blob: eda8b0b86890f4274b22f9aadd98a069e5ff19dd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module media.mojom;
import "media/mojo/mojom/decryptor.mojom";
import "media/mojo/mojom/media_types.mojom";
import "url/mojom/url.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/unguessable_token.mojom";
// See media::EmeInitDataType.
enum EmeInitDataType;
// See media::CdmSessionType
enum CdmSessionType;
// See media::CdmMessageType
enum CdmMessageType;
// See media::CdmKeyInformation::KeyStatus
enum CdmKeyStatus {
// See media::HdcpVersion
enum HdcpVersion;
// See media::CdmConfig
struct CdmConfig;
// Transport layer of media::CdmPromise (see media/base/cdm_promise.h).
// - When |success| is true, the promise is resolved and all other fields should
// be ignored.
// - When |success| is false, the promise is rejected with |exception|,
// |system_code| and |error_message|.
struct CdmPromiseResult {
// See media::CdmPromise::Exception
enum Exception;
bool success;
Exception exception;
uint32 system_code;
string error_message;
// Transport layer of media::CdmKeyInformation (see
// media/base/cdm_key_information.h). It is used to specify a key_id and it's
// associated status.
struct CdmKeyInformation {
array<uint8> key_id;
CdmKeyStatus status;
uint32 system_code;
// An interface that represents a CDM in the Encrypted Media Extensions (EME)
// spec (
// - Process Model: For security reason, the CDM is running in its own process
// as the CDM contains untrusted code and handles arbitrary data. The exact
// process model varies on various platforms. For example, on desktop, the CDM
// runs in a CDM (utility) process. On Android, the CDM runs in the GPU process.
// The client of the CDM is MojoCdm, which runs in the render process.
// - Session ID: Passed as `session_id` in some methods, it is a unique string
// identifier generated by the CDM that can be used to identify CDM sessions.
// A ContentDecryptionModule can manage mutilple sessions per the EME spec. See
// - Also see media/base/content_decryption_module.h and media/mojo/
interface ContentDecryptionModule {
// Sets ContentDecryptionModuleClient. Must be called before any other calls.
// Use associated interface to ensure ordering, e.g. events on the client
// interface and promise fulfillment.
SetClient(pending_associated_remote<ContentDecryptionModuleClient> client);
// Provides a server certificate to be used to encrypt messages to the
// license server.
SetServerCertificate(array<uint8> certificate_data)
=> (CdmPromiseResult result);
// Gets the key status if there's a hypothetical key that requires the
// |min_hdcp_version|. Resolve the |promise| with the |key_status| after the
// operation completes. Reject the |promise| if this operation is not
// supported or unexpected error happened.
GetStatusForPolicy(HdcpVersion min_hdcp_version)
=> (CdmPromiseResult result, CdmKeyStatus key_status);
// Creates a session with the |init_data_type|, |init_data| and |session_type|
// provided. If |result.success| is false, the output |session_id| will be
// empty.
CreateSessionAndGenerateRequest(CdmSessionType session_type,
EmeInitDataType init_data_type,
array<uint8> init_data)
=> (CdmPromiseResult result, string session_id);
// Loads the session associated with |session_id| and |session_type|.
// Combinations of |result.success| and |session_id| means:
// (true, non-empty) : Session successfully loaded.
// (true, empty) : Session not found.
// (false, non-empty): N/A; this combination is not allowed.
// (false, empty) : Unexpected error. See other fields in |result|.
LoadSession(CdmSessionType session_type, string session_id)
=> (CdmPromiseResult result, string session_id);
// Updates a session specified by |session_id| with |response|.
UpdateSession(string session_id, array<uint8> response)
=> (CdmPromiseResult result);
// Closes the session specified by |session_id|.
CloseSession(string session_id) => (CdmPromiseResult result);
// Removes stored session data associated with the active session specified by
// |session_id|.
RemoveSession(string session_id) => (CdmPromiseResult result);
// Session callbacks. The implementation is MojoCdm that runs in the render
// process. The caller is the remote CDM (mojom::ContentDecryptionModule). See
// comments above for more details on CDM process model and session ID.
// Also see media/base/content_decryption_module.h and media/mojo/
interface ContentDecryptionModuleClient {
// Called when the CDM needs to queue a message event to the session object.
// See
OnSessionMessage(string session_id, CdmMessageType message_type,
array<uint8> message);
// Called when the session specified by |session_id| is closed. Note that the
// CDM may close a session at any point, e.g. in response to `CloseSession()`,
// when the session is no longer needed, or when system resources are lost.
// After `OnSessionClosed()` is called for a `session_id`, no methods in this
// interface should be called with the same `session_id`.
// See
OnSessionClosed(string session_id, CdmSessionClosedReason reason);
// Called when there has been a change in the keys in the session or their
// status.
// See
OnSessionKeysChange(string session_id, bool has_additional_usable_key,
array<CdmKeyInformation> keys_info);
// Called when the CDM changes the expiration time of a session.
// See
// |new_expiry_time_sec| is the number of seconds since epoch (Jan 1, 1970).
OnSessionExpirationUpdate(string session_id, double new_expiry_time_sec);
// Context associated with the remote CDM, mostly to populate media::CdmContext.
struct CdmContext {
// An ID that can be used to locate the CDM at the remote side.
mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken cdm_id;
// The remote Decryptor if the CDM implementation provides one.
pending_remote<Decryptor>? decryptor;
// Whether MediaFoundationRenderer is required by the CDM.
bool requires_media_foundation_renderer;
// Factory interface used for creating ContentDecryptionModule instances.
interface CdmFactory {
// Creates a CDM based on the |key_system| and |cdm_config| provided. A
// |key_system| is a generic term for a decryption mechanism and/or content
// protection provider. It should be a reverse domain name,
// e.g. "com.example.somesystem". However, this call may be initiated by an
// untrusted process (e.g. renderer), so the implementation must fully
// validate |key_system| before creating the CDM. |cdm_config| specifies other
// properties of the CDM which may influence creation. Upon failure, the
// returned |cdm| and |cdm_context| will be null, and |error_message| will
// specify the error reason. Upon success, |cdm| and |cdm_context| will be
// valid, and |error_message| will be empty.
CreateCdm(string key_system, CdmConfig cdm_config) =>
(pending_remote<ContentDecryptionModule>? cdm,
CdmContext? cdm_context,
string error_message);