blob: 28bdce6525c0c13b070b49438eefed6ba20b8600 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Cobalt Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <algorithm>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include "cobalt/base/polymorphic_downcast.h"
#include "cobalt/dom/dom_settings.h"
#include "cobalt/subtlecrypto/crypto_impl.h"
#include "cobalt/subtlecrypto/subtle_crypto.h"
namespace cobalt {
namespace subtlecrypto {
namespace {
const ByteVector to_vector(const dom::BufferSource &data) {
const uint8_t *buff;
int buf_len;
cobalt::dom::GetBufferAndSize(data, &buff, &buf_len);
return ByteVector(buff, buff + buf_len);
std::string algo_name(const Algorithm &algo) {
return algo.has_name() ? : "";
template <typename T, typename W>
std::string get_name(const W &algorithm) {
if (algorithm.template IsType<T>()) {
return algo_name(algorithm.template AsType<T>());
return std::is_same<T, Algorithm>::value ? ""
: get_name<Algorithm>(algorithm);
template <typename T = Algorithm, typename W>
std::string get_name_or_string(const W &algorithm) {
if (algorithm.template IsType<T>()) {
return algo_name(algorithm.template AsType<T>());
return algorithm.template AsType<std::string>();
template <typename Promise>
Promise reject(Promise &&promise,
const scoped_refptr<script::ScriptException> &result) {
return promise;
template <typename Promise>
Promise reject(Promise &&promise, dom::DOMException::ExceptionCode error) {
return reject(promise, new dom::DOMException(error));
template <typename Promise>
Promise reject(Promise &&promise, const std::string &dom_error) {
return reject(promise, new dom::DOMException(dom_error, dom_error));
} // namespace
using PromiseBool = SubtleCrypto::PromiseBool;
using PromiseArray = SubtleCrypto::PromiseArray;
using PromiseWrappable = SubtleCrypto::PromiseWrappable;
SubtleCrypto::SubtleCrypto(script::EnvironmentSettings *environment) {
dom::DOMSettings *dom_settings =
base::polymorphic_downcast<dom::DOMSettings *>(environment);
global_env_ = dom_settings->global_environment();
script_value_factory_ = global_env_->script_value_factory();
SubtleCrypto::~SubtleCrypto() {}
PromiseWrappable SubtleCrypto::CreateKeyPromise() {
return script_value_factory_
dom::BufferSource SubtleCrypto::CreateBufferSource(const ByteVector &input) {
auto arrayBuffer =
script::ArrayBuffer::New(global_env_,, input.size());
return dom::BufferSource(arrayBuffer);
PromiseArray SubtleCrypto::Decrypt(EncryptionAlgorithm algorithm,
const CryptoKeyPtr &key,
const BufferSource &data) {
// 1. Let algorithm and key be the algorithm and key parameters passed to the
// decrypt method, respectively.
// 2. Let data be the result of getting a copy of the bytes held by the data
// parameter passed to the decrypt method.
// 3. Let normalizedAlgorithm be the result of normalizing an algorithm, with
// alg set to algorithm and op set to "decrypt".
std::string normalizedAlgorithm = get_name<AesCtrParams>(algorithm);
// 5. Let promise be a new Promise.
auto promise = CreatePromise();
// 4. If an error occurred, return a Promise rejected with
// normalizedAlgorithm.
if (normalizedAlgorithm != key->get_algorithm()) {
return reject(promise, DOMException::kInvalidAccessErr);
// 9. If the [[usages]] internal slot of key does not contain an entry that is
// "decrypt", then throw an InvalidAccessError.
if (!key->usage(KeyUsage::kKeyUsageDecrypt)) {
return reject(promise, DOMException::kInvalidAccessErr);
if (key->get_key().size() == 0) {
return reject(promise, DOMException::kInvalidAccessErr);
if (normalizedAlgorithm == "AES-CTR") {
auto ctr_params = algorithm.AsType<AesCtrParams>();
if (!(ctr_params.has_length() && ctr_params.has_counter())) {
return reject(promise, DOMException::kValidationErr);
auto iv = to_vector(ctr_params.counter());
auto counter_len = ctr_params.length();
// 25.7.1 If the counter member of normalizedAlgorithm does not have length
// 16 bytes, then throw an OperationError.
// 25.7.2 If the length member of normalizedAlgorithm is zero or is greater
// than 128, then throw an OperationError.
if (counter_len < 1 || counter_len > 128 || iv.size() != 16) {
return reject(promise, "OperationError");
// 10. Let plaintext be the result of performing the decrypt operation
// specified by normalizedAlgorithm using key and algorithm and with
// data as ciphertext.
auto out = CalculateAES_CTR(to_vector(data), key->get_key(), iv);
if (out.empty()) {
reject(promise, "Internal error");
// 11. Resolve promise with plaintext.
} else {
// 7. If the following steps or referenced procedures say to throw an error,
// reject promise with the returned error and then terminate the algorithm.
return reject(promise, DOMException::kNotSupportedErr);
// 6. Return promise and asynchronously perform the remaining steps.
return promise;
// TODO: Consider sharing the implementation with Decrypt, as the flow is
// very similar for symmetric algos.
PromiseArray SubtleCrypto::Encrypt(EncryptionAlgorithm algorithm,
const CryptoKeyPtr &key,
const BufferSource &data) {
// 1. Let algorithm and key be the algorithm and key parameters passed to the
// encrypt method, respectively.
// 2. Let data be the result of getting a copy of the bytes held by the data
// parameter passed to the encrypt method.
// 3. Let normalizedAlgorithm be the result of normalizing an algorithm, with
// alg set to algorithm and op set to "encrypt".
std::string normalizedAlgorithm = get_name<AesCtrParams>(algorithm);
// 5. Let promise be a new Promise.
auto promise = CreatePromise();
// 4. If an error occurred, return a Promise rejected with
// normalizedAlgorithm.
if (normalizedAlgorithm != key->get_algorithm()) {
return reject(promise, DOMException::kInvalidAccessErr);
// 9. If the [[usages]] internal slot of key does not contain an entry that is
// "encrypt", then throw an InvalidAccessError.
if (!key->usage(KeyUsage::kKeyUsageEncrypt)) {
return reject(promise, DOMException::kInvalidAccessErr);
if (key->get_key().size() == 0) {
return reject(promise, DOMException::kInvalidAccessErr);
if (normalizedAlgorithm == "AES-CTR") {
auto ctr_params = algorithm.AsType<AesCtrParams>();
if (!(ctr_params.has_length() && ctr_params.has_counter())) {
return reject(promise, DOMException::kValidationErr);
auto iv = to_vector(ctr_params.counter());
auto counter_len = ctr_params.length();
// 25.7.1 If the counter member of normalizedAlgorithm does not have length
// 16 bytes, then throw an OperationError.
// 25.7.2 If the length member of normalizedAlgorithm is zero or is greater
// than 128, then throw an OperationError.
if (counter_len < 1 || counter_len > 128 || iv.size() != 16) {
return reject(promise, "OperationError");
// 10. Let ciphertext be the result of performing the encrypt operation
// specified by normalizedAlgorithm using algorithm and key and with data
// as plaintext.
auto out = CalculateAES_CTR(to_vector(data), key->get_key(), iv);
if (out.empty()) {
reject(promise, "Internal error");
// 11. Resolve promise with ciphertext.
} else {
// 7. If the following steps or referenced procedures say to throw an error,
// reject promise with the returned error and then terminate the algorithm.
return reject(promise, DOMException::kNotSupportedErr);
// 6. Return promise and asynchronously perform the remaining steps.
return promise;
PromiseArray SubtleCrypto::Sign(AlgorithmIdentifier algorithm,
const CryptoKeyPtr &key,
const BufferSource &data) {
// 1. Let algorithm and key be the algorithm and key parameters passed to the
// sign method, respectively.
// 2. Let data be the result of getting a copy of the bytes held by the data
// parameter passed to the sign method.
// 3. Let normalizedAlgorithm be the result of normalizing an algorithm, with
// alg set to algorithm and op set to "sign".
std::string normalizedAlgorithm = get_name_or_string(algorithm);
// 5. Let promise be a new Promise.
auto promise = CreatePromise();
if (normalizedAlgorithm == "HMAC") {
auto hash = Hash::CreateByName(key->get_hash());
// 9. If the [[usages]] internal slot of key does not contain an entry that
// is "sign", then throw an InvalidAccessError.
if (!key->usage(KeyUsage::kKeyUsageSign) || !hash) {
return reject(promise, DOMException::kInvalidAccessErr);
// 10. Let result be the result of performing the sign operation specified
// by normalizedAlgorithm using key and algorithm and with data as message.
auto out = hash->CalculateHMAC(to_vector(data), key->get_key());
// 11. Resolve promise with result.
} else {
// 7. If the following steps or referenced procedures say to throw an error,
// reject promise with the returned error and then terminate the algorithm.
return reject(promise, DOMException::kNotSupportedErr);
// 6. Return promise and asynchronously perform the remaining steps.
return promise;
PromiseBool SubtleCrypto::Verify(AlgorithmIdentifier algorithm,
const CryptoKeyPtr &key,
const BufferSource &signature,
const BufferSource &data) {
// 1. Let algorithm and key be the algorithm and key parameters passed to the
// verify method, respectively.
// 2. Let signature be the result of getting a copy of the bytes held by the
// signature parameter passed to the verify method.
// 3. Let data be the result of getting a copy of the bytes held by the data
// parameter passed to the verify method.
// 4. Let normalizedAlgorithm be the result of normalizing an algorithm, with
// alg set to algorithm and op set to "verify".
std::string normalizedAlgorithm = get_name_or_string(algorithm);
// 6. Let promise be a new Promise.
auto promise = CreatePromise<PromiseBool, bool>();
if (normalizedAlgorithm == "HMAC") {
auto hash = Hash::CreateByName(key->get_hash());
// 10. If the [[usages]] internal slot of key does not contain an entry that
// is "verify", then throw an InvalidAccessError.
if (!key->usage(KeyUsage::kKeyUsageVerify) || !hash) {
return reject(promise, DOMException::kInvalidAccessErr);
// 11. Let result be the result of performing the verify operation
// specified by normalizedAlgorithm using key, algorithm and signature
// and with data as message.
auto out = hash->CalculateHMAC(to_vector(data), key->get_key());
bool signature_matches = to_vector(signature) == out;
// 12. Resolve promise with result.
} else {
// 8. If the following steps or referenced procedures say to throw an error,
// reject promise with the returned error and then terminate the algorithm.
return reject(promise, DOMException::kNotSupportedErr);
// 7. Return promise and asynchronously perform the remaining steps.
return promise;
PromiseArray SubtleCrypto::Digest(AlgorithmIdentifier algorithm,
const BufferSource &data) {
// 1. Let algorithm be the algorithm parameter passed to the digest method.
// 2. Let data be the result of getting a copy of the bytes held by the data
// parameter passed to the digest method.
// 3. Let normalizedAlgorithm be the result of normalizing an algorithm, with
// alg set to algorithm and op set to "digest".
auto normalizedAlgorithm = get_name_or_string(algorithm);
// 5. Let promise be a new Promise.
auto promise = CreatePromise();
auto hash = Hash::CreateByName(normalizedAlgorithm);
if (!hash) {
// 4. If an error occurred, return a Promise rejected with
// normalizedAlgorithm.
return reject(promise, DOMException::kNotSupportedErr);
// 8. Let result be the result of performing the digest operation specified by
// normalizedAlgorithm using algorithm, with data as message.
auto out = hash->Finish();
// 9. Resolve promise with result.
// 6. Return promise and asynchronously perform the remaining steps.
return promise;
PromiseArray SubtleCrypto::GenerateKey(AlgorithmIdentifier algorithm,
bool extractable,
const KeyUsages &keyUsages) {
return reject(CreatePromise(), DOMException::kNotSupportedErr);
PromiseArray SubtleCrypto::DeriveKey(AlgorithmIdentifier algorithm,
const CryptoKeyPtr &key,
AlgorithmIdentifier derivedKeyType,
bool extractable,
const KeyUsages &keyUsages) {
return reject(CreatePromise(), DOMException::kNotSupportedErr);
PromiseArray SubtleCrypto::DeriveBits(AlgorithmIdentifier algorithm,
const CryptoKeyPtr &key,
const uint32_t length) {
return reject(CreatePromise(), DOMException::kNotSupportedErr);
PromiseWrappable SubtleCrypto::ImportKey(
KeyFormat format, const BufferSource &keyData,
script::UnionType2<ImportKeyAlgorithmParams, std::string> algorithm,
bool extractable, const KeyUsages &keyUsages) {
// 1. Let format, algorithm, extractable and usages, be the format, algorithm,
// extractable and keyUsages parameters passed to the importKey method,
// respectively.
// 2. Let keyData be the result of getting a copy of the bytes held by the
// keyData parameter passed to the importKey method.
// 3. Let normalizedAlgorithm be the result of normalizing an algorithm, with
// alg set to algorithm and op set to "importKey".
std::string normalizedAlgorithm =
// 5. Let promise be a new Promise.
auto promise = CreateKeyPromise();
if (format != kKeyFormatRaw) {
return reject(promise, new DOMException(DOMException::kNotSupportedErr));
if (!(normalizedAlgorithm == "AES-CTR" || normalizedAlgorithm == "HMAC")) {
return reject(promise, new DOMException(DOMException::kNotSupportedErr));
// 8. Let result be the CryptoKey object that results from performing the
// import key operation specified by normalizedAlgorithm using keyData,
// algorithm, format, extractable and usages.
scoped_refptr<CryptoKey> cryptoKey = new CryptoKey(normalizedAlgorithm);
// 11. Set the [[usages]] internal slot of result to the normalized value of
// usages.
if (!cryptoKey->set_usages(keyUsages)) {
return reject(promise, new DOMException("Invalid key", "not allowed"));
// 25.7.1 Let data be the octet string contained in keyData.
if (algorithm.IsType<ImportKeyAlgorithmParams>()) {
ImportKeyAlgorithmParams algo_params =
// 29.6.2 Set hash to equal the hash member of normalizedAlgorithm.
if (algo_params.has_hash()) {
// 12. Resolve promise with result.
// 6. Return promise and asynchronously perform the remaining steps.
return promise;
PromiseArray SubtleCrypto::ExportKey(KeyFormat format,
const CryptoKeyPtr &key) {
return reject(CreatePromise(), DOMException::kNotSupportedErr);
PromiseArray SubtleCrypto::WrapKey(KeyFormat format, const CryptoKeyPtr &key,
const CryptoKeyPtr &wrappingKey,
AlgorithmIdentifier algorithm) {
return reject(CreatePromise(), DOMException::kNotSupportedErr);
PromiseWrappable SubtleCrypto::UnwrapKey(
KeyFormat format, const BufferSource &wrappedKey,
const CryptoKeyPtr &unwrappingKey, AlgorithmIdentifier unwrapAlgorithm,
AlgorithmIdentifier unwrappedKeyAlgorithm, bool extractacble,
const KeyUsages &keyUsages) {
return reject(CreateKeyPromise(), DOMException::kNotSupportedErr);
} // namespace subtlecrypto
} // namespace cobalt