blob: 71b18d0a797dc56906b07e53411b91331fb2205b [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- bazel-starlark -*-
# Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Siso configuration for simple steps."""
load("@builtin//", "module")
def __copy(ctx, cmd):
input = cmd.inputs[0]
out = cmd.outputs[0]
ctx.actions.copy(input, out, recursive = ctx.fs.is_dir(input))
ctx.actions.exit(exit_status = 0)
def __stamp(ctx, cmd):
out = cmd.outputs[0]
ctx.actions.exit(exit_status = 0)
__handlers = {
"copy": __copy,
"stamp": __stamp,
def __step_config(ctx, step_config):
"name": "simple/copy",
"action": "(.*_)?copy",
"handler": "copy",
"name": "simple/stamp",
"action": "(.*_)?stamp",
"handler": "stamp",
"replace": True,
return step_config
simple = module(
step_config = __step_config,
filegroups = {},
handlers = __handlers,