blob: 35e86f6205e2fe01f18fa88ef765b0c5809968ff [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
#include "ui/gfx/animation/linear_animation.h"
#include "ui/gfx/animation/tween.h"
namespace gfx {
// Slide Animation
// Used for reversible animations and as a general helper class. Typical usage:
// #include "ui/gfx/animation/slide_animation.h"
// class MyClass : public AnimationDelegate {
// public:
// MyClass() {
// animation_ = std::make_unique<SlideAnimation>(this);
// animation_->SetSlideDuration(base::Milliseconds(500));
// }
// void OnMouseOver() {
// animation_->Show();
// }
// void OnMouseOut() {
// animation_->Hide();
// }
// void AnimationProgressed(const Animation* animation) {
// if (animation == animation_.get()) {
// Layout();
// SchedulePaint();
// } else if (animation == other_animation_.get()) {
// ...
// }
// }
// void Layout() {
// if (animation_->is_animating()) {
// hover_image_.SetOpacity(animation_->GetCurrentValue());
// }
// }
// private:
// std::unique_ptr<SlideAnimation> animation_;
// }
class ANIMATION_EXPORT SlideAnimation : public LinearAnimation {
explicit SlideAnimation(AnimationDelegate* target);
SlideAnimation(const SlideAnimation&) = delete;
SlideAnimation& operator=(const SlideAnimation&) = delete;
~SlideAnimation() override;
// Set the animation to some state.
virtual void Reset(double value = 0);
// Begin a showing animation or reverse a hiding animation in progress.
// Animates GetCurrentValue() towards 1.
virtual void Show();
// Begin a hiding animation or reverse a showing animation in progress.
// Animates GetCurrentValue() towards 0.
virtual void Hide();
// Sets the time a slide will take. Note that this isn't actually
// the amount of time an animation will take as the current value of
// the slide is considered.
virtual void SetSlideDuration(base::TimeDelta duration);
base::TimeDelta GetSlideDuration() const { return slide_duration_; }
void SetTweenType(Tween::Type tween_type) { tween_type_ = tween_type; }
// Dampens the reduction in duration for an animation which starts partway.
// The default value of 1 has no effect.
void SetDampeningValue(double dampening_value);
double GetCurrentValue() const override;
// TODO(bruthig): Fix IsShowing() and IsClosing() to be consistent. e.g.
// IsShowing() will currently return true after the 'show' animation has been
// completed however IsClosing() will return false after the 'hide' animation
// has been completed.
bool IsShowing() const {
return direction_ == Direction::kShowing ||
(!direction_ && value_current_ == 1);
bool IsClosing() const {
return direction_ == Direction::kHiding && value_end_ < value_current_;
class TestApi;
// Gets the duration based on the dampening factor and whether the animation
// is showing or hiding.
base::TimeDelta GetDuration();
enum class Direction {
// Implementation of Show() and Hide().
void BeginAnimating(Direction direction);
// Overridden from Animation.
void AnimateToState(double state) override;
AnimationDelegate* target_;
Tween::Type tween_type_ = Tween::EASE_OUT;
// Current animation direction, or nullopt if not animating.
absl::optional<Direction> direction_;
// Animation values. These are a layer on top of Animation::state_ to
// provide the reversability.
double value_start_ = 0;
double value_end_ = 0;
double value_current_ = 0;
// How long a hover in/out animation will last for. This can be overridden
// with SetSlideDuration().
base::TimeDelta slide_duration_ = base::Milliseconds(120);
// Dampens the reduction in duration for animations which start partway.
double dampening_value_ = 1.0;
} // namespace gfx