blob: 0e3bcc0e73986a87b651830b0e72afc13371246a [file] [log] [blame]
Test lldb data formatter subsystem.
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import time
import lldb
from lldbsuite.test.lldbtest import *
import lldbsuite.test.lldbutil as lldbutil
class SynthDataFormatterTestCase(TestBase):
mydir = TestBase.compute_mydir(__file__)
def setUp(self):
# Call super's setUp().
# Find the line number to break at.
self.line = line_number('main.cpp', '// Set break point at this line.')
def test_with_run_command(self):
"""Test that that file and class static variables display correctly."""
self.runCmd("file " + self.getBuildArtifact("a.out"), CURRENT_EXECUTABLE_SET)
self, "main.cpp", self.line, num_expected_locations=1, loc_exact=True)
self.runCmd("run", RUN_SUCCEEDED)
# The stop reason of the thread should be breakpoint.
self.expect("thread list", STOPPED_DUE_TO_BREAKPOINT,
'stop reason = breakpoint'])
# This is the function to remove the custom formats in order to have a
# clean slate for the next test case.
def cleanup():
self.runCmd('type format clear', check=False)
self.runCmd('type summary clear', check=False)
self.runCmd('type filter clear', check=False)
# Execute the cleanup function during test case tear down.
# Pick some values and check that the basics work
self.runCmd("type filter add BagOfInts --child x --child z")
self.expect("frame variable int_bag",
substrs=['x = 6',
'z = 8'])
# Check we can still access the missing child by summary
"type summary add BagOfInts --summary-string \"y=${var.y}\"")
self.expect('frame variable int_bag',
# Even if we have synth children, the summary prevails
self.expect("frame variable int_bag", matching=False,
substrs=['x = 6',
'z = 8'])
# if we skip synth and summary show y
"frame variable int_bag --synthetic-type false --no-summary-depth=1",
'x = 6',
'y = 7',
'z = 8'])
# if we ask for raw output same happens
self.expect("frame variable int_bag --raw-output",
substrs=['x = 6',
'y = 7',
'z = 8'])
# Summary+Synth must work together
"type summary add BagOfInts --summary-string \"x=${var.x}\" -e")
self.expect('frame variable int_bag',
'x = 6',
'z = 8'])
# Same output, but using Python
"type summary add BagOfInts --python-script \"return 'x=%s' % valobj.GetChildMemberWithName('x').GetValue()\" -e")
self.expect('frame variable int_bag',
'x = 6',
'z = 8'])
# If I skip summaries, still give me the artificial children
self.expect("frame variable int_bag --no-summary-depth=1",
substrs=['x = 6',
'z = 8'])
# Delete synth and check that the view reflects it immediately
self.runCmd("type filter delete BagOfInts")
self.expect("frame variable int_bag",
substrs=['x = 6',
'y = 7',
'z = 8'])
# Add the synth again and check that it's honored deeper in the
# hierarchy
self.runCmd("type filter add BagOfInts --child x --child z")
self.expect('frame variable bag_bag',
substrs=['x = x=69 {',
'x = 69',
'z = 71',
'y = x=66 {',
'x = 66',
'z = 68'])
self.expect('frame variable bag_bag', matching=False,
substrs=['y = 70',
'y = 67'])
# Check that a synth can expand nested stuff
self.runCmd("type filter add BagOfBags --child x.y --child y.z")
self.expect('frame variable bag_bag',
substrs=['x.y = 70',
'y.z = 68'])
# ...even if we get -> and . wrong
self.runCmd("type filter add BagOfBags --child x.y --child \"y->z\"")
self.expect('frame variable bag_bag',
substrs=['x.y = 70',
'y->z = 68'])
# ...even bitfields
"type filter add BagOfBags --child x.y --child \"y->z[1-2]\"")
self.expect('frame variable bag_bag --show-types',
substrs=['x.y = 70',
'(int:2) y->z[1-2] = 2'])
# ...even if we format the bitfields
"type filter add BagOfBags --child x.y --child \"y->y[0-0]\"")
self.runCmd("type format add \"int:1\" -f bool")
self.expect('frame variable bag_bag --show-types',
substrs=['x.y = 70',
'(int:1) y->y[0-0] = true'])
# ...even if we use one-liner summaries
self.runCmd("type summary add -c BagOfBags")
self.expect('frame variable bag_bag', substrs=[
'(BagOfBags) bag_bag = (x.y = 70, y->y[0-0] = true)'])
self.runCmd("type summary delete BagOfBags")
# now check we are dynamic (and arrays work)
"type filter add Plenty --child bitfield --child array[0] --child array[2]")
self.expect('frame variable plenty_of_stuff',
substrs=['bitfield = 1',
'array[0] = 5',
'array[2] = 3'])
self.expect('frame variable plenty_of_stuff',
substrs=['bitfield = 17',
'array[0] = 5',
'array[2] = 3'])
# skip synthetic children
self.expect('frame variable plenty_of_stuff --synthetic-type no',
substrs=['some_values = 0x',
'array = 0x',
'array_size = 5'])
# check flat printing with synthetic children
self.expect('frame variable plenty_of_stuff --flat',
substrs=['plenty_of_stuff.bitfield = 17',
'*(plenty_of_stuff.array) = 5',
'*(plenty_of_stuff.array) = 3'])
# check that we do not lose location information for our children
self.expect('frame variable plenty_of_stuff --location',
': bitfield = 17'])
# check we work across pointer boundaries
self.expect('frame variable plenty_of_stuff.some_values --ptr-depth=1',
substrs=['(BagOfInts *) plenty_of_stuff.some_values',
'x = 5',
'z = 7'])
# but not if we don't want to
self.runCmd("type filter add BagOfInts --child x --child z -p")
self.expect('frame variable plenty_of_stuff.some_values --ptr-depth=1',
substrs=['(BagOfInts *) plenty_of_stuff.some_values',
'x = 5',
'y = 6',
'z = 7'])
# check we're dynamic even if nested
self.runCmd("type filter add BagOfBags --child x.z")
self.expect('frame variable bag_bag',
substrs=['x.z = 71'])
self.expect('frame variable bag_bag',
substrs=['x.z = 12'])
'type summary add -e -s "I am always empty but have" EmptyStruct')
self.expect('frame variable es', substrs=[
"I am always empty but have {}"])
self.runCmd('type summary add -e -h -s "I am really empty" EmptyStruct')
self.expect('frame variable es', substrs=["I am really empty"])
'frame variable es',
substrs=["I am really empty {}"],