blob: 63e3e51b3202de927d89833b31035792369aec39 [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Service Worker: Clients.get with window and worker clients</title>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="resources/test-helpers.sub.js"></script>
var scope = 'resources/clients-get-client-types';
var frame_url = scope + '-frame.html';
var shared_worker_url = scope + '-shared-worker.js';
var worker_url = scope + '-worker.js';
var client_ids = [];
var registration;
var frame;
promise_test(function(t) {
return service_worker_unregister_and_register(
t, 'resources/clients-get-worker.js', scope)
.then(function(r) {
registration = r;
add_completion_callback(function() { registration.unregister(); });
return wait_for_state(t, registration.installing, 'activated');
.then(function() {
return with_iframe(frame_url);
.then(function(f) {
frame = f;
add_completion_callback(function() { frame.remove(); });
return wait_for_clientId();
.then(function(client_id) {
return new Promise(function(resolve) {
var w = new SharedWorker(shared_worker_url);
w.port.onmessage = function(e) {
.then(function(client_id) {
var channel = new MessageChannel();
var w = new Worker(worker_url);
w.postMessage({cmd:'GetClientId', port:channel.port2},
return new Promise(function(resolve) {
channel.port1.onmessage = function(e) {
.then(function(client_id) {
var channel = new MessageChannel();
frame.contentWindow.postMessage('StartWorker', '*', [channel.port2]);
return new Promise(function(resolve) {
channel.port1.onmessage = function(e) {
.then(function(client_id) {
var saw_message = new Promise(function(resolve) {
navigator.serviceWorker.onmessage = resolve;
});{clientIds: client_ids});
return saw_message;
.then(function(e) {
assert_equals(, expected.length);
// We use these assert_not_equals because assert_array_equals doesn't
// print the error description when passed an undefined value.
assert_not_equals([0], undefined,
'Window client should not be undefined');
assert_array_equals([0], expected[0], 'Window client');
assert_not_equals([1], undefined,
'Shared worker client should not be undefined');
assert_array_equals([1], expected[1], 'Shared worker client');
assert_not_equals([2], undefined,
'Worker(Started by main frame) client should not be undefined');
assert_array_equals([2], expected[2],
'Worker(Started by main frame) client');
assert_not_equals([3], undefined,
'Worker(Started by sub frame) client should not be undefined');
assert_array_equals([3], expected[3],
'Worker(Started by sub frame) client');
}, 'Test Clients.get() with window and worker clients');
function wait_for_clientId() {
return new Promise(function(resolve) {
function get_client_id(e) {
window.removeEventListener('message', get_client_id);
window.addEventListener('message', get_client_id, false);
var expected = [
// visibilityState, focused, url, type, frameType
['visible', true, normalizeURL(scope) + '-frame.html', 'window', 'nested'],
[undefined, undefined, normalizeURL(scope) + '-shared-worker.js', 'sharedworker', 'none'],
[undefined, undefined, normalizeURL(scope) + '-worker.js', 'worker', 'none'],
[undefined, undefined, normalizeURL(scope) + '-frame-worker.js', 'worker', 'none']