blob: e3002105897ea2206a591009b30cafc3937eb822 [file] [log] [blame]
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "../assembly.h"
// __chkstk routine
// This routine is windows specific.
// This clobbers the register r12, and the condition codes, and uses r5 and r6
// as temporaries by backing them up and restoring them afterwards.
// Does not modify any memory or the stack pointer.
// movw r4, #256 // Number of bytes of stack, in units of 4 byte
// bl __chkstk
// sub.w sp, sp, r4
#define PAGE_SIZE 4096
.p2align 2
lsl r4, r4, #2
mov r12, sp
push {r5, r6}
mov r5, r4
sub r12, r12, #PAGE_SIZE
subs r5, r5, #PAGE_SIZE
ldr r6, [r12]
bgt 1b
pop {r5, r6}
bx lr