i) const {
return *(void **)(globalData() + funcPtrIndexToGlobalDataOffset(i));
unsigned exitIndexToGlobalDataOffset(unsigned exitIndex) const {
JS_ASSERT(exitIndex < exits_.length());
return sizeof(void*) +
numGlobalVars_ * sizeof(uint64_t) +
numFuncPtrTableElems_ * sizeof(void*) +
exitIndex * sizeof(ExitDatum);
ExitDatum &exitIndexToGlobalDatum(unsigned exitIndex) const {
return *(ExitDatum *)(globalData() + exitIndexToGlobalDataOffset(exitIndex));
void setFunctionBytes(size_t functionBytes) {
JS_ASSERT(functionBytes % AsmJSPageSize == 0);
functionBytes_ = functionBytes;
size_t functionBytes() const {
JS_ASSERT(functionBytes_ % AsmJSPageSize == 0);
return functionBytes_;
bool containsPC(void *pc) const {
uint8_t *code = functionCode();
return pc >= code && pc < (code + functionBytes());
bool addHeapAccesses(const jit::AsmJSHeapAccessVector &accesses) {
return heapAccesses_.append(accesses);
unsigned numHeapAccesses() const {
return heapAccesses_.length();
jit::AsmJSHeapAccess &heapAccess(unsigned i) {
return heapAccesses_[i];
const jit::AsmJSHeapAccess &heapAccess(unsigned i) const {
return heapAccesses_[i];
#if defined(JS_CPU_ARM)
bool addBoundsChecks(const jit::AsmJSBoundsCheckVector &checks) {
return boundsChecks_.append(checks);
void convertBoundsChecksToActualOffset(jit::MacroAssembler &masm) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < boundsChecks_.length(); i++)
void patchBoundsChecks(unsigned heapSize) {
jit::AutoFlushCache afc("patchBoundsCheck");
int bits = -1;
JS_CEILING_LOG2(bits, heapSize);
if (bits == -1) {
// tried to size the array to 0, that is bad, but not horrible
for (unsigned i = 0; i < boundsChecks_.length(); i++)
jit::Assembler::updateBoundsCheck(bits, (jit::Instruction*)(boundsChecks_[i].offset() + code_));
unsigned numBoundsChecks() const {
return boundsChecks_.length();
const jit::AsmJSBoundsCheck &boundsCheck(unsigned i) const {
return boundsChecks_[i];
void takeOwnership(JSC::ExecutablePool *pool, uint8_t *code, size_t codeBytes, size_t totalBytes) {
JS_ASSERT(uintptr_t(code) % AsmJSPageSize == 0);
codePool_ = pool;
code_ = code;
codeBytes_ = codeBytes;
totalBytes_ = totalBytes;
uint8_t *functionCode() const {
JS_ASSERT(uintptr_t(code_) % AsmJSPageSize == 0);
return code_;
void setOperationCallbackExit(uint8_t *ptr) {
operationCallbackExit_ = ptr;
uint8_t *operationCallbackExit() const {
return operationCallbackExit_;
void setIsLinked(Handle<ArrayBufferObject*> maybeHeap) {
linked_ = true;
maybeHeap_ = maybeHeap;
heapDatum() = maybeHeap_ ? maybeHeap_->dataPointer() : NULL;
bool isLinked() const {
return linked_;
uint8_t *maybeHeap() const {
return heapDatum();
size_t heapLength() const {
return maybeHeap_ ? maybeHeap_->byteLength() : 0;
void initGlobalArgumentName(PropertyName *n) { globalArgumentName_ = n; }
void initImportArgumentName(PropertyName *n) { importArgumentName_ = n; }
void initBufferArgumentName(PropertyName *n) { bufferArgumentName_ = n; }
PropertyName *globalArgumentName() const { return globalArgumentName_; }
PropertyName *importArgumentName() const { return importArgumentName_; }
PropertyName *bufferArgumentName() const { return bufferArgumentName_; }
void initPostLinkFailureInfo(CompileOptions options,
ScriptSource *scriptSource, uint32_t bufStart, uint32_t bufEnd) {
options.filename = scriptSource->filename();
postLinkFailureInfo_.init(options, scriptSource, bufStart, bufEnd);
const PostLinkFailureInfo &postLinkFailureInfo() const {
return postLinkFailureInfo_;
size_t exitDatumToExitIndex(ExitDatum *exit) const {
ExitDatum *first = &exitIndexToGlobalDatum(0);
JS_ASSERT(exit >= first && exit < first + numExits());
return exit - first;
void detachIonCompilation(size_t exitIndex) const {
ExitDatum &exitDatum = exitIndexToGlobalDatum(exitIndex);
exitDatum.exit = exit(exitIndex).interpCode();
// The AsmJSModule C++ object is held by a JSObject that takes care of calling
// 'trace' and the destructor on finalization.
extern AsmJSModule &
AsmJSModuleObjectToModule(JSObject *obj);
extern bool
IsAsmJSModuleObject(JSObject *obj);
extern JSObject &
AsmJSModuleObject(JSFunction *moduleFun);
extern void
SetAsmJSModuleObject(JSFunction *moduleFun, JSObject *moduleObj);
} // namespace js
#endif // JS_ION
#endif /* jit_AsmJSModule_h */