blob: 212ad44d023b3015e5507cdcb0de27e0b59192c1 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import argparse
import pathlib
import subprocess
import os
import sys
import re
# Set up path to be able to import action_helpers.
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), os.pardir,
os.pardir, 'build'))
import action_helpers
# This script wraps rustc for (currently) these reasons:
# * To work around some ldflags escaping performed by ninja/gn
# * To remove dependencies on some environment variables from the .d file.
# * To enable use of .rsp files.
# * To work around two gn bugs on Windows
# This script performs a simple function to work around some of the
# parameter escaping performed by ninja/gn.
# rustc invocations are given access to {{rustflags}} and {{ldflags}}.
# We want to pass {{ldflags}} into rustc, using -Clink-args="{{ldflags}}".
# Unfortunately, ninja assumes that each item in {{ldflags}} is an
# independent command-line argument and will have escaped them appropriately
# for use on a bare command line, instead of in a string.
# This script converts such {{ldflags}} into individual -Clink-arg=X
# arguments to rustc.
# RUSTENV dependency stripping
# When Rust code depends on an environment variable at build-time
# (using the env! macro), rustc spots that and adds it to the .d file.
# Ninja then parses that .d file and determines that the environment
# dependency means that the target always needs to be rebuilt.
# That's all correct, but _we_ know that some of these environment
# variables (typically, all of them) are set by .gn files which ninja
# tracks independently. So we remove them from the .d file.
# RSP files:
# We want to put the ninja/gn variables {{rustdeps}} and {{externs}}
# in an RSP file. Unfortunately, they are space-separated variables
# but Rust requires a newline-separated input. This script duly makes
# the adjustment. This works around a gn issue:
# TODO( fix this
# On Windows platforms, this temporarily works around some issues in gn.
# See comments inline, linking to the relevant gn fixes.
# Usage:
# --rustc <path to rustc> --depfile <path to .d file>
# -- <normal rustc args> LDFLAGS {{ldflags}} RUSTENV {{rustenv}}
# The LDFLAGS token is discarded, and everything after that is converted
# to being a series of -Clink-arg=X arguments, until or unless RUSTENV
# is encountered, after which those are interpreted as environment
# variables to pass to rustc (and which will be removed from the .d file).
# Both LDFLAGS and RUSTENV **MUST** be specified, in that order, even if
# the list following them is empty.
# TODO( avoid using rustc
# for linking in the first place. Most of our binaries are linked using
# clang directly, but there are some types of Rust build product which
# must currently be created by rustc (e.g. unit test executables). As
# part of support for using non-rustc linkers, we should arrange to extract
# such functionality from rustc so that we can make all types of binary
# using our clang toolchain. That will remove the need for most of this
# script.
# Equivalent of python3.9 built-in
def remove_lib_suffix_from_l_args(text):
if text.startswith("-l") and text.endswith(".lib"):
return text[:-len(".lib")]
return text
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--rustc', required=True, type=pathlib.Path)
parser.add_argument('--depfile', type=pathlib.Path)
parser.add_argument('--rsp', type=pathlib.Path)
parser.add_argument('args', metavar='ARG', nargs='+')
args = parser.parse_args()
remaining_args = args.args
ldflags_separator = remaining_args.index("LDFLAGS")
rustenv_separator = remaining_args.index("RUSTENV", ldflags_separator)
rustc_args = remaining_args[:ldflags_separator]
ldflags = remaining_args[ldflags_separator + 1:rustenv_separator]
rustenv = remaining_args[rustenv_separator + 1:]
is_windows = == 'nt'
rustc_args.extend(["-Clink-arg=%s" % arg for arg in ldflags])
# Workaround for
if args.rsp:
with open(args.rsp) as rspfile:
rsp_args = [l.rstrip() for l in' ') if l.rstrip()]
if is_windows:
# Work around for hard-coded string in gn; full fix will come from
rsp_args = [arg for arg in rsp_args if not arg.endswith("-Bdynamic")]
# Work around for "-l<foo>.lib", where ".lib" suffix is undesirable.
# Full fix will come from
rsp_args = [remove_lib_suffix_from_l_args(arg) for arg in rsp_args]
with open(args.rsp, 'w') as rspfile:
env = os.environ.copy()
fixed_env_vars = []
for item in rustenv:
(k, v) = item.split("=", 1)
env[k] = v
r =[args.rustc, *rustc_args], env=env, check=False)
if r.returncode != 0:
# Now edit the depfile produced
if args.depfile is not None:
env_dep_re = re.compile("# env-dep:(.*)=.*")
replacement_lines = []
dirty = False
with open(args.depfile, encoding="utf-8") as d:
for line in d:
m = env_dep_re.match(line)
if m and in fixed_env_vars:
dirty = True # skip this line
if dirty: # we made a change, let's write out the file
with action_helpers.atomic_output(args.depfile) as output:
if __name__ == '__main__':