blob: 4a449e9716c35226a44e771e450bf36f37b9d71a [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- main.cpp ------------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include <string>
int main (int argc, char const *argv[])
std::string stdstring("Hello\t\tWorld\nI am here\t\tto say hello\n"); //%self.addTearDownHook(lambda x: x.runCmd("setting set escape-non-printables true"))
const char* constcharstar = stdstring.c_str();
std::string longstring(
"I am a very long string; in fact I am longer than any reasonable length that a string should be; quite long indeed; oh my, so many words; so many letters; this is kind of like writing a poem; except in real life all that is happening"
" is just me producing a very very long set of words; there is text here, text there, text everywhere; it fills me with glee to see so much text; all around me it's just letters, and symbols, and other pleasant drawings that cause me"
" a large amount of joy upon visually seeing them with my eyes; well, this is now a lot of letters, but it is still not enough for the purpose of the test I want to test, so maybe I should copy and paste this a few times, you know.."
" for science, or something"
"I am a very long string; in fact I am longer than any reasonable length that a string should be; quite long indeed; oh my, so many words; so many letters; this is kind of like writing a poem; except in real life all that is happening"
" is just me producing a very very long set of words; there is text here, text there, text everywhere; it fills me with glee to see so much text; all around me it's just letters, and symbols, and other pleasant drawings that cause me"
" a large amount of joy upon visually seeing them with my eyes; well, this is now a lot of letters, but it is still not enough for the purpose of the test I want to test, so maybe I should copy and paste this a few times, you know.."
" for science, or something"
"I am a very long string; in fact I am longer than any reasonable length that a string should be; quite long indeed; oh my, so many words; so many letters; this is kind of like writing a poem; except in real life all that is happening"
" is just me producing a very very long set of words; there is text here, text there, text everywhere; it fills me with glee to see so much text; all around me it's just letters, and symbols, and other pleasant drawings that cause me"
" a large amount of joy upon visually seeing them with my eyes; well, this is now a lot of letters, but it is still not enough for the purpose of the test I want to test, so maybe I should copy and paste this a few times, you know.."
" for science, or something"
const char* longconstcharstar = longstring.c_str();
return 0; //% if self.TraceOn(): self.runCmd('frame variable')
//% self.assertTrue(self.frame().FindVariable('stdstring').GetSummary() == '"Hello\\t\\tWorld\\nI am here\\t\\tto say hello\\n"')
//% self.assertTrue(self.frame().FindVariable('constcharstar').GetSummary() == '"Hello\\t\\tWorld\\nI am here\\t\\tto say hello\\n"')
//% self.runCmd("setting set escape-non-printables false")
//% self.assertTrue(self.frame().FindVariable('stdstring').GetSummary() == '"Hello\t\tWorld\nI am here\t\tto say hello\n"')
//% self.assertTrue(self.frame().FindVariable('constcharstar').GetSummary() == '"Hello\t\tWorld\nI am here\t\tto say hello\n"')
//% self.assertTrue(self.frame().FindVariable('longstring').GetSummary().endswith('"...'))
//% self.assertTrue(self.frame().FindVariable('longconstcharstar').GetSummary().endswith('"...'))