blob: ab989df0d2031e7fae2f13de2e27817438f2a6e9 [file] [log] [blame]
"""Test the pre-kill hook on Linux."""
from __future__ import print_function
# system imports
from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
import platform
import re
import subprocess
from unittest import main, TestCase
# third party
from six import StringIO
def do_child_thread():
import os
x = 0
while True:
x = x + 42 * os.getpid()
return x
def do_child_process(child_work_queue, parent_work_queue, verbose):
import os
pid = os.getpid()
if verbose:
print("child: pid {} started, sending to parent".format(pid))
# Spin up a daemon thread to do some "work", which will show
# up in a sample of this process.
import threading
worker = threading.Thread(target=do_child_thread)
worker.daemon = True
if verbose:
print("child: waiting for shut-down request from parent")
if verbose:
print("child: received shut-down request. Child exiting.")
class LinuxPreKillTestCase(TestCase):
def __init__(self, methodName):
super(LinuxPreKillTestCase, self).__init__(methodName)
self.process = None
self.child_work_queue = None
self.verbose = False
# self.verbose = True
def tearDown(self):
if self.verbose:
print("parent: sending shut-down request to child")
if self.process:
self.child_work_queue.put("hello, child")
if self.verbose:
print("parent: child is fully shut down")
def test_sample(self):
# Ensure we're Darwin.
if platform.system() != 'Linux':
self.skipTest("requires a Linux-based OS")
# Ensure we have the 'perf' tool. If not, skip the test.
perf_version = subprocess.check_output(["perf", "version"])
if perf_version is None or not (
perf_version.startswith("perf version")):
raise Exception("The perf executable doesn't appear"
" to be the Linux perf tools perf")
except Exception:
self.skipTest("requires the Linux perf tools 'perf' command")
# Start the child process.
self.child_work_queue = Queue()
parent_work_queue = Queue()
self.process = Process(target=do_child_process,
args=(self.child_work_queue, parent_work_queue,
if self.verbose:
print("parent: starting child")
# Wait for the child to report its pid. Then we know we're running.
if self.verbose:
print("parent: waiting for child to start")
child_pid = parent_work_queue.get()
# Sample the child process.
from linux import do_pre_kill
context_dict = {
"archs": [platform.machine()],
"platform_name": None,
"platform_url": None,
"platform_working_dir": None
if self.verbose:
print("parent: running pre-kill action on child")
output_io = StringIO()
do_pre_kill(child_pid, context_dict, output_io)
output = output_io.getvalue()
if self.verbose:
print("parent: do_pre_kill() wrote the following output:", output)
# We should have a samples count entry.
# Samples:
self.assertTrue("Samples:" in output, "should have found a 'Samples:' "
"field in the sampled process output")
# We should see an event count entry
event_count_re = re.compile(r"Event count[^:]+:\s+(\d+)")
match =
self.assertIsNotNone(match, "should have found the event count entry "
"in sample output")
if self.verbose:
print("cpu-clock events:",
# We should see some percentages in the file.
percentage_re = re.compile(r"\d+\.\d+%")
match =
self.assertIsNotNone(match, "should have found at least one percentage "
"in the sample output")
if __name__ == "__main__":