| // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| // Defines all the "media" command-line switches. |
| |
| |
| #include <string> |
| |
| #include "base/feature_list.h" |
| #include "base/metrics/field_trial_params.h" |
| #include "build/build_config.h" |
| #include "build/chromeos_buildflags.h" |
| #include "media/base/media_export.h" |
| #include "media/media_buildflags.h" |
| |
| namespace base { |
| class CommandLine; |
| } |
| |
| namespace switches { |
| |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kAudioBufferSize[]; |
| |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kAudioServiceQuitTimeoutMs[]; |
| |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kAutoplayPolicy[]; |
| |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kDisableAudioOutput[]; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kFailAudioStreamCreation[]; |
| |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kVideoThreads[]; |
| |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kDisableBackgroundMediaSuspend[]; |
| |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kReportVp9AsAnUnsupportedMimeType[]; |
| |
| #if defined(OS_LINUX) || defined(OS_CHROMEOS) || defined(OS_FREEBSD) || \ |
| defined(OS_SOLARIS) |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kAlsaInputDevice[]; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kAlsaOutputDevice[]; |
| #endif |
| |
| #if defined(OS_WIN) |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kEnableExclusiveAudio[]; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kForceWaveAudio[]; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kTrySupportedChannelLayouts[]; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kWaveOutBuffers[]; |
| #endif |
| |
| #if defined(OS_FUCHSIA) |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kEnableProtectedVideoBuffers[]; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kForceProtectedVideoOutputBuffers[]; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kDisableAudioInput[]; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kUseOverlaysForVideo[]; |
| #endif |
| |
| #if defined(USE_CRAS) |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kUseCras[]; |
| #endif |
| |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char |
| kUnsafelyAllowProtectedMediaIdentifierForDomain[]; |
| |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kUseFakeDeviceForMediaStream[]; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kUseFileForFakeVideoCapture[]; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kUseFileForFakeAudioCapture[]; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kUseFakeMjpegDecodeAccelerator[]; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kDisableAcceleratedMjpegDecode[]; |
| |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kRequireAudioHardwareForTesting[]; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kMuteAudio[]; |
| |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kVideoUnderflowThresholdMs[]; |
| |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kDisableRTCSmoothnessAlgorithm[]; |
| |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kForceVideoOverlays[]; |
| |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kMSEAudioBufferSizeLimitMb[]; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kMSEVideoBufferSizeLimitMb[]; |
| |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kClearKeyCdmPathForTesting[]; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kOverrideEnabledCdmInterfaceVersion[]; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kOverrideHardwareSecureCodecsForTesting[]; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kEnableLiveCaptionPrefForTesting[]; |
| |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kEnableClearHevcForTesting[]; |
| #endif |
| |
| #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS) |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kLacrosEnablePlatformEncryptedHevc[]; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kLacrosEnablePlatformHevc[]; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kLacrosUseChromeosProtectedMedia[]; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kLacrosUseChromeosProtectedAv1[]; |
| #endif // defined(OS_CHROMEOS) |
| |
| namespace autoplay { |
| |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kDocumentUserActivationRequiredPolicy[]; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kNoUserGestureRequiredPolicy[]; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kUserGestureRequiredPolicy[]; |
| |
| } // namespace autoplay |
| |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const char kHardwareVideoDecodeFrameRate[]; |
| #endif |
| |
| } // namespace switches |
| |
| namespace media { |
| |
| // All features in alphabetical order. The features should be documented |
| // alongside the definition of their values in the .cc file. |
| |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kAudioFocusDuckFlash; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kAudioFocusLossSuspendMediaSession; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kAutoplayIgnoreWebAudio; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kAutoplayDisableSettings; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kBackgroundVideoPauseOptimization; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kBresenhamCadence; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kCdmHostVerification; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kCdmProcessSiteIsolation; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kD3D11PrintCodecOnCrash; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kD3D11VideoDecoder; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kD3D11VideoDecoderIgnoreWorkarounds; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kD3D11VideoDecoderVP9Profile2; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kD3D11VideoDecoderAV1; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kD3D11VideoDecoderUseSharedHandle; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kEnableMediaInternals; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kEnableTabMuting; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kExposeSwDecodersToWebRTC; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kExternalClearKeyForTesting; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kFFmpegDecodeOpaqueVP8; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kFailUrlProvisionFetcherForTesting; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kFallbackAfterDecodeError; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kGav1VideoDecoder; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kGlobalMediaControls; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kGlobalMediaControlsAutoDismiss; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kGlobalMediaControlsForCast; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kGlobalMediaControlsForChromeOS; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kGlobalMediaControlsPictureInPicture; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kGlobalMediaControlsSeamlessTransfer; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kGlobalMediaControlsModernUI; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kHardwareMediaKeyHandling; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kHardwareSecureDecryption; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kInternalMediaSession; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kKaleidoscope; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kKaleidoscopeInMenu; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature |
| kKaleidoscopeForceShowFirstRunExperience; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kKeyPressMonitoring; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kLiveCaption; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kLiveCaptionMultiLanguage; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kLiveCaptionSystemWideOnChromeOS; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kLowDelayVideoRenderingOnLiveStream; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kMediaCapabilitiesQueryGpuFactories; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kMediaCapabilitiesWithParameters; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kMediaCastOverlayButton; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kMediaEngagementBypassAutoplayPolicies; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kMediaEngagementHTTPSOnly; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kMediaLearningExperiment; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kMediaLearningFramework; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kMediaLearningSmoothnessExperiment; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kMediaOptimizer; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kMediaPowerExperiment; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kMediaSessionWebRTC; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kMemoryPressureBasedSourceBufferGC; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kMultiPlaneVideoCaptureSharedImages; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kOverlayFullscreenVideo; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kPictureInPicture; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kPlaybackSpeedButton; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kPreloadMediaEngagementData; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kPreloadMetadataLazyLoad; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kPreloadMetadataSuspend; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kRecordMediaEngagementScores; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kRecordWebAudioEngagement; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kResumeBackgroundVideo; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kReuseMediaPlayer; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kRevokeMediaSourceObjectURLOnAttach; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kSpeakerChangeDetection; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kSpecCompliantCanPlayThrough; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kSurfaceLayerForMediaStreams; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kSuspendMutedAudio; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kUnifiedAutoplay; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kUseAndroidOverlayForSecureOnly; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kUseDecoderStreamForWebRTC; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kUseFakeDeviceForMediaStream; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kUseMediaHistoryStore; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kUseR16Texture; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kUseSodaForLiveCaption; |
| #if defined(OS_LINUX) |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kVaapiVideoDecodeLinux; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kVaapiVideoEncodeLinux; |
| #endif // defined(OS_LINUX) |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kVaapiAV1Decoder; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kVaapiLowPowerEncoderGen9x; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kVaapiEnforceVideoMinMaxResolution; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kVaapiVideoMinResolutionForPerformance; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kVaapiVP8Encoder; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kVaapiVP9Encoder; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kVaapiH264TemporalLayerHWEncoding; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kVaapiVp9kSVCHWDecoding; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kVaapiVp9kSVCHWEncoding; |
| #endif // defined(ARCH_CPU_X86_FAMILY) && BUILDFLAG(IS_CHROMEOS_ASH) |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kVideoBlitColorAccuracy; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kWakeLockOptimisationHiddenMuted; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kResolutionBasedDecoderPriority; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kForceHardwareVideoDecoders; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kForceHardwareAudioDecoders; |
| |
| |
| #if defined(OS_ANDROID) |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kAllowNonSecureOverlays; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kMediaControlsExpandGesture; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kMediaDrmPersistentLicense; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kMediaDrmPreprovisioning; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kMediaDrmPreprovisioningAtStartup; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kCanPlayHls; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kPictureInPictureAPI; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kHlsPlayer; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kRequestSystemAudioFocus; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kUseAudioLatencyFromHAL; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kUsePooledSharedImageVideoProvider; |
| #endif // defined(OS_ANDROID) |
| |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kUseChromeOSDirectVideoDecoder; |
| |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kUseAlternateVideoDecoderImplementation; |
| |
| #if defined(OS_MAC) |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kMultiPlaneVideoToolboxSharedImages; |
| #endif |
| |
| #if defined(OS_WIN) |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kDelayCopyNV12Textures; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kDirectShowGetPhotoState; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kIncludeIRCamerasInDeviceEnumeration; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kMediaFoundationAsyncH264Encoding; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kMediaFoundationAV1Decoding; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kMediaFoundationVideoCapture; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kMediaFoundationVP8Decoding; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kMediaFoundationD3D11VideoCapture; |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kWasapiRawAudioCapture; |
| #endif // defined(OS_WIN) |
| |
| #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS) |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kDeprecateLowUsageCodecs; |
| #endif |
| |
| // Based on a |command_line| and the current platform, returns the effective |
| // autoplay policy. In other words, it will take into account the default policy |
| // if none is specified via the command line and options passed for testing. |
| // Returns one of the possible autoplay policy switches from the |
| // switches::autoplay namespace. |
| MEDIA_EXPORT std::string GetEffectiveAutoplayPolicy( |
| const base::CommandLine& command_line); |
| |
| MEDIA_EXPORT bool IsVideoCaptureAcceleratedJpegDecodingEnabled(); |
| |
| MEDIA_EXPORT bool IsLiveCaptionFeatureEnabled(); |
| |
| enum class kCrosGlobalMediaControlsPinOptions { |
| kPin, |
| kNotPin, |
| kHeuristic, |
| }; |
| |
| #if !defined(STARBOARD) |
| // Feature param used to force default pin/unpin for global media controls in |
| // CrOS. |
| MEDIA_EXPORT extern const base::FeatureParam<kCrosGlobalMediaControlsPinOptions> |
| kCrosGlobalMediaControlsPinParam; |
| #endif // !defined(STARBOARD) |
| |
| } // namespace media |
| |