blob: 1b96bbf124c29affa2c6e9b644195052a95ab834 [file] [log] [blame]
// Test that AddressSanitizer does not re-animate dead globals when dead
// stripping is turned on.
// This test verifies that an out-of-bounds access on a global variable is
// detected after dead stripping has been performed. This proves that the
// runtime is able to register globals in the __DATA,__asan_globals section.
// REQUIRES: osx-ld64-live_support
// RUN: %clang_asan %min_macos_deployment_target=10.11 -Xlinker -dead_strip -o %t %s
// RUN: llvm-nm --format=posix %t | FileCheck --check-prefix NM-CHECK %s
// RUN: not %run %t 2>&1 | FileCheck --check-prefix ASAN-CHECK %s
int alive[1] = {};
int dead[1] = {};
// NM-CHECK: {{^_alive }}
// NM-CHECK-NOT: {{^_dead }}
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
alive[argc] = 0;
// ASAN-CHECK: {{0x.* is located 0 bytes after global variable}}
return 0;