blob: 1c2aace276ff2b06a3f6c99cf3176154ee3a51e7 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
# Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import distutils.version
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import textwrap
def _AsVersion(string):
return distutils.version.StrictVersion(string)
def _RunXCRun(args, sdk=None):
xcrun_args = ['xcrun']
if sdk is not None:
xcrun_args.extend(['--sdk', sdk])
return subprocess.check_output(xcrun_args).decode('utf-8').rstrip()
def _SDKPath(sdk=None):
return _RunXCRun(['--show-sdk-path'], sdk)
def _SDKVersion(sdk=None):
return _AsVersion(_RunXCRun(['--show-sdk-version'], sdk))
class DidNotMeetCriteria(Exception):
def _FindPlatformSDKWithMinimumVersion(platform, minimum_sdk_version_str):
minimum_sdk_version = _AsVersion(minimum_sdk_version_str)
# Try the SDKs that Xcode knows about.
xcodebuild_showsdks_subprocess = subprocess.Popen(
['xcodebuild', '-showsdks'],
stderr=open(os.devnull, 'w'))
xcodebuild_showsdks_output = (
if xcodebuild_showsdks_subprocess.returncode == 0:
# Collect strings instead of version objects to preserve the precise
# format used to identify each SDK.
sdk_version_strs = []
for line in xcodebuild_showsdks_output.splitlines():
match = re.match('[ \t].+[ \t]-sdk ' + re.escape(platform) + '(.+)$',
if match:
sdk_version_str =
if _AsVersion(sdk_version_str) >= minimum_sdk_version:
if len(sdk_version_strs) == 0:
raise DidNotMeetCriteria({'minimum': minimum_sdk_version_str,
'platform': platform})
sdk_version_str = sorted(sdk_version_strs, key=_AsVersion)[0]
sdk_path = _SDKPath(platform + sdk_version_str)
sdk_version = _AsVersion(sdk_version_str)
# Xcode may not be installed. If the command-line tools are installed, use
# the system’s default SDK if it meets the requirements.
sdk_path = _SDKPath()
sdk_version = _SDKVersion()
if sdk_version < minimum_sdk_version:
raise DidNotMeetCriteria({'minimum': minimum_sdk_version_str,
'platform': platform,
'sdk_path': sdk_path,
'sdk_version': str(sdk_version)})
return (sdk_version, sdk_path)
def main(args):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Find an appropriate platform SDK',
epilog='Two lines will be written to standard output: the version of the '
'selected SDK, and its path.')
help='path to Xcode or Command Line Tools')
parser.add_argument('--exact', help='an exact SDK version to find')
parser.add_argument('--minimum', help='the minimum SDK version to find')
parser.add_argument('--path', help='a known SDK path to validate')
help='the platform to target')
parsed = parser.parse_args(args)
if parsed.developer_dir is not None:
os.environ['DEVELOPER_DIR'] = parsed.developer_dir
if (os.environ.get('DEVELOPER_DIR') is None and['xcode-select', '--print-path'],
stdout=open(os.devnull, 'w'),
stderr=open(os.devnull, 'w')) != 0):
# This is friendlier than letting the first invocation of xcrun or
# xcodebuild show the UI prompting to install developer tools at an
# inopportune time.
hint = 'Install Xcode and run "sudo xcodebuild -license"'
if parsed.platform == 'macosx':
hint += ', or install Command Line Tools with "xcode-select --install"'
hint += ('. If necessary, run "sudo xcode-select --switch" to select an '
'active developer tools installation.')
hint = '\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(hint, 80))
print(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) +
': No developer tools found.\n' +
return 1
if parsed.path is not None:
# _SDKVersion() doesn’t work with a relative pathname argument or one that’s
# a symbolic link. Such paths are suitable for other purposes, like “clang
# -isysroot”, so use an absolute non-symbolic link path for _SDKVersion(),
# but preserve the user’s path in sdk_path.
sdk_version = _SDKVersion(os.path.realpath(parsed.path))
sdk_path = parsed.path
elif parsed.exact is None and parsed.minimum is None:
# Use the platform’s default SDK.
sdk_version = _SDKVersion(parsed.platform)
sdk_path = _SDKPath(parsed.platform)
elif parsed.exact is not None:
sdk_version = _SDKVersion(parsed.platform + parsed.exact)
sdk_path = _SDKPath(parsed.platform + parsed.exact)
sdk_path) = _FindPlatformSDKWithMinimumVersion(parsed.platform,
# These checks may be redundant depending on how the SDK was chosen.
if ((parsed.exact is not None and sdk_version != _AsVersion(parsed.exact)) or
(parsed.minimum is not None and
sdk_version < _AsVersion(parsed.minimum))):
raise DidNotMeetCriteria({'developer_dir': parsed.developer_dir,
'exact': parsed.exact,
'minimum': parsed.minimum,
'path': parsed.path,
'platform': parsed.platform,
'sdk_path': sdk_path,
'sdk_version': str(sdk_version)})
# Nobody wants trailing slashes. This is true even if “/” is the SDK: it’s
# better to return an empty string, which will be interpreted as “no sysroot.”
sdk_path = sdk_path.rstrip(os.path.sep)
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':