blob: 879f1adebc6ae23df26660ef5b462d27fa23a5cd [file] [log] [blame]
Test basics of linux core file debugging.
from __future__ import print_function
import shutil
import struct
import lldb
from lldbsuite.test.decorators import *
from lldbsuite.test.lldbtest import *
from lldbsuite.test import lldbutil
class LinuxCoreTestCase(TestBase):
mydir = TestBase.compute_mydir(__file__)
_i386_pid = 32306
_x86_64_pid = 32259
_s390x_pid = 1045
_mips64_n64_pid = 25619
_mips64_n32_pid = 3670
_mips_o32_pid = 3532
_ppc64le_pid = 28147
_i386_regions = 4
_x86_64_regions = 5
_s390x_regions = 2
_mips_regions = 5
_ppc64le_regions = 2
def setUp(self):
super(LinuxCoreTestCase, self).setUp()
self._initial_platform = lldb.DBG.GetSelectedPlatform()
def tearDown(self):
super(LinuxCoreTestCase, self).tearDown()
@expectedFailureAll(bugnumber="", hostoslist=["windows"])
def test_i386(self):
"""Test that lldb can read the process information from an i386 linux core file."""
self.do_test("linux-i386", self._i386_pid, self._i386_regions, "a.out")
@expectedFailureAll(bugnumber="", hostoslist=["windows"])
def test_mips_o32(self):
"""Test that lldb can read the process information from an MIPS O32 linux core file."""
self.do_test("linux-mipsel-gnuabio32", self._mips_o32_pid,
self._mips_regions, "linux-mipsel-gn")
@expectedFailureAll(bugnumber="", hostoslist=["windows"])
def test_mips_n32(self):
"""Test that lldb can read the process information from an MIPS N32 linux core file """
self.do_test("linux-mips64el-gnuabin32", self._mips64_n32_pid,
self._mips_regions, "linux-mips64el-")
@expectedFailureAll(bugnumber="", hostoslist=["windows"])
def test_mips_n64(self):
"""Test that lldb can read the process information from an MIPS N64 linux core file """
self.do_test("linux-mips64el-gnuabi64", self._mips64_n64_pid,
self._mips_regions, "linux-mips64el-")
@expectedFailureAll(bugnumber="", hostoslist=["windows"])
def test_ppc64le(self):
"""Test that lldb can read the process information from an ppc64le linux core file."""
self.do_test("linux-ppc64le", self._ppc64le_pid, self._ppc64le_regions,
@expectedFailureAll(bugnumber="", hostoslist=["windows"])
def test_x86_64(self):
"""Test that lldb can read the process information from an x86_64 linux core file."""
self.do_test("linux-x86_64", self._x86_64_pid, self._x86_64_regions,
@expectedFailureAll(bugnumber="", hostoslist=["windows"])
def test_s390x(self):
"""Test that lldb can read the process information from an s390x linux core file."""
self.do_test("linux-s390x", self._s390x_pid, self._s390x_regions,
@expectedFailureAll(bugnumber="", hostoslist=["windows"])
def test_same_pid_running(self):
"""Test that we read the information from the core correctly even if we have a running
process with the same PID around"""
exe_file = self.getBuildArtifact("linux-x86_64-pid.out")
core_file = self.getBuildArtifact("linux-x86_64-pid.core")
shutil.copyfile("linux-x86_64.out", exe_file)
shutil.copyfile("linux-x86_64.core", core_file)
with open(core_file, "r+b") as f:
# These are offsets into the NT_PRSTATUS and NT_PRPSINFO structures in the note
# segment of the core file. If you update the file, these offsets may need updating
# as well. (Notes can be viewed with readelf --notes.)
for pid_offset in [0x1c4, 0x320]:
# We insert our own pid, and make sure the test still
# works.
f.write(struct.pack("<I", os.getpid()))
self.do_test(self.getBuildArtifact("linux-x86_64-pid"), os.getpid(),
self._x86_64_regions, "a.out")
@expectedFailureAll(bugnumber="", hostoslist=["windows"])
def test_two_cores_same_pid(self):
"""Test that we handle the situation if we have two core files with the same PID
alttarget = self.dbg.CreateTarget("altmain.out")
altprocess = alttarget.LoadCore("altmain.core")
self.assertTrue(altprocess, PROCESS_IS_VALID)
self.assertEqual(altprocess.GetNumThreads(), 1)
self.assertEqual(altprocess.GetProcessID(), self._x86_64_pid)
altframe = altprocess.GetSelectedThread().GetFrameAtIndex(0)
self.assertEqual(altframe.GetFunctionName(), "_start")
"Frame _start"))
error = lldb.SBError()
F = altprocess.ReadCStringFromMemory(
altframe.FindVariable("F").GetValueAsUnsigned(), 256, error)
self.assertEqual(F, "_start")
# without destroying this process, run the test which opens another core file with the
# same pid
self.do_test("linux-x86_64", self._x86_64_pid, self._x86_64_regions,
@expectedFailureAll(bugnumber="", hostoslist=["windows"])
def test_FPR_SSE(self):
# check x86_64 core file
target = self.dbg.CreateTarget(None)
self.assertTrue(target, VALID_TARGET)
process = target.LoadCore("linux-fpr_sse_x86_64.core")
values = {}
values["fctrl"] = "0x037f"
values["fstat"] = "0x0000"
values["ftag"] = "0x00ff"
values["fop"] = "0x0000"
values["fiseg"] = "0x00000000"
values["fioff"] = "0x0040011e"
values["foseg"] = "0x00000000"
values["fooff"] = "0x00000000"
values["mxcsr"] = "0x00001f80"
values["mxcsrmask"] = "0x0000ffff"
values["st0"] = "{0x99 0xf7 0xcf 0xfb 0x84 0x9a 0x20 0x9a 0xfd 0x3f}"
values["st1"] = "{0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x80 0xff 0x3f}"
values["st2"] = "{0xfe 0x8a 0x1b 0xcd 0x4b 0x78 0x9a 0xd4 0x00 0x40}"
values["st3"] = "{0xac 0x79 0xcf 0xd1 0xf7 0x17 0x72 0xb1 0xfe 0x3f}"
values["st4"] = "{0xbc 0xf0 0x17 0x5c 0x29 0x3b 0xaa 0xb8 0xff 0x3f}"
values["st5"] = "{0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x80 0xff 0x3f}"
values["st6"] = "{0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00}"
values["st7"] = "{0x35 0xc2 0x68 0x21 0xa2 0xda 0x0f 0xc9 0x00 0x40}"
values["xmm0"] = "{0x29 0x31 0x64 0x46 0x29 0x31 0x64 0x46 0x29 0x31 0x64 0x46 0x29 0x31 0x64 0x46}"
values["xmm1"] = "{0x9c 0xed 0x86 0x64 0x9c 0xed 0x86 0x64 0x9c 0xed 0x86 0x64 0x9c 0xed 0x86 0x64}"
values["xmm2"] = "{0x07 0xc2 0x1f 0xd7 0x07 0xc2 0x1f 0xd7 0x07 0xc2 0x1f 0xd7 0x07 0xc2 0x1f 0xd7}"
values["xmm3"] = "{0xa2 0x20 0x48 0x25 0xa2 0x20 0x48 0x25 0xa2 0x20 0x48 0x25 0xa2 0x20 0x48 0x25}"
values["xmm4"] = "{0xeb 0x5a 0xa8 0xc4 0xeb 0x5a 0xa8 0xc4 0xeb 0x5a 0xa8 0xc4 0xeb 0x5a 0xa8 0xc4}"
values["xmm5"] = "{0x49 0x41 0x20 0x0b 0x49 0x41 0x20 0x0b 0x49 0x41 0x20 0x0b 0x49 0x41 0x20 0x0b}"
values["xmm6"] = "{0xf8 0xf1 0x8b 0x4f 0xf8 0xf1 0x8b 0x4f 0xf8 0xf1 0x8b 0x4f 0xf8 0xf1 0x8b 0x4f}"
values["xmm7"] = "{0x13 0xf1 0x30 0xcd 0x13 0xf1 0x30 0xcd 0x13 0xf1 0x30 0xcd 0x13 0xf1 0x30 0xcd}"
for regname, value in values.iteritems():
self.expect("register read {}".format(regname), substrs=["{} = {}".format(regname, value)])
# now check i386 core file
target = self.dbg.CreateTarget(None)
self.assertTrue(target, VALID_TARGET)
process = target.LoadCore("linux-fpr_sse_i386.core")
values["fioff"] = "0x080480cc"
for regname, value in values.iteritems():
self.expect("register read {}".format(regname), substrs=["{} = {}".format(regname, value)])
def check_memory_regions(self, process, region_count):
region_list = process.GetMemoryRegions()
self.assertEqual(region_list.GetSize(), region_count)
region = lldb.SBMemoryRegionInfo()
# Check we have the right number of regions.
self.assertEqual(region_list.GetSize(), region_count)
# Check that getting a region beyond the last in the list fails.
region_count, region))
# Check each region is valid.
for i in range(region_list.GetSize()):
# Check we can actually get this region.
self.assertTrue(region_list.GetMemoryRegionAtIndex(i, region))
# Every region in the list should be mapped.
# Test the address at the start of a region returns it's enclosing
# region.
begin_address = region.GetRegionBase()
region_at_begin = lldb.SBMemoryRegionInfo()
error = process.GetMemoryRegionInfo(begin_address, region_at_begin)
self.assertEqual(region, region_at_begin)
# Test an address in the middle of a region returns it's enclosing
# region.
middle_address = (region.GetRegionBase() +
region.GetRegionEnd()) / 2
region_at_middle = lldb.SBMemoryRegionInfo()
error = process.GetMemoryRegionInfo(
middle_address, region_at_middle)
self.assertEqual(region, region_at_middle)
# Test the address at the end of a region returns it's enclosing
# region.
end_address = region.GetRegionEnd() - 1
region_at_end = lldb.SBMemoryRegionInfo()
error = process.GetMemoryRegionInfo(end_address, region_at_end)
self.assertEqual(region, region_at_end)
# Check that quering the end address does not return this region but
# the next one.
next_region = lldb.SBMemoryRegionInfo()
error = process.GetMemoryRegionInfo(
region.GetRegionEnd(), next_region)
self.assertNotEqual(region, next_region)
# Check that query beyond the last region returns an unmapped region
last_region = lldb.SBMemoryRegionInfo()
region_list.GetMemoryRegionAtIndex(region_count - 1, last_region)
end_region = lldb.SBMemoryRegionInfo()
error = process.GetMemoryRegionInfo(
last_region.GetRegionEnd(), end_region)
self.assertEqual(end_region.GetRegionEnd(), lldb.LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS)
def check_state(self, process):
with open(os.devnull) as devnul:
# sanitize test output
self.dbg.SetOutputFileHandle(devnul, False)
self.dbg.SetErrorFileHandle(devnul, False)
# Process.Continue
error = process.Continue()
# Thread.StepOut
thread = process.GetSelectedThread()
# command line
# restore file handles
self.dbg.SetOutputFileHandle(None, False)
self.dbg.SetErrorFileHandle(None, False)
def do_test(self, filename, pid, region_count, thread_name):
target = self.dbg.CreateTarget(filename + ".out")
process = target.LoadCore(filename + ".core")
self.assertTrue(process, PROCESS_IS_VALID)
self.assertEqual(process.GetNumThreads(), 1)
self.assertEqual(process.GetProcessID(), pid)
thread = process.GetSelectedThread()
self.assertEqual(thread.GetThreadID(), pid)
self.assertEqual(thread.GetName(), thread_name)
backtrace = ["bar", "foo", "_start"]
self.assertEqual(thread.GetNumFrames(), len(backtrace))
for i in range(len(backtrace)):
frame = thread.GetFrameAtIndex(i)
self.assertEqual(frame.GetFunctionName(), backtrace[i])
line_number("main.c", "Frame " + backtrace[i]))
frame.FindVariable("F").GetValueAsUnsigned(), ord(
self.check_memory_regions(process, region_count)