blob: f2f7712a44678703ffb3c486d5bf0b8b3aeda87d [file] [log] [blame]
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// REQUIRES: c++experimental
// UNSUPPORTED: c++98, c++03
// <experimental/memory_resource>
// template <class T> class polymorphic_allocator
// template <class P1, class P2, class U1, class U2>
// void polymorphic_allocator<T>::construct(pair<P1, P2>*, U1&&, U2&&)
#include <experimental/memory_resource>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <tuple>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "test_macros.h"
#include "test_memory_resource.hpp"
#include "uses_alloc_types.hpp"
#include "controlled_allocators.hpp"
#include "test_allocator.h"
namespace ex = std::experimental::pmr;
template <class UA1, class UA2, class TT, class UU>
bool doTest(UsesAllocatorType TExpect, UsesAllocatorType UExpect,
TT&& t, UU&& u)
using P = std::pair<UA1, UA2>;
TestResource R;
ex::memory_resource * M = &R;
ex::polymorphic_allocator<P> A(M);
P * ptr = (P*)std::malloc(sizeof(P));
P * ptr2 = (P*)std::malloc(sizeof(P));
A.construct(ptr, std::forward<TT>(t), std::forward<UU>(u));
A.construct(ptr2, std::piecewise_construct,
// ------- //
bool tres = checkConstruct<TT&&>(ptr->first, TExpect, M) &&
checkConstructionEquiv(ptr->first, ptr2->first);
bool ures = checkConstruct<UU&&>(ptr->second, UExpect, M) &&
checkConstructionEquiv(ptr->second, ptr2->second);
return tres && ures;
template <class Alloc, class TT, class UU>
void test_pmr_uses_allocator(TT&& t, UU&& u)
using T = NotUsesAllocator<Alloc, 1>;
using U = NotUsesAllocator<Alloc, 1>;
assert((doTest<T, U>(UA_None, UA_None,
std::forward<TT>(t), std::forward<UU>(u))));
using T = UsesAllocatorV1<Alloc, 1>;
using U = UsesAllocatorV2<Alloc, 1>;
assert((doTest<T, U>(UA_AllocArg, UA_AllocLast,
std::forward<TT>(t), std::forward<UU>(u))));
using T = UsesAllocatorV2<Alloc, 1>;
using U = UsesAllocatorV3<Alloc, 1>;
assert((doTest<T, U>(UA_AllocLast, UA_AllocArg,
std::forward<TT>(t), std::forward<UU>(u))));
using T = UsesAllocatorV3<Alloc, 1>;
using U = NotUsesAllocator<Alloc, 1>;
assert((doTest<T, U>(UA_AllocArg, UA_None,
std::forward<TT>(t), std::forward<UU>(u))));
template <class Alloc, class TT, class UU>
void test_pmr_not_uses_allocator(TT&& t, UU&& u)
using T = NotUsesAllocator<Alloc, 1>;
using U = NotUsesAllocator<Alloc, 1>;
assert((doTest<T, U>(UA_None, UA_None,
std::forward<TT>(t), std::forward<UU>(u))));
using T = UsesAllocatorV1<Alloc, 1>;
using U = UsesAllocatorV2<Alloc, 1>;
assert((doTest<T, U>(UA_None, UA_None,
std::forward<TT>(t), std::forward<UU>(u))));
using T = UsesAllocatorV2<Alloc, 1>;
using U = UsesAllocatorV3<Alloc, 1>;
assert((doTest<T, U>(UA_None, UA_None,
std::forward<TT>(t), std::forward<UU>(u))));
using T = UsesAllocatorV3<Alloc, 1>;
using U = NotUsesAllocator<Alloc, 1>;
assert((doTest<T, U>(UA_None, UA_None,
std::forward<TT>(t), std::forward<UU>(u))));
int main()
using ERT = std::experimental::erased_type;
using PMR = ex::memory_resource*;
using PMA = ex::polymorphic_allocator<char>;
int x = 42;
int y = 42;
test_pmr_uses_allocator<ERT>(x, std::move(y));
test_pmr_not_uses_allocator<PMR>(x, std::move(y));
test_pmr_uses_allocator<PMA>(x, std::move(y));
int x = 42;
const int y = 42;
test_pmr_uses_allocator<ERT>(std::move(x), y);
test_pmr_not_uses_allocator<PMR>(std::move(x), y);
test_pmr_uses_allocator<PMA>(std::move(x), y);