blob: 9dfe3a53e2e84375c8a50ea48e2f79e8d85831f4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
* @addtogroup android_native_app_glue Native App Glue library
* The glue library to interface your game loop with GameActivity.
* @{
#include <android/configuration.h>
#include <android/looper.h>
#include <poll.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <sched.h>
#include "game-activity/GameActivity.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* The GameActivity interface provided by <game-activity/GameActivity.h>
* is based on a set of application-provided callbacks that will be called
* by the Activity's main thread when certain events occur.
* This means that each one of this callbacks _should_ _not_ block, or they
* risk having the system force-close the application. This programming
* model is direct, lightweight, but constraining.
* The 'android_native_app_glue' static library is used to provide a different
* execution model where the application can implement its own main event
* loop in a different thread instead. Here's how it works:
* 1/ The application must provide a function named "android_main()" that
* will be called when the activity is created, in a new thread that is
* distinct from the activity's main thread.
* 2/ android_main() receives a pointer to a valid "android_app" structure
* that contains references to other important objects, e.g. the
* GameActivity obejct instance the application is running in.
* 3/ the "android_app" object holds an ALooper instance that already
* listens to activity lifecycle events (e.g. "pause", "resume").
* See APP_CMD_XXX declarations below.
* This corresponds to an ALooper identifier returned by
* ALooper_pollOnce with value LOOPER_ID_MAIN.
* Your application can use the same ALooper to listen to additional
* file-descriptors. They can either be callback based, or with return
* identifiers starting with LOOPER_ID_USER.
* 4/ Whenever you receive a LOOPER_ID_MAIN event,
* the returned data will point to an android_poll_source structure. You
* can call the process() function on it, and fill in android_app->onAppCmd
* to be called for your own processing of the event.
* Alternatively, you can call the low-level functions to read and process
* the data directly... look at the process_cmd() and process_input()
* implementations in the glue to see how to do this.
* See the sample named "native-activity" that comes with the NDK with a
* full usage example. Also look at the documentation of GameActivity.
struct android_app;
* Data associated with an ALooper fd that will be returned as the "outData"
* when that source has data ready.
struct android_poll_source {
* The identifier of this source. May be LOOPER_ID_MAIN or
int32_t id;
/** The android_app this ident is associated with. */
struct android_app* app;
* Function to call to perform the standard processing of data from
* this source.
void (*process)(struct android_app* app,
struct android_poll_source* source);
struct android_input_buffer {
* Pointer to a read-only array of pointers to GameActivityMotionEvent.
* Only the first motionEventsCount events are valid.
GameActivityMotionEvent motionEvents[NATIVE_APP_GLUE_MAX_NUM_MOTION_EVENTS];
* The number of valid motion events in `motionEvents`.
uint64_t motionEventsCount;
* Pointer to a read-only array of pointers to GameActivityKeyEvent.
* Only the first keyEventsCount events are valid.
GameActivityKeyEvent keyEvents[NATIVE_APP_GLUE_MAX_NUM_KEY_EVENTS];
* The number of valid "Key" events in `keyEvents`.
uint64_t keyEventsCount;
* Function pointer declaration for the filtering of key events.
* A function with this signature should be passed to
* android_app_set_key_event_filter and return false for any events that should
* not be handled by android_native_app_glue. These events will be handled by
* the system instead.
typedef bool (*android_key_event_filter)(const GameActivityKeyEvent*);
* Function pointer definition for the filtering of motion events.
* A function with this signature should be passed to
* android_app_set_motion_event_filter and return false for any events that
* should not be handled by android_native_app_glue. These events will be
* handled by the system instead.
typedef bool (*android_motion_event_filter)(const GameActivityMotionEvent*);
* This is the interface for the standard glue code of a threaded
* application. In this model, the application's code is running
* in its own thread separate from the main thread of the process.
* It is not required that this thread be associated with the Java
* VM, although it will need to be in order to make JNI calls any
* Java objects.
struct android_app {
* An optional pointer to application-defined state.
void* userData;
* A required callback for processing main app commands (`APP_CMD_*`).
* This is called each frame if there are app commands that need processing.
void (*onAppCmd)(struct android_app* app, int32_t cmd);
/** The GameActivity object instance that this app is running in. */
GameActivity* activity;
/** The current configuration the app is running in. */
AConfiguration* config;
* The last activity saved state, as provided at creation time.
* It is NULL if there was no state. You can use this as you need; the
* memory will remain around until you call android_app_exec_cmd() for
* APP_CMD_RESUME, at which point it will be freed and savedState set to
* NULL. These variables should only be changed when processing a
* APP_CMD_SAVE_STATE, at which point they will be initialized to NULL and
* you can malloc your state and place the information here. In that case
* the memory will be freed for you later.
void* savedState;
* The size of the activity saved state. It is 0 if `savedState` is NULL.
size_t savedStateSize;
/** The ALooper associated with the app's thread. */
ALooper* looper;
/** When non-NULL, this is the window surface that the app can draw in. */
ANativeWindow* window;
* Current content rectangle of the window; this is the area where the
* window's content should be placed to be seen by the user.
ARect contentRect;
* Current state of the app's activity. May be either APP_CMD_START,
int activityState;
* This is non-zero when the application's GameActivity is being
* destroyed and waiting for the app thread to complete.
int destroyRequested;
* This is used for buffering input from GameActivity. Once ready, the
* application thread switches the buffers and processes what was
* accumulated.
struct android_input_buffer inputBuffers[NATIVE_APP_GLUE_MAX_INPUT_BUFFERS];
int currentInputBuffer;
* 0 if no text input event is outstanding, 1 if it is.
* Use `GameActivity_getTextInputState` to get information
* about the text entered by the user.
int textInputState;
// Below are "private" implementation of the glue code.
/** @cond INTERNAL */
pthread_mutex_t mutex;
pthread_cond_t cond;
int msgread;
int msgwrite;
pthread_t thread;
struct android_poll_source cmdPollSource;
int running;
int stateSaved;
int destroyed;
int redrawNeeded;
ANativeWindow* pendingWindow;
ARect pendingContentRect;
android_key_event_filter keyEventFilter;
android_motion_event_filter motionEventFilter;
/** @endcond */
* Looper ID of commands coming from the app's main thread, an AInputQueue or
* user-defined sources.
enum NativeAppGlueLooperId {
* Looper data ID of commands coming from the app's main thread, which
* is returned as an identifier from ALooper_pollOnce(). The data for this
* identifier is a pointer to an android_poll_source structure.
* These can be retrieved and processed with android_app_read_cmd()
* and android_app_exec_cmd().
* Unused. Reserved for future use when usage of AInputQueue will be
* supported.
* Start of user-defined ALooper identifiers.
* Commands passed from the application's main Java thread to the game's thread.
enum NativeAppGlueAppCmd {
* Unused. Reserved for future use when usage of AInputQueue will be
* supported.
* Command from main thread: a new ANativeWindow is ready for use. Upon
* receiving this command, android_app->window will contain the new window
* surface.
* Command from main thread: the existing ANativeWindow needs to be
* terminated. Upon receiving this command, android_app->window still
* contains the existing window; after calling android_app_exec_cmd
* it will be set to NULL.
* Command from main thread: the current ANativeWindow has been resized.
* Please redraw with its new size.
* Command from main thread: the system needs that the current ANativeWindow
* be redrawn. You should redraw the window before handing this to
* android_app_exec_cmd() in order to avoid transient drawing glitches.
* Command from main thread: the content area of the window has changed,
* such as from the soft input window being shown or hidden. You can
* find the new content rect in android_app::contentRect.
* Command from main thread: the app's activity window has gained
* input focus.
* Command from main thread: the app's activity window has lost
* input focus.
* Command from main thread: the current device configuration has changed.
* Command from main thread: the system is running low on memory.
* Try to reduce your memory use.
* Command from main thread: the app's activity has been started.
* Command from main thread: the app's activity has been resumed.
* Command from main thread: the app should generate a new saved state
* for itself, to restore from later if needed. If you have saved state,
* allocate it with malloc and place it in android_app.savedState with
* the size in android_app.savedStateSize. The will be freed for you
* later.
* Command from main thread: the app's activity has been paused.
* Command from main thread: the app's activity has been stopped.
* Command from main thread: the app's activity is being destroyed,
* and waiting for the app thread to clean up and exit before proceeding.
* Command from main thread: the app's insets have changed.
* Call when ALooper_pollAll() returns LOOPER_ID_MAIN, reading the next
* app command message.
int8_t android_app_read_cmd(struct android_app* android_app);
* Call with the command returned by android_app_read_cmd() to do the
* initial pre-processing of the given command. You can perform your own
* actions for the command after calling this function.
void android_app_pre_exec_cmd(struct android_app* android_app, int8_t cmd);
* Call with the command returned by android_app_read_cmd() to do the
* final post-processing of the given command. You must have done your own
* actions for the command before calling this function.
void android_app_post_exec_cmd(struct android_app* android_app, int8_t cmd);
* Call this before processing input events to get the events buffer.
* The function returns NULL if there are no events to process.
struct android_input_buffer* android_app_swap_input_buffers(
struct android_app* android_app);
* Clear the array of motion events that were waiting to be handled, and release
* each of them.
* This method should be called after you have processed the motion events in
* your game loop. You should handle events at each iteration of your game loop.
void android_app_clear_motion_events(struct android_input_buffer* inputBuffer);
* Clear the array of key events that were waiting to be handled, and release
* each of them.
* This method should be called after you have processed the key up events in
* your game loop. You should handle events at each iteration of your game loop.
void android_app_clear_key_events(struct android_input_buffer* inputBuffer);
* This is the function that application code must implement, representing
* the main entry to the app.
extern void android_main(struct android_app* app);
* Set the filter to use when processing key events.
* Any events for which the filter returns false will be ignored by
* android_native_app_glue. If filter is set to NULL, no filtering is done.
* The default key filter will filter out volume and camera button presses.
void android_app_set_key_event_filter(struct android_app* app,
android_key_event_filter filter);
* Set the filter to use when processing touch and motion events.
* Any events for which the filter returns false will be ignored by
* android_native_app_glue. If filter is set to NULL, no filtering is done.
* Note that the default motion event filter will only allow touchscreen events
* through, in order to mimic NativeActivity's behaviour, so for controller
* events to be passed to the app, set the filter to NULL.
void android_app_set_motion_event_filter(struct android_app* app,
android_motion_event_filter filter);
#ifdef __cplusplus
/** @} */