blob: f65b1b89d35b69da8066fd7974600c8cfb46818e [file] [log] [blame]
Test basic DarwinLog functionality provided by the StructuredDataDarwinLog
These tests are currently only supported when running against Darwin
# System imports
from __future__ import print_function
# LLDB imports
from lldbsuite.test import darwin_log
from lldbsuite.test import decorators
from lldbsuite.test import lldbtest
class TestDarwinLogBasic(darwin_log.DarwinLogEventBasedTestBase):
mydir = lldbtest.TestBase.compute_mydir(__file__)
@decorators.expectedFailureAll(archs=["i386"], bugnumber="rdar://28655626")
def test_SBStructuredData_gets_broadcasted(self):
"""Exercise SBStructuredData API."""
# Run the test.
log_entries = self.do_test(None, max_entry_count=2)
# Validate that we received our two log entries.
self.assertEqual(len(log_entries), 1,
"Expected one log entry to arrive via events.")
self.assertEqual(log_entries[0]['message'], "Hello, world",
"Log message should match expected content.")