blob: 673ca52cc67450f8b296ea50f7ac4c4fee310602 [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Service Worker: XHR responseURL uses the response url</title>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="resources/test-helpers.sub.js"></script>
const scope = 'resources/xhr-iframe.html';
const script = 'resources/xhr-response-url-worker.js';
let iframe;
function build_url(options) {
const url = new URL('test', window.location);
const opts = options ? options : {};
if (opts.respondWith)
url.searchParams.set('respondWith', opts.respondWith);
if (opts.url)
url.searchParams.set('url', opts.url.href);
return url.href;
promise_test(async (t) => {
const registration =
await service_worker_unregister_and_register(t, script, scope);
await wait_for_state(t, registration.installing, 'activated');
iframe = await with_iframe(scope);
}, 'global setup');
// Test that XMLHttpRequest.responseURL uses the response URL from the service
// worker.
promise_test(async (t) => {
// Build a URL that tells the service worker to respondWith(fetch(|target|)).
const target = new URL('resources/sample.txt', window.location);
const url = build_url({
respondWith: 'fetch',
url: target
// Perform the XHR.
const xhr = await iframe.contentWindow.xhr(url);
assert_equals(xhr.responseURL, target.href, 'responseURL');
}, 'XHR responseURL should be the response URL');
// Same as above with a generated response.
promise_test(async (t) => {
// Build a URL that tells the service worker to respondWith(new Response()).
const url = build_url({respondWith: 'string'});
// Perform the XHR.
const xhr = await iframe.contentWindow.xhr(url);
assert_equals(xhr.responseURL, url, 'responseURL');
}, 'XHR responseURL should be the response URL (generated response)');
// Test that XMLHttpRequest.responseXML is a Document whose URL is the
// response URL from the service worker.
promise_test(async (t) => {
// Build a URL that tells the service worker to respondWith(fetch(|target|)).
const target = new URL('resources/blank.html', window.location);
const url = build_url({
respondWith: 'fetch',
url: target
// Perform the XHR.
const xhr = await iframe.contentWindow.xhr(url, {responseType: 'document'});
assert_equals(xhr.responseURL, target.href, 'responseURL');
// The document's URL uses the response URL:
// "Set |document|’s URL to |response|’s url."
assert_equals(xhr.responseXML.URL, target.href, 'responseXML.URL');
// The document's base URL falls back to the document URL:
assert_equals(xhr.responseXML.baseURI, target.href, 'responseXML.baseURI');
}, 'XHR Document should use the response URL');
// Same as above with a generated response from the service worker.
promise_test(async (t) => {
// Build a URL that tells the service worker to
// respondWith(new Response()) with a document response.
const url = build_url({respondWith: 'document'});
// Perform the XHR.
const xhr = await iframe.contentWindow.xhr(url, {responseType: 'document'});
assert_equals(xhr.responseURL, url, 'responseURL');
// The document's URL uses the response URL, which is the request URL:
// "Set |document|’s URL to |response|’s url."
assert_equals(xhr.responseXML.URL, url, 'responseXML.URL');
// The document's base URL falls back to the document URL:
assert_equals(xhr.responseXML.baseURI, url, 'responseXML.baseURI');
}, 'XHR Document should use the response URL (generated response)');
promise_test(async (t) => {
if (iframe)
await service_worker_unregister(t, scope);
}, 'global cleanup');