blob: eceedce2954e25c2fd27ce9309dcf83f33f65adf [file] [log] [blame]
Test basic DarwinLog functionality provided by the StructuredDataDarwinLog
These tests are currently only supported when running against Darwin
# System imports
from __future__ import print_function
import re
# LLDB imports
import lldb
from lldbsuite.test import decorators
from lldbsuite.test import lldbtest
from lldbsuite.test import darwin_log
class TestDarwinLogFilterRegexMessage(darwin_log.DarwinLogEventBasedTestBase):
mydir = lldbtest.TestBase.compute_mydir(__file__)
def test_filter_accept_message_full_match(self):
"""Test that fall-through reject, accept regex whole message works."""
log_entries = self.do_test(
["--no-match-accepts false",
# Note below, the four '\' characters are to get us two
# backslashes over on the gdb-remote side, which then
# becomes one as the cstr interprets it as an escape
# sequence. This needs to be rationalized. Initially I
# supported std::regex ECMAScript, which has the
# [[:digit:]] character classes and such. That was much
# more tenable. The backslashes have to travel through
# so many layers of escaping. (And note if you take
# off the Python raw string marker here, you need to put
# in 8 backslashes to go to two on the remote side.)
r'--filter "accept message regex log message sub2-cat\\\\d+"'])
# We should have received at least one log entry.
"Log entry list should not be None.")
self.assertEqual(len(log_entries), 1,
"Should receive one log entry.")
self.assertRegexpMatches(log_entries[0]["message"], r"sub2-cat2",
"First os_log call should have been skipped.")
def test_filter_accept_message_partial_match(self):
"""Test that fall-through reject, accept regex message via partial
match works."""
log_entries = self.do_test(
["--no-match-accepts false",
"--filter \"accept message regex [^-]+2\""])
# We should only see the second log message as we only accept
# that message contents.
"Log entry list should not be None.")
self.assertEqual(len(log_entries), 1,
"Should receive one log entry.")
self.assertRegexpMatches(log_entries[0]["message"], r"sub2-cat2",
"First os_log call should have been skipped.")
def test_filter_reject_message_full_match(self):
"""Test that fall-through accept, reject regex message works."""
log_entries = self.do_test(
["--no-match-accepts true",
"--filter \"reject message regex log message sub1-cat1\""])
# We should only see the second log message as we rejected the first
# via message contents rejection.
"Log entry list should not be None.")
self.assertEqual(len(log_entries), 1,
"Should receive one log entry.")
self.assertRegexpMatches(log_entries[0]["message"], r"sub2-cat2",
"First os_log call should have been skipped.")
def test_filter_reject_message_partial_match(self):
"""Test that fall-through accept, reject regex message by partial
match works."""
log_entries = self.do_test(
["--no-match-accepts true",
"--filter \"reject message regex t1\""])
# We should only see the second log message as we rejected the first
# via partial message contents rejection.
"Log entry list should not be None.")
self.assertEqual(len(log_entries), 1,
"Should receive one log entry.")
self.assertRegexpMatches(log_entries[0]["message"], r"sub2-cat2",
"First os_log call should have been skipped.")
def test_filter_accept_message_second_rule(self):
"""Test that fall-through reject, accept regex message on second rule
log_entries = self.do_test(
["--no-match-accepts false",
"--filter \"accept message regex non-existent\"",
"--filter \"accept message regex cat2\""])
# We should only see the second message since we reject by default,
# the first filter doesn't match any, and the second filter matches
# the message of the second log message.
"Log entry list should not be None.")
self.assertEqual(len(log_entries), 1,
"Should receive one log entry.")
self.assertRegexpMatches(log_entries[0]["message"], r"sub2-cat2",
"First os_log call should have been skipped.")